Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 25: : Jubaolou, fellow Danzong Taoist!

But if Ji Mingyao is here, it means that there should be many Ji family members in Longcheng now!

Mu Tianyin whispered secretly, she must be careful.

"Excuse me, when will the teleportation array in the center open?" Mu Tianyin retracted her eyes, and casually caught a passerby next to her and asked about it first.

The passerby saw that he was an expert who had just rescued him, and he quickly said cheerfully, "My lord is going to the Imperial Northern Territory, right?"

After asking, he continued to say, "This Dragon City teleportation array is opened once every ten days. It was seven days ago last time, so you will open it again after three days."

"Three days..." Mu Tianyin nodded, "Thank you."

This time is neither long nor short, what can she do.

Leaded by Ji Mingyao, the Royal Guard of the Aotian Dynasty rushed over.

It took a long time for both sides of the street to restore order. It was supposed to be able to fly through the clouds, but it happened to be so ostentatious, but it did conform to Ji Mingyao's usual style.

After waiting for a few days, Mu Tianyin was walking around in the Dragon City to pass the time.

In order to get familiar with all kinds of immortal grasses, Mu Tianyin went to the largest medicinal material trading market in Longcheng. After all, there are still big discrepancies between the recorded drawings in the book and the real things.

Nowadays, there are more and more monks in Longcheng, and the market for medicinal materials, treasures and mines is also getting more and more prosperous.

The largest medicine stone shop here, Jubaolou, is even more crowded.

"Brother, do you see if this is Ice Soul Grass?" The water-green woman had stunning eyes and a pure body. She tore off the man next to her, and looked at the items on the medicinal shelf recently, "Wow, there are more than a dozen plants. It."

Dragon City’s Jubaolou really deserves its name, and there are a dozen of ice soul grasses that are hard to find elsewhere.

The man beside the green-clothed woman also nodded with emotion, "Yes, it should be that thing."

The two young men are very young, looking only at their twenties.

"But Ziyang Danzong should be more, that's the Danzong Holy Land." The green-clothed woman's eyes showed longing, and she unconsciously reached out and wiped the ice soul grass in front of her.

"do not move!"

Suddenly there was a sharp scream next to her, which caused the woman in green to tremble.

Xu Luyi turned her head and looked surprised at the handsome young man who came slowly. He wrinkled his eyebrows, and his whole body was full of alienation and indifference, a bit unkind.

not to be trifled.

This was Xu Luyi's first impression of Mu Tianyin.

Yuan Ye felt the same way, but when he thought about it, they didn't seem to provoke this person, right?

Mu Tianyin walked over a few steps, slowly moving his eyes away from Xu Luyi's body, and falling onto the dozen or so ice soul grasses in the medicine rack in front of her, his expression darkened, "Boss."

She spoke, calling out without looking up.


Brother and sister Xu Luyi and Yuan Ye looked at each other. Is this person trying to grab this soul ice grass?

"Who!" Xu Luyi whispered.

In fact, they just took a look, and didn't mean to buy it, but this is too much of a person, for fear that they will **** it, it is estimated that they are a family of bullying!

Yuan Ye pulled Xu Luyi and stepped back.

They are just two small casual cultivators who have no roots and no school, no matter who the other party is, they still don't mess with them.

"Here." The shop assistant heard a call from a customer, screamed and ran to Mu Tianyin, asking with a smile, "Brother, do you want this ice soul grass?"

In front of the fairy grass box containing a dozen red and white intersecting plants, there were three small seal scripts marked with ice spirit grass.

Mu Tianyin chuckled and looked at the man, "Are you sure this is all ice soul grass?"

Xu Luyi blinked, what do you mean.

"Or is it that your Jubaolou is like this to deceive guests?" Mu Tianyin said again.

"Guest, what are you talking about!" The guy froze for a while, and seemed to be anxious. "Our Jubaolou is the largest medicinal shop in the entire Dragon City. It is a golden sign for hundreds of years. The price is clearly marked. "

The guy is very formal in white clothes and white gloves.

He stretched out his hand to straighten the dozen or so ice soul grasses, and said, "If you are here to find fault, this little brother, you should change to another house. We are not welcome here."

