Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 47: : Offensive, immortal crossing!

"Mu Tianyin. [No Pop-up Novel Network]" Ji Wuyou and Mo Tong stared at the boy in front of him unblinkingly.

Mu Tianyin of Qingshan Tribe, Mu Tianyin of Zhongtu Xianyuan, Mu Tianyin mentioned by Heng Lao

Yeah, he should have guessed it

Mu Tianyin untied the sapphire ring of her hair, and a black silk pouring down like a waterfall, stretched out her hand to remove the makeup on her face, revealing a beautiful face, curling her lips and smiling, "It's me."

"Really." Ji Wuyou stunned slightly while looking at the heroic and stunning girl in front of him.

He had seen Mu Tianyin's images, only four to five points similar. No wonder he had an inexplicable intimacy with this little girl when he first met, but this girl was so foolish that he had no doubt.

Ji Wuyou also had to sigh, "You can really do it."

Blinded him

The people on Ji Xuan's side were even more unable to find them. They were afraid that they wouldn't have thought that this girl was so bold that she came to the Imperial Northern Territory alone, and touched Ji's house swaggeringly.

Mu Tianyin was helpless, "I can't help it either."

She spread out her hands with a smile, "Zhongtu and Beihuang have always had people from Ji Xuan following my tracks. I saw you in Shicheng before, but because I'm not familiar with this side, I don't know the situation of Ji family. For the sake of caution, I did not act rashly."

"This is right." Ji Wuyou nodded in agreement.

If this girl hadn't been so cautious, she might have already fallen into Ji Xuan's hands.

"Right, there is this." Mu Tianyin summoned another volume.

Ji Wuyou glanced at it, "Fu Lingtianxia"

Mu Tianyin nodded, "This is also what Ah Bus came to my hand. Let me take it back to Ji's house and give it to the two elders of Ji Ming and Ji Qi. Now it is in the hands of your brother, and it is considered to be returned to the original owner. "

The runes recorded above are the brainchild of thousands of generations of rune masters from the Ji family, and should not be lost.

"Heng Lao said more than this, right" Ji Wuyou smiled lightly.

Mu Tianyin reached out and touched the tip of his nose, coughing in a low voice.

Where is she the head of the house? Actually, brother is the best candidate.

Ji Wuyou looked a little funny at the young girl in the blue silk shawl.

He didn't take the talisman to command the world, but instead put the two Fuxi treasures back into Mu Tianyin's hands, "You hold this thing first."

"Brother" Mu Tianyin was puzzled.

With these two things, they can justifiably try to force Ji Xuan down.

Ji Wuyou pursed her red lips and explained, "Now they are in your hands, but they will be much safer than mine. You are now the chief disciple of Ziyang Sect, and Ji Xuan dare not move you anyway."

This girl should belong to the Ji family, and his senior brother is also right, but it made Ziyang Danzong a bargain.

Ji Wuyou shook his head, sighing in his heart.

Mu Tianyin frowned and thought for a while, "Okay, then stay with me for the time being."

These two things, for the Ji family, are like the royal jade seal of the dynasty.

Without this thing, the name is not right.

Not to mention the rune avenue recorded in it, a rune family can be rebuilt with it alone, which can be called a price treasure.

"Yeah." The moonlight was innocent on Ji Wuyou's snow clothes.

"What's the situation of the Ji family now, and what's going on with Grandpa?" Mu Tianyin collected two things.

Ji Wuyou turned his eyes and looked out the window, his words were as cold as water, "Today, among the 18 elders, there are four who are completely loyal to Ji Xuan and follow their orders, but our side, Ji Ming, Ji Qi, and Ji Lang, And Lin Gan, the clan elders who followed the old Patriarch, have been contending secretly. The rest of the clan elders are basically in a neutral state. After all, Ji Xuan is now the Patriarch, and they are naturally obedient."

"So." Mu Tianyin pursed her red lips tightly.

