Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 1: : Entering the Northern Wilderness, Falcon Tribe!

The vast expanse of yellow sand desert, in which there are countless oasis areas, just one area can stretch for thousands of miles, if a mortal person, he will not be able to cross his whole life, even a monk, it will take several years.

Under this yellow sand desert, there are countless treasures buried in the Tomb Raider, and there are also some immortals and devil secrets from ancient times. This is one of the reasons why the various immortals of the human race are most prosperous.

On this land, there are countless immortal gates, and they continue to rise and decline over time, and there are only a dozen first-class forces at the top.

Seven ancients, four cases!

Three factions, one house!

All of these dozens of forces are millions of years old.

It even originated from the ancient times of all saints. For example, the Yao Palace referred to by the first palace has a great relationship with the Holy Mother Wa emperor. It is also a descendant of the Emperor Fuxi than the Ji family, one of the seven ancient surnames!

Among these forces, Zhen Zi Yan has nearly a thousand people, and hundreds of people in the Dao Tribulation Period. The talented disciples are like the crucian carp, the emperor, the emperor, and the saint of Dao. Someone.

Looking down from above the universe, the vast and endless land, embellished with verdure, five steps one point, ten steps one continent, occupies an extremely important part of the vast and ancient land.

This is the North Desert Desert!

The prosperous Terran monks!

There is a small oasis, dusty on this vast land, almost completely ignored.

There is only one small town, and there is only one inn in the town. It is not small, but it is a bit old and weather-beaten. On weekdays, almost no one visits, but two or three.

Today, this inn is extremely lively.

People come and go, there are no empty seats.

Moreover, most of them are monks!

"Boss, come here with a pot of tea!"

"Okay, wait a minute--"

The mortals living in this remote town haven't seen such battles, and they have taken refuge early. Only the clerk of the owner of this inn can't run away, and they can't be busy inside and out.

However, many cultivators have almost passed the period of opening the house, and they almost don't need to buy any grains. They seem to come here to rest temporarily, and seem to be waiting for something.

In a good place next to the window, there is a little boy sitting in a bamboo-blue robe. His profile is cool and beautiful, and his facial features are impeccably curved, as if he was crafted by nature. Become.

He was sitting by the window with a small cup of tea, his posture relaxed.

"Brother, there is no one next to you, right?" Suddenly a wretched man walked up to the young man in a bamboo green robe, rubbing his hands, swallowing his saliva, and staring at the handsome man.

The little boy hummed, "No one."

"Why don't you mind putting up the table." The wretched guy didn't wait for the little boy to agree, so he sat down and sat down beside the little boy with carelessness, and leaned hard against him.

"Where did this fellow Daoist come from?" The big man laughed enthusiastically, but his eyes flashed with wretched light, "I see you with a pretty face, and you are a person, unlike this one. Brother."

The little boy frowned and slowly turned his face looking out the window.

Who is Mu Tianyin?

After nearly two months, traversing thousands of mountains and rivers, Mu Tianyin came to the waterside town in the northern desert. Seeing this lively place, he also came here. In a crowded place, news circulates. The faster it is.

When she first arrived here, she naturally wanted to quickly integrate into the environment here.

As for Mu Tianyin's dressing up for men's clothing, one is for convenience, and the most important thing is to avoid Ji's eyes and ears.

Because of Ji Minghua and the treasure of the Ji family town, Ji Xuan must have sent a lot of people to look for Mu Tianyin's trail, whether it was overly or secretly. She arrived in the Northern Wilderness and their place again, so she naturally had to be more careful.

But I didn't expect that Mu Tianyin was all dressed up as men's clothing, but he still provokes bad luck.

Mu Tianyin only glanced at the big man faintly, and her red lips were slightly cool.

She ignored it and turned her head in silence.

"Hey—" The Chinese language suddenly became dissatisfied, and his tone rose, but Chao Mu Tianyin got closer and closer, "I said you little brother, why are you so impolite? I'm talking to you!"

Many people around saw the situation here, but each had its own business and talked about its own topics, turning a blind eye, and seemed not ready to intervene to help.

Hit it, and think it's bad luck!

It's just that I'm sorry for such a handsome little boy, but it's no wonder that the handsome is so grueling, even a man can't help being tempted, but it's okay to run into such a messy place alone, why?

Mu Tianyin was helpless, and put down the teacup in his hand.

"I'll play with Big Brother, it's good for you." Looking at Mu Tianyin, the wretched man almost drained his mouth.

