Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 2 Chapter 36: : Dao Yae, the situation is moving!

Ji Mingyao floated down from the lotus platform of Slashing Dao, and her clothes were flying like a fairy Linfan, and she was full of energy. The flower pinned on her head seemed to be much brighter, making her whole posture look lovely.

"Northern Wilderness Ji's family, it really deserves its name!" The voices of emotion around it clouded up.

However, Ji Mingyao can indeed be proud.

Although the Northern Wilderness is the place where the monks of the human race are flourishing, there are strong men from various sects and many families, and a gathering of tianjiao, but there are still very few monks who can cut the foundation of the seven-fold road tower, even the head of the seven ancient families. The Ji family, the first-class power in the North Desert Desert, can also be counted with one hand.

Although the Ji family is gradually declining, and under the leadership of Ji Xuan, the hearts of the people are even more serious, and the internal struggle is extremely serious, but after all, it was one of the best families in the entire Northern Wilderness at the beginning. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and it is still able to Adhere to the first place in the seven ancient families.

Among the Ji family, there are mostly rune masters, and many of them are just mortals. Those who are both monks and rune masters are still a small number. There are even fewer disciples who are outstanding in both cultivation and runes. Ming rumors fall into this category.

Ji Mingyao was originally the key training object in the clan. She has now cut out the seven-fold Taoist pagoda and became a seven-fold Taoist Ziyan real person. She is still the root rune master of the Ji family, and she will definitely become the core disciple when she returns to the clan!

Ji Mingyao returned to Meng Chengyi with a bright eyebrow, and a little shyness that was hard to find, "Brother Yi, you must be by my side, so this time the cut will be so smooth."

Meng Chengyi chuckled and praised: "You are already great."

"Sister, you are really good, haha." Ji Chengfeng greeted him, his mouth was about to smile, his expression was similar to You Rongyan, and he did not forget to glance at the remaining person on the lotus platform, "I See what else Mu Tianyin can do to reverse it."

Even if this Mu Tianyin takes the **** luck and casts the seven-fold Tao Pagoda, it will still lose to them after the third sister. He said, everyone is blowing so hard, it is really too much, these middle-earth The monk really doesn't know how high the world is!

They just didn't make a move, and didn't want to care about these people. Now the third sister casually compared with the previous one, and immediately compared the so-called first body and spiritual root of Middle Earth.

Ji Ming said that his jaw was raised slightly, and the praise of Ji Chengfeng was received as it was, and he followed his eyes, "I said, as long as I come, I will definitely be able to do more than Mu Tianyin. it is good,"

Gu Xing'er was anxious. While worried about whether Mu Tianyin had something wrong, she was also a little bit distressed, but she also said what she said and did not take back the truth. Even if Ji Ming's rumor wins, it does not mean that she has won. The soil monk is really bad!

"Ji Ming's rumors have been completed, why has Mu Tianyin still not moved?" The surrounding cultivators were in a faint commotion.

It’s been a long time since the sunset on the west mountain. It’s only an hour or two for ordinary people to cut the Dao. Ji Mingyao is a seven-fold Daoji high tower. It took a little longer, even if Mu Tianyin did. Shouldn't it?

Hua Chongjin's expression was indifferent, and he didn't do anything special, and he couldn't see anything from him.

Gradually, everyone discovered that a very strange force was surging around Mu Tianyin. The vision did not resemble a vision, and the aura did not resemble the aura. It felt like a small whirlwind air current wrapped her body continuously rotating.

Mu Tianyin sat cross-legged, holding three Dao leaves in her hand, and the green silk fluttered with the invisible force around her. At this moment, the sweat on her forehead was flowing more intensely, like rain.

"Will Tianyin encounter any problems?" Mo Xingyi was dark and solemn.

The Nine Venerables nodded, and then shook their heads, "We only need to believe in Tianyin and wait patiently." She stomped on the black wood dragon-shaped crutch in her hand and sighed slightly, "Even if there is a problem, let us go I'm in a hurry, I can't help much."

Xiao Ruofeng's expression was calm, he seemed to have full confidence in Mu Tianyin.

The invisible wave of air dissipated, and everyone saw that Mu Tianyin’s fresh and beautiful face was pale, and the blue silk on the front of her forehead and temples was glued to the top of her side. It was a little messy and still beautiful, but It is a kind of morbid beauty.

Everyone screamed in their hearts!

I haven't seen anyone who cut Dao as if going through a ghost gate. It seems that he would vomit blood and fall down at any time. For a talent like Mu Tianyin, is it so hard to cut Dao?

