Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 1016: Bai Jingchen: She is not dead!

Jiang Zhi did not expect that she would say such a thing.

Lan Chu bit her lower lip lightly, she took a deep breath and said, "I know very well that this is what I want. I have always wanted to enter the entertainment industry. I not only want to enter the entertainment industry, but also want to stand Everyone can see me..."

"I want to be better than Lan Xinmei. I want those who looked down on me before, will have to look up to see me in the future."

"This is what I love and what I yearn for."

"Can you... don't stop me."

Lan Chu's eyes were slightly red, and there were crystal tears in his eyes, and the tip of his nose was red as if it were a white rabbit, and the look of eager tears made people feel distressed.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Zhi's heart softened instantly.

"Fuck," he said in a low voice.

Regardless of the dangers of the entertainment industry and the chaos of the waters, Lan Chu said so, why he still had the heart to refuse.

Jiang Zhi returned the phone to her without hesitation, "Yes."

"Huh?" Lan Chu didn't react.

She didn't expect Jiang Zhi to agree so happily, blinking awkwardly, "You... no objection."

"Against a fart." I couldn't stand it.

Jiang Zhi pressed the tip of his tongue against his upper jaw, "If you really want to go, go, and I will wash you up even if you mess up. If anyone in the entertainment industry dares to bully you... I will protect it!"

Hearing that, Lan Chu sniffed.

She didn't want to cry much at first, but when she heard Jiang Zhi's words, her tears fell.

Jiang Zhi has countless sentences in his heart that his mother wants to say...

He hurriedly wiped Lan Chu's tears, "Why are you crying again? Didn't I promise you all?"

"I just want to cry." Lan Chu pouted aggrievedly.

She lowered her eyes, raised her hand and wiped her tears, "Before...it was only Xiao Qingqin who supported me."

"Fart." Jiang Zhi retorted immediately dissatisfied.

He was a little violent emotionally, but when he helped the little girl wipe the tears, he was very gentle, and even his voice was rubbed down, "When did I coax you, little ancestor?"

Lan Chu flattened his mouth and raised his eyes to look at Jiang Zhi.

She finally held back the tears, and suddenly wanted to come out even more, "Can you not be so good to me..."

Otherwise she would feel very sorry for him.

"It's necessary." Jiang Zhibian said while wiping her tears, "Who can I do to you if I'm wrong? Good, give me back the tears, cry again, I don't want to be a human being."

I have been guarding the same woman for so many years, but there has been no response. Not everyone can stand it.

Jiang Zhi had countless opportunities to force her. Maybe he didn't need to wait like this as long as he was willing to take a step forward, but he never forced her...

Even, there is no excessive behavior.

Hearing this, Lan Chu stopped crying instantly.

Jiang Zhi said in a low voice. The little girl was still as always afraid that he would be hooligans to herself. She used this threat to ensure that it would work, "I've really been eaten to death by you in my life..."

"Do not cry?"

Lan Chu shook his head obediently, "Stop crying."

"Yeah." Jiang Zhi helped her wipe the last tear away. "Would you like to call Director Lin Ci?"

Lan Chu nodded obediently again, "Yes."

She looked down at the phone in her hand, and then called Shi Qinglan back to the video call...

At the same time, inside the box of the Imperial Palace.

Bai Jingchen lay lazily on the leather sofa, his shirt buttons were unbuttoned, and his fair skin was dyed a little red, probably because of the drunkenness spreading to his body.

Holding a bottle of wine in his hand, he occasionally takes two sips indifferently. He doesn't drink too much, but he is used to buying drunk with alcohol...

Even his brother couldn't stand it anymore.

"Brother Chen, you can't do this, people who drink all the time will be abandoned." The young man beside him said bitterly.

Bai Jingchen lazily lifted his eyelids, and he snorted coldly, "Where is it?"

He slowly raised his drunken eyes to look at the boy.

Those long and narrow peach blossom eyes were full of drunkenness, and he could stand upright and leaned close to him, "I, I did my best as everyone in the Bai Group expected, and the company is now operating normally, better than my dad's At that time, the market value is even higher. Isn’t it not enough to make people happy? Where?"

"I didn't mean that..." The boy panicked.

He knows this is Bai Jingchen's taboo. There are two taboos in his life, one is his family and the other is his dead wife.

The former Bai Jingchen lived according to family expectations.

We did our best in everything, inherited the company and proved the ability, eliminated the insider and completely took charge, even the marriage proceeded according to their hopes...

They said they could not marry Lan Chu, so he chose to break up.

They said they wanted to divorce her, so he chose to avoid suspicion.

Now, he has become the best Bai Jingchen in the family's eyes, but his best Lan Chu is gone...

"Brother Chen...there are so many women in the world, it's not that she has to be. Besides, people cannot come back to life after death..."

"Shut up!" Bai Jingchen let out a low growl.

His eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and his eyes were full of visible red blood. "She is not dead... She can't die! I will never believe that she is dead!"

"But..." The boy wanted to persuade something.

The people beside him hurriedly grabbed him and reminded him in a low voice, "Stop talking, Brother Chen is just so obsessed."

Had it not been for Bai Jingchen's persistent feeling that Lan Chu hadn't died, he would have died long ago to find her in the underworld.

The brother beside him poked his mouth, "Okay, my sister-in-law is not dead, she must not be dead, but Brother Chen, you can't do this, how about some supermodels for you to come and play? Sooth your body and mood Is it possible?"

"No need." Bai Jingchen squinted his eyes.

He returned to his sofa, "Chu'er doesn't like the smell of other women's perfume..."

"She doesn't like the smell of wine yet." The brother spit out casually.

But Bai Jingchen's hand holding the wine bottle froze. He glanced down at the wine bottle and muttered, "Yes...Chu'er doesn't like the smell of wine, she doesn't like my drinking."

As Bai Jingchen said, he threw the wine aside and stopped drinking, and asked the waiter to give him a cup of hangover tea.


They persuaded for a long time that it was not as effective as a dead man.

"Brother Chen, to be honest, if you really only like the sister-in-law's model, it's not uncommon...there was a short-legged loli model that became popular last night. The entire network is full of her photos."

The brother took out his mobile phone to retrieve the photo, and handed it to Bai Jingchen, "If you don't believe me, take a look, if you like this, brother will definitely find a way to get it for you!"

There was no expectation in Bai Jingchen's expression, he closed his eyes, "I am not interested in these."

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