His salty pig hand kept groping and stretched out towards Mu Tianyin, "It's your honor to talk to you, you don't know how to promote it, do you know, ah--"

The words that hadn't been finished yet ended up in pain.

"what's the situation?"

The people around looked around.

Mu Tianyin clasped the hand that touched her shoulder and stood up slowly, her eyes cold as profound ice.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let go! let me go!" the wretched man felt that his wrist was about to be broken.

Mu Tianyin sneered at him coldly, "Isn't this just paying attention to you? What the **** is it?"

Seeing this situation, the surrounding monks exchanged glances with their companions, keeping secret.

Mistaking the tiger as a white rabbit, this seems to be kicked to the nail board!

That big bald man should be a Taoist monk, but was completely restrained by a yellow-haired boy with his hand, unable to use the slightest amount of spiritual power. Could that boy be a real Zi Yan?

If it is true, it is definitely a disciple of the Dazu!

"Damn brat, don't let me go, I must make you very ugly!" The fat-faced wretched man gritted his teeth threateningly, his complexion was pale in pain, and his whole body was trembling.

Mu Tianyin raised her eyebrows, "Okay."

Before he finished his words, he loosened his hands, but then he bent his knees and kicked his legs and kicked him on his fat belly, causing the wretched man to throw a dog to the ground.

The surrounding monks turned their heads away and couldn't bear to look directly.

"You, you—" The big man fell with a bruised nose and swollen face. He raised his head and looked at Mu Tianyin. Two of his front teeth were missing. His speech was vague and he looked funny.

"What's wrong with me?" Mu Tianyin smiled with red lips, bent his knees and kicked again, kicking him on his stomach, knocking his strong body to the ground and kicking him out of the inn gate.

The eyes of the surrounding monks followed the big man, drawing a large parabolic arc in the air, and after he fell far away, they fell back to Mu Tianyin one after another.

Good guy, this kid is hidden!

Mu Tianyin clapped his hands, sat back in his position, and his ears were finally clear.

This small episode caused more people to notice the Junxiu young man in a bamboo-blue robe. On the other side by the window, a person had been paying attention to Mu Tianyin.

Moreover, it started when she came in.

The eyes were warm, and the long blue shawl hair made the man's silhouette more elegant.

Mu Tianyin didn't notice there. After sitting down, he took a sip of the tea in his hand and continued to turn his head to look out of the window. He didn't even notice that anyone was watching him intently.


Someone next to the blue-haired man spoke, but it was an old man with a crane.

The man raised his hand to stop the old man's words and nodded.

After looking at Mu Tianyin again, he slowly stood up in the urging eyes of the old man, and led the start to walk outside the inn, his long aqua-blue hair hanging down to his ankles, and blowing into the inn. The wind lifted gently.

That wind-like temperament seemed to be everywhere, and after leaving, it didn't seem to attract everyone's attention.

When Mu Tianyin turned his head away, what he saw was a back that looked like water indifferently.

this person?

Mu Tianyin blinked, eyes deep.

The people in the inn came and went, and within a short while, a group of people rushed in. The leader was a man in red armor, about 20 years old, with a dark face, but handsome features.

After he walked in, he looked around for a moment, then pinpointed Mu Tianyin's position, took two steps in one step, and then walked over a few steps. Seeing that there was another person there, he smiled and greeted, "Little brother, Alone."

After hearing this familiar sentence, the monks around Mu Tianyin trembled.

Just left, come again?

However, the entire inn seems to be the only place left there.

"Fortunately meeting." Long Li clasped his fists and hehe.

While talking, he was very rude, and sat down beside Mu Tianyin with his butt, and filled himself with two sips of tea on the table, and finally he let out a long hey comfortably.

Mu Tianyin's eyebrows trembled, she was speechless.

"Young Master, it should be this place, but the patriarch and others don't seem to have arrived yet." Several of Long Li's followers were wearing tiger-print leather jackets, and they looked mighty.

Long Li looked around again, "I know."

"It's just that we arrived first, and it's not far from here. It only took a long time." The attendant muttered.

Long Li nodded, "It's okay, I don't think everyone is moving."

"Maybe someone has sneaked away." Another attendant said.

Mu Tianyin drank the tea in his mouth silently, listened to a few people's conversations, and got a general idea. The monks gathered here before were discussing it. It seems that there is something around here that would attract so many monks to come. .

Long Li's extraordinary face was stained with boredom. He looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Mu Tianyin's body, his eyes flashed, and he was a little puzzled, "Little brother, you are also here for treasure hunting. But how come you are alone?"

He just said hello, and now he asked seriously, with a hint of care in his tone.