Speaking of this, the dude's tone was a little uncomfortable, he obviously regarded Mu Tianyin as a deliberate provocation.

Mu Tianyin didn't talk to him, "Call your herbalist to come out."

"This--" The guy stared at the Tsing Yi boy with doubts on his face.

Mu Tianyin's eyes sank, "If I am wrong, I will pay double the price for these dozen or so ‘Ice Soul Grass’."

The guy was a little excited, looked at the box of ice soul grass, then looked at the calm and beautiful young man, and finally failed to hold the other's indifferent eyes, wriggling his lips back two steps, and walked into the inner room. , "You, you wait."

"what's the situation?"

The surrounding guests heard the movement here, and they leaned over to watch the fun.

Xu Luyi hesitated twice, and finally walked to Mu Tianyin, looked at the box of dozens of celestial plants, and asked tentatively, "Isn't this ice soul grass?"

Mu Tianyin looked back at him, humming, "Not all."

"Oh." Xu Luyi nodded suspiciously, did not ask any more, and did not know how to speak.

Because this is Ice Soul Grass!

Moreover, each plant looks almost the same, it is clearly Ice Soul Grass, even if it is not, this person didn't need to be so nervous just now, right? It seemed to prevent her from touching this thing.

The siblings didn't have time to think so much, and a medicinal master in Jubaolou came by under the leadership of that fellow.

"Why, does this little brother have doubts about the quality of the medicinal materials provided by our Jubaolou?" The medicinal materialist was not angry either, he seemed to be smiling and not a smile, but his words were very confident. .

To understand one more point, it would be dismissive.

The alchemist must be a pharmacist who is proficient in pharmacology, but the pharmacist is not necessarily an alchemist. In some pharmacy shops, there will be professional pharmacists to take care of it, and the same is true for Jubaolou.

"Jubaolou is a golden sign for hundreds of years. How could it be wrong!"

"This little brother didn't touch porcelain."



The surrounding guests also trust the Jubaolou, and they faintly blame Mu Tianyin for nothing.

"I think your kid is here to look for trouble. If you talk nonsense anymore, I'll be rude to you!" The guy has already begun to roll up his sleeves, ready to throw Mu Tianyin out at any time.

Mu Tianyin did not answer directly, just raised his hand and pointed, "Master, please take a closer look."

She may have admitted wrong with other medicinal materials, but this one will never!

It’s just that the medicinal materialist looked at Mu Tianyin’s instructions, glanced back and forth at the box of ice soul grass, and finally snorted, "Little brother, the medicinal materials in Jubaolou are all identified and screened by our professional medicinal materials. There will never be any mistakes."

He walked to the box of Ice Soul Grass, pointed at it, and slowly said, "This box of ten Ice Soul Grasses comes from thousands of miles away in the black swamp of the Starfire Territory. It is a sacred grass for mortal monks to heal. From picking to baking, every step is carefully processed."

"One plant with fifty thousand spirit stones." The guy with white gloves added specially.

The two brothers and sisters Xu Luyi were at a loss at this time, not knowing what was going on.

"Really." Mu Tianyin disapproved.

The herbalist snorted, "Ignorant child."

He expected that the person in front of him was deliberately making trouble, was a little impatient, and had a bad tone, "If you want to provoke my treasure building, you still have shortcomings, you should go home and study for a few more years."

Mu Tianyin smiled and nodded, stretched out her slender index finger and pointed at one of them, with a lazy attitude, "In this case, do you dare to touch this ice soul grass with bare hands, Master?"

The herbalist was a little inexplicable, and reflexively responded, "Why not dare this?"

"Please--" Mu Tianyin stepped away.

The herbalist saw the young man in front of him with a calm expression on his face, his confidence was shaken, unconsciously a little weak, he looked sideways at the box of ice soul grass, involuntarily suspicious.

Is there anything wrong?

There is nothing wrong!

Mu Tianyin urged, "Why, master, what are you still hesitating?"

"What's wrong?" The guy was also a little panicked.

