Heart Over Sword

Chapter 95 - The Prince's Bath

After walking through the door next to the adjoined room for his clothes, the entryway led to two glass double doors that were misted over to still give the prince privacy. With Arawn's hand still holding hers, he gently pulled her behind him before he pushed the doors open. Evanna blinked her eyes and gasped; her hand went to her mouth at what she saw before her.

The bathroom was something so magical that Evanna thought she was still asleep and this was a dream. It was in the shape of a hexagon, and three of the sides were of clear glass. The only parts not showing the light glows from the villages in the distance were from three white pillars in between each window that met in the middle of the transparent ceiling. Evanna frowned slightly, as she knew how much they seemed to adore open tops, but she understood the necessity.

In her world, a closed top ceiling was normal. Here, it was only used for extra safety and privacy. A bathroom would be the most accessible place for an assassination, especially one as luxurious as this; Evanna's guard was already down after feeling relaxed from looking at it. But the walls and the ceiling weren't even the most fantastic part.

Evanna stepped forwards onto the light cream tiled floors with gold splatters on. Her eyes landed on the main feature of the bathroom.  Almost squealing in delight at the size of the bath. 

The size of it filled up most of the bathroom and had steps leading down into it, making it seem as though you could go swimming in the water. There was a faucet the size of a door sticking out at one end that was still pouring water into the tub.

But what made Evanna unknowingly clasp the prince's hand was from the wonderment on her features at what lies within the bath. There was a white tree sprouting out from the depths of the water and growing tall to the glass ceiling. It almost seemed to glow, and Evanna was entranced by it.

"Why do you have a tree in the bath?" She whispered, breaking the comfortable silence. For some unknown reason, she didn't want to raise her voice in front of the tree. It was stupid, but she could feel the power radiating off it from where she stood.

Arawn chuckled, "Why not?"

"So, it doesn't have mystical powers or anything?" She asked in her hushed tone of voice.

Arawn chuckled again. "I didn't say that… the tree acts as a small form of healing and helps with ageing."

Evanna gaped at him. "You mean to say you guys can actually age!? Wait, hold on.. you said healing.. You need to explain further!" Her face beamed at him, and she looked back at the bath.

While Evanna was looking at the water dreamily, Arawn glanced at the faucet, and it stopped running the water. Without missing a beat, he spoke, "Of course, elves age. But the ageing process doesn't start to show until they are at least 1000 years old. Most don't make it until then. As for healing, it takes very long. You would have to soak in there for more than an hour for it to work."

Evanna's eyes were still resting on the tree as she asked in a daze, "How come you don't make it to 1000? And does the healing work on illnesses? What sort of injuries would it heal?"

Arawn chuckled and walked to the side, watching her warily. Evanna seemed to be in a daze even as she asked these questions. She also had been inching closer to the tub in the ground. He flicked his wrist for Rina to leave; she could wait until he and Evanna finished their conversation. He did not wish to have someone listening; no matter how innocent, it was still private.

"1000 years is an awfully long time to live, Evanna. I do not know about illnesses. Elves hardly become unwell. Our immune systems are strong, but I would guess that the tree could heal somebody ill. As for a disease or long term illness, I am uncertain. Injury wise.. I have returned with deep wounds before. I see Reselda, of course, first and then once I am treated, I will rest in the bath. It quickens the healing." Arawn replied and took a step towards Evanna, and tilted his head to the side.

"I see," Came her reply as she kept her gaze focused on the tree and slowly reached down to remove her shoes.


His voice seemed to stop her from removing any other clothing, but it didn't stop her from descending the steps into the bath. Warm water seeped into her skin from her thighs and slowly went up to her shoulders as she walked further into the steamy bath. She giggled and stretched her hand out towards the tree, gliding her fingers over the roots that dipped further into the water. As soon as the tips of her fingers touched the trunk of the tree, her body went rigid, and she looked at it with wide eyes.

"Evanna?" Arawn's voice was both worried and perplexed.

A life force so strong hummed through her body from her fingertips, and she gasped, unaware of the prince calling her name nor by how he took off his boots and followed her into the bath, also fully clothed. All she felt was the pulsing of power thrumming through her body, and she closed her eyes to listen to a voice. It spoke in another language, one she did not recognise but one she somehow understood.

'It is time.' It whispered in her mind, brushing the edges with a warm sensation.

Evanna snapped her eyes open and dropped her hand instantly after feeling a hand clamp down on her shoulder. She jumped and spun on the spot, staring back into the swirling depths of icy blue hues that were dumbfounded by her actions. She blinked, and her brows drew together in confusion.

"Why are we in the bath?" Evanna whispered, not at all put off by their close proximity or her hands on his chest. The water only came to the bottom part of his chest, and so her hands wettened the top parts of his shirt.

Arawn stared at her for a long time; he could see the confusion in her eyes. He glanced to and from the tree before speaking. "You climbed in here fully clothed and wanted to touch the tree.. I followed in case you drowned.." He trailed off. He knew she could swim, but his mind was now reeling with what he had felt. When she touched the tree, he could feel the power radiating off of her. It was a power unlike any he had felt before or in a very long time.

But things were still unclear, and he did not want to jump to conclusions just yet. His gut was telling him he was right. Whether Evanna was aware of what she was, he did not know. However, it made him drawn to her even more; she certainly was the forbidden fruit, stunning, brave and full of secrets waiting to be spilt out.

Evanna sighed. "I do not know what came over me," She replied truthfully and lowered her head. Her forehead accidentally leaned into Arawn's chest, and her breath hitched when realisation dawned on her that his arms had wrapped around her waist while her hands lay flat against his chest. She slowly raised her head and looked at the prince.

His eyes flickered with amusement, whereas hers were filled with curiosity and fear. Not fear of him, but fear of what would happen next. Evanna's heart beat too loudly for her ears to bear. Her hands clutched at his shirt while her legs felt weak as his wet hand brushed some of her hair away from her face, and he lowered his face to hers. 

Evanna's cheeks heated into a rosy hue as she looked at his lips longingly, just as he looked at hers. They were but an inch apart, and she could feel his breath fan her face. She gulped in anticipation, but he chuckled, and she instantly looked into his eyes. He slid his hand from her ear and down to her lips while she stared at him. His wet thumb caressed her lower lip, and she heard his chest rumble with his deep voice, "I don't know what came over me.."

With a smirk, he released her from his spell. She blinked, looking at his chest as he pulled away from her, dropping his hands to his side. He found her hand in the water, brought it up to his lips and left a soft kiss on it as he looked at her. She felt her stomach do backflips from the action.

"If you want me to kiss you, princess, all you need do is ask." He spoke against her hand. Each brush of his lips sending a tingling sensation through her body and making her feel.. odd. His words also made her face heat up, and he chuckled before turning abruptly and pushing through the water quickly. "I will let you bathe in peace. When you are ready, we shall dine together."

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