Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 17: : The battle of Tianjiao is divided!


Mu Tianyin hummed and laughed, her whole body swarmed, her hands lifted in the void, two arcs of light intersected, she was carrying the pressure, and Junyi's cheeks were stained with two blushes. www.しwxs. com

There was a loud vibration, and the two of them separated.

Mu Tianyin flew back and drank in the air, "Ye Chaoge, the sage of Qingcheng, is really not the one who has lost her reputation."


Ye Chaoge's profound facial features were cold and cold, and he just snorted and chased after him.

Mu Tianyin hadn't finished saying a word, the rapidly retreating body suddenly stood in the air, and his whole body soared with spiritual energy. Pushing with both hands, the windy mad wolf lifted up in an overwhelming manner, and a giant palm blasted out in the middle.

"Small bugs!"

Ye Chaoge grabbed his five fingers and tore it with his bare hands and a claw!

Ye Chaoge is domineering, as strong as the sea, strong in killing and hostility, Mu Tianyin is strong and soft, as flexible as bamboo, advancing and retreating, and defensive. When you come and I go, the two can be worthy of a tie.

"Wow, this kid is really capable!"

"Yeah, I really didn't see it."


The crowd of spectators retreated a long way, and many monks were amazed.

With a flick of Mu Tianyin's sleeves, the little red sword followed the wind and turned into a shadow of three thousand, as dense as a downpour, Ye Chaoge hummed softly, and there was a sudden turmoil around his body.

Mu Tianyin glared at him, and patted the sky with both hands.

In a blink of an hour, thousands of sharp lights merged in the air, and then turned into a handle. The moment when the spirit power poured in, the huge sword suddenly magnified and swung down.

"go with!"

Mu Tianyin yelled and cut his arm down.

Ye Chaoge's eyebrows stood tall, not retreating but approaching, and he rose up into the sky with a stare, and with his wrong hands, he received the breaking blow with his bare hands, and his scarlet clothes were shaken away like a glow.

There was a loud noise and the sky quashed.

Ye Chaoge's whole body was suppressed to a height of several feet, and a strange thing quickly ran through the cold eyes.


She looked up to the sky with a long roar, like a dragon's voice coming out through the air.

Mu Tianyin couldn't control the tremor of both hands, and the phantom of the small red sword immediately froze, flying backwards into the sky, and Mu Tianyin was also shaken back several feet, staggering a few feet in Mo Kong to stabilize his figure.

Ye Chaoge jumped up to the heights, like a phoenix on fire, waving with both hands, "Purple wings, cut the stars!"

The wind and waves around, purple light suddenly appeared.

Purple Wing Slash is one of the most overbearing mysterious heavenly techniques that Ye Chaoge has cultivated. If her original strength is used, this slash would be a monk who can hold it under the sage in the entire northern desert. Few!

I saw the stars, densely packed, the rays of light gathered between her palms, and finally, with a thunderous force, "Slash!"

With a loud shout, carrying endless murderous hostility.

Waving both arms, cut off in the air!

From beginning to end, after just a few breaths, Mu Tianyin naturally realized the horror of this moment, gritted his teeth severely, and every pore in his body entered a state of tension.

Hold Yuan Shouichi, calmly!

Mu Tianyin took a shot, and it reached the Lingtai Immortal Mansion at the center of her eyebrows, and a wave of light whirled around her as the center, like a light cocoon wrapped in it, "Tiangang cover!"

The surrounding light flickered, and there were mysterious red stars fluttering faintly.

Regress, defend!


Almost at the moment when Mu Tianyin was protecting the spiritual platform, Ye Chaoge's attack came.

The loud noise has the potential to break the earth!

The light cocoon around her body burst, and Mu Tianyin flew upside down and retreated close and far away, like fallen duckweed leaves flying in the strong wind, but after a few rotations, a backflip, standing firmly in the ink space. Live shape.

Ye Chaoge saw clearly, the cold light in his eyes grew.

This kid!

"My mother." Qingcheng sent the yellow-clothed disciple exclaimed.

All right? How could it be, this is too much to endure!