If it doesn't work, don't force it, just retreat. It's good to be able to cast the seven-fold purple east, but the six-fold is also very good, and it will cause big problems to keep strong.

At sunset, the last cloud on the horizon sank into the boundless universe.

Yunwu Mountain was brightly lit, as if the stars were falling into the world, the crowds on the square in Xianyuan were surging, and the tense atmosphere had not dissipated. As time passed, it became more and more urgent.

On the Dao Slash Lotus Platform, Mu Tianyin still did not move!

Ji Mingyao got a little impatient when he waited. He stood up from his position, raised his eyebrows and glanced at the lone shadow under the sky, and drank with a deep voice, "Mu Tianyin, if it doesn't work, come down to me, this girl can I don’t have so much time with you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Mingyao felt an extremely terrifying breath sweeping over her.

Meng Chengyi pulled back Ji Mingyao's body abruptly, waved his hand to fend off that attack, and his palms were numb, unable to comfort Ji Mingyao, he raised his eyes to look at the opposite side, and said with a smile, "Your Excellency Mo Weird, the little girl is a little impulsive."

"If you talk a word of nonsense, this monarch will let you go back to the North Wilderness." The cold and compelling words came out lightly with the wind, obviously to Ji Ming's rumor.

Ji Mingyao's face turned pale, she looked dazed, and she was a little frightened. Although she cut out of the Seven-fold Dao Pagoda, and the limelight was flourishing, after all, she was still a real Zi Yan with seven-fold Dao Foundation. The attack just now, even if only Warning, but it is not something she can afford.

Meng Chengyi laughed twice, with a gentle attitude, but neither overbearing nor overbearing. "It's just a small matter. The little girl does have something wrong with her, but why should you care about a little girl like this? The little girl is a little impetuous, but not so much. There is a saying that it will hurt your life.

With that, he secretly talked about Ji Ming's rumor.

Ji Mingyao recovered, but he snorted dullly and sat down.

apologize? dream!

She is a dignified child of the Ji family, and even the head of the family is treasured. On this middle-earth land, few people can stand her apology. This man is very powerful, but he still dares to do anything to her?

Seeing Ji Ming's rumor, Meng Chengyi's smile stiffened, causing a headache.

There was a cold snort from under the crimson cloak, and the thin red lips evoked a beautiful and elegant touch, but they were harsh and compelling, "Or, do you want her Patriarch Ji to go to my fantasy sea star cloud? "

Meng Chengyi's eyes suddenly stared, Nine Thousand Demon Regions, Fantasy Sea Nebula!

Moreover, looking at the situation, this man's status in the Sea Nebula will never be low.

"Illusory Sea Nebula..." Ji Mingyao softened and almost fell from the chair, cold sweat burst out of his forehead in an instant, and his face was as pale as a ghost, even worse than Mu Tianyin's face desperately on the lotus platform Ugly.

"Illusory Sea Nebula, what is that place?" Mo Xingyi naturally heard what Hua Zhongjin said, and looked at the other venerables in a blink of an eye.

However, the other venerables all shook their heads, indicating that they did not understand.

Only the six Venerables spoke, "I have heard of this fantasy sea nebula, and I heard it from the old garden chief decades ago." Among several Venerables, there are also elders such as the Magic Sword Sect nearby. With curious eyes, he continued, "It is a force in the Nine Thousand Demon Territory, east of Ruoshui Tianhe. Because it is on a region connected to the rioting starry sky, it is called the Magic Sea Nebula. As for the others, I I don't know."

Mo Xingyi nodded thoughtfully, just muttering to himself in confusion, "How did the sound of the day know the people over there? No, there is really no way to be sure if this is a person."

Even these people don't know, even the casual cultivators around, and the disciples of the various sects.

They just looked at the expressions of Meng Chengyi and Ji Mingyao, they knew they had kicked the iron plate, everyone secretly laughed, especially those monks who had seen Ji Mingyao's arrogant and unhappy postures, they were even more happy. .

Let you pull!

Gu Xing'er laughed most happily. She was also the kind of temperament that spreads with a little color. At this moment, the corners of her mouth are almost cracking to the base of the ears. "Isn't it very arrogant just now? "

Xiao Ruofeng above looked at Gu Xing'er who was humming Chao Ji Ming's rumors, and shook his head rather helplessly.

This girl also doesn't stop for a moment.

The Middle-earth monks present here don’t know much about the nine thousand demon realms. They only know that it’s a place where groups of demons and demons gather, let alone the major forces in it. However, as the big tribe of Ji family and Meng family in the northern desert, they Know some.

