Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 58: : Silver-haired Demon King Flower Brocade!

Mu Tianyin opened her eyes, renewing the brocade!

She missed a beat abruptly, and she didn't know why. She usually felt that the sky was falling down and she could resist her face without changing her face, but after hearing this person's voice, she suddenly became a little vulnerable.

It's not that I don't want to, but I keep it in my heart all the time.

Following that figure, there was a wave of crimson light in the sky, winding and rolling, like a fire cloud pulled out in the extreme night, dyeing everyone's eyes red!

Immediately, a tall and slender figure appeared.

"King Bat, you are quite comfortable." The man was wrapped in a blood-red cloak, as if melted by a molten flame, the sky shattered, and a dim light cast on his face, making his face unclear.

But just from a single voice, you can hear the man's defiance of the world!

The old bat’s eyebrows are upside down, "less, less—"

"What's less!" Wu Yi shouted with a deep face, and quickly glanced down.

The Bat King immediately stopped, his lips twisted into a wavy line aggrievedly.

Why did Young Master come to the North Wilderness?

He just wanted to catch a baby, and Jianmu seeds, that’s a good thing. Young gentleman never interfered with his stall, and also Old Wu, how could he have an expression of eating it? ?

Everyone looked dumbfounded.

Be good!

Who is this again?

Isn't the old bat very cruel? Isn't it that no one's face is sold? Isn't it that anyone can bite if caught?

How come seeing this man is like a son seeing Lao Tzu!

And listening to this man's voice, he shouldn't be loud.

The Bat King lowered his head with a sad expression, he could only stay in place when he could not figure out the situation.

Hua Zhongjin's eyes coldly missed the old bat, and fell on the girl dressed in men's clothing. The bi-eyes gradually softened, showing a coquettish mottled brilliance, like microwaves reflected by the lake.

Mu Tianyin's eyebrows opened brightly, and if he hadn't taken into account his current identity, he really wanted to rush over.

Ji Wuyou's ink pupil flickered, "Do you know?"

However, this man seems to be with the old bat.

Mu Tianyin nodded without a sound.

Hua Zhongjin’s eyes swept across Mu Tianyin's Ji Wuyou, who was wearing a snow-clothed victorious immortal. His face instantly became cold, and a flash of irritation flashed through Bi Tong, and everyone could feel that the temperature around him was rapid. decline.

And Ji Wuyou, his feeling is the most obvious.

Realizing that Mu Tianyin is safe now, Ji Wu worry slowly landed, and then he noticed Hua Chongjin's obvious hostility.

He raised his eyebrows lightly and raised his eyes to meet with him.

One ink and one bi, sparks came out of two eyes, crackling and exploding.

Ji Wuyou's thoughts were flying. According to the information he found, when Tianyin was in Xianyuan, he had interacted with the people of Haixingyun. The old bat should be the people of Haixingyun.

No, it's the demon of the Magic Sea Nebula to be precise.

And this man must be a figure of the top master level!

According to the current situation, it would not be the old monarch, and the old bat just said a few words under his breath.

Then... this person must be the silver-haired demon with a big brocade!

Young Master of Magic Sea Nebula!

Ji Wuyou was indeed quick-witted, his thoughts turned, but he guessed the identity of Hua Chongjin in three or two seconds.

"The first son of the Northern Wilderness, Ji Wuyou?" Hua Zhongjin said with a smile, and accurately recognized the person beside Mu Tianyin. The cliff wind wrapped his cloak and flew in the red cloak, "Really admired the name."

Ji Wuyou moaned lightly, and smiled lightly in reply, "Speaking seriously, in the name of your Excellency, this son is the one who has long admired."

He naturally didn't say the identity of Hua Zhongjin, and he won't.

As for the people around, they don't know the true identity of Mu Tianyin, where the old bats who have been in the northern wilderness in recent years come from, and they don't know who the person is in front of them, so they are completely dumbfounded.

The only person who might be suspicious, Meng Chengyi, was not present.

"What's the situation now?"

"Then where does this man come from? It seems to be saving Mu Jin, but how come you are arguing with Mr. Wuyou again?"

"The ghost knows!"

Some people communicate with faint mosquito noises, neither standing nor walking.

Mu Tianyin looked at the man who was standing on the other side, and gave him a fierce look. What did he do? I don't look at what the situation is now, and I'm inexplicably comparing with the brother.

