Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 30: : Backward, old man of Medicine Valley!

I saw Mu Tianyin walking all the way, among the densely planted grasses, picking a few plants here, pulling a few roots there, and after a while, he had more than a dozen herbs in his hand!

It was a clean and tidy move, as if killing someone without blinking.

"Mu Mumu, Mu Jin!" Xu Luyi was frightened.

She couldn't explain her words clearly, and she walked in three steps and two steps, flashed to Mu Tianyin a few times, and hurriedly grabbed her hand, "We can't pick it randomly, we will die miserably."

The herbs here are precious, and some of them can't be lost if they are sold.

Xu Luyi's nervousness was like catching a bear kid who was making trouble while working.

Mu Tianyin raised her head, and stuffed a bunch of dozens of herbs into her arms homeopathically, "White licorice, jade peony, huangdanlongxin..."

She read out the names of more than a dozen medicinal materials in Xu Luyi's hand, "Help."

"Huh?" Xu Luyi was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Xu Luyi didn't understand the meaning of coming over to Mu Tianyin for a while, holding a pile of things and sticking behind Mu Tianyin.

Yuan Ye flew down and fell. He had already seen some eyebrows before, but he was not sure.

"Lv Yi..." He poked the foolish Xu Luyi with his elbow, unfolded the long medicinal sheet in his hand, glanced at Mu Tianyin like nothing, and said to the people around him, "Look for Is it on this medicine list?"

Xu Luyi came back to her senses, and seemed to understand a little bit, "Oh."

She quickly found it according to Mu Tianyin's prompt, "Bai..."

Xu Luyi glanced at ten lines, looked all the way, and finally found it in a corner, "White Licorice!"

"Let's take a look." Yuan Ye's eyes tightened.

Xu Luyi quickly looked at it, "The white leaves of the green path, one to five inches high, taste bitter..."

Yuan Ye helped find out which one of Xu Luyi's handfuls was, because there were only a dozen plants in total, with different shapes, he quickly picked it out, "Lvyi, this is it."

He drew out the white licorice and turned around before his eyes.

"No?" Xu Luyi looked at Yuan Ye.

But don't be what she thinks!

Yuan Ye nodded with a weird look, "I think it's almost the same."

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and after a quick exchange of glances, they checked the medicine names that Mu Tianyin had just recited just now.

Not surprisingly, the corresponding medicinal materials were found in their hands!

"My mother." Xu Luyi called his mother.

She is going crazy!

Xu Luyi was dumbfounded, she was not mad at that white lotus, now she was going to be frightened by Mu Jin!

Can you stop hitting people like this?

Yuan Ye also straightened his eyes and couldn't laugh or cry, "How can there be such a person in this world!"

It's only three hours, don't tell him Mu Jin has memorized nearly 10,000 medicinal materials on this medicine spectrum!

You said that if you just memorized it by rote, Mu Jin was able to quickly identify them among the countless weeds. This is simply not something human can do.

"God and man." Xu Luyi muttered a few words in a daze.

Mu Tianyin turned around and saw that the siblings were still stupid there, frowned, and said a little funny, "What are you still doing in a daze, don't want to find it before dark?"

After speaking, she turned away, and left the word without looking back, "Help."

"Ah? Good, good!" Xu Luyi woke up from a dream, "I'll come."

Her movements were numb, and she rushed to Mu Tianyin's side. After this moment, Mu Tianyin was holding another dozen plants.

Xu Luyi took it, his mouth was almost crooked.

Yuan Ye also hurried over and followed Mu Tianyin's ass.

"Bisnake grass, purple crown flower, beauty fu..." Mu Tianyin handed the group of medicinal materials he had picked to the people behind him, patrolling the surroundings while reporting the names of their medicines.

Xu Luyi said, Yuan Ye also came to help.

The two of them held the medicinal spectrum, and the other took the medicinal materials, and hurriedly searched on the medicinal spectrum according to the first word. When they saw it, they hooked it up, and then carefully collected the medicinal materials in the jade ring, indicating that this thing had been found.

At first, in order to avoid making mistakes, Xu Luyi also checked and compared, but later found that this was unnecessary at all.

Mu Tianyin had indeed memorized all the medicinal materials in the entire medicine spectrum!

After writing down these things, she walked east from the west side of the medicine field, looking for them one by one, and when she saw something on the medicine general list on the road, she started to take it.

It's fast and easy.

The method is simple and can be imagined without much brainstorming.

Of course Xu Luyi and Yuan Ye also knew it, but they looked at the overwhelming valley of medicinal materials, and they didn't know which ones they needed.

So the key is not the method, but the precondition.

