Heart Over Sword

Chapter 39 - Goodbyes Are Not Forever

Evanna awoke abruptly to a shuffling noise by her side. She immediately grabbed her sword and removed it from its scabbard as she sat upright. Her eyes were still sleepy as one of her eyelids kept twitching a little, almost grudgingly putting up a fight and wanting to close and go back to sleep. Her mind, however, was quite alert as she sat still, her body tense with anticipation, waiting for the noise again.

Evanna swore if it were those bugs again, she will scream in outrage at being woke up at such a ridiculous hour and would put extra 'oomph' into stabbing them. Yet, her body was not alerting her to any dangers; there was no shiver down her spine, so she relaxed, putting her sword away. Just as she was about to go back to sleep, Evanna heard the shuffling again; turning her head to the side, she saw Ger was already up and packing his belongings.

For some unknown reason, Evanna felt panicked, and she sprung up from the floor and stormed over to where Ger was, placing her hands on her hips as her eyes sent daggers at him.

"Where are you going?!" She whisper-shouted.

He turned around with a look of surprise on his face, "Nowhere?" He replied, questioning his own answer, his face contorting into one of confusion.

"Oh," Evanna relaxed her arms from her hips", then why are you packing in the early hours of the morning?"

"It isn't that early. You would be up in the next hour anyway."

Evanna tried to hide her shock; she really was not a morning person. If they started to leave any earlier, she knew she couldn't stop herself from crying or just being moody all day. Ger stepped towards her, so he stood right in front of her; he tilted his head to the side, concern shown on his features.

"Why did you think I was leaving?" He asked softly.

Evanna glanced away. She didn't know why; he was honourable, he would never leave them. When she looked back, she saw his eyes hardened with anger brimming behind them. Before she could respond, he asked again, nearly spitting the words out, "Why did you think I was leaving? Did you think I was running away?"

"No, Ger-"

"Runaway like my father. Do you think that low of me?" He barked back at her, a muscle in his jaw ticked, a sign he was on the verge of exploding in rage. His hands were fisted by his sides, and she saw the vein on his neck pumping.

"I have never, EVER, thought you were anything like your father," Evanna responded earnestly. Her eyes flickered between his as his own started to simmer down, and the deep oceans of his eyes went back to calm waves.

"Sorry," He muttered, looking down. Evanna placed her hand on his arm, she knew his father was a touchy subject, and she never became mad with him when he had these outbursts. He, however, suddenly tensed up from her touch and abruptly moved his arm out of reach.

"Ger, what is wrong?" She asked.

"Nothing," He replied gruffly.

"I can tell something is up. Just tell me.."

Ger looked back at her; Evanna's ingenuous gaze stared back at him. He sighed at how unaware she was of him and how everything about her made him react in such ways. The fact she did not even think twice about a man sitting behind her on the horse was questionable. Did she not know how the man's body worked? Every bump against her backside made him tingle, and he had to suck a deep breath in harshly at the small action.

Since then, he was having outlandish thoughts that he shouldn't be thinking about. He wondered if this was what Ronan felt like all the time. Although he was one to actively release his stresses on many women, whether he loved them or not, Cilv was proof of that.

"I am fine. The forest is just becoming a bit too much," Ger responded; Evanna nodded her head in understanding.

"The sooner we get the gem, the sooner we can get out of here."

Evanna was still unconvinced with his answer, she knew something was up, but she did not want to push him, maybe he will tell her in time, or perhaps it is something embarrassing, and he does not want to reiterate it to her. Either way, she felt as though there was a small barrier between them now, and she did not know how she felt about it.

Not long after their discussion, did the others wake up, and they were soon on their way again. Evanna and Ger were sharing Midknight again, sitting on the same saddle while he held onto her hips. Nesrin sat on her shoulder this time, and Evanna took comfort in having the fairy with her again, she didn't mind her being with the others, but she did miss her company. Evanna guessed that Nesrin consoled the others in the group; well, everyone except Cilv, but Cilv seemed to prefer it that way.

~ I tried speaking to her, but she mockingly meowed back at me ~ Nesrin mind linked her. Evanna laughed and rolled her eyes. Typical Cilv. She was not one to get personal with anyone.

~ Is she okay? ~ Evanna asked back.

~ It was nothing too critical. I wanted to change her mind on a few things ~

That caught Evanna's attention. She looked down at the fairy on her shoulder, who shrugged in response; Evanna knew she would say no more. If it weren't for her mind-reading, she would not have the knowledge.

~ Well, I guess she is too stubborn ~

~ More like set in her ways and will not change for the better ~ Nesrin grumbled back. Evanna saw from the corner of her eye that the little fairy crossed her arms against her chest with a huff.

Axel stopped his horse at the front of the group, causing them to halt. Evanna leaned forwards and raised her head more to see what the holdup was.

"Stay here," Ger said, then he jumped off of Midknight and made his way to the front as he reached for his bow and an arrow from his quiver.

~ Can you see what is ahead, Nesrin? ~

~ Oh, that is not good. It seems Axel is adamant about going that way as well ~

~ What is it? ~ Evanna queried, but Nesrin did not answer. In fact, she then stood up alert. Evanna looked down at her and saw her face looking blank, then it was formed into one of concentration.

~ Nesrin? ~ She called her, but she felt as though the link was cut. There was nothing but emptiness in her head. Then suddenly, she heard a slight static sound in her head.

