Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 37: : One day in the sun and the moon!

Mo Liuxian didn't open the thing first, but raised his eyes and stared at the heroic and handsome girl in a menswear shirt in front of him, and said, "Tianyin, there is something in my mind for the teacher, I want to ask you. [No pop-up window Novel Network]"

"What?" Mu Tianyin looked at him.

Mo Liuxian said after a slight pause, then said, "Of course, if you don't want to tell, you don't have to answer."

"Master, you said." Mu Tianyin said sincerely.

Mo Liuxian nodded, and after a long silence, he asked slowly, "What kind of physique are you?"

Mu Tianyin was stunned, Master saw what was coming

Mo Liuxian continued, "When you cut the Dao and cast the tower in the middle earth, you caused the immortal Buddha to linger and come to the world. Although I searched the ancient books and did not find such a vision, but according to the Eightfold Dao Pagoda From the inference of the change, everyone's guess should be correct."

Tianyin should be the Jiuzhong Daoji

He deliberately went to the old friend of the Gufengyuhui who had just returned from Middle-earth, also for this matter, and wanted to know more about the matter over there.

After hearing this, Tianyin's reputation in Middle-earth is not small.

Mu Tianyin listened, but didn't say anything for now.

"And those who cast the Eightfold Dao Foundation, through the ages, those few great abilities have almost benefited from the Eastern Emperor Jing." Mo Liuxian slowly stood up, standing with his sleeves under his hands.

He looked at the empty Haoyue, "If you really are the Nine-storied Dao Pagoda, then the ten things are also cast on the basis of the Eastern Emperor Sutra."

"So, Master also feels that the Eastern Emperor Sutra is on me"

Mu Tianyin stared at Mo Liuxian's back, and smiled in her eyes.

Mo Liuxian looked back at Mu Tianyin, and said with a smile but a smile, "But the Eastern Emperor Jing is the Magic Jing. Everyone knows that you are a cultivator, so you can't cultivate the Eastern Emperor Jing at all."

He pointed his finger at Mu Tianyin, "That's the problem."

Mu Tianyin nodded in agreement.

Even if everyone suspected that she had cast the Nine-fold Taoist Pagoda, because of this, they all dispelled the idea of ​​the Eastern Emperor's Scripture on her.

"The most important thing to be a teacher is suspicious," Mo Liuxian's warm eyes seemed to gleam, "When I met you in Heishui Marsh, I noticed that the aura in you was extraordinary."

He stared at Mu Tianyin and slowly said, "Not only is there a yang spirit, but also a yin power."

If it is really what he guessed, his previous doubts can also be explained.

Mu Tianyin smiled, helplessly, "Master, you are really glaring."

Did you do it yourself?

"So" Mo Liuxian stared at Mu Tianyin's eyes tightly.

Mu Tianyin spread his hands together, and honestly admitted, "Master, haven't you said everything? What do you want me to say."

She has been dazzling in front of Master's eyes, facing a powerful power of at least Dao Sage pinnacle level, she has never thought about how long she can hide it, and it will be sooner or later to show her feet.

As she said, Mu Tianyin took a step back, and the two towers of the Dao Demon overflowed, her hands slowly spread out.

Two auras poured out of her body, floating above her palm.

Yin on one hand, Yang on the other hand

"You are really a Daoist Demon Body" Mo Liuxian's eyes trembled slightly.

Mo Liuxian had just guessed it before, probably three or four points away, so when he was confirmed by Mu Tianyin, he was still a little surprised.

Facing a mighty power like Mo Liuxian, Mu Tianyin was just a real Zi Yan who had just reached Daoji at the time. It was not surprising that he could detect the extraordinary aura in her.

Coupled with the fact that Mo Liuxian has such a meticulous mind, after several speculations, he can see some clues.

Mu Tianyin nodded, but gave a wry smile, "I don't want to be either."

Mo Liuxian stared at her sideways without saying a word.

"Not to mention that this kind of physical training is difficult and slow, it's still a bottomless pit that burns money. I can't support myself anymore, so I have to rely on scams and abductions to live." Mu Tianyin whispered.

Is it easy for her to come all the way?

In the beginning, it was the robbed Xiao Xingsuo's Lingshi, and the first Tiantear Chi Crystal was gambled from Gu Fenghua. After arriving in the Northern Wilderness, Ye Chaoge was pitted.

When will such a day be the head?

Mu Tianyin lowered his head, "Headache."