In other words, all the medicinal materials must be known and detailed, and can be identified at a glance!

Mu Tianyin walked across a medicine field, "Sanye connects the heart."

She picked out one and handed it to Yuan Ye behind her.

"San Ye Lian Xin." Xu Luyi hurriedly searched, turning over and still muttering there, "Three...Where is it, where is it."

She kept buzzing like a bee in her ears. Mu Tianyin couldn't listen to it. She stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows before inserting a sentence, "Number two thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight."

Xu Luyi looked up at Mu Tianyin's back shamelessly, then lowered his head to find the position.

At first glance, he was about to cry.

It really is!

Those few small characters in seal script: Sanye Lianxin.

The following sketch depicts: four fingertip-sized green leaves, with a blood red in the middle.

Yuan Ye saw Xu Luyi looking over with a bitter face, and silently spread his hands. He was already completely kneeling. This guy was a monster, a perverted animal.

Xu Luyi hung his head, following Mu Tianyin like a tail.

Is this guy a human?

Can you teach her such an unforgettable skill?

Also, how does she feel that they are doing a disservice? Mu Jin is doing this to make them feel guilty for nothing, and make them feel that they have something to do and are not idle?

"Sanye connects the heart." Xu Luyi checked the name of the medicinal material, and then put the things into the jade ring.

Mu Tianyin flew over the medicine valley, and when she saw the medicinal material she needed, she landed and took it. With two tails behind her, she hurriedly beat her hands.

Mu Tianyin's picking of the medicinal materials was so fast that the brother and sister were a little too busy.

"Brother, I haven't found the one to put it on your side, don't get confused." Xu Luyi arranged.

In just half an hour, the backlog of unrecorded medicinal materials in the hands of the two reached more than two hundred.

Green mountains and green waters, white clouds have a long history.

The surrounding spirit is abundant, all kinds of spirit grasses grow densely, and the fragrance is overflowing in the medicinal valley. It is the most primitive breath of this wild land, full of tranquility.

It took half a day to memorize the prescriptions, and Mu Tianyin didn't have much time left, so he was very tight.

Within half an hour, Mu Tianyin found more than 900 kinds!

When one hour is used, there are already 1,700 kinds!

After another half an hour, it reached more than two thousand three hundred!


That speed is really almost blinding the two brothers and sisters.

Yuan Ye and Xu Luyi followed behind, too busy to touch the ground, sweating profusely.

However, it was a little better in the future, because the medicinal materials were constantly being hooked out, and the rest was declining, and the scope of searching was reduced, and it would be easier for the two to find them.

Moreover, it can also be found that Mu Tianyin has passed all the way, although the average speed is not much different, but it is obviously slowing down.

Because this medicine field is vast, the locations where the herbs grow are not clustered, and some even grow in some remote and inconspicuous locations. After most of them are selected, the chance of meeting the required herbs will gradually decrease.

The golden crow shines and shines everywhere.

The flames of the scorching sun slowly softened, and gradually fell to the west.

The people who fertilized and picked herbs in the valley stopped working one after another, making the world look quieter.

"Green clothes?"

Several people met Zhang Man by the edge of a luxuriant flowerpot.

Xu Luyi just cleared the medicinal materials in his hands, and looked up to see Zhang Man in the flaming red flower sea medicinal field on the left, and replied happily, "Do you also need Phoenix Crown?"

"Yes." Zhang Man's toes sprang out of the sea of ​​flowers and landed beside Xu Luyi.

Xu Luyi smiled, "How much have you picked?"

Zhang Man glanced at the willow basket he held in his hand, and seemed to be satisfied. He laughed and said, "I'm almost done, but there are two kinds of them. Today's speed is quite fast. I thought I really wanted to pick. It’s dark."

Xu Luyi nodded, "It's great."

"What about you?" Zhang Man asked smoothly.

After asking, she felt that she was really mean, why was she sprinkling salt on other people's wounds, but she had already said everything and couldn't get it back, so she could only smile awkwardly.

Who knows, Xu Luyi followed the last sentence, "We are almost there too."

Zhang Man was stunned, almost certain that he had heard it wrong, and reflexively asked, "What?"

Xu Luyi stared at her and said again, "I said we are almost done."

"Green clothes..." Zhang Man reached out and touched Xu Luyi's forehead, but Xu Luyi opened it with a smile, but Zhang Man's expression was still weird, and he asked tentatively, "Are you okay?"

She won't be driven crazy by Bailian, will she?

"Do you think I have something to do." Xu Luyi gave her a white look.

Zhang Man coughed and cleared his throat, "It's not like it, but how is it possible."

