Heart Over Sword

Chapter 68 - Befuddled Mind

Arawn glanced out of the corner of his eyes as he drank from the crystal cut glass of wine. Evanna sat there almost motionless, staring at her surroundings, looking slightly lost. Her shoulders, which were bare, and looking delectable in the dress she wore, were slightly slouched from her otherwise perfect posture; the only other sign that she had been affected by what he did in front of her. She quickly corrected herself, setting her shoulders back and reached for her own wine glass, taking a tentative sip as her face once again became composed.

Arawn placed his glass down carefully and clicked his fingers for a servant to clean the blood, hand and Evanna's plate up. Evanna looked away when the servant picked up the hand from the floor and carried it towards the door that led to a back room, only meant for servants. Arawn, on the other hand, chose that moment to openly observe her. He tilted his head to the side and leaned his elbow on the table, resting his head in his hand. 

He watched in between the motions of the servant's wiping the blood away and removing the plate. Arawn had been testing her to see the extent of her nobility. Was she a daughter of a Duke or a Lord? Her reaction to such brutal violence made him believe she had seen much more than what she was capable of when fighting. Most women would grow faint or be sick; her reaction was coolly breezed over with composure.

Was this because she was a prisoner in unknown territory, or maybe because she was someone of a much higher rank? Someone who had seen the wrath of a king before? He narrowed his crystal blue orbs at her just as the servant finished cleaning and left. But scoffed and looked away from her stunning ethereal green eyes; why would a princess leave their palace and travel such dangerous roads?

While the prince debated with himself over the many questions, he seemed to keep wondering about the dark-haired beauty sitting next to him; Evanna had finished the last of her wine after looking away from the prince's icy blue gaze. She tried to guess the time and how long she sat at the dining table between the elven king and prince and when it was appropriate if it was, allowed to leave the room. Her gaze went up to the ceiling; it seemed this was the only room she had been in so far that had a closed roof and looked somewhat similar to her palace in Dunhurst. 

Either this room looked similar to the one in Dunhurst, or the 'wine went straight to her head'. Or so she thought. Evanna had merely heard that expression and accustomed it to clumsiness from drinking too much. It was, after all, her first time trying the liquid, and she couldn't help but compare it to that ghastly stuff Ger drank in Kuramji. The thought saddened her by the memory of her friends and now at her lack of freedom.

Evanna accidentally let out a sigh, and she covered her mouth, glancing around. Fortunately, no one had been watching her until she glanced to her right and saw the prince still looking directly at her. She swallowed lightly as she watched his eyes wander from her face and down her outfit once more. Evanna felt herself becoming heated from his openness to look at her in such a way; she looked away, suddenly feeling cold from his earlier brutality.

"Are you finished?"

Evanna turned her head back and saw Arawn standing, his hand extended towards her. She couldn't help but eye his hand before hesitantly placing her own in his. The moment her fingers touched his hand, she felt a shock pass through her, and she shivered. Even after being so merciless, the slightest touch from him made her body react in such a way towards him; she couldn't understand it.

Evanna lifted from her seat and bowed her head at the king, "Your highness."

The king's cold stare was his only response, and she happily let Arawn lead her away. Once they were out of the great dining room, Evanna slipped her hand away from his raised hand and continued in her slow stride by his side, casting her eyes ahead. Her thoughts were crowded in her mind, making it impossible to think clearly, from stealing the gem, getting captured to now having dinner, or not having dinner in her case, and seeing the prince cut an innocent's hand off.

"Do you wish to see more of the palace?"

Evanna was brought out of her tumbling reverie by a soft, velvety voice; she looked up to her side and realised it was prince Arawn. She tried not to blink profusely in shock from his gentleness. She cleared her throat softly.

"I think I have had enough excitement for one night," Evanna grimaced as she remembered the servant with one less limb being dragged away, leaving pools of blood in his wake.

How could Arawn be so cruel? She glanced at him and found him staring intently at her; she forced her eyes to look away from his sharp gaze.

"I thought you would like some fresh air after being in a cell for so long.." Arawn trailed off, his voice bored, as though he was doing her a favour.

"Thank you for the invitation, your highness. But I must decline," Evanna replied politely with a slight edge to her voice.

Arawn stopped and turned to her, taking a step closer to her personal space with his hand lightly touching the side of her hip. Evanna gasped at his sudden touch and placement of his hand. The dress she wore was much thinner than the ones she usually wore in Dunhurst; it felt as though he was touching her bare skin. Arawn raised his other hand and gently tilted her chin back up to look at him, "And if I insisted?" His voice was like ice melting atop her heated skin.

"Then I would accept," Evanna breathed instantly, her gaze still fixed with his. She couldn't help but feel as though she was falling into the deep depths of his calm, blue waters that were his eyes. She watched as one side of his lips curled up, and his eyes softened. But once again, he was quick to become expressionless and stepped back.

Evanna couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and sag slightly; her body was reacting before her mind did. It must be the wine, yes, that's it; it has nothing to do with his marble physique, striking features and alluring eyes.

"Come, let me escort you back to your room," His voice was stiff once again. Evanna nodded silently and strolled by his side, taking note of how the palace had quietened down from before. The only remaining elves were guards or servants. 

She let herself become a little too consumed with her surroundings so as not to pay heed to her own bubbling thoughts and bodily reactions to the prince by her side. But soon enough, she glanced to the side and was reminded of the man who chopped someone's hand off to make a point. And she became frosty once more towards him.

Evanna now found herself standing outside of 'her' room, looking at the door in front of her. She frowned and turned back to bid Arawn goodnight, out of courtesy from the many years of being a royal. Although, if she was in her own quarters, the prince would not be anywhere near her bed chambers. But, she was not a princess here, and these were different circumstances. 

When Evanna landed her eyes on the prince, he took a step forwards and placed a hand on the door behind her. She immediately leant against the door and looked up into his beguiling eyes.

"Do not try anything, Evanna. Remember what happened at dinner," He said slowly with conviction.

"How could I forget," She snapped.

His eyes widened, then he smirked and stepped back; without another word, he turned to walk off. Evanna stayed still against the door and watched him walk a little further down the hall. Her mouth fell open when he opened a door and stepped in. It was the room next to hers. She scanned the area in her slightly buzzed state and realised she was in the prince's quarters.

Evanna marched to his door that had been left open and narrowed her eyes. He knew she would follow him, and follow him she did. Evanna walked into the familiar room and scanned around for the prince. It was no wonder she couldn't find him immediately; the chamber was three times the size of the one she was in.

"Oh, Evanna. Is there something you seek?" Arawn sauntered out of his private room with only his breeches and boots on.

Evanna's eyes travelled down his muscular body that tensed and relaxed at every step he took towards her. He was lethal like a lion, with his long white locks now removed from his usual hairstyle and falling down across his chest. Some part of her brain was telling her to look away and leave the room; the other 98% of her was ensnared not only by his chiselled, marble body, but when she looked up, his eyes intoxicated her, and the only remedy was him.

He now stood in front of her and raised his hand to her chin, knocking her mouth gently back to being closed, "Staring is considered rude, my dear."

His words and action immediately snapped her out of her daze. Ignoring his words, she said, "Your room is next to mine.."

"Yes, I think it's better that way, don't you?" He tilted his head to the side, his eyes still elated by her reactions to him.

Evanna sucked in a sharp breath, closing her eyes briefly before turning on her heel and leaving his room. She heard his laugh before the door shut by itself behind her. She placed her hand on her chest and glanced at the approaching guards before scrambling into her own room, feeling the safety net of the four walls keeping her from them and the elven prince who slept next door.

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