Hua Zhongjin quickly glanced over, and then glared at Mu Tianyin, fiercely!

"Come here." He said overcastly.

Still dare to stick to Ji Wuyou!

Mu Tianyin was stunned, then looked around again, and then stared at the flowers again. The Ji family's affairs had not yet been completely dealt with. Old thief Ji Xuan was cunning, and she still couldn't reveal her identity.

Not to mention the surrounding monks, this is going around, even the Bat King looked dizzy.

So, does Shaojun want to help Mu Jin, or do he have to solve it himself?

Lian Qingchen Liangruo Meiyu's eyes flashed, she secretly took care of her clothes, and at this moment she walked out with a chuckle, interjecting, "I don't know where your sacred is, and I don't want to be a monk in the northern desert. "

No, you can't let this man help Mu Jin!

Lian Qingchen's beautiful face is smiling, beautiful eyes are looking forward to it, now she is a little weak, with the expression of eagerness, it is really moving.

Hua Zhongjin's blood-stained thin lips lightly hooked, and the tone was cold and deep, "Who are you."

While speaking, the light did not leave Mu Tianyin's body.

Lian Qingchen was startled, and suddenly a little embarrassed. Since this man knew Ji Wuyou, there was no reason to know her. He was clearly asking.

But Lian Qingchen was not at all annoyed, and smiled and said, "Next, Yao Gong Xuannv Lian Qingchen."

"Remember." Hua Zhongjin's laughter was evil and charming.

However, no one knew who he was talking to.

Lian Qingchen raised her eyes and looked at each other. The slender figure was reflected in her eyes, and she was stunned by the crimson. She was also ignorant and didn't know what Hua Zhongjin was talking about.

Wu Yi couldn't stand it, and stared at the old bat standing beside him.

I haven't seen you in a few years, this old ghost is still so stupid!

The Bat King was waking up from a big dream, he even heard a few times, blinked and nodded, "Remember."

and then?

"Then give you a chance to make up for it." Hua Zhongjin spoke slowly.

The Bat King with a **** was still dumbfounded, but he didn't dare to ask, his eyebrows twisted into twists, and he looked at Wu Yi beside Hua Zhongjin for help, his expression almost crying.

What does Shaojun mean?

Wu Yi gave him a headache, then turned his head and stared at Lian Qingchen.

Don’t you understand?

"Ah -" Bat King cried out strangely, "Yes!"

After speaking, he turned around and looked at Lian Qingchen, his gearing eyes gleaming.

Even Qingchen's hairs stood up instantly, "What do you want to do!"

Many disciples in Yao Palace were lost in the hands of the Bat King, and even Qing Chen was very afraid of this old monster.

"What else, try how your blood tastes." The Bat King smirked and swallowed his mouth. For him, even Qingchen is no different from a rabbit.

"Dare you!" Lian Qingchen gritted his teeth.

After speaking, she glared at the man wearing the firecloak shawl, sternly, "My lord, I have never had any enemies with you. No matter whether the Yao Palace, the demon clan or the demon clan, they will enter the river without breaking the river, why are you in this way!"

Even if you don't pity Xiangxiyu, you should also care about Yao Palace!

"Old Bat, I don't care who you are." When the black wind started, the Bat King smiled and rushed towards Lian Qingchen.

But even Qingchen didn't want to think that even the Bat King was not threatened by her, let alone the person opposite her who made the Bat King bow his head!

And the Lianxiangxiyu she wanted was also very embarrassed, Hua Zhongjin had already given it to others.

Since then, it will never change!

"Ah—" Lian Qingchen was blown upside down by a black wind.

"Hyun Girl!"

There was a saint in the Yao Palace during this trip. Seeing this, he hurried up and stopped in front of the old bat.

"You can't stop it." The Bat King Jiejie smiled, his body disintegrated into a black wind and disappeared, and he appeared behind the Yao Palace old man in the next second, reaching out to grab Lian Qingchen.

So this is the end of the situation, and a dramatic one hundred and eighty degree change has come!

The old bat who was chasing and killing Mu Tianyin just now by Lian Qingchen's words, turned his spear, and became entangled with Yaogong Lian Qingchen and his party.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone said that they didn't understand it!

Lian Qingchen dealt with the Bat King in a panic, and looked at Yuhengzong for help.