Ji Wuyou gave a general analysis to Mu Tianyin, "The eighty-odd Tianfu elders behind are also under the command of these clan elders, and the disciples of the clan, except for the ten core disciples specially cultivated by Ji Xuan. , Almost all of them obeyed their orders, so some of them didn't even know some of Ji Xuan's deeds."

Now that decades have passed, the elders of the Ji family’s disciples have come and gone. Under Ji Xuan’s forced order and blockade, no one in the Ji family dared to mention his traitorously.

Mu Tianyin narrowed her eyes, frowning and thinking deeply.

The Ji family's current situation is complex, but simple, but simple.

Most of the disciples at the bottom were ignorant, and the key to this level of obedience was the four elders who were loyal to Ji Xuan.

Mu Tianyin wrapped her arms around her chest and slowly leaned against Ji Wuyou, "If you knock off Ji Xuan's four front teeth and take out Fuxi Baojian and Fu Ling Tianxia, ​​you can directly pull him off the horse."

I'm afraid Ji Xuan thinks so too

Because of the poisoning of the Ji Ming clan, it is by no means accidental

"Yes." Ji Wuyou Mo Tong flashed a dark light, "Now that Fuxi Baojian has been retrieved, things are much easier to handle."

Ji Wuyou's brows suddenly tightened, "It's just that Heng Lao is still in Ji Xuan's hands now."

"Ji Xuan didn't care about Grandpa, right?" Mu Tianyin said nervously.

Ji Wuyou shook his head, "He dare not."

"I haven't found out exactly where Elder Heng was detained, but I guess it should be in the forbidden area where Ji Xuan was practicing himself." Ji Wuyou looked at the girl next to him, "Ji Xuan hasn't got the Fuxi treasure. He Fu Ling Tianxia, ​​he didn't dare to do anything to Old Heng. Coupled with the fact that several clan elders had been staring at him, he didn't dare to act rashly for the time being."

Mu Tianyin breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Also as she expected.

"But I still have to find a way to rescue Grandpa out." Mu Tianyin bit her lip and narrowed her eyes slightly. "Grandpa is the parent and son of the old Patriarch. If you let the people know that he was detained by Ji Xuan, I'm afraid there will be objections."

"It's not that easy." Ji Wuyou's mood gradually rose in the depths of Mo Tong.

Ji Wuyou slowed down, and then analyzed and said, "Heng Lao was secretly captured by Ji Xuan. Now apart from me and the other four clan elders, no other disciples, including dozens of Tianfu elders, know about it. If you force him to let go, it will only backfire and make Heng Lao's situation even more dangerous."

"Indeed." Mu Tianyin nodded.

Without a certain degree of certainty, you cannot move at will.

Ji Wuyou flicked his sleeves lightly, dispelling a clear moonlight, "If you get a bite again, then nothing will happen, but it's us. Ji Xuan won't let go of that opportunity."

Even Ji Ming clan elders and others are mainly Ji Wuyou, not only because of his comparable reputation and talent, but also because of his keenness and carefulness.

"Start with those clan elders first, and cut off Ji Xuan's minions one by one." Mu Tianyin's eyes were cruel.

Ji Xuan has already started

Ji Wuyou nodded a little, "I am also waiting for an opportunity."

"What's the strength of those clan elders" Mu Tianyin asked.

Ji Wuyou spit out two words, "Very strong."

Mu Tianyin also knew how the Ji family, the head of the Seven Ancients, could not have any strength.

"Ji Chenghua, Cao Yi, these two people have already gone through the calamity and became holy. They are very difficult to be a sage in the early stage of the Dao." Ji Wuyou frowned, and said, "Ji Feng and Cheng Jin are the late stage of the Dao. The pinnacles are all real Zi Yan who is about to cross the catastrophe."

Mu Tianyin twitched his lips, "It is indeed difficult to want the life of a saint."

