Heart Over Sword

Chapter 157 - Rumours: Part Two

Prince Conrad shut his book and leaned back in his chair, his eyes now tired from reading and teaching the princess. The awkwardness was still there, and the underlying dislike for one another still filled the tension brewing in the air, but there was now a strange form of familiarity about each other. It had only been a week since they met and the incident that ensued, but after spending at least three hours a day together in the library and then attending dinners and other events, the pair were increasingly aware of each other's small habits.

If the princess was restless and seemed unable to focus on her work, she'd quietly sigh; it was almost suppressed sigh so as not to be rude. Or she would look up at the bookshelves, her quill in hand, the feather brushing along her cheek. Conrad could see when her mind would wander off in thoughts unknown to him, but seemingly crucial to the point a frown would etch onto her features. At times he wanted to question her what was on her mind, for she was just a young child; what child had such big worries? Then he'd remind himself of how this girl punched not slapped but punched him in the face.

Still, when he saw these little habits, he would suggest a small break, and the princess would return after refreshed from going outdoors and almost smiling in his presence. But just as much as he'd noticed her habits, she had also taken note of when he was not in a good mood, and instead of teasing him like most would, she remained quiet and ordered a servant to bring some herbal tea and snacks. At first, the prince scoffed; the silly princess thought sugary snacks and some tea to which he didn't like (had not tried), would help improve his mood after being ridiculed by his family.

Minutes later, after trying the fragrant drink and sugary biscuits, he thanked Evanna almost too quietly, embarrassed by his manners and because he did enjoy the drink she suggested. The princess nodded and looked down at her book, not probing further to his mood swings. These mood swings caused him to break more than a few quills, but Evanna would get him a new one, again without questioning further. Conrad didn't know if she was strange or if he was the strange one for not expecting much.. kindness?

After finishing their tenth lesson, Prince Conrad and Princess Evanna didn't split up in front of the doors like normal and instead walked side by side down the hallway, the window's by their side revealing a small courtyard where he had seen Evanna go to on those small breaks. Conrad held his book behind his back while Evanna held hers in front of her skirt. They walked in silence, the only noise was of their footsteps echoing down the hall, but neither were in a rush. 

"You don't seem to have an issue with walking by my side today," Conrad remarked, pointing out what he had been thinking during their walk. 

Evanna looked up at him, a little startled before sweeping her gaze away from him and to the side. "I have other lessons to attend to after. But they were cancelled today for tonight's celebration," She replied politely though there was a slight edge to her voice as if his comment annoyed her. And that, in turn, annoyed him; why was this princess annoyed with him? It was common courtesy to walk like this after, so of course, he would point it out to her. 

Conrad frowned and looked away, feeling frustrated that he'd started to take an interest in this moody child. Maybe she was so grumpy because of all these lessons; if what she said was true, she only had a break at dinner. He didn't believe that. "What subjects do you take?" He asked, not really intrigued by what, but how many. 

The princess sighed as they rounded a corner. "The usual, history, geography, royal etiquette, archery, horse riding, music lessons, art, and a few subjects taught to me by my mother," She replied nonchalantly, and the prince turned to look at her.

"You don't honestly expect me to believe that you take all those lessons daily, including our Hythen lesson?" He questioned with a slightly raised voice. His brothers only managed a few lessons, and even then, they'd still be restless.

"Believe what you will," Evanna replied annoyingly. 

Conrad was about to retort and ask her to prove it to him, but he stopped as he picked up on servants gossiping about Princess Evanna. It wasn't the good kind of gossip either which he expected considering the King seemed to adore her. Nope, they mocked her, comparing her to Princess Isabel and that it was shameful for her to be walking so proudly in the palace grounds when she was nothing more than an illegitimate child. The prince's hands clenched into fists, and he felt his blood boil with the raging power inside of him; the feeling of his dark magic surged through his veins, whispering to him to 'Do it', 'teach them a lesson'.

"Do not pay them any heed, your highness," Evanna's delicate and sweet voice snapped him out of his monstrous mood. "They are looking at me, not you."

Conrad blinked and looked down at the innocent-looking girl he knew was much wiser than she appeared. Evanna knew they were gossiping about her, she may not be able to hear them like he could, but he realised this girl had similar yet very different circumstances to him. The princess was still loved by her parents, but the family was very complex, and it seemed she was looked down on more than respected. 

"Have you not heard the rumours about me?" Conrad scoffed, hoping to distract her, even if he purposely irritated her. 

"I have heard a rumour or two about you. But it is not my place to question you about such things," Evanna replied and started to turn away to go towards her chamber. 

Conrad swiftly walked in front of her, turning on the spot only to block her path, placing his hand on the wall. "How noble of the princess who cross-dresses. I have heard this is not the first time you have troubled everyone with your disappearing act," He smirked, enjoying the slither of annoyance now showing on her face.

Evanna met his gaze and formed a smirk of her own. "It seems you are not so noble. Have you never tried sneaking out of your castle walls?"

Conrad didn't comment, looking away as he thought of the brutal consequences if he were ever caught for making a mockery of his family.

"What you did was ridiculous and dangerous," He snapped back instead. 

Evanna shrugged. "You should live a little." 

His head whipped back to look at her incredulously. 

She doesn't know of what she speaks! 

"You are not the Crown Prince," She began slowly, gauging his reaction before continuing. "So, you have fewer duties, obligations and expectations… You already have a dangerous nickname.." She leaned forwards with a mischievous smile on her face as she looked up at him. "So, make use of it."

Conrad's jaw seemed to drop open, and the princess began whistling and walked around him, leaving the prince to stare after her. 

Make use of it.. 

Those words could be harmless coming from a rebellious child who probably just told him to try leaving the castle walls as a peasant without the royal name looming over his head. They could have been simply innocent words. But Conrad felt like there was more to her words than what they were speaking of. 

Evanna was in a similar position to him, and he'd already seen how cunning this eight-year-old girl was. She already seemed to outsmart adults such as the Queen. He wasn't the Crown Prince, and no one was lining themselves up with him to gain power because he wasn't the next in line to be King. No one really followed his movements; he was the child that scared everyone, and people avoided. 

Make use of his nickname. He shall.

This princess wasn't so bad after all.

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