Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 2 Chapter 42: : Swallow the sky sleeve jug!

The thing in Ji Minghua's hand is the Swallowing Armor!

To be precise, it is the Sky-Sweeping Sleeve Water Tank, which can hold hundreds of millions of square meters of water. It is a half-step sacred treasure of the Dharma. It was left by an old ancestor of the Ji family, and it is also Ji Minghua’s most heart-warming magic weapon. Seeing that it only contains a small half of it now, but not to mention the small three mountains and five parts, it is a big city like Luanfengcheng, if it is not guarded, it will be devastated!

As a result, a few waves overturned, and the entire Qingshan tribe was instantly flooded.

"Stop it!"

When Mu Tianyin arrived, what he saw was a scene that made people's eyes crack open.

But Ji Minghua had exhausted his patience before, and even if Mu Tianyin came out at this time, he heard her cold drink, and had no intention of stopping.

"Mu Tianyin, you are only appearing now. My son is telling you that it's too late!" Ji Minghua held the Sky Swallowing Cuff, and the gentle and elegant face was full of shades, the light and shadow rushing towards the distance. sneer.

The miserable cries below rang out, and Mu Tianyin's eyes showed an unprecedented cruel color. Between the electric light and flint, the green hand on his wrist broke out and flew towards the black pot in Ji Minghua's hand.

"A self-righteous thing." Ji Minghua is a real Zi Yan in the late stage of the opening of spirits, a full period higher than Daoji, so even though Mu Tianyin is a nine-fold Daoji, Ji Minghua still doesn't care about it.

It's just that Ji Minghua's words have not yet finished, and the hand holding the Sky-Sweeping Sleeve Jug was struck with a sharp pain by the green tea coming out of the sky!

At the night banquet of the Dayan Dynasty, more than a dozen old things in the Luoxia Pavilion who were real Ziyans, and even those with the stage of transforming gods, were knocked out by Mu Tianyin with this object, not to mention they were Ji Minghua, although talented, is still in the spiritual stage after all.

An underestimate was hit hard for nothing.


Ji Shu suddenly let out a ghost cry, but it wasn't that Ji Minghua was beaten by Mu Tianyin.

It was only when that green tuck hit Ji Minghua's wrist, the moment he passed by, the swallowing sleeve water tank in his hand disappeared out of thin air, as if he had been eaten by something.

Ji Minghua stiffened, and couldn't even take care of the pain on his wrist, "What about my sleeve water tank!" In a moment, Ji Minghua's pupils turned red.

Is a half-step all sacred period so inexplicably gone?

In the Qingshan tribe below, after a few flood waves, the whole thing seemed to be fished out of the water, but fortunately, even if Mu Tianyin stopped, those huge waves and peaks flowed down the mountain range to the lower part and soon dispersed. Drive.

Coupled with the fact that the young and old of the tribe are all familiar with water, it did not cause much casualties.

It's just that everyone was frightened, one by one, hugged tremblingly, staring at the two Ji family up in the sky in fear, for fear that the horrible scene just appeared again.


Gu Jun also choked on several salivas, but it didn't matter. At this time, Mu Tianyin was both happy and scared. What's happy is that they are saved. What's afraid is that this group of people is so fierce, I don't know if she can handle it.

Mu Tianyin quickly observed the situation below and was a little relieved.

As for the situation where the sleeve water tank in Ji Minghua's hand disappeared out of thin air, Mu Tianyin herself didn't know what was going on, her eyes flashed, she waved back to Green Zhuo, and after the will connected with it felt something, her eyes flashed quickly. After a touch of polish.

Turning her wrists, the Tuntianxiu water bottle appeared in her hand, "Are you looking for this."

Her tone was cold and bitterly cold.

Ji Minghua fixed his eyes. As for the girl in the green shirt, there was an uncontrollable flash of surprise in his eyes, but he couldn't suppress the fire in his heart. The voice of his opening was a gentle gloomy, as if he was confident, The son's things are still coming."

After speaking, he squinted his eyes sharply and looked at Lu Zhuo on Mu Tianyin's wrist, realizing a very amazing thing.

Something, actually put his half-step all sacred artifacts away!

Mu Tianyin was surprised at the discovery that Lu Zhuo was able to eat baby, but at the same time he was very satisfied, but it didn't matter if he could eat it, and now he was even good at eating it, which is considered complete.

"I want to see if you have the abilities, come and get it yourself." Mu Tianyin held the swallowing sleeve water tank in her hand, raised her chin, her tone was cold, and slowly came out with the cold mountain breeze around her.

Ji Minghua sighed, the treasure was already in the hands of others, and he didn't seem to be much flustered, and slowly said, "Mu Tianyin, is it a little dizzy to be praised by everyone these days? You can't talk nonsense about this. Wrong, but there is a price to pay."

"This girl also tells you that there are things that you have to pay for!" Mu Tianyin meant that Ji Minghua had flooded the Three Mountains and Five Branches, and there was a deeper meaning for him to experience.

Ji Minghua didn't talk nonsense with her, and explained it all in a light tone, "Mu Tianyin, you are a smart person, we are also straight to the point, to put it plainly, in fact, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to drip into this muddy water, let alone. Against my Ji family for a group of mortals."

Mu Tianyin said long, "What do you mean?"