"You" was as calm as a stranger, choked speechlessly by Mu Tianyin's words, pointed at her, "you this"

Mo Liuxian was dumbfounded, and she didn't know what to say about Mu Tianyin.

Without the support of a powerful immortal sect, it is just that with one's own strength, at such a speed, the Dao body demon body, which is extremely difficult to advance, can be cultivated to such a strong level.

It can be described as horror

Lian Qingchen's so-called Peerless Tianjiao's aptitude is simply incomparable with Tianyin.

Dao Demon Nine Double Towers, Emperor Kongsang did not have such a miracle when he cut the Dao

She still dislikes

Mo Liuxian shook his head and said for a long time, "I was really surprised to be a teacher."

He can only use these words to express the shock in his heart.

But Mu Tianyin was right in one sentence. She didn't want to have this physique, and she didn't know if she was lucky or unlucky, because the Dao Body Demon Body was really troublesome.

In the eyes of many sects, the Dao body is almost equivalent to a waste body.

Because it needs to spend huge resources to smash it, but it may not be able to get the corresponding return. In the end, it is extremely difficult to cultivate Dacheng even if it can obtain this physique.

To make an analogy, even Qingchen is an ethereal profound body, and it is also an extremely domineering physique, which can quickly accept the surrounding auras and cultivate quickly, even Qingchen is now in the midst of the midst of the Dao Tribulation.

But if there is also a Dao body demon monk in the middle of the Dao Tribulation, the fighting strength will be almost twice her.

even more

But that's it, if you can choose, even Qingchen will never choose the mysterious and terrifying Taoist body.

Because it takes at least ten times the effort to cultivate the Dao body demon body to the same level as hers, and ten times more spiritual stone resources

Even in the end, it is still not successful, and there is a danger of being directly abandoned by the clan.

"Master, can you be reliable" Mu Tianyin smiled and leaned in front of Mo Liuxian

Mo Liuxian gave her a funny look, "I can't support you as a teacher."

"Fate is really bitter." Mu Tianyin curled his lips to joke.

Mo Liuxian laughed, his expression slowly solemn, and he reminded, "But Tianyin, you must be more careful in everything before the Dao Body Demon Body becomes complete. If you are found in this state, it is easy to cause trouble to your upper body."

Tianyin's cultivation speed would definitely arouse some people's panic and panic, leading to a fatal disaster, which is impossible to prevent.

"Well, I know." Mu Tianyin nodded.

Overcome the thunder, become a saint

Mo Liuxian nodded slightly before picking up the wooden box on the jade platform beside him.

He first stretched out his hand and brushed off the seal talisman on it before handing it to Mu Tianyin, "You hold this book of magic spells first. If you want to fight Lian Qingchen, it won't work without some foundation."


Mu Tianyin took it and looked at Mo Liuxian suspiciously.

Mo Liuxian held his hand behind, "open it and take a look."

Mu Tianyin pursed her red lips and pushed it lightly, and the lid of the wooden box with various complicated runes popped open, revealing the brown script inside. The first few golden characters seemed to float on the surface of the scroll.

"The sun and the moon are one day" Mu Tianyin blinked.

Mo Liuxian said slowly, "This is the secret technique of the Purple Mansion, created by the Eastern Demon Emperor."

Mu Tianyin was taken aback, took out and looked around, "East Demon Emperor's Purple Mansion Secret Art"

The shadow step she practiced was an orthodox holy technique footwork, and the one in front of her was the secret technique of the Purple Mansion, or the Eastern Demon Emperor’s.

Cultivation techniques: Xuantian Treasures, All Sacred Techniques, Purple Mansion Secret Techniques, Great Dao Magic

The secret technique of the Purple Mansion is a spell created by the ancient emperor of the monarch. It is similar to the ancient scriptures of cultivating immortals. It can be divided into the human realm scroll, the sky realm scroll, the soul realm scroll, and the dao scroll. Soul Realm Volume.

Its soul volume is not comparable to the soul volume of all magical holy arts

Mo Liuxian's gentle eyes fell on the brown scroll, and slowly said, "This Purple Mansion secret technique, human, heaven, and soul scroll are preserved intact. If not unexpected, it should have been left by the East Demon Emperor. Original volume of Zong Shu."

Mu Tianyin saw a line of small characters under the five big characters of the day and the moon.

Cangshan at sunset, written by Weixi.

It's just such a short sentence, as if people can clearly see that the ancient emperor, who is vertical and horizontal, is by the water of the Cangshan mountain, and he keeps the painstaking efforts he created in his life.