"Treasure hunt?" Mu Tianyin shook his head to meet Long Li's gaze, "I just passed by here."

"It turned out to be like this." Long Li nodded thoughtfully, and then he smiled, "A cultivator, meeting is fate. Fortunately, my name is Long Li. I am a monk from the Falcon Tribe a hundred miles away."

This is the edge of the Northern Wilderness near Middle-Earth, called Seventy-two Continents, 108!

The more than one hundred tribes distributed on these fringe oases, including dozens of people, some hundreds of thousands of people, and even giant tribes with hundreds of thousands of people, are messy, but they should not be underestimated. .

The difference from the Middle-earth tribe is that among these tribes, there are many monks.

Even more than half of some tribes are monks!

The Falcon tribe where Longli is located belongs to one of the most powerful tribes.

Mu Tianyin stared at Long Li, who was curious, and slowly opened her lips, "My name is Mu..." She hesitated a little, her eyes gradually deepened, and finally she slowly uttered the word'Jin'.

"Mu Jin." Long Li grinned, "Good name!"

His healthy complexion makes him look unusually energetic, "Little Brother Mu, if I have time, I can visit my Falcon Tribe as a guest, and I will definitely welcome him."

What Long Li said was not a polite remark, some intersects, just relying on the two words of eye-friendliness, the so-called hitting it off.

"You're polite." Mu Tianyin smiled, her eyes moved slightly, and she became a little interested in what Long Li just mentioned, "But Big Brother Long, what do you mean by treasure hunt?"

Long Li said, "You said this."

He didn't hide it at all, but his handsome face was stained with mysterious colors. "A few days ago, a strange wind hit 72 Continents. After the wind stopped, a tomb was found outside the Wild Wolf Tribe. It seems to be from the real Zi Yan during the Dao Tribulation Period."

"Dao tomb?" Mu Tianyin understood.

Powerful and powerful people gathered on the northern desert desert soil, and many of them fell naturally. The tombs of these powerful people are the most precious gathering places. No wonder these people are so excited and gathered here.

"That's not just that." Long Li looked at Mu Tianyin with a calm and calm expression.

After slowing down, he continued, "Later it was discovered that this was not an ancient tomb, but a group of tombs. It was estimated that there were thousands of tombs, all of which were blown out by the strange wind from under the yellow sand!"

"Thousands of tombs?"

Mu Tianyin was completely energetic now.


Long Li nodded solemnly and wrinkled his brows, "Moreover, the wind is strange. These ancient tombs are even more weird. Some people suspect that it is the place where the ancient clan sits and dies."

"It's really a bit strange." Mu Tianyin nodded lightly.

Long Li seemed to be a little interested in seeing Mu Tianyin, so he invited, "Brother Mu, if you have nothing to do in a hurry, why don't you come and have a look with me?"

After he finished speaking, he didn't forget to pat his chest as a pledge, "Don't worry, brother, I will protect you, as long as there is my Long Li, I will definitely not let you have trouble."

"Young Master!"

The few followers next to him disagree with Long Li's idea very much. This ancient tomb is the most dangerous place. They dare not follow after they have not reached the cut, and they can't handle it. How can they bring a burden?

No, I can't say that people are a burden.

One of the elders hurriedly winked at Long Li: You are not harming others.

Look at this little boy as delicate as a piece of fragile jade, where is the lord who can go to those places? I'm afraid that it was the little son of your family who ran out secretly. They took those places. If something happens, who is responsible?

Mu Tianyin narrowed her eyes, "It doesn't matter what matters."

The Ji family is now aiming all the spearheads at herself. Grandpa will be fine for the time being. She is not in a hurry to go to the Ji family. She originally planned to improve her strength and find a way to get closer to the Ji family step by step.

The elder behind Long Li said in his heart and bowed his head helplessly.

"That's right!" Long Li was a little excited.

Mu Tianyin looked at Long Li, raised his hand and bowed together, jokingly, "Then please take care of Long Brother."

"This is natural."

Long Li fully agreed, but he didn't expect to reverse it afterwards.

Suddenly, there was a strange sound, like an eagle hissing in the air.

"It should be my father and they are here." Long Li heard the special voice of the Falcon Tribe summoning the tribe, and got up excitedly, "Little Brother Mu Jin, let's go and see what's going on."

Mu Tianyin got up and followed, and the cultivators in the inn were also ready to leave.

Not far from the inn, Long Li joined the large forces of the Falcon Tribe.

