Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 2 Chapter 31: : Wordless truth, tears on deathbed!

Wu Yi don't start, "What kind of power is this?"

The spread of the flower brocade is full of silver threads flying, and the blood-red halo shines on the coquettish and wicked handsome face. The bright and dark, a pair of blue pupils lightly locks the girl around him. After a short while, the light fell. On the wordless monument in front of him.

No, it is no longer a monument without words.

I saw the blood red spreading from the place where Mu Tianyin's palm was next to the stone stele, and the lines on the stone stele gathered and gradually became complete. In the end, it turned out to be a complex ancient character shining on the wordless stele!

The ancient characters released a blushing light outwards, and Mu Tianyin's blue shirt was flying up with the wind.

Mu Tianyin's whole body reversed, and blood kept bursting out of her palms, and was absorbed by the stone stele, and she couldn't move any minute of her body, just like the power of an worm, against the stars in the world.

"It's the most ancient classic!" Wu Yi's eyes suddenly stared.

Rows of ancient characters are clearly revealed from the top to bottom, from right to left of the stone stele.

Eternal vicissitudes of life, the world is empty!

In the last row, the last four characters, the last stroke of the emperor character winds down along the erected stone stele, like blood and tears.

"Kong, Sang, Da, Emperor!" Mu Tianyin opened her eyes, her eyelashes fluttered, but suddenly an inexplicable sense of desolation arose from the bottom of her heart. The ancient human race great emperor set up a monument without words, and died. cry.

Wu Yi was shocked. At this moment, it seemed as if he saw the sky crying.

Hua's heavy gold and blue pupils narrowed slightly, and her strange lips whispered, "No words of truth."

He turned his head slightly and looked at the girl in the green shirt beside him.

"Under the Bodhi tree, wait for me for a hundred years!" With a violent shout, the man's voice has various emotions, lonely, and more of an unspeakable unwillingness, whirling on the high **** of the stars.

Who's talking about it? To whom!

Under the Bodhi tree, the promise of a hundred years.

"Hmm--" The attraction suddenly disappeared, and Mu Tianyin's blood-stained hand shrank like fire, and bounced back with a sudden shock.

Hua Zhongjin quickly stretched out his hand, and Mu Tianyin steadily fell into his arms, knocking him into a muffled chest.

Wu Yi raised both hands, looking at the ancient characters on the stone tablet, his eyes were intoxicated, "It was the wordless truth of Emperor Kongsang. No words, that's how it is." He was like a child, his hands and feet trembling with excitement.

Just suddenly remembered something, "That's not right."

Wu Yi turned his head and looked at his Young Master, and then at Mu Tianyin in his arms, with thick black eyebrows.

"Chongjin, what's going on." Mu Tianyin turned to look at Hua Chongjin. She was also surprised, why can't Chongjin, whose strength is so much higher than her, do not work, but she can let the wordless truth be revealed. what reason?

"The ancient scriptures are going to disappear!"

Wu Yi suddenly let out a ghost cry.

When the Wordless Scripture appears, if you just glance at it, Wu Yi will definitely want to copy a hemp rope and hang it directly on the Bodhi tree.

But Wu Yi hasn't started yet, the flowers and blue pupils congealed, the tiptoes jumped up in the air, and the sleeves came out, five fingers curled up and grabbed, a scroll whirling on the stone tablet, driving the wind and the clouds, Finally, it started to fall.


Hua Zhongjin turned its claws into palms, and an invisible air hit the unfolding scroll.

Under the Bodhi tree and above the stone tablet, blushing waves buzzed.

Hua Zhongjin waved his sleeves once, "Close!"

The scroll flew back and landed on Hua Zhongjin's open palm, while the light waves above the stone tablet were silent, and the lines of ancient characters disappeared without a trace, as if nothing had happened.

The wordless **** monument stands quietly under the Bodhi tree.

It seems that it is silently fulfilling the hundred-year covenant, waiting for someone to arrive.

Hua Zhongjin handed Mu Tianyin the rubbing scroll of the wordless scriptures, "It's not complete, it should be just the heaven scroll, the soul scroll and the great Scroll are not here." As he said, he chuckled, "It's really good luck, you What I need most right now is the Heaven Scroll."

Mu Tianyin took it, and the silk brocade scroll was burned hot by the traces of the ancient characters, "The Wordless Truth."

Wu Yi looked at the things in Mu Tianyin's hands, his eyes lighted up, and he barely left any outlet water. He smashed his mouth and said, "The Wordless Truth, this is the most important thing left by Emperor Kongsang, the first immortal emperor of the human race. Ancient and modern!"