Mu Tianyin's eyes lit up, "Same as the handwriting on the Eastern Emperor's Sutra."

Should be the original volume

After Mu Tianyin finished speaking, he was stunned, and raised his eyes to look at Mo Liuxian, only to reflect his intention, "Give it to me?"

"Otherwise, did you show it to you?" Mo Liuxian chuckled back.

Mu Tianyin hesitated, "But"

The original volume of the complete sect book of the East Demon Emperor’s Purple Mansion Secret Technique is really precious

Master must have spent a lot of effort to get it.

"You have practiced the Eastern Emperor's Sutra, and the movement of spiritual power is the trace of the Eastern Emperor's Sutra. It is the most suitable to have the Demon Emperor's Purple Mansion Secret Technique." Like a roll of waste paper.

He chuckled, then said again, "I am a cultivator as a teacher, and I can't practice this secret technique."

Mu Tianyin held the heavy Zongshu Scripture in her hand, her red lips pressed tightly.

This love is nothing in return.

"This technique is extremely mysterious, you must carefully understand the practice." Mo Liuxian exclaimed.

Mu Tianyin nodded heavily, "Yes."

She only answered one word, but she was extremely firm.

"The Eastern Emperor Taiyi is worthy of being the demon emperor who is famous throughout the world." Mo Liuxian couldn't help feeling, "His Eastern Emperor Jing Human Realm Scroll, known as the strongest human realm scroll of the Ancient Immortal Cultivation Classic, and the sun and the moon share the sky. The Secret Art Soul Realm Scroll will never be inferior to the Dao Divine Power Soul Realm Scrolls of several immortal emperors."

Mu Tianyin nodded, she knew the truth about the Eastern Emperor Jing's life.

"The only thing that can be compared with it is the magical powers of the Great Emperor Kongsang, the way of the eternal fairy." Mo Liuxian's voice was misty.

Mu Tianyin also had to be in awe, "If the Demon Emperor can prove Dao Cheng Emperor, I am afraid it will not be worse than Emperor Kongsang.

She flicked her wrist and looked at Lu Zhuo who appeared there.

To the small pieces of the remnants of the Taoist soldiers too.

"The fall of genius is indeed the greatest regret, and the fall of the Demon Emperor has always been a mystery." Mo Liuxian said.

Mu Tianyin frowned, and always felt that something was wrong.

These ancient emperors and immortal emperors, either suddenly fell, or disappeared bizarrely, and finally lost their traces.

Where did they go

Mo Liuxian pulled back his floating thoughts, traces of worry flashed between his eyebrows, "Furthermore, Lian Qingchen has been practicing the secret technique of the Purple Mansion of Emperor Wa since she was a child. She should have begun to cultivate soul scrolls by now, if you use ordinary techniques Fa is relative, it will suffer a big loss."

"The Secret Technique of the Purple Mansion of Emperor Wa" Mu Tianyin recovered from deep thought.

Mo Liuxian said, "The Yao Palace has a deep relationship with the ancient Mother Wa emperor, and has always preserved some of the relics of the Wa emperor, and the secret technique of the Purple Mansion will also be passed on to the Xuanzai through the ages."

Mu Tianyin felt the pressure, "It seems I have to step up."

But this kind of urgency, this kind of pressure, is what she likes, it makes people excited, and the blood is boiling.

"Indeed." Mo Liuxian said with a smile.

Mu Tianyin took a deep breath, her eyes shone sharply.

Mo Liuxian looked at her and said, "Starting tomorrow, the next three days will be the Ziyang Sect's Alchemy Exchange Conference. There are still some things to do as the teacher. You can also take a few days off first. You can go and see or get familiar with it. Danzong."

"Good." Mu Tianyin collected the Purple Mansion secret technique.

"Three days later, Chenshi will come to the alchemy hall and start teaching you alchemy as a teacher." Mo Liuxian walked out slowly, opening his lips slowly, "The alchemy and the immortal way complement each other and are good for your cultivation."

"Master." Mu Tianyin started to follow, smiling brightly, and poked the central book hall, "Then can I just stay here now and not leave."

Mo Liuxian turned his head and said, "You can stay together for as long as you want."

Mu Tianyin's eyes were bright and he nodded repeatedly.

"I have something to discuss with a few Tianzun, you first turn around."

"it is good."

"Others can move, but don't touch the pill furnace randomly."


Mo Liuxian gave an order and left.

