Heart Over Sword

Chapter 59 - Crossed Swords

Evanna's brow creased before she turned and raised her swords, deflecting a pair of blades that crashed down on her. Her eyes widened when she saw the icy gaze of the white-haired elf attached to the swords lowering towards her face. If she hadn't turned around in time, his swords would have sliced through her head.

What made her eyes round even more was the fact that he also had two swords; she, of course, was taught how to fight dual wielders, but he was an elf. The art of fighting with two swords originated from the elves, and only their most powerful and skilled elves fought with them. This made her nervous, and for the first time, her confidence depleted. 

Evanna gulped but kept her gaze locked with his; she saw a sly smile twitch on his otherwise stoic face. She pushed him back, and as he swung his swords back down on her, she leapt back out of the way, providing some space between them. She watched as he changed his stance into one only a dual wielder held. Evanna done the same, turning to her side with her left sword pointed forwards and her right raised above her head.

"* Lyvarian style. *" He murmured.

Evanna's eyes widened a fraction at how Mr Blue Eyes knew her fighting style. But she did not stew on his words any longer. Almost at the same time, the pair lunged towards each other, crossing swords and turning simultaneously, swinging their swords towards the other, and clashing into each other. The non-stop clanging sound of their blades hitting each other was loud, and almost musical to the sequence they fought to. 

Their fight was unrelenting, continuous, and to the point where Evanna's attire became messy. Her hood fell back, and she had no time to recover herself, nor could she, when her long raven locks escaped from her bun. Her hair flung forwards and left in waves by the sides of her face. She internally cursed herself for her thick hair and the fact that she had to now fight with her waist-length hair flying about. Her hair that he could easily grab onto. 

That thought alone made her put extra effort in her attacks; she leapt over a low swing of his sword and landed on her knees, skidding across the grass, retrieving her floral band as she did so. While she stood back up, she wrapped it around her wrist and turned just in time to dodge his oncoming attack swiftly. 

They continued to cross blades; Evanna's agility, it seemed, was the only skill keeping her from losing her head. After fighting the white-haired elf for a while, she knew his skill level with a blade outmatched her own. She had to use more than just the earth beneath her feet..

"This world is your playground, Evanna. Be adventurous, be smart, think outside the box, for in momentous times, you will need your wit. Use everything and anything at your disposal."

Her mother's words rang through her mind, and she glanced at a tree to her left, calculating her next move. Evanna shifted on her feet and began jogging backwards; the white-haired elf narrowed his eyes and followed her. 

When she was behind the tree, she sidestepped out of his view and spun around, hiding behind the tree, and stepping backwards. She circled the massive circumference of the tree, the size of a house. She watched the deadly elf walk tentatively forwards in search of her. Evanna smiled, she knew it was cowardly, but this was a playground and what better game to play than hide and seek. 

As long as she stayed hidden..

Evanna turned around, relying on her senses to tell her if the elf was approaching her while she looked on at her friends. Among them, two elves were remaining, and only Ger and Axel left. Ronan was sprinting ahead. Good. She would be with them soon, and they could split off.


Evanna gasped and spun around, wide-eyed; her swords crashed into his by their sides. His terribly handsome face was close to hers now, close enough that she smelt his alluring scent and cologne. His eyes flickered with amusement, snapping Evanna out of her daze. 

Evanna stepped back, and he let her. What was he doing? She was confused, he could have taken her out at that moment, but he didn't. He allowed her to escape from his grasp.

Mr Blue Eyes sighed in agitation, making her doe-like eyes narrow at him, while she stepped back, her swords pointing at him, and once again, she found herself repositioning herself into a fighting stance.

After what seemed like an hour of fighting but was mere minutes, she glanced at the stoic figure across her blades, which seemed impenetrable. Mr Blue Eyes smirked, causing her to rise in anger. He looked like he was only playing with her and was not even breaking a sweat.

She was exhausted and nearly sweating from their fight. Evanna glanced to the side and saw that her comrades were taking out the last of the elves, but when she looked back at Mr Blue Eyes, more elves were approaching, and they were on horseback.

In the same instant, Evanna remembered what lay rest within her pocket. Her eyes widened. They would be outnumbered in minutes! She pushed his sword back before kicking him with all her might into his chest, making him stumble. This gave her enough time to drop one of her swords, grab the gemstone, turn around and throw it towards Ger.

"GER!!!!!" On hearing her shout, he turned around and caught the gemstone.

"GO!" She pleaded as her legs were kicked from behind, making her land on her knees, with a blade pointed just behind her neck, the cold shaft touching her skin. Evanna watched as Axel grabbed Ger by the shoulder and turned him around, shouting something incoherent to him. More elves arrived, rushing past them as she noted the men had disappeared from view.

"Drop it" His firm voice rumbled from behind her, making her body tense as the feeling of ice washed over her. Her last sword remained in her hand; the sense of his frosty web closing in on her made her mind race into ways of escaping it. She turned her head to look behind her slightly, noting how far he was to her if she could remove his sword from this position and just run from him.

As Evanna gripped the hilt of her sword tighter, she suddenly found both his swords crossed over the front of her neck, and she felt him lower down to her level; his mouth was now next to her ear, his hot breath sending a shiver down her spine.

"Drop. The. Sword." He spoke each word crisply.

Evanna's heart dropped as she felt the blades cut into her neck slightly, drawing a little bit of blood as her chance of escape diminished in front of her. Evanna dropped her sword, feeling the weight of her decision lie heavily on her shoulders; she lowered her head as he kicked it away from her on the ground. The white-haired elf removed one of his swords and circled to face her, his sword still pointing at her throat.