Not to mention there are four, if you want to remove them one by one, unless the master and the old man of Tianji are able to make a move.

But she would never involve Master in the Ji family's affairs.

After all, there is the entire Ziyang Sect behind the master.

"Now, there is just a chance." Ji Wuyou turned his eyes to look at Mu Tianyin.

"What?" Mu Tianyin also wanted to solve it quickly.

Ji Wuyou's eyebrows are still lightly locked, "Do you know the fairy crossing?"

Mu Tianyin nodded, "Of course I know."

Xianrendu and Yunhuang Ancient Forest, Ruoshuitianhe, two places with equal names, are one of the five most dangerous places in Xiangu.

It is also in the extreme north of the northern desert, not far from the emperor's northern region. As its name implies, only the real Taixu ancient immortal can fly across, and there are countless monks who died in it.

But because of its mystery, treasures are emerging one after another, still attracting monks from all over the world.

There are even more rumors that there is a fairy mountain left by the ancients in the ancient times in the immortal crossing, which hides the secret of flying into a fairy, but its danger is the same as that of the ancient forest, and it is famous in the world.

Even some ancient emperors and immortal emperors were very jealous of the immortal crossing, and they also left a lot of their footprints there.

"Brother, what did you mention this?" Mu Tianyin was puzzled.

Ji Wuyou smiled, "Ziyang Sect has been preparing for promotion and assessment in the past six months. You are in retreat. I'm afraid I haven't heard of Qingcheng Sect, Yinshan Sect, Yuheng Sect, Yao Palace, Ji Family. The Ji family, the Meng family, and the seven immortal gates are preparing to attack the Xianrendu."

"What?" Mu Tianyin stared.

Are you crazy? The heavens, spirits, and earth treasures gathered in the fairy crossing are good, but such a large-scale attack, isn’t it taking the disciples to die?

"I don't agree." Ji Wuyou said, "but Ji Xuan insists on joining, then let him go."

Mu Tianyin blinked, "Brother mean?"

Ji Wuyou gave her an unpredictable smile, "The immortal crossing is extremely dangerous. Ji Xuan will definitely not go there personally, but he may reap great treasures, so he will definitely send a trusted clan elder to go."

"One is not enough, I'm afraid there will be two more." Mu Tianyin also nodded.

The two looked at each other and smiled, the situation became clear.

"It seems that the brother has already planned this." Mu Tianyin thought for a while, and was a little worried, "But the immortal crossing is extremely dangerous, brother, if you go, don't you also commit a risk with your own body."

"There is nothing in this world that can be dropped by the day." Ji Wuyou said.

Mu Tianyin's eyes were obscure, and she certainly understood this truth.

"Then I will go too" Mu Tianyin said.

Ji Wuyou lowered his eyebrows and drank lightly, his attitude was unprecedentedly firm, "No."

If something happens to him, Tianyin will be the Patriarch of the Ji family, so he doesn't have to worry too much about how he can let this girl follow along to take risks.

Mu Tianyin was silent, her eyes fixedly looking at the people around her, without saying a word.

Her attitude is also very firm.

Under the silent confrontation, it was Ji Wuyou who was defeated in the end, and shook his head helplessly. He thought he was stubborn enough, but he didn't want to meet a little girl who was still stubborn.

Mu Tianyin explained, "If I go, Ji Ming and Ji Qi's clan elders can all stay in Ji's house. They know better than me."

As for those who entered the dangerous land and immortal crossing, she was familiar with the Fuxi treasure mirror, magic array, heavenly rune, and the runes in the world, no matter how big or small, she would be able to help. Busy.

Ji Wuyou chuckled lightly, as if it rained on the celadon, "You really can't help it."

"Then it's settled." Mu Tianyin chuckled her lips and smiled.

As for the past few days, she still stayed at Ji's house first to see if she could find Grandpa's specific location. If Grandpa could be rescued first, it would be the best, otherwise Ji Xuan would be constrained.