~ The queen has summoned me ~ Nesrin's sweet voice was once again in her head, but this time it echoed, meaning the fairy was mind linking the group. Everyone turned their heads in Evanna's direction.

~ The queen? ~ Ronan's smooth voice entered her head; she didn't know how she felt about that! It was fine when it was her and Nesrin, but with Ronan, it felt like he could also read her thoughts.

Nesrin giggled ~ He cannot read your thoughts, just reply. It is only while we are all linked together ~ Her voice did not echo, indicating that she only mind linked Evanna.

~ Yes, she summoned me a few days ago, but I told her my work was not finished yet, but now it is urgent ~ Nesrin continued to everyone.

"What do you mean urgent?" Axel spoke out loud while walking towards Midknight's position.

~ The pixies have attacked us again, ~ She responded gravely.

Each person's face mirrored the other, a look of astonishment and one of humour. But they all stopped themselves from laughing at the statement.

~ You should go deal with those.. murderous… pixies ~ Cilv's voice slithered into their heads as she laughed from behind them.

~ Pixies are no joke to the fairies. We have been at war with them for decades. They are so annoying ~ Nesrin retorted. Her regular cute face had taken to one of anger as her features started to go red.

~ We understand Nesrin. The queen has summoned you. You cannot refuse her orders ~ Evanna finally spoke up through the link.

Nesrin smiled back at the princess, then flew off to the side, and before their eyes, they watched her sparkle and glow and grow! She grew to a woman's petite size, the same height as Cilv. They were utterly gobsmacked at what they saw in front of them. Nesrin was at a standard, human size.

"Why haven't you done that before?!" Ronan half-shouted his question. Nesrin giggled, covering her mouth, her eyes alight; Ronan suddenly looked away embarrassed as his cheeks went slightly red.

"I stayed travel size. It was easier," Came Nesrins simple explanation.

"But.. you showed me where you live.. you live in mushrooms!? Are they .. our size?" Evanna stuttered. Nesrin giggled again.

"No, we fae folk prefer using small spaces. We are less noticeable that way." She responded.

"Before you go, Nesrin, are you able to-"

"Yes, but Midknight knows the way," Nesrin interrupted Axel, already knowing where his words were heading.

On the sound of Midknight's name, Evanna looked over, confused.

"Look, we need to go by foot from here.." Axel said after seeing the princess's confused expression.

Evanna dismounted Midknight and walked towards the front, realising that Axel and Ger were relaxed and were never attacked. Once she made it to them, she saw a great swamp in front of them, her eyes widened.

"And we cannot go a different route?"

"It will take another week," Axel replied, readying his map to show her, but she held her hand up, trusting him. They already made it this far with Axel leading the way; she would not question him now.

Turning around, she looked at Midknight then glanced at Nesrin. Not only was Nesrin going, but now she had to say goodbye to her horse as well! She was at a loss for words. Her eyes started to tear up, and Nesrin came forwards and brought her into a hug, rubbing her back gently.

"Goodbyes are not forever," She whispered before pulling back and placing her hand on her cheek. Evanna placed her own on top of hers, pursing her lips as a tear fell down her cheek.

"We will meet again," ~ Princess ~ Nesrin then brought her hand behind Evanna's head, and sparks shot out of her hands. She brought Evanna's plaited hair to the front to show a little golden flower, its green vines wrapped around her hair at the end. Evanna looked down at the beautiful flower in wonder.

~ This is for an emergency, if you need me, call my name in your head, and I will be there ~

Evanna looked back up at Nesrin and nodded her head. She then looked over at Midknight, who neighed; he already knew she was sending him away, her heart tightened, but she knew he would be fine. Walking over, she immediately hugged his neck, then pulled back and placed her forehead against his. They stared at each other before he nudged her back slightly after giving their silent goodbyes and Evanna giving him commands to be careful.

By now, everyone was off their own horse and said goodbye to Nesrin in their own way. Cilv had her hands crossed against her chest and nodded her head once at her.

"I will never forget that it was you, Cilandra, that helped rescue me. Thank you," Nesrin spoke from a distance in front of Cilv, "and try not to cause too much trouble," Her voice came out sternly, in which Cilv winked back in return.

"Are you taking them back to the palace, Nesrin?" Ronan queried, lifting his chin towards the horses that held no luggage now.

"I cannot go with them that far. The queen and my kin need me," She replied gravely.

As Ronan was about to speak again, Evanna spoke up, "Midknight is a Frescia. He knows the way home and can lead our horses to the palace, Nesrin can you make sure they make it past Kuramji?"

Nesrin bowed her head, "Of course, no one will lay a hand on Midknight or the others," She smiled, already reading where Evanna's angry thoughts were going.

"A Frescia?" Ronan asked dumbfounded, he did not know what that meant.

"He is descended from unicorns. I have already told him what route to take," Evanna explained.

"I'm sorry, you have already told him.." Ronan started off but soon found himself shaking his head. The horse was a genius apparently and descended from unicorns. What else was new?

With one last hug with Nesrin and a pat goodbye to Midknight, the group of horses left with Nesrin back in fairy size mode and sitting on Midknight, who led the way. Evanna knew he would be fine. She didn't call him a knight for no reason. The horse could protect himself and the others from harm. Nesrin was just extra protection to get them through that filth of a town.

Evanna truly was going to miss that fairy, Nesrin was there when her thoughts were lost in the oblivion of pain from what those men tried to do, and in the short time they had her with them, she knew that the small, winged creature left a positive impact on all of them. She hoped that it really wasn't their last goodbye.

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