"Hello--" Xu Luyi showed Zhang Man the list of prescriptions in her hand. "The markers have been collected. Let me see..." She probably glanced, "It's still six or seven hundred. Many kinds."

There may be another hour when it gets dark. At this speed, it should be possible to find it.

"How could it be!" Zhang Man still didn't believe it.

It is normal not to believe, but she believes it is a ghost!

Xu Luyi didn't explain much, lifted his chin, and pointed to a place not far ahead.

Zhang Manshun looked at her and saw the young man in the blue shirt, walking in the medicinal fields with a graceful manner, bending over to take a few plants from time to time, while Yuan Ye was shirtless, followed by the sweaty Bidianer behind him.

"?" Zhang Man didn't understand.

In other words, the guess was too scary, she couldn't believe it.

Xu Luyi stretched her hands, "Don't doubt that what you see is what you think."

She faintly said to Zhang Man, who was full of ignorance, "Mu Jin has memorized all the medicinal materials on this medicine book in half a day. I guess you ask him which line the Phoenix Crown is counted backwards. I can tell you exactly."

Zhang Man's mouth opened wide and he blinked sharply.

Mu Tianyin narrowed the corners of her mouth and nodded, she had accepted this fact.

Zhang Man was stunned, she couldn't help but glance at the west.

That's right, the sun sets from here!

"Green clothes--" Yuan Ye called in front.

Xu Luyi, who had just taken a breath, hurriedly followed, "Here is here."

Zhang Man's eyes followed her, and finally fell on the elegant and calm figure in front of him. After thinking about it, she also ran over, intending to see for herself.

In three or four hours, Mu Tianyin walked around the entire Medicine Valley.

In other words, there are still six to seven hundred slippery fish.

Mu Tianyin was getting up and handing Xu Luyi a blue herb, "Aquatic grass."

"Good." Xu Luyi hurriedly searched.

There were only a few hundred blanks before the name of the medicine. She glanced at it and quickly hooked it up.

Zhang Man watched from the side for a while, his eyes widening, and he found that it was exactly what Xu Luyi said, as well as the appearance of'hands up the knife and cut the numbness with a sharp knife, which is more than those of the main alchemist. Be clean!

What is his mother's brain made of?

The temperature of the spleen is as smooth as Zhang Man, and can't help but want to explode.

This is simply unbearable!

Mu Tianyin stretched out her chest, stretched her posture, and stood there to rest for a while. Only then did she find the person with straight eyes standing beside her, and smiled at her as a greeting.

"Haha—" Zhang Man twitched the corner of his mouth stiffly.

"Are you finished?" Mu Tianyin asked.

Zhang Man came back to his senses with a cry, "Not yet."

Only then did she remember that her mission had not been completed, and she suddenly turned her head and glanced around, "It's over, it's not too late to find the fruit and the paddle, but I have searched it all."

She also asked a lot of people, but they didn't know. Isn't there this medicine valley?

Mu Tianyin stretched out his hand, "Can you show it to me?"

Zhang Man was stunned, then nodded, "Of course." She took out her list of medicinal materials, "Here."

Mu Tianyin took it in his hand, just glanced at it and said with a smile, "You are lucky."

Zhang Man is puzzled, "What do you mean?"

What's good about luck, she didn't find it.

Mu Tianyin stretched out his hand like a knife, and pointed to the east. "There is a broken wall about ten feet high in the past two miles here. There are a few flowerless trees on it and a few ripe fruitless fruits. What you want The paddle is also next to it."

She had seen this thing when she came over, and it should have been there.

"Really?" Zhang Man blinked.

She has been searching for such a long time, but even the old man guarding the medicine field asked, still to no avail.

Mu Tianyin shrugged, "You'll know if you go over and take a look, the effort of a cup of tea."

"Okay." Zhang Man nodded suspiciously.

After she glanced at Mu Tianyin with a weird expression, she flew towards the direction Mu Tianyin indicated.

Mu Tianyin glanced at the horizon, then turned around, and looked at Xu Luyi and Yuan Ye, "Probably there will be another hour when it gets dark. Let's go on. We have to hurry up and look for it again."

"it is good."

The siblings looked at each other and nodded.

In fact, no matter whether they can find all of them, they are already very satisfied, and today's experience can be used for a hundred years!

So Mu Tianyin started from the starting point again, speeding up and sweeping, looking for some fish that slipped through the net.

In half an hour, hundreds of plants were picked.

"There are still seventy-five kinds." Xu Luyi counted and raised his head a little excited.

They thought they could only find this quantity before, but they didn't expect that now they are only so close to find all of them. How can they not be excited? It's exciting just thinking about it, not to mention that it's a fact now!