Mu Tianyin was full of spiritual energy flowing backwards, grinning for a while, painful.

Mu Tianyin had just resolved Ye Chaoge's Xingchen Slash, using Bai Mufeng's one of the defensive mysterious heavenly treasures, Tiangangshi, but with her power, it was extremely reluctant to carry Ye Chaoge's fatal blow.

But if a defensive talisman is added outside, it will be another matter!

"Come again!"

Ye Chaoge gave a cold drink.

Half-step the sacred tool of all dharmas, the purple micro-gun wrapped in the assassination wind, and rushed straight to the Immortal Mansion of Mu Tianyin Lingtai.

The trick is fatal, Ye Chaoge really didn't show any mercy at all!

"The purple spear technique, that is the holy art of all magic!"

"So cruel?"


The group below exclaimed, all holding their breath.

Dark purple gun barrel, crimson gun barrel, silvery white gun head, flowing with weird power, purple micro-flow gun!

It is the most famous half-step sacred artifact among Ye Chao singers. What everyone marvels most is that Ye Chaoge's ability to control and drive it with Dao Jiqi spiritual energy can only be described as horror.

If a monk rashly uses a magic weapon that is too much stronger than his own, he will most likely be drained by the magic weapon in the end and become a corpse!

Therefore, not all people have the courage and ability.

Peerless Tianjiao, worthy of the name!

It's just that the spiritual energy is suppressed and there is not enough momentum to support, so the power of this shocking shot is only two or three out of ten under Ye Chaoge's normal state, but the momentum that carries the power of heaven and earth is still shocking.

"Do you want to play so hard?" Mu Tianyin stared slightly

She realized that she seemed to have really provoked a madman, and she didn't dare to relax a little bit. She stepped on the shadow step under her feet and jumped out of the wind. She deflected her head and avoided the first shot.

The chilling breath that made people horrified, brushed Mu Tianyin's ears, almost only the distance of the filigree hair!

"The reaction is quite fast." Ye Chaoge blurted out expressionlessly, but his actions did not delay at all, pierced into the air, the spear head circled, and the force of the army was swept away!

Mu Tianyin chuckled, and scratched the void with five fingers.


The Ziwei gun collided with a golden yellow weapon, but the latter was not broken.

Mu Tianyin's arm numb, and the fierce energy spread straight into the limbs and corpses along the palm of her palm, causing the tower in her spirit platform to blast a violent spirit. After the two weapons collided, she quickly pushed away.

"What it is?"

Everyone stared wide and carefully looked at what was in the hands of the Tsing Yi boy.

The thing in the hands of the Qingpao figure is a golden object, about two meters long, bright golden, extremely pure in color, straight at the front and blade-shaped at the back.

It's like a golden sword!

"Does this kid also have sacred artifacts?"

The yellow-clothed disciple opened his mouth, it seems that there is some origin.

"What is it?" Ye Chaoge saw at a glance that the thing was not a magic weapon, and it had not been forged by the monk's spiritual power.

Mu Tianyin turned around the golden phoenix ling, "Good thing."

After the life and death of the colorful fire phoenix, the essence of the Phoenix Ling, although it has not been refined into a magic weapon, it is after all a spirit beast, one of the ten ancient divine beasts, and its feathers are naturally not so easy to break.

She got it from the phoenix nest of Mount Fengxi, and she hasn't used it yet, and she didn't expect it to work well.

It's just that Ye Chaoge is too cruel!

Mu Tianyin moved her numb arm, waved her hand and pointed, "Come on!"

She jumped out, reversing defense.

"Boom boom!"

The Ziwei gun collided with Phoenix Ling frequently, making a terrifying and crisp sound.

Light and shadow flickered, and the battle was anxious.

Everyone can only see the purple light and shadow, intertwined with the golden sharp light, arcs appearing and disappearing in the ink sky, at this moment, they are still in the east, at that moment, they hit the west of dozens of meters away.

"It's on the bar."

The yellow-clothed disciple of the Qingcheng faction shook his head silently.

"If you look at it this way, wouldn't that kid named Mu Jin have almost the same qualifications as the female demon head of the Qingcheng faction." A monk exclaimed, "The northern desert wasteland needs another peerless talent?"