After Ji Mingyao stabilized his figure, he sat up straight, his attitude was completely reversed, that beautiful face laughed brightly, "I don't know it is a fellow Taoist of Haixingyun, it is really disrespectful."

She was still unhappy with Mu Tianyin, but now there was a touch of jealousy in it, and for the man in front of her, she did not dare to show any more arrogance.

Hua Zhongjin smiled lightly, "If Tianyin is frightened and something goes wrong, I will pay you for your life."

The shallow and faint words came out slowly, his tone was very gentle, but what he said was extremely cruel, like a cold wind, a knife cut on Ji Mingyao’s throat, so that she could no longer spit out the follow-up words Come.

Meng Chengyi's complexion sank and didn't say anything.

Ji Ming rumors bit her lower lip, her indignation was overwhelming, but she no longer dared to say more, sat there silently, and intuitively told her that if she talked nonsense again, the man in front of her would be real. Take your own life.

Even if Meng Chengyi was there, he couldn't stop him at all!

Moreover, Huanhai Xingyun and the Ji family really can't afford to provoke them now. If they offend the monk there, let the Patriarch know, let alone save yourself, it is good not to tie her to apologize.

Although they weren't talking about them, everyone was silent at this time, and some people even directly covered their mouths exaggeratedly and swallowed silently.

So cruel? If Mu Tianyin is scared, he will pay for his life!

But also, for such a defiant generation of Ji Mingyao, they need to use violence to control violence, they have no such ability, but Ji Mingyao and Meng Chengyi seem to be very jealous of this mysterious man!

"Brother Cheng Yi, what's the matter with you?" Ji Chengfeng was the only one who was confused there. He was completely a nosy dude. If there weren't a Ji family disciple, would he look at him more in his sleep?

Meng Chengyi's face was a bit ugly, but he could still maintain his calmness, and only glanced at Ji Chengfeng, "Nothing, stay honest, don't worry about it."

If it was just out of preserving the face of Xianyuan and maintaining his own demeanor, and pointed to Ji Chengfeng, then Meng Chengyi is now a serious warning, and Ji Chengfeng also realizes that things seem to be more serious than he thought. , He shut up immediately, although he has no brains, he still has this look in his eyes.

Now, Ji Mingyao and the others are completely honest.

A sneer smile appeared at the corner of Gu Fenghua's mouth. Some people made a lofty gesture, saying that while others didn't know the heights of the sky, they should think about themselves.

Hua Chongjin looked away from Ji Mingyao and returned to Mu Tianyin.

Wu Yi coldly glanced at the muffled Ji Ming rumors, and hummed. Some people are so ignorant. If you bear it, you will increase your momentum. You have to push your nose and face, and you have to be hard to be honest. !

The cool mist was shallow, and the entire square in the fairy garden became quiet, and the cyan lone shadow on the lotus platform in the center became more and more conspicuous, and everyone's eyes gathered on her.

However, after waiting and waiting, there was no change.

Ji Ming rumored that his mouth was closed, but his eyes became more vicious. What if someone protects him? It must not be her defeat, but Mu Tianyin is really a bit lucky!

"What's wrong with Tianyin?" Mo Xingyi suddenly let out a panicked cry.

When Xiao Ruofeng heard the sound, his steady eyes trembled. Only Mu Tianyin's sweaty face was seen. At this time, the green and white alternated, and a black mist gushed out from time to time. Quick, it is bloodshot red again.

The Nine Masters groaned, "Oops!"

While she was talking, she had already got up from the chair, as if she wanted to make a move.

"How could this happen." Xiao Ruofeng also stood up with his master, frowning, and murmured in worry, "No, Tianyin shouldn't be so difficult."

Could it be that he was wrong? For Tianyin’s aptitude, cutting the Dao is a breeze. The Seven-fold Dao Pagoda can’t help her at all. Even if the luck is really bad, the Sixth-fold is a simple matter. How could the immortal palace be about to collapse? sign?

What did she endure?

Now it's a sign that the Spiritual Immortal Mansion is scattered!

The venerables of Xianyuan all got up, Mo Xingyi's hands trembled, as anxious as ants on a hot pot, both wanting to help, but also afraid of what might happen if they act rashly. After all, Mu Tianyin has too much Many accidents cannot be treated according to common sense.

Therefore, he could only turn his head and look at Hua Zhongjin, who was headed on the left.

It's just that Hua Zhongjin didn't squint, she didn't seem to notice Mo Xingyi's look for help, and she didn't seem to have anything to do. After seeing Mo Xingyi's short-term anxiety, she slowly calmed down.

In terms of caring, this man must be more concerned about Tianyin's situation than they do, and he also knows best. Since he doesn't do anything, it is certainly not a big problem.