Ji Wuyou looked at the girl in front of him, the ink in his eyes darkened faintly, and said with a smile, "Then let's discuss with a few clan elders first."

If Tianyin had to follow along, he had to make sure that he was foolproof.

"Alright." Mu Tianyin nodded.

The moon is thick and the night is as cool as water, the ancient house of Ji's house is gradually getting windy.

Ji Wuyou stayed as a friend of Mu Tianyin at Ji's house as a guest. It was also Mu Tianyin who was introduced to Ji Ming and other four clan elders, that is, Mu Jin of Ziyang Sect.

Ji's family has many mixed mouths, and he has not yet informed them of Mu Tianyin's true identity.

Ji Wuyou was preparing for the Seven Great Immortal Gates to attack Xianrendu ten days later, and Mu Tianyin wandered around Ji's house under the leadership of Ji Yaohua to observe if there was any breakthrough.

On this day, the blue sky was clear.

The ancient houses are deep, and the halls and pavilions seem to have been crafted for thousands of years. They are simple and elegant, with the inner lake and the outer circle, the corridors and the secluded pavilions, and the beacon towers all show the artistic conception of the avenue.

"Om" The humming sound of a wave of waves, followed by a series of explosions, came from the square in front of the Mingfu Hall.

"Hi, I'm good at it"

"But I am faster and I finish faster"

"Haha, mine is more accurate, look at you, several things are wrong."

The noisy voice mixed with Qiu Chan's roar.

"Where are they doing?" Mu Tianyin raised his eyes and pointed to the triple black palace not far away. On the square in front of the temple, a group of Ji family disciples gathered and frolicked.

The Ji Yaohua next to him tilted his head and glanced, "Oh, that's the Hall of Wu Zi Ming Fu."

"This is the place where the disciples learn the inscriptions, do you want to go and see it" Long Xiaotian enthusiastically recommended.

As he spoke, he rejoiced and raised his thumb, "Mu Jin, let me tell you, your Ziyang Danzong is the supreme alchemy, and no one can match the alchemy, but the runes of our Ji family are also unparalleled in the world. There is no sect in the ancient land."

Mu Tianyin laughed twice and nodded.

The Ji family’s runes are powerful. She couldn’t be more clear about this. The Emperor’s Fuxi Baojian is even more quintessential. If nothing else, if you can fully master its Heavenly Realm Scroll, an army-breaker, a tribulation-periodist The real Zi Yan can also contend with the saint.

Of course, it's just undefeated.

"Your mouth is slick, how can you praise yourself like that." Ji Yaohua scolded Long Xiaotian.

Long Xiaotian said, "I'm telling the truth."

"However, your Ji family disciples learn inscription patterns, isn't it you can't show them to outsiders?" Mu Tianyin looked at Long Xiaotian with interest, this kid is also a real treasure.

Long Xiaotian patted his chest, "Don't worry, Senior Sister Yaohua and I are here."

Moreover, this layman can't understand it either.

"Mu Jin, it doesn't matter, it's not a secret technique." Ji Yaohua thought Mu Tianyin was curious.

Mu Tianyin smiled, "Let's go, it's okay anyway, just go and have a look."

Long Xiaotian smiled and ran to lead the way, "Go."


With a loud bang, the black curtain erected right in front opened a big hole and closed in an instant.

"Ah good"

"Brother Lei is still good"

The disciples around cheered, shouted and flattered.

That is a pure energy screen. The power is judged by the aperture. It is an energy barrier specially used by the Ji family to test the power of the attacking talisman. It is like a lake. The larger the ripples thrown in, the greater the power.

Ji Yaohua and Long Xiaotian saw each other, secretly surprised.

Fang Lei has reached such a state

Fang Lei is the most valued one among Ji Xuan's ten core disciples

Ji Xuan wanted to train him to compete with Ji Wuyou for the position of successor to the Patriarch. Although it is still far from Ji Wuyou's overall view, Ye has to say that his talents and strengths in all aspects are excellent.