Some people don’t understand, "How do you say this?"

The cultivator explained, "Look, Ye Chaoge suppressed his strength on Daoji and fought against that kid. Doesn't it mean that when the two are at the same level, the two are equal in strength."

"I have to say that Ye Chaoge still has a bit of advantage." Several people around also suddenly realized.

Mu Jin didn't know where it came from!

According to this situation, if this kid is given a few more years, he will definitely be able to catch up with the Northern Wilderness Lian Qingchen, the emperor of Tianjizong, and Ji Wuyou, these peerless talents!


Once again, the two figures separated.

One green and one red, confrontation in the air.

Ye Chaoge's chest was violently ups and downs, and her long hair was messy. She was carrying a purple micro-gun, her eyes were sharp and her posture was still awkward, but her beautiful and cold face was covered with sweat, "You kid is really good."

She almost couldn't help it just now!

If the aura of the blockade overflows, and she jumps to the spirit-opening period, she can also be regarded as losing.

Ye Chaoge narrowed his eyes dangerously, staring at the opposite side.

What kind of foundation is this kid? How could there be such a strong momentum!

"You can't work hard." Mu Tianyin uttered, holding a golden phoenix feather, and then replied half-truth, "A Heavenly Tears Chi Jing is 10 million spiritual stones, I don't have a saint. You are wealthy and I am dying of poverty, so I didn't plan to give in."

The young man was heroic, dressed in a green robe, black and tied with a white jade crown, and the hanging hair was flying in the wind.

"He is poor?"

The Qingcheng sent yellow-clothed disciple faintly heard Mu Tianyin's words, and couldn't help but want to strangle him.

Who was going to burn the red crystal of sky tears just now?

Ye Chaoge sneered and pointed the spear straight to the opposite side, "Then let me see, what else do you have for you!"

"Come again!" Mu Tianyin's fighting spirit was also agitated to the peak.

This battle is another half an hour's time!

Thunderclouds billowed in this high sky in Shicheng.

The light sparked from this battle flashed all around, if countless long snakes flew, two figures, one red and one green, would be inseparable in the battle. The cultivators who were watching would stiff their necks.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

"Caifeng spread its wings!"


A long blazing dragon collided with a colorful fire phoenix.

The world buzzes, and the sky falls!

Mu Tianyin exited the explosion center, spit out a puff of smoke, and shook his head repeatedly. The hair was messy and beautiful. Ye Chaoge flew to avoid the flash, his cold face was bloodied by the wind, and he was covered with bloodthirsty charm.

"Overall style!"

Mu Tianyin hadn't reacted yet, as soon as he threw away, the fatal blows from behind followed one after another!

Ye Chaoge's fairy mansion's magic tower thundered and shook his face like frost.

She stood in the air, and the whole figure seemed to be standing in front of a black hole. The surrounding black light waves centered on her, twisting and spinning rapidly, and the yin energy and spiritual energy all over her body soared to the extreme at this moment.

Such a blow was made under the peak state of Ye Chaoge!

The purple micro-gun seemed like a stream of light from outside the sky, and it seemed to have the power to pierce the sky, tearing and breaking!

As Mu Tianyin looked back, he choked his breath.

The cultivator below his body suddenly stiffened, his aura ceased, and everyone felt the situation at this moment.

Who wins and loses, in one fell swoop!

Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Terrace...At the very moment of her death, this idea came to Mu Tianyin's mind, but it was immediately rejected by her.

If you use this foolproof treasure to win, what is the point of this competition?

With a turn of the wrist, the black little tripod came out, zooming in the wind!


The purple microgun blasted directly on the cauldron wall, making a sharp sound of metal rubbing, which was very ear-piercing.


Mu Tianyin let out a muffled cough, and was shocked by the rebounding force to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Will the Nine-Day Breathing Furnace that she just reworked just fall apart?

Mu Tianyin was really worried, but at a glance, the black furnace wall was pierced into a piece, but it remained tenaciously intact. I have to say that the power of the nine days of breathing earth is really strong.

"Can this be blocked?"

