Heart Stealer Young Master Bo

Chapter 970: I decided to come to your wedding!

Shi Qinglan slid off the screen and answered the phone.

Lan Chu's exquisite baby face immediately appeared in the video interface, and she waved her hand happily, "Little Qingqing!"

"Little Chu'er." Shi Qinglan's red lips curled slightly.

She moved the notebook on her lap and leaned back lazily, "How do you think of calling me."

Lan Chu pursed her pink lips coquettishly.

She smiled and looked at Shi Qinglan, "Hehehe, miss you, can't you still make a call?"

But Shi Qinglan saw through her mind at a glance.

She raised her eyebrows slightly, "Let's talk, what the **** is looking for me? Could it be that your condition has repeated itself?"

"No no." Lan Chu waved his hand again and again.

Since the last time she left from the Medical Research Institute, her body has been getting better and better. She eats fragrantly. During this time, her small face is much rounder, although she is still thinner than before...

Lan Chu grinned, "It's really nothing, I just want to tell you, I decided to come to your wedding!"

Shi Qinglan flashed her eyes in surprise.

She curled her lips with interest, "I figured it out? I'm not afraid to meet Bai Jingchen after returning to China."

Hearing this, Lan Chu's white and tender cheeks bulged slightly.

She stretched out her hand and gently grabbed the corner of her clothes, narrowed her eyes and nodded, "Well, I figured it out, I'm not afraid of meeting me."

There should no longer be the word escape in the adult world.

What if I really meet Bai Jingchen...

At the beginning, the divorce agreement was signed in black and white. Besides, she had a very good time in country A. During the time when Bai Jingchen was most needed, she managed to survive by herself. She has long been accustomed to no longer having him. Days.

She thought, Bai Jingchen should also have a new life.

Shi Qinglan nodded slightly, "Just figure it out, will Jiang Zhi come back with you? I'll send you an invitation letter."

Jiang Zhi's head suddenly appeared on the screen.

The handsome and unruly face leaned closer to the camera, "Sister Qing! Remember to send two, I must go to your wedding!"

"Okay." Shi Qinglan responded readily.

Lan Chu little chicken nodded like he was pecking at the rice, "Then it's settled! It just so happens that we are about to perform at the end of the term, and there will be a short holiday at that time, just to attend your wedding!"

The semester system in Country A is different from China.

Due to differences in holidays and traditional customs, each academic year there is divided into three semesters, just in time.

Jiang Zhixie curled her lower lip lightly, "Sister Qing, the short legs are about to be performed at the end of the term. If you have time... take the time to save her spicy eye design."

"What show?" Shi Qinglan asked.

But Lan Chu exploded her hair instantly, and she immediately jumped up and covered the boy's mouth, "Jian Zhi, what are you talking about! The design of our group is so irritating! The teacher obviously praised..."

"Tsk." Jiang Zhi reached out and held her wrist.

He turned his eyes to look at the camera, “As far as the final week of their first semester is, there is a fashion runway show. The short legs are responsible for fashion positioning and overall control. Several team members are responsible for designing clothes. did not find."

After all, the design of Lan Chu's group is too special.

Seeing that Lan Chu could not hide it, her little head drooped, "Yes, it's this final fashion week, but I think the design of our group is pretty good..."

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan tapped his fingertips twice.

She chuckled and said, "If you believe me, you can send me the design of your team and show it to me."

"Huh?" Lan Chu blinked awkwardly.

She raised her hand in distress and gently twitched her hair twice, but then she remembered that these few hairs had finally grown out...

He immediately let go, "Xiao Qingqing still understands this."

"Understand a little." Shi Qinglan hummed, "I also have some familiar models on my side. I'll help you contact if you need it."

"No more." Lan Chu waved his hand repeatedly.

Her white cheeks bulged slightly, "I will send you the design later, but let's forget about the model. There should be no model willing to accept this design..."

"How do you say?" Shi Qinglan raised his eyebrows lightly.

Lan Chu can only say truthfully, "Just... our design for this fashion week is specially designed for shorter girls. The height of the models is very high so..."

Hearing this, Shi Qinglan nodded suddenly.

She knew that Lan Chu had always had a model dream, but due to her height, she couldn't achieve it, so she only studied fashion management when she went to country A, which is regarded as a major in this industry.

"Lan Chu." Shi Qinglan suddenly called her full name.

She rarely calls Lan Chu by her full name, and looks at her on the screen very seriously, "Do you remember what you told me before?"

"Ah...Huh?" Lan Chu was dumbfounded.

Shi Qinglan reminded her, "You said, you also want to be a good model. You said you are not convinced. Why can a girl with long legs be a model? Why are you shrinking now?"

"I didn't flinch, I..."

Lan Chu was about to refute Shi Qinglan, but suddenly understood what she meant, "Xiao Qingqing, do you want me to do it by myself?"

She looked at the screen with eyes wide open in disbelief.

"Huh huh." Shi Qinglan's red lips curled up slightly, "For such a good opportunity, you should muster up the courage to give it a try."

"But I..." Lan Chu hesitated.

But while hesitating, it is more shaken, this big show costume is specially designed for short-legged girls!

Very exaggerated and gorgeous dresses, all elements are used to the extreme, and even the ostentatious black is used. In the traditional sense, everyone would think that only a tall elder sister can support such a design, and no one will easily touch it...

But Shi Qinglan looked firm, "Go try."

"I..." Lan Chu bit her lips gently, and she looked at Jiang Zhi with some uncertainty.

Jiang Zhi snorted, "Sister Qing said that she will help you, what else is there to be afraid of if she helps you change the design, come on!"

"Good." Lan Chu took a deep breath and made a decision.

She gently squeezed her small fist, "Then...then I will try! Anyway, it's just a show at my school!"

Even if the show is broken, she doesn't feel ashamed!

At least it reflects the idea she most wants to express. She really wants to break through the height gap in the modeling industry...

Shi Qinglan smiled happily, "Well, remember to send me the design drawing for a look, and I will correct it as soon as possible and return it to you."

Lan Chu nodded, and then hung up.

Shi Qinglan put her phone aside and got out of bed to find Nan Xiyue, but Bo Yucheng held her wrist and pulled her into his arms with a slight force. Shi Qinglan was caught off guard and plunged into the man's arms. in.

She raised her eyes to look at him, "What are you doing?"

"Where to go?" Bo Yucheng raised his eyebrows lightly.

Shi Qinglan pressed the flap of her lower lip lightly, "I'm going to find Xixi next door, I want to ask her for help with something."

After all, Nan Xiyue is a gold-medal agent in the entertainment industry and has some experience in catwalks.

Bo Yucheng's voice was slightly lowered, "You are going to find her now... I'm afraid it's not suitable, right?"

"What's inappropriate." Shi Qinglan was suspicious.

She glanced at Bo Yucheng in wonder, and freed herself from his arms, "I will be back later."

Shi Qinglan walked her long legs and walked towards the next door as soon as she walked to the door of Nan Xiyue's bedroom.

But suddenly heard the voice coming from inside...

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