Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 945: Your wife's situation...

The doctor couldn't help being amazed by the oriental man in front of him.

Bo Yucheng speaks fluent A, with standard pronunciation and **** voice, making the female doctor of obstetrics and gynecology a idiot...

But this fell in Bo Yucheng's eyes but hesitated.

He frowned his eyebrows tightly, and repeatedly asked with a tight voice, "Doctor, how is my wife?"

"Ah." The female doctor finally recovered.

Her eyes flickered slightly to adjust her mentality, constantly reminding herself that this is a married couple, a married couple, and a married couple.

The doctor handed over the diagnosis and treatment sheet, "The pregnant woman's condition is okay. The baby is saved, but the fetal phase is slightly unstable. It is best to observe in the hospital for a few more days for insurance."

Hearing this, Bo Yucheng's eyebrows gradually eased.

His hanging heart slowly fell, "Will it affect her body? What should I pay attention to next?"

"It won't have any effect. The baby is very stubborn, and your wife is good at medical skills. She gave herself acupuncture on the way to the hospital, so the husband doesn't have to worry too much."

The female doctor smiled softly, "If you have any precautions, I will ask my assistant to tell you after finishing it."

"Okay, thank you doctor." Bo Yucheng nodded slightly.

The other team members who were guarding outside the emergency room were relieved after learning that Shi Qinglan and the fetus in her belly were fine.

Bo Yucheng immediately rushed towards the ward in a meteor.

When Shi Qinglan was lying on the hospital bed, his white face still hadn't recovered his blood, and he felt a little haggard, but the clear and bright eyes seemed to flash with stars.

She was not unconscious, she was always awake.

"Lan Lan." Bo Yucheng held her hand tightly.

He was sitting next to his wife's hospital bed, and Shi Qinglan could even feel the sweat in his palm, "So much cold sweat?"

The cold sweat on the road from Bo Yucheng almost soaked his clothes.

He couldn't help but squeezed Shi Qinglan's hand tighter, "Are you a little fool? Knowing that he still has one in his stomach, he still went with those in the Jian family."

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan's lips bend slightly.

She stuck her tongue out playfully, "I can't help it in that situation, and I know the baby will be fine."

"Fool." Bo Yucheng just said in a low voice.

Sometimes he was really afraid of her self-confidence. It was because of her self-confidence that he always did something that scared him.

Shi Qinglan's white and tender cheeks bulged slightly, "Okay, don't worry, aren't my baby and I okay?"

She thought about all the consequences when she started.

After all, she still has medical skills, no matter what, she will try to save the baby, although when she has abdominal pain...

Her heart was still flustered, terribly nervous.

"You are not allowed to do such silly things again." Bo Yucheng frowned tightly, "Next time, you will sit in the car obediently and call me or Wen Mo to help you."

But after thinking about it, his brows wrinkled again.

"No, not next time." Bo Yucheng's voice sank slightly.

From now on, he will directly send Wen Mo to her side to follow her every step of the way, and can take action as soon as he encounters danger.

Shi Qinglan nodded obediently, "Well, I promise there will never be another time."

At this time, other members of the BF team also rushed to the ward.

Jing Chu's handsome and immature face was slung, and he looked at her crying, "Sister Lan, you are scaring me to death!"

He is really the most worried person besides Bo Yucheng.

After all, Bo Yucheng had previously explained to him that he should take care of Shi Qinglan no matter what, and he was the only person present who knew that she was pregnant, and he knew the honor of the little ancestor in his belly...

But he didn't help at all at the time.

"I'm fine." Shi Qinglan smiled softly, "It's just that you didn't go to the venue for training."

"That's not important." Ning Que curled his lips indifferently.

They are all old fried dough sticks in the World Championships. I haven't seen any big winds and waves. This arrangement was originally designed for Shi Qinglan, and I was afraid that she would be uncomfortable to be photographed...

However, it seems that there should be no such concerns.

After all, this is an international singer queen, what kind of lens has not been faced, what kind of stage has not been on, the world championship game is probably easy for her.

Guagua pouted slightly, "Mainly, the doctor said just now that it is better to let Sister Lan stay in the hospital for two days to observe the situation..."

But the World Championship finals is tomorrow.

It's not that he doesn't care when Qinglan only thinks about the game. He cares about it, but he doesn't know what to do with the game.

Although the championship trophy is a lot for the BF team.

But in each finals, they prepared for a whole year, played the previous group stage and playoffs, step by step, naturally did not want to give up easily.

"Still hospitalized?" Shi Qinglan frowned slightly.

She felt that she was fine, although she was a little weak, but she would be fine tomorrow morning.

Bo Yucheng responded with a deep voice, "Well, I'll be hospitalized for observation if you are safe. If you don't like this place, we will transfer to the Institute of Medicine."

Shi Qinglan's eyes were embarrassed.

She knows that taking a break is definitely better for her and her baby, but there is no way to change the time of the finals...

"Lan'er baby!"

At this time, an anxious voice suddenly sounded.

When Jiang Yunxin and Shi Hongxuan learned of Shi Qinglan's accident, they rushed to the hospital in a panic, and after hearing about her ward, they ran in in a panic.

Shi Qinglan immediately raised his eyes, "Parents."

Jiang Yunxin rushed directly to Shi Qinglan's bed, holding her hand with one hand and stroking her lower abdomen with the other.

"How is the situation, ah? Is there anything wrong with your body?"

Anxiety flashed in her delicate eyes, and she also subconsciously cared about Shi Qinglan's situation with instinct.

It doesn’t matter what your grandchildren are.

As long as the baby girl is okay, thank God, if the child is really not saved, it is okay to be pregnant again.

Bo Yucheng immediately got up and said, "Mother-in-law, the doctor said that Lanlan's body is fine, and the child in her abdomen is fine, but she is advised to stay in the hospital for observation for another two days."

Hearing this, Jiang Yunxin nodded in relief.

Shi Hongxuan's complexion also eased slightly. He is usually solemn, in suits and leather shoes. Even when he is old, his looks are still good, his temperament and spirit look excellent...

But at this time he looked embarrassed and much older.

Knowing that there was an accident with the baby girl, they rushed over directly, wearing the simplest home clothes, and his hair was a little messy by the wind. The kind of heartfelt worries made him look vicissitudes of life.

"That's good...that's good." Shi Hongxuan murmured.

He slowly sat on the sofa in the ward, raised his hand and gently rubbed his head hurt by the wind.

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