The eyes of several disciples sent by Qingcheng fell to the ground.

Kneeling too!

Ye Chaoge pushed with both hands, his face sinking like water.


What kind of material is this black furnace, it is twisted and not broken, even the strenuous blow of her crape myrtle musket can withstand!

Amidst the shining stars, the purple microguns stalemate in a black cauldron, not giving way to each other, the surrounding wind gusts swirling, and behind them are two figures controlling them.

The same is not giving in to each other!

Ye Chaoge Void's hands in control of the Ziwei Gun shook slightly, his fingertips trembling undetectably.


The blood stains on the corners of Mu Tianyin's mouth were bright red, and it became more and more dazzling under the desolate moonlight. Although he was shocked by the shock of blood, but at this time, he was not shy and stubborn with Ye Chaoge in Mo Kong.

"go with!"

An aura was sent in again, and the magic tower in Ye Chaoge's Immortal Mansion shook violently.

The magic tower hummed, she was at the end of the crossbow.

Mu Tianyin gritted her teeth to hold on, and she was exhausted to the extreme from this fierce battle.

"Ye Chaoge, ten Tianlei Chi Crystals, are you ready?" Mu Tianyin still thought to say at this time, wondering if he wanted to adjust the tension.

Ye Chaoge sneered, "Then you have to take your life."

From beginning to end, even now, Ye Chaoge didn't think he would lose.

Mu Tianyin gritted his teeth and took a deep breath!

The black magic tower in her Lingtai Immortal Mansion stood like a mountain, and the spiritual energy around the Nine-Layer Dao Pagoda flew rapidly, constantly gushing out by her thoughts, and headed towards the Jiutian Respiratory Furnace.

Ye Chaoge frowned ruthlessly, and there was a smell of sweetness in his mouth.

This kid is indeed only in the Daoji stage, but her strength is unexpectedly stronger than usual. Although her strength is suppressed, after all, from Daoji to Daojie, the power of these five heaven realms has been understood and transparent, and she is still unable to suppress it. Live him.

There is even more aura power!

What is the reason?

Ye Chaoge was stunned in a blink of an eye. When he took a look again, he was shocked to find that a crimson streamer pattern flashed on the black furnace wall.

"not good!"

There was a stunned sound in Ye Chaoge's heart.


"Ah—" Mu Tianyin raised his head to the sky and let out a long roar, the Nine-fold Dao Pagoda revolved and pressed, and the spiritual energy was madly poured into the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil Furnace.

What is the most full of her body?

Of course it is aura!

Just walking to the five heavenly realms, Mu Tianyin could not even count the spirit stones that Mu Tianyin consumed to absorb, and the speed of consumption of the spirit stones of the Dao Body Demon's body was indeed a headache.

But when fighting, it possesses aura, which is not comparable to any physical constitution!

Although she was exhausted, Mu Tianyin still poured enough spiritual energy in a very short period of time, which could not only touch a few breaths, to touch the attack amulet on the Nine Heavens Breath Furnace.

Ye Chaoge wanted to stop at this time, but it was too late.

After the red light flashed, the halo quickly converged, as if the undulating tide receded, but in the next instant, a tsunami raged, and the energy light wave detonated by the rune burst out.


Mokong exploded thunder, the stone city vibrated, and the light wave energy overwhelmed the sky!

Ye Chaoge's beautiful eyes glared, and when he closed his hand, he was backlashed by a force, unable to dodge, and the attacking talisman that was detonated by Mu Tianyin hit her abruptly.

That power is like destroying the world.


The blood ran across the sky, the scarlet clothes danced wildly.

"Holy Woman!"

The three disciples of the Qingcheng faction were directly shocked.

Ye Chaoge was knocked down in the air, pulling out a long crimson streamer, like a meteorite with firelight falling from the sky, blasting a huge black pit on the ground.

A large single-family house collapsed, and the streets of Shicheng jumped.

"No, yes, right!"

The surrounding cultivators stretched out their hands and clasped their mouths. They couldn't pull all their teeth down. Some covered their mouths, some stared. It was in a variety of poses, and the sounds of cold breath came and went one after another. </p>

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