The medicinal master frowned fiercely, staring at the Frozen Soulweed, and looked at it from beginning to end, trying to see if anyone had moved his hands or feet, but a sudden discovery made his eyes frightened. enlarge.

"This is—" He staggered back.

Mu Tianyin said lightly, "What is it."

The curious eyes of the surrounding guests were pressing and pressing, and the medicinal herbist's forehead instantly poured out of sweat, his expression changed and colorful, and he could not say a complete word for a long time.

"It's the five poisonous blood plants." Mu Tianyin said for him.

"Five poisonous blood plants!"

An exclamation sounded around.

Things that can save lives are far more common than things that kill people. Most people don't actually know what the five poisonous blood plants are, but a single poisonous word is enough to make people feel scared.

What's more, a sacred plant of life-saving turned into a poisonous weed in an instant!

The herbalist at Jubaolou turned pale, stiffened and did not argue, and the wireless silent attitude made everyone immediately aware of the authenticity of Mu Tianyin's judgment.

Xu Luyi was startled, "Five Poisonous Weeds!"

She felt even more embarrassed.

The boy had just saved her, she actually misunderstood, and she said that.

Mu Tianyin picked up the five-poisonous bloodweed and said, "Don't talk about mortals, they are ordinary real Zi Yan in the base period of Dao. If you encounter it, you may lose your life. It is better not to put this thing in such a position."

As she reminded, she stretched out her hand and handed the thing to the medicinal master.

The herbalist took a step back abruptly, he was just a mortal who was proficient in pharmacology, how dare he touch this thing!


"So poisonous—"

The surrounding crowd suddenly dispersed, eight feet away from what Mu Tianyin was holding.

"My god." The shop clerk took a deep breath, and quickly took off the gloves he had just touched the thing, and threw it aside as if to avoid the plague, his back was cold and there was a panic.

Mu Tianyin held the thing with a calm expression.

Ice soul grass and five poison blood herbs are difficult to distinguish. She almost made a mistake before, not to mention that these plants have been roasted, and the most obvious signs of poisonous thorns on them have also lost a lot of fluff.

The possibility of Jubaolou deliberately is not high, most of it was accidentally confused or deceived.

"Hey, isn't it a poisonous weed? Then why is this kid okay?" Someone soon discovered this in surprise.

"It turns out that this little boy is the real master!"

"It must be a monk with profound knowledge!"


Everyone looked at Mu Tianyin's eyes completely changed, from questioning and disdain to admiration.

Xu Luyi and Yuan Ye looked at each other, not surprised, but horrified.

This boy is only sixteen or seventeen years old, right?

They are already the real Zi Yan above the spirit-opening stage!

The mortals around only know that they are powerful and profound, but they, who are also monks, know that this can be described as terrifying.

Where did this monster pop out from?

Mu Tianyin glanced at the medicinal master whose complexion was alternately blue and white, threw the five poisonous blood plants back into the box, and said lightly, "I just saw it, just remind me by the way."

Mu Tianyin was already a real Zi Yan in the late stage of Spirit Revelation. His body was burned by the Phoenix True Fire, and then was quenched by the lightning power of Black Rock. The toxin of the Five Poisonous Bloodweed naturally couldn't do anything to her.

The herbalist stuck in place, speechless.

The medicinal materials on this medicine rack were also released through his hands, but it almost caused an irreparable mistake.

Yuan Ye pinched Xu Luyi's hand, his heart trembling.

Good risk, just a little bit!

"Yes, I made a mistake in judgment." The herbalist had to admit, feeling cold.

The surrounding guests were booing, and at the same time a little indignant, "It's okay to make a mistake in judgment, if this little boy appeared in time, someone was almost killed by you!"

"That's right, you Jubaolou still has a century-old golden signboard. You slap yourself, so cheating!"

"From now on, who would dare to come to your house to buy medicinal materials."

"Yeah, I don't want it anymore, lest you lose your life if you are not careful."

"Retire my spirit stone, I don't want this thing!"


Everyone became more and more angry, and the situation of the riot was completely out of control. Dozens of shop assistants and shopkeepers in the Jubao Building all ran over, but they still couldn't calm everyone's emotions.