He really wanted to abolish his skills and re-practice from Real Person Zi Yan.

Mu Tianyin's red lips lightly hooked, staring at the scroll in her hand. She was about to cut her way. After entering the five heavenly realms, what she needed most was the ancient scriptures of the heavenly scroll. The word truth is indeed a worthwhile trip!

But what she wants to know most now is, why can she let the wordless truth appear?

Hua Chongjin’s voice came from his ears, and he didn’t seem to be sure, and he whispered slowly, “I just asked you to try it. After all, the system of the Dao Body Demon Body is special, and the true blood of the Dao Body Demon Body even more."

Wu Yi nodded sensibly, "It's possible."

Indeed, how did he forget about it, this girl is a Dao body demon body, itself contains some power intolerable to heaven, speculation is not accurate, it is normal to have such an abnormal change.

After a brief pause, Hua Zhongjin guessed, "Or, what is your relationship with Emperor Kongsang."

He stared at her quietly, Bi pupil flickered, thoughtfully.

"What can I have to do with Emperor Kongsang?" Mu Tianyin said a little funny.

She stretched out her hand and kept touching the scroll in her hand, turning her eyes to the eyes of the flowers, and in a long lament, she was filled with a sense of calmness and comfort, "That is the first emperor of the ages. It’s not clear where it came from."

Thousands of years since the Five Emperors period, even the relics of those great emperors have been regarded as legends by the world. What can be traced back?


There was a bang, and the earth trembled.

Mu Tianyin squeezed the scroll in her hand and shook it, "What?"


The loud noise was even louder, the ancient bodhi tree, the wordless **** monument, and the entire high **** of the stars were swaying. The vibrating momentum seemed to leave the earth, and it seemed to be plunged into an endless abyss.

"Shaojun, let's go!" Wu Yi cried out.

Hua Chongjin flew away with Mu Tianyin, and the entire space oscillated fiercely, as if it was about to collapse. Some places were sinking toward the ground, and some places floated up in the sky. In the huge stone forest, lying cows Greystones of the same size are constantly floating in the air!

Wu Yi fell behind, Hua Chongjin and Mu Tianyin flashed in the direction they had come, and the three left without looking back.


An extremely terrifying aura suddenly spread from within the forbidden area, making people feel horrified.

It’s too late to take care of what is going on behind!

Flying all the way, the speed climbed to the extreme, as if three streamers slid across the high altitude of the forbidden area, and soon returned to the black hole when a few people fell, three wipes of Changhong lifted into the air one after another, fleeing this strange and dangerous area.

After exiting the black hole, Mu Tianyin's chest was still fluctuating.

The entire Yunwu Mountain trembled, but it was not obvious. It was completely silent after only one or two strokes. However, many disciples and teachers just looked around, but didn't pay much attention, just as the earth dragon turned over.

Yunwu Mountain is surrounded by clouds and mist all year round, and the terrain is steep, and monks cannot climb it.

To the east, at the center of the five-finger peak, a black cave is still there.

Mu Tianyin stood on a cliff, looked down, and narrowed her eyes slightly. This black hole was like a black hole among the stars of the universe. She was afraid that at least a saint could pass through it. Anyway, the great power contained in it, she It's unbreakable now.

In this line, she was fortunate enough to have the Wordless True Scripture Heavenly Realm scroll, which she never expected!

As for those doubts, let's answer them slowly in the future.

Out of the Xianyuan forbidden area, Wu Yi's eyes pierced into the sky, his divine consciousness spread, and he nodded after a long while, looking back at Hua Zhongjin beside him, "Young Master, the ancient people have left, I think it should be before. When they were in Broken Soul Ridge, they were eyeing them."

There may be ancient monks among them.

Hua Chongjin said, flew away with Mu Tianyin, heading for the cave on the top of the main peak.

"Shaojun, um, when did you say we..." Wu Yi wanted to say something, but when he raised his eyes, there was no Hua Chongjin's shadow in front of him, his throat suddenly choked, and he swallowed abruptly. Go down.

Wu Yi stomped his feet with a headache, and was anxious on the spot.

There is a quiet spring in the cave, and the jade smoke from the incense burner is curling up.

Mu Tianyin returned to the cave, opened the rubbing scroll of the wordless truth, and stroked it like a treasure.

One word and one sentence contains the truth of the Dao, and the Wordless Truth is uniquely inferior to the Human Realm Scroll of the Eastern Emperor's Scriptures, but if it is to be compared with the Heavenly Realm Scroll, among all the ancient Dao Sutras, there is nothing comparable to the Wordless Truth!

