Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 11: : Animal head gold!

The strange stone was cut open, the light was dazzling, and the people around them also turned their heads away. From such a battle, it is estimated that the secret road should be a big treasure, only this momentum is stronger than the previous few times.

"Elder Ji is really amazing."

"Yeah, you are worthy of being a member of the Ji family. This is the skill of exploring the heaven and earth Daowen.


Before seeing that thing clearly, everyone praised Ji Nanfeng.

The smile on Ji Nanfeng's face widened, and he sneered again and again, "Boy, the old man has been looking for a stone for hundreds of years, and he has almost never missed his hand. Do you think this thing can be determined by your random speculations!"

"It's true that it can't be determined by the mouth. You have to use your brain." Mu Tianyin stretched out her hand to block it, and the golden light shined through her fingers, reflected in her black pupils, reflecting the incomprehensible colors. .

She chuckled and continued, "I haven't seen anything clearly yet, is it too early for the elder to say this?"

Ji Nanfeng didn't expect that the tone of the boy in front of him remained unchanged. He was taken aback for a moment, and then barked his teeth in anger, "What a brat who knows no height, the old man will let you understand today!"

He whispered and turned and waved away the cracked stone skin.

At this time, the light of the things wrapped in the gray high stone gradually converged, the cracked stone skin rustled off, and the contents inside revealed its clear outline.

The pure golden things, about the size of a basin, gleamed under the light of the sky, magnificent.

"Wow, what baby is this!"

"so beautiful!"

The people around started to marvel, but they were all unknown people. Those experts of stone quality remained silent at this time and looked at Ji Nanfeng from time to time.

Ji Nanfeng's complexion was even more weird. His old face trembled, his beard twitched fiercely, like a palette of colorful changes, he froze there without any movement.

Mu Tianyin coughed, walked forward slowly, looked at the thing that was stripped from the gray strange stone, and groped his chin, "The color is pure, the light is dazzling, and the quality is good. It is about five or six kilograms of weight. foot."

Mu Tianyin nodded solemnly, um, and concluded, "It is indeed a rare piece of animal head gold." After she finished speaking, she specifically looked at Ji Nanfeng and added, "Look at this look like a tiger or jackal. leopard."

When she was in Xianyuan, Mu Tianyin squatted in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion without eating or drinking for nearly a month, and then ran there when she had time. She was not a joke.

With her unforgettable ability, plus she is a rune master, it is too simple to distinguish this thing.

"What, is animal head gold?"

The people watching the excitement expressed doubts and showed surprise expressions.

Even if you say it is beast gold, it is still the most common beast gold of wild mountain beasts!

Can Ji Nanfeng look away like this?

In the ancient land, ordinary gold and silver are not valuable. It is very common. The beast head metal is a more special kind. It is a kind of fossil formed after all beasts die and buried in the ground for thousands of years. For beast head gold.

Unless it is a wild beast, or the bones of monsters such as ancient divine beasts, other beast heads are of no value. Those with beautiful light can still be used as a display, just like the one that Ji Nanfeng dug out.

It can be worth 10,000 spiritual stones at most!

"How could it be the most common animal head gold?" Everyone didn't believe it.

Mu Tianyin chuckled her lips and walked slowly to Ji Nanfeng, complimenting him, "Elder Ji, you are a senior, and your eyesight must be better than me. You said I was right?"

Ji Nanfeng's eyes swept towards Mu Tianyin, and he couldn't bear it, "Smelly boy, don't get into it!"

"A good inch?" Mu Tianyin was surprised, "Where did Elder Ji start?"

Ji Nan was barking his teeth, and there were already signs of violent beating.

Mu Tianyin blinked and looked at the shiny piece of gold carefully, wondering, "Is it because I missed it? This thing is not animal head gold, but a good treasure."

"Shut up!" Ji Nanfeng became angry from embarrassment.

In this way, even people who don't understand it anymore can see some clues from Ji Nanfeng's windy and rainy expression, it is really a piece of animal head gold... It's still a piece of animal head gold that doesn't drip too much.

An old man next to him touched his beard and said a fair word, "This little boy is right, and judging from this shape, it should be the gold of a mountain tiger, but fortunately the weight is quite substantial."

The old man clearly told the truth, but Ji Nanfeng's old face was several times uglier than before.

"I guess..." The old man groaned with his beard, and finally said, "It's worth eight thousand spirit stones."


There was an uproar around, everyone looked at each other.

"This kid, are you right?"


Ji Nanfeng really missed it!

The strange stones of the Canghai Relics are sold for one 500,000 spiritual stones. Ji Nanfeng cut out a piece of beast head gold. Although it can be worth thousands of spiritual stones, it is a total loss compared with the purchase price. It makes no difference.

"Haha." Someone next to him immediately reassured him, "Elder Ji just missed a moment, everyone has things, don't mind too much, we all know, right?"


"Yeah, that kid was just lucky, the blind cat ran into a dead mouse."

People around followed haha.

