Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 960: Special aerial emergency surgery

Jiang Yan nodded and said, "Don't worry, Lord Bo, we will send you and Sister Lan to the airport safe and sound today! Jingshige has no scumbags, and they will not be deserters."

"Very good." Bo Yucheng's narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

Wen Le found the medical kit at this time, and after receiving the medical kit, Shi Qinglan immediately gave Jian Ruoli emergency treatment of the wound.

The man has passed out due to excessive blood loss...

Fortunately, Maybach was still strong and didn't hurt his vitals, but the shock wave still injured her back of the brain. The brain injury was a bit tricky and could only be temporarily sealed with acupuncture.

"Where is the spare car?" Bo Yucheng glanced sideways.

Wen Le immediately replied, "I have already contacted. They are rushing here. Just after finding the news, Jian Zong has set up a cannon nearby, and he has already prepared this second hand."

"What about others?" Bo Yucheng's eyes were cold.

Wen Le raised his hand and touched his hair, "After the shot, he left. I guess I am afraid that we will be caught."

"Heh..." Bo Yucheng laughed coldly.

There was a little coolness all over him, "Then fake the death scene to make him think that his strategy has succeeded. By the way, remember to throw Jian Ruoli's corpse here."

"Jane Ruoli's corpse..." Wen Le was stunned.

He turned his eyes to look at Jian Ruoli who was lying on the ground. Shi Qinglan was stopping the bleeding at this moment, and he seemed to be alive.

Wen Le touched his nose, "Okay I get it."

He had to find a way to find a pile of unrecognizable corpses, this life was much harder than when protecting.

The backup convoy arranged by Jingshige arrived soon.

Shi Qinglan and Bo Yucheng got on the bus immediately, Wen Le and Jiang Yan also carried Jian Ruoli up and drove to the airport together.

"Really all right?" Bo Yucheng held her hand.

I could feel her hand getting cold, and he frowned without a trace, "Shall I let the obstetrician on the team look for you?"

Shi Qinglan put his finger on her pulse.

She checked her pulse and shook her head, "No, my pulse is quite stable, and the baby is really good."

Even then she thought that something would happen to the baby...

Even if she was lucky enough to escape the catastrophe, the violent impact, the fall under the car seat and the reaction from excessive shock made her feel that the baby might not be able to carry it.

However, the little guy in the belly is stronger than she thought.

"It seems that he will inherit our mantle in the future." Shi Qinglan couldn't help but chuckled helplessly.

But Bo Yucheng squeezed her hand, "You don't need him to inherit, whether it's a boy or a girl, Jing Shige and S Zhou will be handed over to others, and we don't need a baby to inherit."

This field is too dangerous...

Every day I compete with Yan Wangye for his life.

Shi Qinglan's white cheeks bulged slightly, and she answered thoughtfully, "Yes."

After all, the two of them have so many industries.

Just throw away things like Jing Shige and S Zhou that are dangerous and not fun...

Fortunately, they finally arrived at the airport smoothly.

Jian Zong never expected that his son would disturb his affairs, so that his strategy did not succeed. After all, the two men boarded the plane smoothly!

"Why did you come?" Jiang Yunxin panicked.

The agreed time had passed long ago, but she didn't see the shadow of the baby girl for a long time, and she made countless calls without getting a response. She almost wanted to find it back along the road.

Shi Qinglan shook Jiang Yunxin's hand, "It's okay, there was an accident on the road, so let's get on the plane first."

When the sound fell, she turned her eyes to look at Jiang Yan behind her.

"Send Jian Ruoli first, have you notified the medical staff on the plane? Is the sterile operating room ready?"

"Everything is ready." Jiang Yan nodded.

He immediately ordered Jian Ruoli to be sent to the plane and directly into the air operating room. This was one of the projects developed by Jingshige to ensure that the soldiers were treated in time during air combat.

But this is a test of the surgeon's level...

After all, no matter how skilled the captain is, the airflow cannot guarantee that the plane can travel smoothly throughout the entire journey. Once there is a wave of hand shaking, it may be life-threatening not knowing which blood vessel is encountered.

"Preparing for surgery." Shi Qinglan's voice was clear.

Jiang Yunxin and Shi Hongxuan also boarded the plane, Bo Yucheng went up with them, and Shi Qinglan went directly into the operating room.

She put on a sterile surgical gown, quickly put on a mask, hat and gloves, etc., took up her scalpel, and Jiang Yan put a Bluetooth headset into her left ear.

"Sister Lan." The captain's voice rang.

Shi Qinglan hummed, "I am preparing for the operation now. You should try to drive as steady as possible. If there are airflow fluctuations, notify me in advance. Let the deputy captain report the flight parameters to me every two minutes."

She can also judge some through flight parameters, avoid fluctuations in advance, so as to avoid errors in the operation.

"Understood." The captain immediately began to perform the operation.

The plane took off slowly, smoothing the fuselage among the clouds at the fastest speed, "Takeoff has been completed."

"Start the operation." Shi Qinglan squeezed the scalpel tightly.

She immediately lowered her eyes to look at Jian Ruoli, her clear and delicate eyes were full of firmness, "You hold on."

She does not allow anyone to die because of her.


Jiang Yunxin still didn't understand.

She grabbed the corner of Bo Yucheng's clothes, "A Cheng, what is going on? Who is the man covered in blood just now?"

Shi Hongxuan immediately cast his gaze at him.

"Jane's family is simple." Bo Yucheng's eyes were dark, and he briefly summarized what happened on the road just now.

But he did not describe the explosion of the gun battle.

I only said that I was surrounded by people on the road, and didn't make the situation too serious, so as not to scare Jiang Yunxin...

Bo Yucheng's lips pressed lightly, "He was injured in order to save Lanlan, and she would not leave him alone."

"It's her temperament..." Jiang Yunxin nodded gently.

Shi Hongxuan's expression was a little gloomy, "Jianzong, an old thing, really is toasting and not eating fine wine!"

Are they really vegetarian?

"I have ordered someone to give him a bitter taste. The Jane family has opposed Lanlan several times. If it is not handled cleanly, there will be troubles, and it must be done more thoroughly."

The breath of Bo Yucheng's body also became chilly.

Shi Hongxuan replied deeply, "Well, it's just a Jane family. Even if the methods are despicable, there are ways to cure him. My Shi Hongxuan's hands are not bloodless!"

This pushed his daughter to a life-threatening person...

Even if he killed him and got some blood, Shi Hongxuan wouldn't hesitate to kill him, and he was determined to kill the fruit.

"Father-in-law, don't worry." Bo Yucheng twisted his fingertips lightly, "I'll just dip this bit of blood...I want to get rid of him myself."

Only by doing it himself can he rest assured.

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