"You have to collect this stuff." Hua Zhongjin walked to her and sat down with her robe.

Mu Tianyin closed the scripture scroll and threw it back into the Lingtai Immortal Mansion to put it away. She lifted her cheek in one hand and turned to look at the man next to her, "Then said that voice, is it the voice of Emperor Kongsang?"

Under the Bodhi tree, wait for me for a hundred years!

Is it the agreement between Emperor Kongsang and who? However, judging from all the signs, it seems that this century-old agreement has not been followed up, nor has it come to a successful conclusion.

"Perhaps." Hua Zhongjin said ambiguously.

After speaking, his slender hand spread out, and a few leaves were exposed in the palm with distinct joints. The surface of the emerald green leaves was slightly silver, like broken jade and diamonds, and it was very beautiful.

Mu Tianyin stared down and looked up at him.

Hua Zhongjin stretched out Mu Tianyin's hands, and said slowly in a clear and evil tone, "The Bodhi tree is known as the ancient tree of Taoism. It is not as simple as the rumors. This is the essence of the Bodhi tree. , There are traces of the Tao of Heaven. When you meditate and comprehend the ancient scriptures, hold it and feel it carefully, which will help your cultivation."

He was lazy and placed a few Dao leaves on Mu Tianyin's palm.

"When did you pick it?" Mu Tianyin was curious.

Hua Zhongjin raised her red lips, but smiled silently.

Mu Tianyin squeezed Dao Ye and looked at it. The place was weird. She couldn't sit under the linden tree anyway, but it was indeed a good idea to pick a few leaves and bring it with him, and compared to other leaves, it was indeed a good idea. Very special.

With her palms spread out, the five Dao leaves were suspended on it, and from time to time there was a burst of silvery glow like a moon, which was looming above the Dao leaves, and an invisible force wrapped it up, unbreakable.

"Wonderful!" Mu Tianyin uttered two words.

Hua Zhongjin laughed in a muted voice and leaned to one side. With his movements, the silver hair poured down from his shoulders like a mountain stream.

Mu Tianyin glanced at her lower lip, and gathered five Taoist leaves in one palm.

She chuckled happily, rushed into Hua Zhongjin’s arms, and faced the pair of Bi pupils in the deep lake, "There are really many secrets hidden in the forbidden area of ​​Xianyuan, the legend of the fairy corpse, the Buddha enlightened the way. The ancient Bodhi tree now has the footprints of the great emperor of Kongsang, the monument without words, and the scriptures without words!"

Mu Tianyin's eyes were shining, and she stared blankly at the strands of silver hair scattered on the bluestone by Hua Zhongjin, with a faint color in her eyes, "I don't know what else will be there, and what is the connection between these. "

Those immortal emperors are really capable of reaching the sky.

In the dangerous ancient forest, they can fall asleep peacefully in the hut, making them panic. They can move at will to leave traces in the forbidden area of ​​Xianyuan. What kind of means are there to have such a peaceful posture?

Hua Chongjin looked at Mu Tianyin's condensed eyebrows and thought hard, she couldn't help being a little bit funny, and a little smile appeared in the pupils of Bi Ruo Qingquan Ice Lake, "A lot of things don't need to be studied deeply. The fog is scattered."

Mu Tianyin couldn't help but teased, "You don't seem to be very interested in anything, and don't care."

She is too curious and likes to go after the roots, and this man seems to have little attraction to him.

Even if the sky fell, he would only frown, and faintly oh, and then continue to be his own. Thinking of the state of Hua Zhongjin, Mu Tianyin couldn't help laughing out loud, his head buried in the flower. In the heavy brocade, his shoulders trembled lightly.

The flower's heavy brocade raised its eyebrows lightly, her thin red lips lightly opened, and she exhaled like orchids, "I didn't have it before, but now I have it."

He stared at the girl beside him, his eyes extremely focused.

The man’s eyes were too hot. After reflecting the meaning of Hua Zhongjin’s words, Mu Tianyin was taken aback for a moment, and then lifted his head from his arms. The beautiful face was not shy and pretentious. He didn't evade dodge, but accepted it calmly.

Mu Tianyin replied with Hua Zhongjin's firm eyes, and the smile on her lips deepened.

After returning from Duanhunling, something quietly changed in Mu Tianyin's heart.

To be precise, it was from the moment she looked back on the sky-climbing platform. Among the tens of thousands of people, the man saw that the man had been standing there, never leaving, and smiled at her. From then on, something was there. Quietly in her heart.