Mu Tianyin wandered around in the magnificent alchemy hall alone, the small blue dot, like a little ant, could almost be ignored.

After going around a few times to get acquainted with the environment, Mu Tianyin plunged into the pile of books.

The moon is in the middle of the sky, and the sunset on the 33rd peak of the sky is shining like stars.

In the center of the main hall, there is really a sea of ​​books.

There are countless books on the pharmacology of Dan Dao, and they are extremely detailed. Mu Tianyin was immersed in it, and she did not stop.

The next day, the sea of ​​clouds rose and the sky broke through.


With a scream, he pulled back Mu Tianyin's thoughts on Shuhai.

"Ah, ah"

A fairy boy in white with a broom in hand and a white towel on his shoulders, who was specially responsible for cleaning here, stood in the book hall, looking at the ground and on the table, stacks of scripture books, shouting like a ghost, and his complexion was even more pale.

Is this a thief?

Who has the courage to go to the Thirty-third Hall to steal things

With a soft sound, his head was deflected by the thick pile of books.

"Who" the boy exclaimed, reached out his hand and jumped three feet high, "Bold thief, dare to go wild here"

Mu Tianyin's eyebrows trembled, and after reading the book for a night, his expression did not show any fatigue.

"You are Mu Jin" The boy in white suddenly remembered something.

Although it was only a short night, the fact that Mo Liuxian received Mu Jin as a closed disciple spread throughout the entire Ziyang Sect, from Tianzun Pavilion to Burning Fire and Miscellaneous. Few people didn't know.

He is the only one who can come and go freely here without a special ban.

Mu Tianyin stood up, patted his clothes, "Do you need my help?"

The boy was stunned, then shook his head like a rattle.

"Then I will trouble you." Mu Tianyin nodded, stretched out and walked out of the hall.

Today is the Dandao Exchange Conference, she will go and take a look.

The white-clothed boy straightened his eyes and stared at the back of Mu Tianyin's departure in a daze. When he couldn't see it, an exciting spirit came back to his senses. He also glanced at a few emptied bookshelves, and a few stacked on the ground. heap.

He couldn't help swallowing.

This guy is sure to finish reading these books

The morning bell rang, and the fairy sound curled up.

In the full sky, the clouds steamed and misted, and thousands of mountains and birds flew, as if a school of fish was ups and downs in the sea of ​​clouds.

Mu Tianyin did not go directly outside the Eighteenth Hall of the Alchemy Conference, but went to the heavens. First, he went to say hello to Xu Luyi and Yuan Ye. After leaving yesterday, he never went back.

"Mu Jin, it's Mu Jin"

As soon as Mu Tianyin walked to the small courtyard of the attic, he ran into the two brothers and sisters Xu Luyi who were about to leave for Medicine Valley.

Like a spring, Xu Luyi jumped to Mu Tianyin's side and looked up and down at the person in front of him, "Mu Jin, where did you go? Why didn't you come back yesterday? Are you okay."

Ouyang Xuan hit the door before, and I haven’t seen anyone last night. The next day, I went to Mu Tianyin’s room and still didn’t see her.

The two brothers and sisters immediately made up for the various accidents Mu Tianyin had encountered, and were worried.

"Uh," but Mu Tianyin didn't know where to start.

"Is that Ouyang Xuan troubled you?" Yuan Ye walked to Mu Tianyin with a worried expression.

Before Mu Tianyin could answer, Xu Luyi said angrily, "If she really dares to do anything to you, we'll fight with her. Her master is Elder Ge, and I don't believe that even Sifang Tianzun can't control it. she was"

Training, studying, and collecting medicine, in order to prepare for the alchemy meeting, the siblings were tired for a few days. They only finished their hands-on work yesterday afternoon, so they meditated and rested early and did not go out to wander around.

Therefore, they still don't know what has gone crazy outside.

Mu Tianyin smiled and said quickly, "I'm fine."

"Green clothes, Yuan Ye"

Zhang Man hummed a little tune from outside and told them to go to Medicine Valley together, but when he saw the figure in the green shirt in front of them, he covered his mouth and exclaimed, "Is it Mu Jin?"

The violent reaction directly threw the medicine basket in his hand.

"This early morning, what is your ghost name?" In the past few days, several people have become familiar with each other. Xu Luyi was puzzled at this time, not understanding why Zhang Man had such a big reaction.

Zhang Man ran to Mu Tianyin a few times, "Mu Jin, where is Mu Jin"

"You haven't seen it before." Yuan Ye was surprised.