Thinking of this, Mo Xingyi gave several venerable eyes a little peace of mind.

Mu Tianyin sat cross-legged on the lotus platform, her face was bright and dark, black and red, and for a while, she was so white that she didn't have the slightest blood, and she changed rapidly. It was really frightening to see. Can make her collapse immediately.


Suddenly several screams came to mind on the square, and someone screamed uncontrollably.

"Look, look, look, what's wrong!"

I saw that Mu Tianyin's eyebrows suddenly opened up at the fairy mansion, and the flesh was split. The bright red and dazzling blood dripped down her pale forehead, along the arrogant bridge of the nose and cheeks, dripping out. ,whereabouts.

Like, blood and tears!

There was a lone shadow in the black sky, as if she was going to sit down and leave in the next second.

"He--" Mo Xingyi's heart, liver and spleen trembled fiercely.

Hua Zhongjin's slender brows also wrinkled faintly, bright and dark in the blue pupils, like a sudden violent wind on the surface of the sea, and the surrounding aura ups and downs. He seemed to be unable to sit still, indicating that Mu Tianyin was real. Something went wrong.

Gu Xing'er was about to cry in a hurry, "What's wrong."

She hadn't seen anyone who cut the way into this look, what did she endure, how could it be... so miserable? Tianyin is really not doing anything normal, and if this continues, sooner or later she will be frightened.

"Sister Tianyin will die!" Someone said more directly.

However, the bleeding did not last long. There were a few bright red marks sliding down from the center of the eyebrows on the plain white cheeks, like a flower from the other bank blooming on it, giving Mu Tianyin a coquettish to the extreme. Beauty is breathtaking.


It's just that everyone hasn't let go in one breath, Mu Tianyin spit out blood!

"Ahem." Mu Tianyin's face was flushed.

Hua Chongjin stood up, and everyone stepped under the Dao-Zhandao Lotus Platform in a dazzling and inattentive time, only ten feet away from Mu Tianyin, but suddenly stopped moving and just stood there. The crimson cloak fluttered.

The dazzling red slid down from the corner of Mu Tianyin's mouth, and her cheeks became paler with the light.

Everyone took a breath, and their teeth trembled.

Moreover, I really couldn't figure it out. For Mu Tianyin, shouldn't Slash Dao be done with his hands? Why was it embarrassed to be such a bleak appearance, could it be that the so-called genius fell into the altar?

Ji Mingyao snorted coldly, don't hold on if you can't get up, shame!

It's just that, she didn't dare to say it again.

Meng Chengyi stared at Mu Tianyin. Judging from this series of reactions, Mu Tianyin's Dao cutting shouldn't be so difficult, but why is it so? There must be something wrong, or something special will happen?

Meng Chengyi's thoughts are relatively transparent, and he vaguely feels that things don't seem to be that simple.

Time passed by.

After Mu Tianyin reacted violently one after another, the state slowly stabilized again.

The night is dark, with thick ink smearing.

The shining stars above the sky echoed with the lights in the Xianyuan Mountain. The torches lit on the plank roads hovered between the peaks like dragons.


Suddenly, a flash of lightning flashed across the starry sky like silver, and the sky-shaking sound shocked everyone.


At the same time, a gust of wind surging up, dark clouds covering the moon!

The airflow around Yunwu Mountain, centered on this main peak, rapidly rotated, like a deep-sea vortex, and the crowd of monks on the square in Xianyuan was swayed by the air wave.

"Wow-wow wow -"

The fire flags danced wildly, and the fallen flowers fell like a drizzle, densely scattered.

And the center of the whirlpool is the blue shadow on the lotus platform!

Ji Ming didn't know why, "What's the matter?"

"Young Master, this little girl won't really be done!" Wu Yi stared, looked at the surrounding changes, and looked at his own Young Master. The expression that had been solemn, finally revealed The obvious surprise came.

"What happened?" Everyone was also inexplicable. While stabilizing their figures, they looked around one after another. There was a violent gust of wind, and the dark clouds in the sky were surging and rotating, and the momentum was extremely shocking.

What kind of change is this?

Looking at Mu Tianyin again, her sweat has already been dried by a gust of wind, the blue silk is lingering, and her clothes are fluttering in a mess. The beautiful face is expressionless, and several bloodstains are unusually conspicuous, making her enchanting. Confusing.

Mu Tianyin's head was clear and radiant, the slanting moon hung high, and she sat on the lotus platform, letting the surrounding wind and waves rise.

Mo Xingyi was squinted by the strong wind, because he was worried, "What's wrong again!"