The landscape was long and dazzling, and another seven days passed.

In the past few days, Mu Tianyin came out of the cave mansion, meditated cross-legged on the bluestone at the top of Yunwu Mountain, and entered meditation, night, day, and peace, with clear ears and clear eyes, as if the tracks of the drifting stars Clearly sketched in my mind.

The disciples who crossed the path below all stopped and watched.

Even after I heard that Mu Tianyin was here for a few days, I came here to observe it. The mountain top where Mu Tianyin was sitting cross-legged was as quiet as before, but the plank road far away from the mountainside was indeed very lively.

"I haven't seen the appearance of Junior Sister Tianyin yet." This disciple couldn't help being envious when everyone talked about things in Broken Soul Ridge.

A disciple next to him said haha, with a regretful voice, "I haven't seen it yet, but it is said that you can directly turn You Qingyu into a slag, and I don't know what kind of mold You Qingyu has suffered. On this guy."

Regarding You Qingyu's various deeds, after Fang Zongzhi reported back to several venerables, he has now expelled her from the school and is no longer a disciple of Xianyuan.

The disciple chuckled, and then said, "Let's go quickly, don't disturb others."

"Look again, anyway, today's class is finished, and there is nothing to do."

A person next to him intervened, "I can tell you, that man hasn't left Xianyuan yet."


After a period of silence, the disciples gathered on the mountain plank road banged, and the birds and beasts immediately dispersed, and a dozen disciples pushed me away quickly.

Seeing the rise, they even forgot about it. They know the things about Broken Soul Ridge best. It's not a legend that many people say they don't know the authenticity, but it is a real fact.

The cruelty of that man is no longer within their comprehension!

The blue sky is like washing, the sky and the clouds linger.

Under the sky, on the top of Yunwu Mountain, the girl in the green shirt sits cross-legged, her back is as straight as a bamboo, her hands are overlapped, placed between her legs in front of her, a leaf on the palm of her hand, resting quietly With.

She closed her eyes lightly, breathing out, and she could only see the eyelashes trembling with the cool breeze on the top of the mountain.

The sun and the moon are shining, and the stars are lined up.

Ning heart calmly, feel the way of heaven.

This is indeed an excellent place to practice and meditate. Mu Cangqiang Tianyin is on the top, and the mountain spirits are on the bottom. No wonder the old man will occupy this place for him. Mu Tianyin's mouth bends and slowly opens his eyes.

"Huh—" She let out a long breath, and suddenly felt clear and clear.

After stretching for a while, Mu Tianyin jumped from the bluestone towering on the top of the mountain towards the canyon between the two peaks, and finally landed on a small square full of peach blossoms, where several disciples gestured as if Discuss spells.

"Oh, how can you be so stupid? I'm going to be mad at you. I haven't been proficient in spiritualism for a few months!"

"I really suspect that you cheated in the exam."

Apart from cultivating, these disciples were fighting each other.

The surrounding mountains and waterfalls rushed past the rocks and flowed homeopathically. It merged into a stream-like stream next to it. The surrounding flowers were like a brocade. Pieces of English fell on Mu Tianyin’s shoulders and hit her. On the cheek.

Mu Tianyin stretched out his hand to pull down the strand of blue silk sticking to the red lips, it was rare to be so comfortable.

"It's Senior Sister Tianyin!"

Accompanied by this exclamation, and the sound of the flying sword landing, the master of Xianyuan arranged his disciples according to the time of entering the garden. This group of disciples entered the garden with Mu Tianyin, and Mu Tianyin was the chief disciple. It is correct that the group of disciples call her senior sister.

"Is it is it!"

"Oh, that's true!"

Then there was a burst of fine sounds, and seven or eight gazes passed through the falling flying flowers, and they all fell on the blue-shirted girl who was walking slowly, followed by a few bangs, and the swords in everyone's hands were gone. .

"Sister Mu."

"God, Senior Sister Tianyin."

Several people greeted her in a daze.

Mu Tianyin glanced at the men and women whose sabers landed, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Is she scary? Still look fierce and evil? He doesn't seem to have three heads and six arms, as to scare people like this.

Mu Tianyin rarely had such a leisurely feeling. After nodding to them, he did not leave directly. Instead, he walked towards them, glanced at the long sword that fell on the ground, and said with a smile, "You are here. Study imperial spirits?"



Several disciples nodded flatteredly. It seemed that Mu Tianyin would take the initiative to greet them and ask them what they were doing. The thoughts of the few people were still wandering, and their eyes still stopped on Mu Tianyin's face.