Zhang Man looked at the two like a monster, "Don't you know?"

"Know what" the brother and sister looked at each other ignorantly.

Zhang Man glared at the two of them, his faces flushed with excitement, "Is Mu Jin a disciple of the Holy Venerable Mo Liuxian, or a disciple of the closed door, you don't even know about such a big thing."


The siblings are petrified in the wind.

Slowly, their eyes fell on Mu Tianyin.

Three pairs of eyes, big eyes staring at small eyes.

Xu Luyi swallowed laboriously. Yuan Ye blinked dry eyes. The two of them looked at me and I looked at you. They all wondered if they hadn't woken up yet, or were sleepwalking or something.

"Ah" Xu Luyi cried out painfully.

Zhang Man looked at her, "Does it hurt?"

Xu Luyi touched her aching arm by Zhang Man, and stared at Mu Tianyin as if she was waking up from a dream, "Is what Zhang Man really said?

Mu Jin is a disciple of Master Mo Liuxian

Oh my god

"Er" Mu Tianyin blinked, and was a little hairy by the wolfish eyes of the two brothers and sisters, then coughed and nodded, "It's almost like that."


Xu Luyi was dumbfounded.

Yuan Yeru was struck by lightning, a violent spirit, and quickly asked, "Mu Jin, you said that you came to Ziyangzong to find an alchemist. The person you are looking for is not Lord Mo Liuxian, right?"

"Right." Mu Tianyin replied.

Xu Luyi nodded blankly, "No wonder."

No wonder this guy is so powerful, he turned out to be a disciple of Lord Mo Liuxian

But if he said that before, she would definitely treat him as a lunatic

Master Mo Liuxian’s closed disciple, then they have the same status as the emperor of Tianjizong, Yaogong Xuannv, and Yuheng Daozi. These talented figures have a status. How can such a small person as they meet?

Most importantly, treat them as friends.

Mu Tianyin looked at the sudden nervousness of the two and couldn't help but smile, "Who am I, is there any difference?"

The brothers and sisters Xu Luyi were taken aback for a moment, and then relaxed.


"You are going to Medicine Valley," Mu Tianyin looked at the two of them.

"Yeah, we are going to go." Xu Luyi's eyes crackled and burst into flames, and smiled, "In just a few days, I feel that I have learned more than in the past ten years."

Ziyang Sect is worthy of being an orthodox school of alchemy

"Then you go busy." Mu Tianyin twitched the corners of her mouth lightly, "I'm fine, just come over and tell you, I may be a little busy next time, and I won't be back here for the time being. If you have something, you can Let Fan Bo give me a message."

Fan Bo was appointed by Feng Xiaobai to teach pharmacology.

"Good." Xu Luyi agreed.

Mu Tianyin glanced at the two brothers and sisters, nodded, "Then I will leave first."

After speaking, she flew away and went to the Eighteenth Palace Square.

"If you want to see Lord Mo Liuxian, just follow Mu Jin." Zhang Man sighed still there.

Yuan Ye shook his head, "We must at least pass the appraisal of disciples and become disciples of the outer sect."

"Yes." Xu Luyi said the same way.

Xu Luyi looked at the Changhong that was going away, and said softly, "Mu Jin won't come back, where will she stay?"

After asking, she felt stupid.

Zhang Man also gave her an expression of how you are so stupid with an honest expression, "The 33rd Heavenly Hall, any one, it is hundreds of times more spacious than this place."

Yuan Ye was amazed, but also a little curious, "I heard that in that place, in addition to Lord Mo Liuxian and Sifang Tianzun, there are eight elders in Ziyang Danzong, who can't just go past nothing."

"Yes." Zhang Man nodded.

To put it in exaggeration, it’s just a fly without a special ban.

Zhang Man hugged his hands and screamed, and said in admiration, "But now there is one more, but Master Mo Liuxian gave the Profound Fire Order to Mu Jin. Even the 33rd Palace, the entire Ziyang Danzong can enter and leave freely. ."

"Xuanhuo Ling"

The brother and sister said in unison, their eyes almost fell out of the frame.

Highest key danling

Master Mo Liuxian actually gave it to Mu Jin, how much he cares about this disciple

Zhang Man picked up his medicine basket slowly and flicked the dust on it, "Last night's banquet, but it was a good show."

Zhang Man has been in Ziyang Sect for more than ten years, and the skill of inquiring about news is first-rate.