The guy who just ridiculed Mu Tianyin was almost crying right now.

The golden signboard of Jubaolou for hundreds of years will not be destroyed in their hands, right?

"Everyone, be quiet, please listen to me." At this time, Mu Tianyin spoke, raising his hand and pressing to signal everyone not to get excited.

The herbalist's face was pale, and his whole person was stunned.

However, he didn't expect that what he was waiting for was not the other party’s falling into the pit, but the words on the matter, "These two medicinal materials are nine-story like, and they will be confused if they are careless. I think the treasure building will not deliberately deceive. Everyone, it’s just a mistake."

Everyone was silent and looked at each other.

At this moment, they could still hear Mu Tianyin's words.

Mu Tianyin continued, "After this time, they will be more careful in the future, and there won't be such a big mistake again."

Everyone will make mistakes. You can't arbitrarily deny everything just because of one mistake. Besides, she and Jubaolou don't have any deep hatred, and just now they just have different opinions with this herbalist.

There is no need to be bothered and unforgiving. Sometimes, taking a step back is good for everyone.

The shopkeeper at Jubaolou was really grateful at this time. If Mu Tianyin added fuel and jealousy to it, their entire reputation for Jubaolou would have plummeted.

Moreover, before the tragedy was caused, they helped them out, otherwise the consequences would not be much better than now.

"Yes!" The herbalist nodded again and again.

He followed Mu Tianyin's words and quickly apologized, "This time it was my mistake. Wu Mou apologizes to everyone. I will screen all the medicinal materials carefully later, and there will be no such mistakes again."

"Yes, please believe me." The shopkeeper also struck the iron while it was hot and quickly said, "All the medicinal materials in the store today are given a nine-point discount to express our apologies."

With Mu Tianyin's explanation ahead, and Jubaolou's sincere apology, everyone slowly stopped.

"Be careful in the future."

"Don't make such a mistake again."

Everyone murmured in a few words and then gave up. After all, it is an old sign for hundreds of years. There has never been such a mistake before, and it is not them who are almost killed.

The herbalist apologized and promised again and again.

"This lord, I just didn't know Taishan, so I was offended." After the herbalist calmed the surrounding guests, he looked at Mu Tianyin and expressed his apologies.

It is even more embarrassing to think about the way I dismissed him before.

For the boy in front of him, he is also grateful now.

If it weren't for this young man to find out in time, I'm afraid he would make even bigger leaks.

Mu Tianyin chuckled lightly, "Heavy words, everyone makes mistakes."

"If you don't dislike it, I will give these ten ice soul grasses to you to express my gratitude and apologies." The herbalist said so, with a respectful attitude at this time.

Mu Tianyin waved his hand, "It's not necessary."

But then she pointed to Xu Luyi next to her again, "Furthermore, it wasn't that I almost bumped into this thing just now, I just passed by and accidentally saw it."

The herbalist was also a shrewd person, and immediately understood what Mu Tianyin meant.

He covered the box of ice soul grass, looked at Xu Luyi with a smile on his face, and handed it in her hand, "The girl was frightened just now, for this thing, I should apologize to the girl."

"Yes, the girl must not refuse." The treasurer of Jubaolou also hurriedly said, and smoothly pushed the box into her arms.

Jubaolou has a rich background, and even hired a master monk town, so at the same time they can't afford to close down. In order to restore the reputation to the greatest extent, it is worthwhile to bear some blood.

Xu Luyi stretched out his hand to support the box and hugged it in his arms.

It's just a false alarm that can be ignored, but somehow got a box of a dozen ice soul grass, worth 500,000 spiritual stones, not to mention anything else, it was enough to sell her all the way to the aura of the saint!

As for whether it can be, that's another matter.

Xu Luyi's mind is still a little confused, this is completely a good thing of falling in the sky.

Yuan Ye looked at Xu Luyi at a loss, and his expression was a bit awkward.

They had just come in and stroll around, wanting to meet the world.

"Okay, it's okay, everyone, everything in the Jubao Building today is a 10% discount." The shopkeeper laughed and played haha, so that the guests watching the excitement quickly dispersed.