Whether it's right or not, just continue to flatter, the Ji family can't afford it!

But everyone's comfort didn't seem to work, and Ji Nanfeng's expression became deeper and deeper.

It's true that people miss their hands and horses miss their feet. It's really not a big deal to look at other times, but when arguing with people, the opponent is still a hairy boy who doesn't see him at all.

How can it be okay?

It's *naked face slap!

Mu Tianyin spread both hands and did not express any opinions.

Later, she would like to find out if there is anything worth buying, whether she can cut out the Tianlei Chijing, and don't want to entangle with this old man any more, so it is better not to tease.

It's just that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind keeps on. How can he swallow Ji Nanfeng so angry?

"The old man took his eyes off this time." Ji Nanfeng's face was calm, his heart exploded, but the surface was pretentious and generous, and after he had finished speaking, he said, "Your kid is indeed a little lucky!"

When everyone said that the blind cat ran into the dead mouse, Ji Nanfeng still heard it and agreed with it.

Mu Tianyin admitted, "I have good luck."

"Luck can only depend on a moment!" Ji Nanfeng choked back.

Mu Tianyin raised his eyebrows lightly, disregarding it, and said as if it were a breeze, "But I have always been lucky, so what should I do?"

It was a helpless tone, and everyone around him was helpless.

This kid thinks his life is too long?

Ji Nanfeng managed to rectify his emotions, and was angered by Mu Tianyin again, and slammed his sleeves severely. "If you have the ability to compare with the old man, the old man wants to see, your good luck. How long can it last!"

The spectators around were silent, their eyes wandering between them.

Judging from just now, the boy's luck was indeed good, and he was hit if he said casually. The most important thing is the few words that were later commented on the stone, which are also right.

And Ji Nanfeng, as the famous Fu Dao master of the Ji family, he has a unique skill. Before this, he was so lucky. But it seems that since the appearance of this young man, Ji Nanfeng has been a little bit...unlucky.

Who is more reliable?

After several wanderings, the vast majority of people are still more supportive of Ji Nanfeng, and more people have a solid foundation.

"Bi?" Mu Tianyin raised his eyes and looked at the opposite side.

The corner of Ji Nanfeng's mouth made a stern smile, "I only ask if you dare!"

"Why don't you dare?" Mu Tianyin unexpectedly responded.

Ji Nanfeng was stunned, and it was also an accident.

He thought that the opponent should accept it as soon as he saw it, whether it was true or false, and said two words of flattery, so that he could live in front of everyone, this matter was forgotten, and he did not expect the other party to agree.

Simply daring!

"Boy, do you really think you can win the old man with a little luck?" Ji Nanfeng narrowed his eyes dangerously, and had already given birth to some killing intent. "This is not a play house. If you lose, the end will not be so. good-looking."

In that voice, there was a hint of intimidation.

"How do you want to compare, let's listen." Mu Tianyin lowered her arms around her chest.

Ji Nanfeng frowned fiercely, his tone was cold, short and hurried, "I want your hand!"


The people around him took a breath and backed away.

This is real!

"If you lose, you will cut your arm."

Ji Nanfeng stepped forward, pressing harder every step.

Unexpectedly, instead of being shattered by Ji Nanfeng’s overwhelming aura, the handsome young man in the blue robe returned with a smile, "What do you use as a bargaining chip, the elder? My hand But gold is precious."

That tone seemed to be talking about wind and snow.

Ji Nanfeng was startled slightly, and said with a sneer, "If the old man loses, he will cut his arm too!"

But he will lose?

"it is good!"

Mu Tianyin narrowed his eyes, and a sharp light flashed across his eyes.

Ji Nanfeng was really stunned this time, his expression was stunned, his words were for this reason, the other party still dared to follow up, is he really an idiot who is not afraid of death, or is this kid hiding something?

He is not like an ignorant child!

"Why, elder, do you have any objections?" Mu Tianyin slowly raised her eyes and looked at Ji Nanfeng blankly.

There was an old man beside him who couldn't stand it, or he couldn't bear it.

The old man pulled Mu Tianyin's arm and persuaded him, "Young man, you can defeat Elder Ji, admit a mistake, and the matter is fine, too much gambling will hurt the friendship with the Ji family?"

He intentionally or unintentionally reminded that the other party was from the Ji family.


"Just be soft with Elder Ji. He is an elder and will forgive your recklessness."


The people around him tried to persuade him to see Mu Tianyin's blood spilling on the spot.

The corners of Mu Tianyin's mouth twitched, but what did she want to apologize for?

Shouldn't you tell the truth?

Shouldn't they want her arms, she wants them?

Ji Nanfeng listened to the persuasion of the people around him, and was also happy, standing there with an air of contentment, waiting for Mu Tianyin to soften and apologize to herself for her disrespectful attitude.

She's all down the steps, what else does she want?

------Off-topic ------

If you have something to do today, you will be too busy. If you miss it, I will make up for it tomorrow!

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