He hasn't reacted yet, and almost everyone around him hasn't guessed the idea. This is not something else, but the change of heaven and earth caused by Mu Tianyin's success in cutting Dao. When the lightning pierced the ink space, It has already begun!

"Did something happen, or something serious." Only Meng Chengyi murmured.

In this noisy environment, Ji Mingyao took advantage of Hua Zhongjin’s time to take advantage of the others, and quickly hummed, "The situation is frequent, and now I am afraid that even my life will be lost. It turns out that Mu Tianyin was like this. Yes, I am ashamed to remind me to prepare well."

Ji Mingyao's tone was very sarcasm, and there was a faint color in her beautiful eyes. Fortunately, she thought that Mu Tianyin could also cut out the seven layers of Dao Foundation, but it would be a little slower than her time.

It seems that she overestimated Mu Tianyin, which is really disappointing!

Who knows, next to Meng Chengyi immediately gritted his teeth and cursed, "Ignorance!"

"Brother Yi?" Ji Mingyao turned to look at the people around him, unbelievable, is this talking about her?


Several lightning bolts rushed through the sky again, the gusty wind was blowing, the dark clouds were rolling, and heavy covering the top. An extremely terrifying force, centered on Mu Tianyin, quickly rotated to form a huge vortex, which made people look at it. Frightened.

Meng Chengyi turned his head and looked at the inexplicable Ji Mingyao, with an unprecedented awe-inspiring expression, "Mu Tianyin has succeeded in cutting the Dao, and now is the vision of heaven and earth brought out by her successful cutting!"

Ji Mingyao was shocked by Meng Chengyi's cold expression, but still didn't understand, "What is this abnormality?" She glanced at Mu Tianyin, her aura was indeed a bit scary, but she didn't have the aura of success.

"During the period of the Three Emperors, there was also a person who had such an abnormality when he cut the Dao." Meng Chengyi stared at the blue shadow projected by the sky light, and in the eyes of Ji Mingyao who did not know why, he continued slowly. "That person, like your Ji family's rune avenue ancestor, is one of the three emperors!"

"Wha, what do you mean." Ji Mingyao seemed to understand, and a bad premonition surged in his heart.

The ancestor of Rune Avenue, His Excellency Human Emperor Fuxi, is equally famous with him, one is the Nine Heavens God Emperor, and the other is the Eastern Demon Emperor. By the way, when the Demon Emperor cuts the Dao, it seems to be the Eightfold Daoji!


Ji Mingyao stared at him, revealing horror.

"Dao Bazhong, the situation is moving!" An old man in the Magic Sword Sect suddenly shouted.

The venerables of Xianyuan walked to the edge of the high platform in a few steps, and their eyes were shocked. After a short time of surprise, they also thought of the rumor, but they were out of it by the elder of the Magic Sword Sect before they spoke. By mouth.

Xi has the Eastern Emperor Sutra, and Dao Pagoda cast eight layers!

The Eightfold Dao Pagoda against the sky, among the recorded immortal books, is the only one from the nine thousand demon realms!

"Could it be that Tianyin cultivates the Eastern Emperor's Sutra?" Mo Xingyi was shocked by the speculation in his own heart. The foundation of the Eightfold Dao Pagoda that is not tolerated by the will of the world is purely walking against the sky and the earth.

Once cast, it will cause the world to change!

Ji Mingyao's face was pale and speechless.

However, Mu Tianyin was still sitting there, as if she didn't mean to get up.

From the inside, it can be seen that in the left center of Mu Tianyin's clear and bright Lingtai Immortal Mansion, the white Taoist pagoda that rises from the sky is not eight layers, but nine layers! On the right, the black tower stands tall, and after a few breaths of the vision, Jiuzhongtian suddenly solidified into the essence of the avenue.

The next second that the Nine Heavens of the Black Tower solidified, a loud bang burst out of the air, and the black sky was stunned, and the thunderclouds began to gather at a crazy speed!


An exclamation sounded in the square in the Xianyuan. The crowd centered on Mu Tianyin, and they retreated in horror. No one knew what had happened, but if they didn't leave quickly, they would definitely be dead!

Mo Xingyi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, "Thunder Tribulation!"

How can there be thunder robbery in Zhandao! ?

------Off-topic ------

Ah, I was in Sanya. After a few days of unlucky luck, I sat up in shock from a dying illness. After recovering, I realized that the monthly ticket had been swept out of the list by wind and waves. Dear friends, you need chicken blood in the rain, and you need a ticket to transfer. ! Go and go! Begging!

Monthly tickets full of four hundred two-shift, two-shift, two-shift! The important thing is said three times!

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