"Hurry up and talk to us." Xu Luyi urged.

Zhang Man shook his head, "This is a long story."

"Speak slowly."

"That's it, it's early today, no hurry."

Yunxia faintly, the three of them talked and laughed towards Medicine Valley, and there were constant exclaims.

The front of the eighteenth-fold hall is neatly divided by area. Each alchemist has his own place, where he puts out his own alchemy furnace and some medicinal flints for alchemy.

At the invitation of Ziyangzong, the world alchemy masters gathered to exchange and learn some alchemy experience.

"Xisui Pill, a green pill, the texture is good."

"If you choose a stronger flint, the effect will be very good. The most important thing is time."

"Oh, your practice is too much."

"Almost burnt"

The scene was very lively, but under the auspices of two patrons and dozens of main alchemists, it was in order.

Some more alchemists want to get the guidance of Ziyangzong's alchemists.

And Ziyang Sect is also worthy of being one of the best immortal gates in the Northern Wilderness. It has a very big style. On the basis of not divulging the secrets of the sect, it will try its best to help the world alchemist and improve the entire alchemy road.

This is the purpose of this alchemy meeting every few years.

When Mu Tianyin arrived, the alchemy meeting had already started for a while.

She didn't go over, just stood watching from the square.

The medicinal materials are selected, put into the furnace one by one, and the fire is controlled and finally released. Any small mistake in the process of alchemy may result in a furnace of dead pill that is scrapped.

Mu Tianyin watched for a long time and decided to go back and try first.

She turned around, and when she was about to leave, she ran into Cheng Yi and the son-in-law next to him, who was also a familiar face, and she sighed that fate sometimes came, it was just so bloody.

When Cheng Yi saw the young man in the blue shirt, his whole body suddenly became stiff, and he became a stump.

Mu Jin

"Eh, why are you so familiar." Wan Feng, who was wearing black clothes next to him, paused. He wrinkled his brows and patrolled Mu Tianyin in circles. He suddenly remembered, "It's you brat"

Mu Tianyin raised his eyebrows lightly, and didn't say anything.

Wan Feng, a disciple of the Wan family in Shicheng, is also considered an upper-level cultivating family in the Starfire Region.

He was one of the alchemists invited to the Alchemy Conference of the Ziyang Sect. When he was at the Qishi Shop in Shicheng, he had a dispute with Mu Tianyin over a flint.

In the end, Mu Tianyin burned his buttocks completely. He was in bed for more than half a month and almost never arrived.

This hatred was always in his heart, but he didn't expect to meet him again.

"Wow, I finally caught your kid." Wan Feng tucked his sleeves up, "but you are not an alchemy bun, uncle, I really want to know how you got here."

Could it be that Danzong’s medicine boy

No, he didn't wear the robe of Danzong Yaotong, and he didn't look like it.

That's the medicine boy who followed other alchemists

"Uncle, if you want to know, I don't mind telling you slowly." Mu Tianyin chuckled, following Wan Feng's words, but her uncle's tone was a little strange.

Cheng Yi's face beside Wan Feng was strange and twisted, alternating blue and white.

He hadn't forgotten the feast between the two before. Although he was very unwilling to submit, he had to reach out and grab Wanfeng at this time, "Enough, don't make trouble here."

Bai Lian was expelled from Ziyang School by Feng Xiaobai, and Cheng Yi worried about it for several days.

He just heard about what happened last night, and he was so angry that he almost exploded directly, but he couldn't do anything now.

Wan Feng was reluctant, "Brother Cheng, this kid is really ugly."

"Boy, who do you owe Bian"

Mu Tianyin hadn't uttered yet, another voice faintly floated from the side, and that daunting tone was really a little bit flat.

Mu Tianyin covered his forehead with a headache, and went with the reputation.

Sure enough, he immediately saw Qi Yeran's exquisitely angry face, dressed in a purple shirt, and leaning against the carved dragon white jade pillar beside his chest, with a smile on his face.

Cheng Yi looked down upon him, from the innocent and exquisite face to the quaint Jin Ling on his waist, his whole person instantly froze into a stone sculpture.

Qi Yeran

Why is he still here

It’s just that before Cheng Yi had time to speak, Wan Feng frowned at his side and yelled uncomfortably, "Who are you little boy?"


Cheng Yi stopped breathing directly.

------Off-topic ------

At the end of the month, the girls who have tickets are just hiding them. They are at the bottom of the rainy monthly ticket list and want to rush. Everyone asks for help.


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