"Senior Sister Mu, you, you, have you come out of retreat?" This disciple rolled your tongue for a long time before you came out, and closed your eyes after speaking, wishing to bite your tongue.

The voices of the disciples were very cautious, and even a little frightened, even in front of a few venerables, they would not be nervous like this. The girl in the pink fairy robe was even more confused.

Mu Tianyin sweated slightly on her forehead, and she was also a little embarrassed.

what happened? The atmosphere is a bit wrong.

Qiao Ling'er, wearing a pink fairy robe, stared, took a deep breath, mustered the courage to draw a smile, "Senior Sister Mu, I haven't been proficient in this magic for a long time. I always feel that something is missing. What, you, can you teach, teach me."

After speaking, she carefully looked at Mu Tianyin's expression, even holding her breath, for fear of being rejected by her.

In the practice trial of the technique, Mu Tianyin left a deep impression on many disciples, or said it was the indelible ‘trauma’, that blow.

Qiao Ling'er was even more so. She was admitted as a monk who had not yet opened her spirits. The rest of the grades were good, but the practice of magic techniques was really horrible. She had dropped to more than 200 at first, if not for the other aspects. Excellent, you can't enter Xianyuan at all.

"Of course." Mu Tianyin chuckled and waved around his fingers, and the landing flying sword jumped up and suspended in front of Qiao Ling'er, "You can practice first and show it to me."

Qiao Ling'er opened her mouth, she seemed surprised that Mu Tianyin promised to be so refreshing, or she was so surprised that she forgot to react. After recovering, she nodded like a green onion, and after a heavy hmm, she stretched out her hand to shake Live the streamer.


Qiao Ling'er was shocked, wrapped in the streamer sword and went out through the air, but she could see that her posture was a little stiff, and the eyes staring at the flying sword in the air were a bit nervous, as if she was afraid it would fall down at any time. Like.


A rock shattered, and the streamer was like a blind cat. It suddenly slammed its head into the stone and fell three points into the stone. It was just that Qiao Linger could not move anymore, no matter how she waved her hand, gritted her teeth and stomped her feet.

"Puff--" There was a puff of laughter around, and several disciples couldn't hold back.

Qiao Ling'er retracted her hand in a whisper, gritted her teeth, closed one eye and did not dare to look at Mu Tianyin. She wailed in her heart, and even lost her face to her grandma's house. Forget it usually, she was so ugly in front of Sister Mu. Not alive.

Mu Tianyin's eyebrows trembled, "This strength is pretty good."

Qiao Linger chuckled, her cheeks flushed.

The corner of Mu Tianyin's mouth bends, looking at Qiao Ling'er, who is bowing her head, she opens her lips slowly and says, "Dao Fa practice, don't rush for quick success and instant profit, comprehension of the word is the key, millions of blind practice is worse than a quiet comprehension. "

Qiao Ling'er raised her head and looked at Mu Tianyin.

Mu Tianyin put **** together, waved around gently, the streamer sword inserted in the rocks flew out, and swirled in the air with a graceful arc, just like the ribbon Lingfeng waved by a fairy, "The so-called Yuling As the name suggests, it uses monks’ spiritual power to protect things."

Not only Qiao Ling'er, but the surrounding disciples were listening carefully.

Mu Tianyin's voice is clear and powerful, like a sonorous war song, "You can't concentrate all of your attention on things. The most important thing is the unity of people, spirit, and sword. What you have to focus on is your body, not your body. Take it as a part of your body. If you have that thing in your heart, you can refer to it wherever you go if you close your eyes!"


The light sword descended from the sky, fell in front of Qiao Ling'er, cut into the ground in front of her toes, and made a sharp sound.

Qiao Ling'er blinked, her mind suddenly transparent, "That's it!"

She turned the cart before the horse, focused on the royal things during practice, and forgot to concentrate!

"Understood?" Mu Tianyin chuckled her lips and smiled.

Qiao Ling'er nodded excitedly, "Thank you, I know where I've gone."

Senior Sister Mu is really amazing. She has repeatedly practiced for thousands of years and can't enter the door. Several teachers still don't know her simplest imperial spirits well, and she is a headache. Senior Sister Mu just glanced at her and saw her. where is the problem.

"Tian Yin." The old man's low smile sounded beside him.

Mu Tianyin turned his head and looked, "Second Sovereign." Mo Xingyi touched his beard, he saw everything just now, and he was very pleased from the cheerful expression, he smiled. Nodded, "Tianyin, come here, I happen to have something to tell you."

------Off-topic ------

Oh, my backache and leg cramps, I can’t live this day~

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