"I know that the "Fu Xi Baojian" stolen by Ji Heng is in your hands, and the "Fu Ling Tianxia" of my Ji family" Ji Minghua said very positively, as if it were the same.

Mu Tianyin raised his eyebrows, Grandpa stole it? Ji Xuan's line really turned black and white, this person regarded her as a three-year-old child.

Ji Minghua looked at Mu Tianyin who didn’t make a difference, and continued, “This shouldn’t have been what you got. If you return the sleeve water tank and obediently hand over the other two things, I won’t pursue you for helping Ji Heng before. How about all the grievances and grievances that went against my Ji family were wiped out."

He speaks of having discussions, which is rarely the case.

Ji Xuan was originally a united expatriate. The traitor killed Ji Heng’s father before ascending to the position of the head of the Ji family. His name was not righteous. In addition, the treasure of the Lianzhen family and the family code were lost together. Sitting in that position, he has been in a shaky state. This is why he has been chasing Ji Heng for decades and never let go.

Fuxi Baojian and Fu Ling Tianxia are equivalent to the paternal treasure!

If Ji Heng took things back, he might be supported by other clan veterans and become the new Patriarch, but he didn't have the courage and courage, and could not stand Ji Xuan's persecution, so he kept hiding.

It's just that the situation is a little different now. If these two things really fall into the hands of Mu Tianyin, a genius runemaster, and then Ji Heng's approval, it would be entirely logical to sit on the position of Patriarch!

Therefore, Ji Minghua had to be jealous in this regard.

"Yes." Mu Tianyin said.

Ji Minghua sneered an idiot in his heart. After he was sure that the two things were really on her, how could he save her life!

It's just that Mu Tianyin calmly stared at the opposite person, and the corner of his mouth twitched with a smile, but he said, "But you have to wait. I don't have the two things you want. I have to Look for it again."

"You!" Ji Minghua realized that Mu Tianyin was playing tricks on herself.

Ji Shu was also a little annoyed, "The yellow-mouthed child is arrogant, toasting and not eating fine wine. It seems that there is no blood today. You don't know how good it is!" Step up to Ji Minghua's side. Nonsense, it is important to retrieve Fuxi Baojian."

"Stay back." This was to Ji Shu, Ji Minghua sneered, "My son is going to see today, what kind of magic is this genius miracle in Zhongtu Xianyuan."

Without giving Mu Tianyin any more time to defend her, her five fingers came out into claws, and she teleported to Mu Tianyin's body, heading directly towards the Tuntian sleeve in her hand!

Teleportation can be more than a few miles in an instant, the ability that can only be possessed by reaching the spiritual opening period.

But Mu Tianyin's reaction speed was not slow, and as soon as he moved his consciousness, he filled the sleeve water tank back into the Lingtai Immortal Mansion. In an instant, a spirit energy wrapped in a small red sword suddenly emerged.


The scarlet sword was connected to Ji Minghua's palm, and there was a piercing knock.

Little Chijian was a Ziyan spirit tool tricked from Qi Huang Lao Dao. Given Mu Tianyin's current strength, it was handy to use, but it still failed to cause any harm to Ji Minghua.

The people of the Qingshan tribe below were all eyelids jumping wildly.

"The frog at the bottom of the well, I don't know how high and thick the sky is." Ji Minghua snorted, his whole body was shocked, so carrying the impact of the small red sword, forced Mu Tianyin back ten feet away.

Mu Tianyin looked at the people of the Qingshan tribe below in a panic, his eyes flashed slightly, and his figure quickly retreated. Finally, the little Chijian split into dozens of pieces, and Qi Qi banged towards Ji Minghua.

Taking advantage of this time, she turned and ran!

"I want to escape." Although Ji Shu didn't intervene, he still kept an eye on her.

Ji Minghua didn't spend much effort at all. He blocked all the red swords that had been killed in the surroundings, looked at the back of the girl who was fleeing in front, gave a sneer, and then strode out, like a cat teasing a mouse, teleporting to chase him away.

"Mu Tianyin, don't waste any effort, you can't run away today." Ji Minghua said gloomy.

Mu Tianyin stopped in the sky above the red stone forest flying over the wilderness, and slowly turned around to meet Ji Minghua who was coming soon. The two stood opposite each other, with an invisible smoke rising from between.

Ji Minghua said in a leisurely tone, "Don't run away?"

"Don't you tell me everything, can't I run away." Mu Tianyin replied.

"Then you want to give up now?" Ji Minghua looked at the heroic and brave girl in green shirt, her eyes flickering.

If it weren't for Fuxi Baojian to let her take a peek, it would be a good idea to bring her back to Ji's house and have fun by her side, but in this case, my father would definitely not allow it. What a pity!

Mu Tianyin's red lips lightly twitched, "As a great family of the Seven Ancients of the Northern Wilderness, how did Tang Tang Ji's bully a weak woman?"

Ji Shu glanced at Mu Tianyin, weak woman?

"What do you want to say." Ji Minghua said bluntly.

Mu Tianyin looked at the man in Chinese clothes on the opposite side, a cold and sharp light flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he said, "Do you dare to stand alone with me, regardless of life or death, no one else is allowed to interfere!"

Ji Minghua squinted his pupils, fixedly looking at the girl who was standing in the wind opposite.

------Off-topic ------

I got home from the airport at nine o'clock. I was so busy that I would pinch a little bit more and make more money tomorrow! ↗

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