"Brother, wipe the sweat." The dog-legged disciple next to him took a towel.

Fang Lei waved his hand and sneered.

He must catch up with Ji Wuyou

Long Xiaotian glanced at him, shook his head secretly, and whispered to Ji Yaohua very honestly, "Yes, it's good, but it's still too far to compare with the son. I think that old guy is simply whimsical. ."

This Fang Lei was even more clamoring that he wanted to challenge the young man, but he didn't see him having the courage to say it in front of him.

Persuade one

Fang Lei clapped his hands, turned around and saw the two of Ji Yaohua.

He frowned fiercely, the square face was suddenly clouded, and his heart was very upset. When he saw Mu Tianyin among them, he finally found the fault, "Who is this?"

He asked harshly in a harsh tone.

"Why tell you, if you ask, we will tell you." Long Xiaotian is a lord who just sprinkles directly when he is angry, and he blocked it back with a single sentence, "We will stand, what's in your way"

Fang Lei snorted, "Don't you know, when I inscribe the pattern, do you not allow outsiders to be present?"

Long Xiaotian's humming voice is louder than him, "If you know it's you, I'm not happy to come."

The surrounding disciples were already quite familiar with this situation and kept silent.

"Isn't this a disciple of the Ji family?" Fang Lei saw that Mu Tianyin was unfamiliar, and there was no Ji family emblem on his robes, so he asserted, and then even more said, "You bring outsiders to the Ji family inscriptions, if the secret method is learned, Are you responsible?"

"Fang Lei, you are purely looking for trouble" Ji Yaohua couldn't stand it.

Usually, if a distinguished guest comes to Ji's house, they will show some inscriptions, not to show people the top-secret rune-page classics, and if it is so easy to be learned, then why is their Ji family based in the northern wilderness?

Ji Yaohua said to the people around her, "Mu Jin, sorry, let's go elsewhere."

She didn't expect that she was hitting Fang Lei and being so deliberately provoked, she felt a little sorry.

"Mu Jin"

"He is Mu Jin"

The eyes of the surrounding disciples all fell on the blue shirt youth.

Mu Jin of Ziyang Danzong said that he was a guest at Ji's house. It turned out to be true. Is this the handsome boy?

Fang Lei choked, but the provocative words had already been spoken, and he didn't intend to take it back. How about Ziyang Sect's Mu Jin refining alchemy, he couldn't compare to him, at least Ming Fu couldn't do it.

"It's okay." Mu Tianyin shook her head towards Ji Yaohua, her red lips curled up slightly, and she looked at the burly man in front of her, "You mean, I saw your secret technique by accident."

Fang Lei frowned and didn't answer. I don't know what Mu Tianyin's words meant.

Mu Tianyin stepped down three steps and walked in front of Fang Lei step by step, "I think it's very simple. If this is your secret technique, it's nothing more than that."

"Boy, don't think you can make alchemy, you can inscribe amulet, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand," Fang Lei was furious.

The talent of Fu Dao was his most proud of. How could Fang Lei endure being so confronted and provoked, that is, he couldn't swallow this breath when the Master repeatedly ordered to meet the distinguished guests.

"What did Mu Jin just say?"

"What does he mean?"

The disciples around were surprised, Mu Jin is an alchemist, not a rune master, he can definitely understand runes

"Boy, you can understand the runes before you talk to the young master. If you talk like this, you will only make jokes and laugh generously, and make your entire Ziyang Sect lose face." Fang Lei slammed his sleeves.

Mu Tianyin raised her eyebrows lightly, "Why, don't you believe it"

Let alone Fang Lei, Long Xiaotian's eyebrows were twisted.

Does Mu Jin know what she's talking about? Fang Lei's attacking talisman just now has reached the level of the late Hua Shen


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