Mu Tianyin also walked away and continued to stroll around in the Jubao Building.

It has been quite a while since she came here. There are indeed many herbs and herbs here, and some are not recorded in the Guangmu Immortal Grass Collection. While reading it, she did not forget the name and the detailed introduction above.

She didn't go far, she stopped again, turned and looked behind her, "What are you doing with me?"

Xu Luyi bit her lip and followed Mu Tianyin with her eyes shining. Seeing that he finally noticed herself, she ran up a few steps, "This lord, you are so powerful, you should be an alchemist. ?"

Mu Tianyin glanced at her up and down, and simply gave two words, "No."

"Huh?" Xu Luyi was a little lost, her expression dimmed for an instant.

Yuan Ye walked up, pulled Xu Luyi, and grabbed her secretly. Then he said to Mu Tianyin in embarrassment, "My lord, I haven't had time to thank you for the matter just now."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, "We didn't mean to offend, but we were very interested in Dan Dao."

"Then you can try to study in Ziyang Danzong." Mu Tianyin continued to walk forward.

Xu Luyi's eyes lit up, "How did you know we were going to Ziyang Danzong?"

Mu Tianyin paused, she didn't seem to say she knew, did she?

"This lord, you are so good at recognizing medicinal materials, and your spiritual strength is so profound, why don't you worship Danzong and learn the alchemy?" Xu Luyi followed Mu Tianyin's back and asked cautiously.

Mu Tianyin turned around again and looked at Xu Luyi without blinking. When she was a little uncomfortable, she said with a slight headache, "My name is Mu Jin. Just call my name directly."

Xu Luyi was stunned, but didn't react at that time.

After a while, she came back to her senses. She smiled instantly, called Mu Jin clearly, patted her chest, and pointed at the people next to her, "My name is Xu Luyi, this is my brother Yuan Ye. ."

This kid... doesn't seem to be so difficult to touch as he looks.

"We are a casual cultivator on the southern side of Kyushu." Xu Luyi was so clean and smiled at Yan Yan. He was a little relieved, and then invited, "My brother and I are going to Ziyang Danzong to study. Do you want to join us? ?"

Such a talent, waste is a violent thing!

Mu Tianyin looked at Xu Luyi who was looking forward to it, a little funny, "I am going to Ziyang Danzong."

"What a coincidence!" Xu Luyi's face was radiant.

Mu Tianyin smiled and continued to observe the various medicinal materials in the Jubao Tower.

Xu Luyi walked to Mu Tianyin's side, "Then you should also know that Ziyang Danzong is about to hold an alchemy meeting."

"Communication meeting?" Mu Tianyin shook his head, "I don't know this."

Xu Luyi's expression was stunned and stared, "If you want to worship Ziyang Danzong, why don't you even bother to inquire about these news." She hated it, "just ten days later."

Yuan Ye also sighed, and muttered to himself, "I thought we would miss this time again."

"Then you have to quickly change some spirit stones with Ice Soul Grass." Xu Luyi also thought of this.

Mu Tianyin looked at the two of them, then cast his eyes lightly, "Are you going to walk over before?"

"That's right--" Xu Luyi replied quite as it should be, "My brother and I are only in the cut-off period, or a casual cultivator without a discipline. How can there be so many spirit stones that can pass the teleportation talisman."

Traveling to Dragon City is only because it is the only place to go to the Huangbei Region.

Moreover, even if they thought, there was no talisman formation on the southern Kyushu side.

The corners of Mu Tianyin's eyes trembled and she had to ask, "Then how long did it take you to come from southern Kyushu?"

"It's only ten years," Xu Luyi replied.

"..." Mu Tianyin was speechless, and could only silently nod his head. "Perseverance is commendable."

If they follow this speed, it will take them at least another ten years to get from here to the Imperial Northern Territory!

This is the vastness of the Northern Desolation.

Even if it is a monk, who can fly into the sky and escape, sometimes it takes decades to cross a slightly wider oasis area. Many monks ask immortals and ask, almost exhausting their lives to reach those immortal schools.

There are countless people who have fallen halfway!