Her eyes flickered to the side where she could see her sword lying on the ground; all she had to do was smack his sword out of the way and grab it. Just as that thought flashed through her mind and her muscles tensed in preparation, the elf, Garrett, appeared in her line of sight, and he picked up both her swords in one hand while he held her bag in the other. He walked to the white-haired elf's side and smirked when he saw her kneeling on the ground.

"* What would you like us to do with her, Arawn? *"

So the white-haired elf's name was Arawn. How quaint, it was nice. She decided it suited him.

Before Arawn could reply, another elf on horseback arrived, "* Your highness! They split up, using the trees. There's not enough of us to go on a manhunt! *"

On hearing the words 'your highness', Evanna looked up through her dishevelled hair to meet Arawn's cold eyes that narrowed slightly before he spoke to her directly, his tone cold and clipped, "What did you do to my men?"

As her lips parted to answer, the elf on the horse replied in her stead, "They were found asleep or beaten up.."

Evanna bit on her lip to stop herself from laughing; this was no time to find anything funny, but her situation was dire, and if she did not laugh, then she might cry. And she would not cry in front of him.

Arawn turned his cold gaze to the elf who answered for her, "Did I ask you?" The elf parted his lips but was interrupted by him, "* No, I did not. If you were here five minutes prior, they would be surrounded right about now, and you would not be going on this manhunt. What would have happened if I had not returned tonight? 

"* I suggest you and your men search throughout the night. I do not wish to see you until you have them as prisoners. *" He continued.

"* You do not wish to kill them, M-my Lord? *" The elf stuttered. Evanna watched as the arrogant elf on the horse became a trembling mess under Arawn's scrutiny. 

"* Did you not hear my words? MUST I repeat myself? *" Arawn was now staring directly at Evanna. She did not realise her head turned back and forth between the pair, listening and understanding the conversation. She lowered her eyes; it was best she remained unknowing of the elvish tongue. She heard him click his tongue in annoyance before the hooves of the horse 'clip-clopping off at rapid pace sounded. 

"* Take her to Hal Morock *". On Arawn's command, Garrett, who spoke to the King.. or was he a Prince? Ripped her mask from her face and tied some rope around her hands, tugging hard enough for her to stand up, and pulled her behind him. 

Arawn marched ahead, his back straight and stiff, his swords back in place behind him. They walked in silence towards the bridge, where four more armoured guards surrounded her as though she was a violent prisoner. She sighed. Was she a prisoner walking towards a lifetime in a cell? Or a prisoner walking towards a noose?

Although her thoughts were darkening with every step she took, it didn't stop her from still looking for escape routes. Evanna kept an eye on her surroundings, trying to remember every twist and turn as she took in the grand scene that befell her as they approached the side of a hall. The white walls high and mighty, the marble floors pristine, the arches of the white trees rowed next to each other, rose and twisted towards the ceiling, the white leaves surrounding them.

Many elves were wandering in the hall, some playing instruments, others eating and discussing in groups, while many danced livelily. But all stopped and stared at her. She felt her head smacked back down from a guard behind her. Evanna still tried to glance around but with her head hung low; it was somewhat troublesome.

Even though she was the one to steal from the elves, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of anger. Not at her being 'man handled' but how she found the onlookers sneering at her, looking down at her. Their faces soured as though she were leaving a stench as she walked past. Evanna seethed silently.

Elves. Mainly the woodland elves, from what Evanna had heard, carried an air of arrogance with them. Sure, they all seemed beautiful beyond measure, with their tall figures, stunning eyes and sharp cheekbones and jaws. But there was confidence, and then there was just plain cockiness. She rolled her eyes internally.

Arawn marched off into the great hall while she continued with her guards down the corridor. She watched him, her head turned to the side until Garrett filled her vision with his broad chest, and he smacked her on the top of her head, "You are lucky to be alive right now." He spat.

How lovely. This was what she had to get used to now. She sighed.

Evanna soon found herself thrown into a small cell after being checked for more weapons, which were now lying on a table outside the iron bars. She stood immediately with her head held high as the gate slammed shut behind her. 

Evanna looked at her temporary home. Cold, dirty, concrete floor and walls, a small, barred window at the far side, with the smell of iron and pee floating in the air. She wrinkled her nose as she eyed the bucket, presumably meant for her to empty her bowels into. She glanced down from the window and saw hay on the ground with a dirty, shredded blanket atop it.

Evanna sighed, and removed her eyes from the pitiful look of her cell and moved towards the window, tiptoeing to look outside. Although it was dark, the stars and moon shone brightly across the land showing the long extensive forest and the river below where the Flori Palace sat. From this side, she could see the left side of the forest, making her shiver at the idea of Scarecrow lying in wait there. At least he couldn't get her in here…

She glanced down at the palace, an area they did not cover when they scouted the place and took note of how some white trees twisted and curved into a tower, a tower she was standing in, at the far end of the palace.

After looking outside at the magical scenery and then analysing the cell for any means of escape, Evanna leaned against the wall and slid down until she sat on the dampened ground. Her muscles tightened and felt sore as she tried to make herself comfy, wrapping her arms around her knees and hugging them as she rested her chin on them.

Evanna's green eyes stared straight ahead at the iron bars; she blinked and felt her cheeks and lashes becoming wet. Tears. They were tears, and once one escaped her eyes, the others kept flowing. Now left alone, she couldn't help but let them fall.

She hid her face in her knees, wetting her breeches until she suddenly stopped after clasping her fingers around her necklace. A sudden calmness overcame her as she looked back up.

They did it.

They stole the gem.

She could only hope that her group would not get captured and make it back to her mother.

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