Heart Over Sword

Chapter 4 - Relations: Part Two

With enough drama for one day, she felt fatigued. Evanna made her way back to her own room, which was in the same side of the palace as her mother's. Opening the door, her four-poster canopy bed was centred in the room with windows either side of it. A balcony was placed behind two glass doors covered by white curtains to the side of the bedroom. She sighed as she flopped herself down onto her bed, raising her hands behind her head and looking up at the ceiling.

The queen and her half-sister had always been this way towards her and her mother. She couldn't blame them really; her mother is the king's mistress. Although, they seemed more like friends when she had seen them together. Maybe that is what a relationship is like as a mistress? Carefree? She has more freedom than a queen.

She had to admit though, she really was his favourite child, she did not know why, she seemed to always be causing problems over the years. Whether that was her disobeying rules or being involved in petty drama by her half-sister or the queen. Maybe, if they were nice to her, they would be equals? Or her father might even think less of her. No, he was a great father, a harsh ruler but a great father to her, even if the situation was different, she was sure he would treat her the same.

He had always been very kind to her and her mother, he even visited her mother just two nights ago to check on her condition, at the time, she left the room to give them some privacy. His time spent with her mother was less than that of the rest of his family, so she found it only right that she let them spend what little time they had, together without her.

She soon found her eyes feeling heavy as she started to doze off into sleep. When she next opened her eyes, the sun's light through the windows was fading as her room darkened and night slowly fell upon the palace. She stretched her limbs, confused by the time of day. Then her stomach rumbled. She hadn't eaten all day! She scrambled out of bed and started to make her way out of her room when a knock tapped on the door. She opened the door to see Maggie, her maid arriving with a covered dish, she curtsied before moving forwards and placing the dish on her desk that was in the far-left corner.

"Maggie, you are an absolute life safer!" Evanna delighted. The elderly maid smiled, her eyes crinkling. Upon seeing the darkened room, the maid went to light the candles to brighten it up for Evanna to eat.

Maggie had seen to the princess since she was a baby. Unlike most who did not like the girl, she looked upon her like another daughter. The princess could not help the way her life had turned out and yet the environment had not made her unkind or sad, if anything it made her stronger and full of life. Maggie looked up at Evanna's hair and frowned, the once neat and unkempt hair was messy and sticking up from where she had slept on it.

"Once you have finished eating milady, would you like me to do your hair?" Maggie asked.

Evanna sat down in front of the desk, raising her hands to feel that her hair was dishevelled. She waved her hand nonchalantly.

"That is fine Maggie, I won't be going out for the rest of the night. Please tell though, how was dinner with my family? Was there anything interesting said in my absence?"

Maggie nodded her head, "There was not much said at the table, it was quite.. peaceful. Although Prince William and George started bickering and fighting near the end".

Evanna chuckled before continuing on with her meal. Her brothers were only young, the ages of eight and six. They were so alike they tended to argue and fight.

Maggie continued with her report, "Princess Isabel addressed the issue about her dress to his majesty, who did not seem concerned as he said he would get her another gown, a prettier gown. Which made her happy enough to be quiet for the rest of the meal."

Evanna dabbed her mouth with the handkerchief that was provided with the dish.

"And what of Eleanor? How was she?" She asked, looking back at Maggie, who stood holding her hands together in front of her ceremoniously.

"She ate her meal quietly" Maggie replied.

Evanna nodded her head and placed the handkerchief on top of her plate to signal that she had finished. The maid came forward and took the dish, curtsying before leaving.

Evanna grabbed the jug of water to spill it out into the glass goblet that was always left in her room. Taking a sip and leaning back in the chair, her mind started to wander again. The healing gem was real. The parchment she found that was dated back five hundred years ago proved it. The question was what was her plan in getting it? Like her mother already pointed out, she couldn't just saunter into their palace demanding they give her the gemstone. They would laugh before putting her wrists in iron.

She sighed, as she placed the goblet down, she started to undo her hair that started to feel too tight on her head, pulling at her skin slightly. Taking the sapphire clip out from behind her head she threaded her fingers through the plaits at the side of her head, making the strands of her hair fall loose. Feeling better, she went to her bedside table and grabbed her brush before making her way through the door to her balcony. She brushed her hair and looked up at the now dark sky that held the twinkling stars in place.

As she lowered her head back down, she looked across her garden to the high white walls that kept intruders out. On one side of the wall, there grew some rose bushes, her eyes followed the vines that extended up towards the top of the wall. She then glanced to the kingdom that lay beyond the walls. The only other sign that there were people living nearby were the low lights scattered across the village that sat just outside the palace. As she stared, she found herself lost in thought again.

Maybe, she could steal the gem from under their nose? Without them realising it was gone until it would be too late. They wouldn't know who had taken it so there would be no cause of an outrage towards the humans. Or if they presumed it were humans, they would not start a war with just a mere assumption.

The crunching of leaves below made her stop what she was doing and narrow her eyes as she looked down. Across from her underneath the tree stood a figure leaning against the bark casually with his arms and legs crossed. Putting the brush down on the top of the stone surface of the balcony, she quickly leaned her hand on top of it before hopping over and elegantly landing on the hard grass. Standing back up and dusting her hands off she walked over to where Ger stood.

He changed from earlier, his outfit showed no signs of dirt, his sword and bow were nowhere to be seen and he had definitely bathed, all the dirt was now gone from his face. Leaving his face fresh with the stubble that still grazed along his cheeks and jaw.

"That was quite the jump Princess, if I remember correctly you used to use bed sheets to climb down with" He joked to see Evanna chuckle.

They had been friends since she was eight and him ten, he her only friend, grew up within the palace walls with her, playing and causing mischief. But when he turned seventeen, he left the palace to make amends for his family's honour. His father left when he was just a baby, the coward had fled the battlefield and his family.

Ger always had a chip on his shoulder about his father; him and his mother had to bear with the shame he had brought upon the family. Until he decided to put his fate into his own hands, leaving to reclaim what they once had. He then earned the title of monster slayer on his two years of travelling across the lands and returned merely three months beforehand, baring the riches of what his title provided him. He gave most of his earnings to his mother and brought a new house outside of the palace, before helping with redecorating their new home. There was enough wealth to keep her living comfortably for at least another ten years.

"I have advanced since then, oh monster slayer" She retorted back.

He grinned back at her just as he pushed off from the tree to give her another quick hug before releasing her so they could walk side by side in a comfortable silence under the moonlight. After a while her lips had slowly tugged back down into a grim line as she appeared in deep thought. He watched her intently, noticing the sadness behind her eyes which was quickly replaced with a look of determination.

"What seems to be troubling you Evanna?" All jest was gone from his voice and was replaced with one of concern. She smiled grimly back at him.

"Mother is sick. Very sick Ger. The doctors do not know the cause of it, nor how to cure it. They have given her six months left to live" She whispered, but he heard her clearly.

His chest constricted at the news. Lady Loraven was always kind to him and his mother, when he was very young and on the brink of starvation, he remembered his mother getting a job as a servant in the palace. It was only until he was old enough to realise that Lady Loraven was the one who helped them when others did not.

"I am so sorry to hear that. If there is anything I can do, I will do it. You know that" On his reply, Evanna perked up, stopping abruptly and staring at him.

"Actually Ger.. There is."

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