The story of mortals seeking the truth from the Western Classics is a legend that cannot be copied. There are countless dangers in the road. A single bump is enough* for a mortal to die thousands of times.

In fact, the speed of these two siblings is already fast, so Xu Luyi would say so naturally.

Only ten years...

However, the cultivator of Dao Zhandao had a life span of four hundred years, and ten years was indeed not a major event.

"But it's all right now." Xu Luyi felt airy after thinking about it. "Now I can exchange almost 600,000 spiritual stones, 200,000 per person, which is almost enough to enter the teleportation rune."

Ziyun Danzong, she is coming!

"So expensive?" Mu Tianyin was a little surprised, she didn't know that it would take so many spirit stones to enter a teleportation array.

Ji Family...

This is simply profiteering!

Yuan Ye quickly took the initiative, "It's okay, it should be enough for the three of us."

Moreover, this flying fortune should have belonged to this young man, and they got it for nothing.

Mu Tianyin waved his hand, "It's not necessary."

She does have two hundred thousand spirit stones, not to mention too many. Now, it is not a problem for her to change to ten million spirit stones at any time, but she thinks that it takes two hundred thousand spirit stones for one person to enter the teleportation circle. Isn't it too cruel?

"You're not a monk from the Northern Wilderness?" Xu Luyi saw some clues from all the signs.

Mu Tianyin said, "I am coming from the middle earth."

Yuan Ye next to him nodded.

No wonder he didn't know much about the North Desert Desert.

"You're afraid it took more than ten years!" Xu Luyi seemed to have found a fellow in the same way. He was a scholar who wanted to go to Ziyang Danzong to study, and then it was wrong and long. Chittered, "But you are only a teenager."

And there is such a great genius in Middle-earth?

Xu Luyi scratched his head and was puzzled. He always felt that the boy in front of him was a mystery.

"It's a little shorter." Mu Tianyin laughed dryly.

She would not be so embarrassed to have a dragon beast.

"But even if we get to Ziyang Danzong, we don't know if we can step into its threshold, it is one of the best immortal gates in the entire Northern Wilderness." Xu Luyi began to worry again and sighed.

"The alchemy exchange meeting is only the exchange of the cultivators who are already alchemists. We can only join in the fun." Yuan Ye said.

But even if it is to join in the excitement and pay homage to the holy soil in their hearts, it does not mean that they have come all the way.

Mu Tianyin answered, "It's okay to step into the threshold."

However, Xu Luyi didn’t hear her, she still muttered to herself, “But it’s okay. Starting from cutting firewood, picking up ore, grinding flint, and taking care of the medicine boy, as long as you can stay in Ziyang Danzong, you will definitely have a chance. ."

She nodded and encouraged herself.

As long as they are monks and possess spiritual power, they can learn alchemy.

Its starting point is lower than the way of runes that require strong force, but the difficulty of learning is not lost to the inscription refining talisman.

Generally, the disciples who enter some Danzong start from the bottom of the fire, sorting out the miscellaneous materials, and organizing the medicinal materials. Whether they can achieve something depends on the acquired talent of understanding and the degree of hard work.

And the immortal door like Ziyang Danzong just wanted to get in and be a firefighter, which is as difficult as climbing to the sky for ordinary cultivators.

That's why the Xu Luyi brothers and sisters are so worried.

"But Mu Jin, you don't have to worry too much. If you were past, you should be able to enter the door of Ziyang Danzong smoothly." Seeing Mu Tianyin's silence, Xu Luyi thought she was frightened by the severe situation she analyzed. So quickly comfort her.

Mu Tianyin still didn't say a word, but silently nodded.

Xu Luyi clenched a fist and said aggressively, "It is our first step to find a way to work as a drug boy handyman in Ziyang Danzong!"

Before reaching Ziyang Danzong, Xu Luyi had already begun to figure out.

Mu Tianyin raised her eyebrows slightly, but still did not answer.

Just this medicine boy...

Should she now ask her master, Mo Liuxian, what position is probably in the Ziyang Danzong?

------Off-topic ------

Ooo, my little friend Meng, almost made it to the monthly ticket list, ask for help! I rushed up again!

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