Mu Tianyin nodded, "Find it again."


Xu Luyi is now full of blood and a little nervousness.

For the last time, Mu Tianyin was highly concentrated, trying not to miss some corners, there were not many types left, Xu Luyi and Yuan Ye could also help after taking a closer look.

On the horizon, the sky is full of clouds.

The three of them searched through a dragnet search, but only for the last time, but still missing three things and did not find them.

The sky gradually dimmed, and there were almost no people in the valley medicine field.

Mu Tianyin's brows tightened slightly, "Which ones are worse?"

Xu Luyi took a look and replied, "Nine-section calamus, twin flowers, black grass."

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it." Yuan Ye looked at the last ray of light that was about to disappear from the horizon, and then turned to look at the boy next to him, "Mu Jin, you are so grateful for us."

Xu Luyi nodded, and then said angrily, "The white lotus clearly made things difficult on purpose. She doesn't keep her master here, but has her own master place. Since she insists on driving us away, let's go, and it won't work here!"

Xu Luyi gritted her teeth as if fighting her.

Mu Tianyin couldn't help but uttered, "She should be here soon, you go first."

"What about you," Yuan Ye asked.

Mu Tianyin pointed in one direction and said calmly, "Nine-sectioned calamus, twin flowers, and black moss, these three are all yin-producing medicinal materials. They love humidity, and they basically grow in places where the sky is not visible all year round."

The location Mu Tianyin pointed to was a small col.

Flowing water from the valleys led to the sky, irrigated and nourished the medicinal fields, and finally gathered and washed away, forming a group of underground caves at that location, which was very remote and dark.

Mu Tianyin said, "If there is something in this medicine valley, you should only be able to live there. I will look for it carefully."

"Then let's go with you." Xu Luyi said.

"No." Mu Tianyin shook his head, "If the woman can't find you at that time, maybe she has to toss some moths, you'd better go there first, and I'll look for it again."

After speaking, she flew away and left.

Xu Luyi and Yuan Ye looked at each other, then turned to pass over the cliff when they were going back and forth.

When Mu Tianyin came to this gloomy area, he glanced first.

There are bushes, and flowing water from all directions converges here, swirling into the ground, scouring deep black holes, not knowing where to go.

The surrounding soil is soft, with one footstep.

At this time, the sky was already dark, but there were many fireflies around, shining with little lights, and some rocks also released shining luster, just like night pearls.

But this piece of land is basically composed of ordinary flowers and plants, and only a few medicinal materials like this environment.

"Nine-section calamus, twin flowers, black moss grass..." Mu Tianyin muttered to herself as she searched carefully, her eyes moved every inch, not letting go of any corner.

"Nine-section calamus?" Mu Tianyin's eyes lit up.

Not far away near the water, a thin stem with a thick middle was exposed high, with two bean sprout-like leaves growing on the top, with strange patterns densely covered on it, and what Mu Tianyin needed to find grew under it.

Mu Tianyin walked to it, knelt down on one knee, "found it."

However, just as Mu Tianyin was about to stretch out his hand, he was interrupted by an old voice that came suddenly, "Little guy, do you know what it is, you just pick it?"

Mu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, then withdrew his hands and turned around.

From the side of this secluded place, an old man walked out slowly. He was wearing a white robe and appeared to come under the moonlight. He was dressed plainly, but he seemed to have auspicious light all over his body.

Mu Tianyin stood up, the person's breath was ethereal, he was extraordinary.

"The kid is ignorant, please enlighten me."

In the face of such a wise man, Mu Tianyin will not be big, nor will she talk endlessly for the glory.

The old man's eyes were transparent, he glanced up and down at the young man who broke into this place, nodded thoughtfully, and then smiled and said, "Then tell me what this thing is."

Mu Tianyin thought for a while, and then slowly said, "Yin, a spiritual grass, water-loving, disgusting, a unique flower, divided into two oval-shaped green leaves, under an angry knot, and divided into nine knots, called Jiujiechangpu.

In fact, Mu Tianyin didn't have a deep understanding of this thing. To be precise, it was just introduced on the medicine spectrum. He briefly got to know the nine-section calamus, and even its medicinal effect is not fully understood. .

The pharmacology of Dandao is ever-changing, and each medicinal material has its own characteristics.

And what she did, still stayed at the level of trying to find things out.

However, the old man seemed quite satisfied with Mu Tianyin's answer, but in a blink of an eye, his face changed and his eyebrows were lowered, "Since you know, why do you dare to take it!"

Mu Tianyin looked at the old man's calm eyes, a little puzzled.

What do you mean?

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