Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 940: You can control the time

A gloomy light flashed under Jian Zong's eyes.

He couldn't help whispering, "Heh... It seems that there hasn't been enough trouble recently, and I ran to play e-sports games."

"Boss, are you thinking?" The black subordinate looked at him.

Jian Zong put away his mobile phone immediately, "I remember, e-sports players will be banned for life if they fight, right?"

"Yes." The black subordinate nodded.

Jian Zong sneered, "Look at Shi Qinglan's itinerary and send someone to irritate her. There is no need to kill her. As long as she does it with you, it is enough, but she does it when she is pretending to be a man."

The subordinates immediately understood what he meant.

Jian Zong wanted to use this ground to harass her and provoke her to do something, and she will be banned for life. What she originally planned to do will definitely be affected...

"Understood." The subordinate went to do it after answering.

When he was about to turn around and leave, Jian Zong suddenly called him, "Wait, don't let Ali know about this."

The subordinate nodded slightly and said yes.

The corner of Jian Zong's lips curled up with a smile, "Shi Qinglan...what you let me lose, sooner or later I will let you return it all bit by bit!"

Although it is irrelevant to make her unable to participate in the competition.

But as long as it makes her uncomfortable, he will be refreshed... Even if she can't kill her now, there are always other ways to make her uncomfortable, and gradually grab his handle!


Wen Mo quickly controlled the trend of online reviews.

All posts insulting rookie player Lan have been deleted, and only a few mild voices of questioning are kept, so as not to operate too much, too much falsehood and easy to be backlashed...

Seeing time passing, tomorrow is the finals.

The tickets for the live game were sold out. Shi Qinglan kept a few of them for his family and the Jingshige brothers, and asked Wen Le to help give the tickets to Lan Chu and Jiang Zhi so that they could come to see them if they had time.

"Master Lan, don't be nervous." Er Li patted her on the shoulder.

He thought he knew her well, "Rookie players are usually nervous when they come on stage, and you are still in the finals."

Shi Qinglan raised her eyelids casually.

She licked her red lips with a smile, "It's not just a hand. When did I say I was nervous?"

There were some waves in Su Huai's clear eyes.

He turned his head slightly and looked over, "Master Lan has never participated in this kind of competition. He may not be able to adapt to the environment, but he didn't have the chance to adapt to the finals."

"The finals are now closed. I rented a venue with my friend. We played other official league tournaments before. We can simulate it. We can go over and get familiar with the situation later."

"Okay." Ning Que nodded sniffly.

He slowly turned the ring on his finger, "This matter can be rejected by Lord Bulan. If you only find it inappropriate when you are on the field, don't push us back if you lose."

BF, who won the championship for three consecutive years, didn't want to lose at all.

However, the game scene is indeed different from the training room. Not only the entire venue can bring tension to people, but also because of the live broadcast, all the players have to make up and face the camera.

"You arrange." Shi Qinglan nodded softly.

So after having lunch in the club, the six were ready to go to the stadium to simulate the finals.

The club is equipped with a public business transfer car.

It was originally used to transport the players to the stadium, and the club manager arranged for a driver to take them there.

"Everyone is here, let's go."

After everyone got into the business car, Erli got into the car at the finale, closed the door, and greeted the driver.

So the special car activated the throttle and drove to the destination.

But what I didn't expect was that at the same time, the people sent by the Jane family to watch had already noticed the actions here.

They wanted to directly occupy the vicinity of the club, but found that there was someone from Bo Yucheng guarding it, so they rented a building opposite and stared at the situation here through binoculars.

The glass of the building is one-sided anti-peeping.

They can see outside from the inside, but the club knows nothing about the surveillance of this building...

"They are out, everyone in the BF team is there, and Shi Qinglan is also there, but without Bo Yucheng, you can do it."

Someone immediately reported to the respondent on the other end.

The respondent immediately said, "Received."

Then he got ready to go, and directly took the car that Xiang Shi Qinglan was riding in and chased him...

There are also talking and laughing in the BF team car.

Er Li Tucao said, "I remember, when Xiao Guer was nervous to urinate frequently when he was on the live broadcast of the game for the first time, when the game was fighting, Xiao Jingchu commanded over there, Gua..."

He cleared his throat and began to imitate Guagua's little milk voice.

She also exaggeratedly pointed to Lanhua, "Brothers hurry up and push quickly. I don't think I can hold back going to the toilet. If I don't remove their crystals, I'm going to wet my pants live."

After speaking, Erli couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Shi Qinglan couldn't help but chuckled, "Puff, I didn't expect Guagua to be such a person."

"Tsk." Ning Que tweeted disgustingly, "Lao Tzu was trying to prevent him from peeing on his pants, so he jumped the tower and forcibly demolished the opposite high ground. At that time, he was too reckless to be sprayed by fans for half a year."

Guagua blushed embarrassingly.

He patted his cheek lightly, "Well...then who hasn't been nervous yet, one time you got up late, you didn't have enough time to make-up, so you just put on a glamorous Barbie pink lipstick and went on stage, don't you forget? Yet!"

"Hey you brat..."

Er Li began to roll up his sleeves, "I dare to hurt your brother, right? Do you really think I dare not beat you?"

Su Huai gently curled his lower lip and looked at them with a smile.

He said in a cool voice, "Professional players will be banned for life in fighting. If you don't want to be on stage in the finals tomorrow, you can just play well."

Hearing this, Erli took a breath of dissatisfaction.

Shi Qinglan looked at them with red lips, she leaned on the backrest lazily. Although she had not been in contact with the BF team for a long time, she felt the warmth of home here...

But when I was talking and laughing in the car.

Erli and Guagua’s plan to fight each other was changed to punish each other. The special car that was running smoothly, suddenly stopped, "squeaky--"

Everyone's body leaned forward suddenly due to inertia.

Shi Qinglan immediately stretched out her hand to cover her lower abdomen, and immediately raised her eyes vigilantly, "What happened?"

"Bang--" But a violent sound suddenly sounded.

As soon as Shi Qinglan's voice fell, he saw several black cars blocking the way of the special car. Dozens of sturdy men got out of the car and approached them with sturdy clubs and sharp swords.

A knife slashed directly at Shi Qinglan!

Across the glass window of the car, the knife fell violently, and the glass instantly shattered into debris, "Bah--wow--"

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