Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 1001: Who do you prefer to drink?

Shi Qinglan's voice was clear and her voice slightly cool.

She threw her words from her lips and teeth like beads. Although she was a woman, her tone was inexplicably shocking...

Shi Qinglan glanced at him indifferently, "If the explanation is not clear, then let the police take you to the embassy in China and explain your behavior to the legal explanation!"

Hearing this, the foreign man's heart was suddenly startled.

Although he is extremely unwilling to believe that the person in front of him is the founder of Qionglou Yuge State Banquet Cuisine, but inexplicably because of her tone, he has a sense of awe in his heart...

"Police? Do you think the police will take care of such bad things?"

The foreign man forced his composure, still showing a dismissive attitude, "I think there is something wrong with your dishes! Disgusting! Unpalatable! If you want to return the food, you need to call the police?"

Shi Qinglan glanced sideways at the waiter.

The little girl covered her face and shook her head again and again. She walked up to her in small steps, "No, the dishes we serve this gentleman are strictly in accordance with the recipe specifications, and the quality of our chefs in Qionglouyuge is yours. It's clear that the manager has just come to check it. There is absolutely no problem with the dishes."

Shi Qinglan nodded clearly.

She had long guessed that this foreigner was deliberately finding fault.

The gaze swept across the little girl's face, "I'll take care of it here. You should deal with your face first, and you need a block of ice with the back chef, because this kind of scum scum disfigurement is not worth it.

"Thank you Miss Shi." The little girl bowed.

She covered her face and immediately ran to the waiter's lounge, and her companion went to the back kitchen and borrowed a piece of ice for her.

Shi Qinglan then turned his attention back to the foreigner.

Her delicate beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, "The food is unpalatable? You are talking, which dish is unpalatable? Where is it?"

Shi Qinglan exudes a very strong aura.

But Bo Yucheng was still standing behind her, the appearance of a man in a suit and leather shoes, and his long body was surrounded by coldness, adding a little oppression to the atmosphere invisibly...

"What? Don't let people scold you because the food is ugly?"

The foreign middle-aged man became more and more exaggerated, "You not only make the dishes unpalatable, but you are also deceptive! It doesn't match the name at all! I ordered a Buddha jumped over the wall and didn't see the Buddha or the wall. There were some messy things inside. The materials just want to fool me, I have never seen the stuff in them!"

Hearing this, the understandable people couldn't help laughing out loud.

Although he uses pure English, after all, this is the capital of China's central city. There are high-achieving students everywhere. It is not difficult to understand a few daily Chinese...

"Puff! Why is there a Buddha and a wall in the Buddha Jumping Wall?"

"Could it be possible to boil the Buddha and let him perform jumping over the wall for guests in a bowl? Suddenly there is a picture."

"Laughing to death, hahaha, I didn't expect them to be so uneducated! But the Buddha didn't dare to cook, so please apologize to Buddha!

The middle-aged man heard sparse laughter nearby.

But since they spoke Chinese, he couldn't understand a word at all, and he could only feel that he was laughing at himself...

"Smile!" He suddenly turned to look at those people.

The man pointed to the braised lion head again and said, "Also! I ordered this meal to eat lion heads. If you don't have money to let me eat lions, just take a meatball to fool my feelings?"

"This, husband and wife lung film! Disgusting... It's really disgusting! I heard that you Huaxia eat viscera before, but I didn’t expect to eat human viscera! Dirty!"

This foreign man got more and more scolded, but he still felt that he was reasonable, but the more straightforward and bold, the more funny.

Someone nearby simply recorded this remark...

Shi Qinglan’s lips curled slightly, "I should be so arrogant and arrogant. I really can’t compliment my husband’s IQ. It’s really hard for you to come to our Qionglou Yuge for a meal. The profound cultural heritage is ours. Wrong, Huaxia is here to apologize to you for our five thousand years of culture."

"Puff—" The laughter beside him became even more presumptuous.

I used to know that Shi Qinglan was great, but I didn't expect that she was quite eloquent in sophistry...

Bo Yucheng's red lips lightly hooked without a trace.

The foreign man naturally heard her sarcasm, "What do you mean? You dare to humiliate me?"

"Humiliated?" Shi Qinglan raised his eyebrows lightly, "Are you worthy of being humiliated by me?"

"You..." The foreign man was furious.

Shi Qinglan reduced his smile instantly, and looked at him like frost, "Okay, since you can't understand our Chinese culture, and you still think that the Chinese state banquet dishes can't be in your mouth, I don't mind giving you science. a bit."

"You said that there is no Buddha and no wall in the Buddha jumping over the wall. I really can't do anything. My Buddha's compassionate cooking is not appropriate. What about the wall... If you want to eat, I will help you with a dish later, I can only wish you to China Don't change your dentures when you go back."

"As for the ingredients in the Buddha Jumping the Wall that you have never seen before, let me introduce to you one by one..."

Immediately some guests brought their Buddha over the wall.

By the way, handed Shi Qinglan a pair of chopsticks, "Miss Shi, you use this! Give him a good science!"

Shi Qinglan's red lips gently bent to take the Buddha Jumping the Wall, and then looking back to Bo Yucheng, "Help me go and talk to Xiao Ran, and give this table of guests two more Buddha Jumping Walls."

"I'm going now." Bo Yucheng raised his eyebrows lightly.

Shi Qinglan jumped off the wall with the Buddha in one hand, and the chopsticks in the other hand, holding the ingredients one by one.

She introduced the ingredients to foreign middle-aged men one by one. These are absolutely precious and expensive ingredients, many of which are high-end dishes even if they are placed abroad!

The man's face changed in an instant, "How... how could there be so many precious things? Why didn't I eat it?"

Shi Qinglan slowly put the Buddha down the wall.

She immediately cast her eyes on the braised lion head, "As for the lion... it is illegal to hunt a lion, you know? If your husband really wants to eat a lion head, I can help you say hello to the police, and a couple's lungs is nothing. Human flesh, pee cowballs do not pee, and there are no ants inside the tree when the ants go up...

"Of course, sir, if you must ask for the same dish name, I don't mind to arrange it for you. Qionglouyuge's chickens, ducks, pigs, cattle, and sheep have closely cooperated breeding companies. Who do you prefer to drink? "

The melon-eaters around couldn't help but burst into laughter instantly.

The face of the foreign middle-aged man has completely turned pale. He admitted that although he does not understand the ingredients, the taste of these dishes is really amazing...mainly because he is not used to eating the internal organs in Chinese food, and he is upset and wants to find the difference. .

But I didn't expect to meet such a powerful product!

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