The Falcon Tribe is one of the top giant tribes in the Seventy-two Continents and 108 of them. The entire tribe has a total of hundreds of thousands of people, and there are as many as five or six hundred monks, and there are about 40 or 50 people on this trip There are as many as a dozen real Zi Yan.

The rest are at least at the beginning!

Mu Tianyin only felt it for a while, and knew it in his heart. He had to feel that the water in the Northern Desolation Fruit was really deep, but a tribe in the marginal area had such strength, almost equivalent to a fairy gate in Middle Earth.

At the forefront is a man looking at fifty or sixty. He has a rough outline. He is also the number one master of the Falcon tribe, the Taoist Yang Spirit. Now he is the real Ziyan in the early stage of the Dao Tribe and is also the only Dao Tribe in the Falcon Tribe. Monk.

"Father, this is Mu Jin, a little brother I just met." Long Li introduced to his father Long Yi.

Five heavenly realms: Daoji, Enlightenment, Transformation, Breaking the Army, Daojiao!

Mu Tianyin is now the real Zi Yan of the Nine Layers of Daoji, but if her aura is reduced, even the saint can't easily see her strength, but the Falcon Tribe hardly pays attention to her.

Mu Tianyin nodded, "Hello."

Long Yi only glanced at Mu Tianyin faintly, and nodded at her, but he was obviously not in contact with Long Li. After greeted him, he kept his eyes open and continued to inquire about the surrounding situation, "Tell me again. "

A clan elder next to him continued, "It's not much different from the news we received before, and some clues have been revealed. There are probably nearly a thousand in this film..."

"Little brother Mu, don't mind, father is just this serious look." Long Li explained Long Yi's coldness.

Mu Tianyin smiled and didn't mind.

"Let's go, let's go to the meeting with the wild wolf first. They should be more aware of the specific situation." Long Yi looked up and looked forward. Not far away, he could see a long emerald green line, which was the domain of the wild wolf tribe.

Numerous monks rose up from the sky, and headed towards the other side.

The monks gathered in this area also all started to take action. These were tribe monks from the 72 Continents. They seemed to be starting out when they saw several big tribes, and they hurried to follow.

Because the wild wolf tribe occupies this small oasis area with roots, in the entire 72 continents, it is the most resource-rich area, and they naturally become the largest tribe.

The strength of many monks is a bit higher than that of the Falcon tribe!

"Lao Yi--" Xue Hong of the Wild Wolf tribe laughed and called out when he saw the visitor, "Finally, I've been here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time, please come inside."

It's just that the tone of voice looks warm. If you discern it carefully, you can hear a bit of superiority. If you go deeper and more carefully, you can still find a faint smell of gunpowder smoke.

Whether it is fighting for territorial resources or talents, the Falcon Tribe is their strongest opponent, how can it be truly harmonious?

Long Yi also maintained the surface peace and nodded.

"This must be Young Master Long Li." Xue Hong saw the dark sun on the side of Long Yi's back, and the handsome and extraordinary man accurately guessed his identity.

After he finished speaking, he said, "This is the first time I have seen me, the first genius in 72 Continents, really heroic."

At only twenty-five years old, it has reached the spiritual opening period!

Long Yi's face was calm, "I'm not talented, I'm sorry."

"Haha, I'm telling the truth. Those sons of mine are really unbelievable. If this young man had the slightest consciousness, I wouldn't be so worried." A dark hate flashed in Xue Hong's eyes.

Long Li is a straight person, and his face can't hide his emotions.

He doesn't like the Wild Wolf Tribe and others, so even if he sees Xue Hong's enthusiasm, he still has a lukewarm expression. When Xue Hong constantly praises him, he still winks at Mu Tianyin beside him. .

"It's you!"

Suddenly a figure came out from behind Xue Hong, but the spear was directed at the person beside Long Li.

"Wow, I was thinking about looking for you, but you came to the door by yourself." The burly figure rushing out of Xue Hong's side, was it in the inn that was kicked by Mu Tianyin and vomited blood. The wretched man flying out.

Xue Shan was very angry, "You kid dare to appear in front of me to die!"

After Mu Tianyin was surprised for a short time, the corners of his mouth were drawn with a shallow arc, "What a coincidence."

"Little Brother Mu?" Long Li didn't know why.

Didn't Mu Jin just pass by here? Look at the appearance of Xue Shan wishing to eat him, what deep hatred did the two have?

------Off-topic ------

Ah, I’m Cavinka and my head is about to explode recently, and why is everyone so quiet these days for Mao? Makes my back a little hairy...

Jiangzi, give Chuyu some more motivation!

Don't ask for anything in the rain! Seek motivation and leave a message!

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