Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 963: Boss, we saw the young master's body!

Nan Xiyue returned to the villa very happily.

She looked around, "My dear Lanlan baby? Shi Qingjue, are you lying to me?"

Shi Qingjue held Nan Xiyue's hand tightly.

For fear that she would run away again or turn around and go back over the wall, "I didn't lie to you."

"Baby Xiyue." Jiang Yunxin turned his eyes and looked.

Seeing the elders in the living room, Nan Xiyue instantly became much more behaved, "Ah...Auntie is also here."

"How many times have I said that, I have to call my mother. Auntie sees out more." Jiang Yunxin looked at her a little agitated.

She squinted at Shi Qing Jue, "Tell Mom, is this brat bullying you?"

"No no..." Nan Xiyue huddled together.

Shi Qingjue was actually very good to her, but she was really not used to the life of a rich or young grandmother.

But Jiang Yunxin snorted softly, "It must be Shi Qingjue, this stinky man bullying you. You tell me what is the use of giving birth to you. I can't marry a wife. Are you still a man?"

It's been a long time since I have proposed marriage and I haven't heard a word...

Shi Qingjue's face was dark, "Mom, if I'm not a man, who is the child in Nan Xiyue's belly?"

"Oh so..." Jiang Yunxin curled his lips.

She didn't bother to care about this stinky son who didn't know how to chase women and didn't know how to do it, and enthusiastically took Nan Xiyue's hand, "Xiyue baby, if your husband bullies you, you just tell mom! I'm definitely on your side , Help you break her leg!"

Nan Xiyue smiled awkwardly and politely.

She immediately asked in a low voice, "Auntie, did Baby Lanlan come back? Didn't she return to Shi's house?"

"She went upstairs to sleep." Jiang Yunxin said warmly, "This girl is more prone to lethargy after she is pregnant... Lan'er is the case, she has slept all the way on the plane."

Shi Qingjue couldn't help but sneered, "Easily sleepy?"

He tilted his head slightly, glanced at Nan Xiyue with the remaining light, and then slowly dropped his gaze on her lower abdomen.

He saw that Nan Xiyue's energy was no better than now!

Nan Xiyue gently rolled her red lips, "Drowsiness? What a waste of good time sleeping, pregnancy is miserable enough, can't the life of pregnant women be more exciting..."

Let her lie in bed every day and she can die.

Shi Qingjue frowned without a trace, "Be good, don't always run around, there is still one in your stomach after all, what should I do if I fall, eh?"

He softened his tone as much as possible.

Nan Xiyue nodded impatiently, "I know, I know, it's long-winded..."

Her small eyes flashed lightly, although she looked very disgusting, but there was a sweet smile on the corners of her lips, "I also went upstairs to sleep at the head office?"

The woman said and stroked her belly gently.

"Yeah." Shi Qingjue squeezed her little face lightly.

He leaned slightly against her ear, "What do you want to eat tonight? I will let the kitchen add food to you alone."

"Anything will do." Nan Xiyue waved her hand casually.

She stretched out charmingly and lazily, "I went upstairs and went to bed, it was really tiring to climb over the wall or something."

Those who were not sleepy at first were completely sleepy by their few words.

It's really troublesome to be pregnant... If she gets pregnant for a second time, he can't have a second time, don't even think about it!

Nan Xiyue jumped upstairs and went to sleep.


At the same time, the Jane family of country A.

After Jian Zong and his subordinates manipulated the shell, they immediately turned around and left the crime scene, lest they be caught by the people of Jingshige, and went back to wait for their news.

"How did it look?" Jian Zong panned the walnuts in his hands.

He sent his subordinates to the scene of the crime to conduct a careful inspection and report the results to him, "Boss, the situation at the scene is terrible. All the cars are basically scrapped, and there are many dead bodies."

Upon hearing this, Jian Zong slowly curled his lower lip.

A hint of success flashed in his eyes. The power of the shell was not small, and all the cars were scrapped. I am afraid that Shi Qinglan and Bo Yucheng will not die and will be seriously injured...

"Have you seen their bodies?" Jian Zong asked.

The subordinates couldn't help hesitating for a moment, "I'm not sure, but there are a few corpses, and I saw the female corpses. There is no way to determine their identity. The forensic doctor has already asked the forensic doctor to check the DNA."

"Yeah." Jian Zong responded with a deep voice.

There are no female members in Jingshige, and they will not send a woman to protect Shi Qinglan's comfort. The female corpse is probably her body...

Jian Zong confirmed again, "Is there any news from Huaxia?"

"No." The subordinates said truthfully, "The Shi chaebol and the Bo chaebol have been quiet these past two days. It doesn't seem to be anything, and I haven't heard of any personnel exchanges."

"It's not like something is really going to happen..."

Jian Zong was meaningful and authentic, and he smiled, "This time I did a good job. I will report immediately after confirming the identity of the female body."

"Understand." The subordinate turned and left after answering.

Jian Zong casually crossed the walnuts in his hands. When he squinted his eyes and looked at the wall, the black and red hue became more and more ugly, and the color reflected in his pupils, making him look bloodthirsty and gloomy. terrible……

He asked quickly, "Where is A Li?"

I haven't heard any news from Jian Ruoli these days, this kid is really bolder, not even going home.

"I haven't seen Master in these two days." The maid shook her head.

Hearing this, Jian Zong's movement paused, his eyes darkened, "Have you not been home in the past few days?"

The maid replied after thinking carefully, "...nothing."

Thinking about it, it seems that he hasn't seen the young master for a while, even if he is rebellious, he will return home in two or three days.

Jian Zong couldn't help feeling that this matter was a bit weird.

He licked his back molars, then turned to look at the personal assistant, "Go and check, this stinky guy has been..."

"Boss!" Then a voice rang.

A subordinate rushed in anxiously, "Something happened! The big thing is not good! Master he...he..."

Upon hearing this, Jianzong immediately looked over.

He frowned a little irritably, "What is so fuss about, what's wrong with that brat?"

It's really not worrying all day long!

"No...No!" The subordinate shook his head. He took a few breaths and calmed down before saying, "Our people found the young master's personal object while investigating the explosion site, and there was a male corpse beside... The age and features of that corpse are exactly the same as those of the young master!"

Upon hearing this, Jian Zong's pupil suddenly shrank.

The walnut in his hand fell to the ground immediately, hitting the floor with two "boom" sounds...

He was in a daze, "What did you say?"

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