Everyone in the Yao Palace suffered heavy losses in the immortal crossing, and the only saint around him was also seriously injured now, and the Bat King was not only vigorous, but also a demon saint who could absolutely suppress the monks!

Looking at all the fairy gates around, the only person who can help her right now is Mu Qianzang.

There are now two saints on Yuhengzong's side!

But many so-called friendships, even if they were previously called brothers and sisters, are unreliable at the critical moment, and Mu Qianzhang falls into this category.

From beginning to end, when Hua Chongjin appeared, Mu Qianzhen didn't say a word. By this time, he still maintained the attitude of standing idly by, as if just a pure spectator.

Regarding Lian Qingchen's request for help, he saw in his eyes, but his expression was indifferent and did not make any statement.

In fact, even Qingchen knew in his heart that after asking for help to no avail, he only murmured twice.

"Xuannv, go!" The Yao Palace clan always saw the Bat Dynasty Lian Qingchen pounce.

Lian Qingchen gritted his teeth fiercely, turned and fled quickly.

"Mu Jin!"

She drank angrily.

Blame Mu Jin, this **** fellow!

The Bat King turned into a black wind and stuck behind her, quickly pursued it, and also reminded him in a hurry, "Little baby, you should save some strength."

The dozens of remnants of the Yao Palace also chased after them, trying to protect Lian Qingchen, but their speed was obviously not at the same level, so they were far behind the tail of the crane, anxiously falling behind.

Mu Tianyin stood on tiptoe, looking towards the front, chasing and fleeing the two people who flew far away.

This old bat is actually quite fun.

At least he is a reckless person. No, it should be said that he is a reckless demon. He is not afraid of life and death, and is not afraid of strong doors. It is more blatant to grab things. It can be compared to those in person. The person who stabbed the knife in the back is good.

Everyone around silently looked at each other, and some whispered, "Even Qingchen luck is really enough."

"Yeah." Surrounded by Lianlian, sympathetic eyes* followed Lian Qingchen's back, "Last time I was chased by a monk, and I was stolen by an obscene clothes. This time I was chased by an old monster. Can't escape safely back to Yao Palace."

"It's all because of Mu Jin." Someone discovered this.

There was a burst of laughter from the crowd. Wasn't Mu Jin the one who was born to overcome Lian Qingchen?

When Hua Chongjin heard the name'Mu Jin', her thin lips curled up slightly, and she seemed to be very satisfied. The cold breath all over her body only eased slightly, and she gave Ji Wuyou a naive look.

Ji Wuyou smiled bitterly in his heart, which was very unpleasant.

As Mu Tianyin said before, there are things that are worth fighting for with their lives.

But he knew even more that there were things that he couldn't fight for without giving his life.

The latter is not good, but he can take the second place, and the former is also irreplaceable! Thinking of this, Ji Wuyou looked at Hua Zhongjin and raised his lips with a smile, faintly provocative.

Hua Zhongjin's face that had just turned clear was covered with frost in an instant, and he waved his hand.

Mu Tianyin was still watching the good show, and the whole person was already floating.

Wrap Ji Wuyou, when no one can react, the flowers wrapped in the brocade and ran away, and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye. The fire-like residual temperature on the cliff was still there, but it was a little human. no.

Ji Wuyou stepped forward, her light black brows frowned, like a misty rain in the distant mountains.

"In this way, that man is from Mu Jin's side!"


The situation on the scene is now clear, no better.

"Daozi." The white-robed saint clan of Yuhengzong called the person in front of him.

Mu Qianzhen retracted his eyes, waved his folding fan, and shook his chest lightly, "This Mu Jin is really not easy."

"But who is that man? How come that old bat obeys his orders?" another brown-robed tribe continued with doubts.

The white-robed elder shook his head, "I can't see the details. The origin of that old bat has never been clear. I only know that it is from the Nine Thousand Demon Territory. The man just now should also be from the Nine Thousand Demon Territory, I am afraid. People who are not from the Demon Race, but from the Demon Race."

"Does the cultivators of the Nine Thousand Demon Territories want to trickle this muddy water in the Northern Wilderness?"

The elder white robe looked solemn, "I hope not."

Nine thousand demon domain clans, but they are much stronger than their Northern Desolate Immortal Gates, the old demon in the Illusory Sea Nebula is even more so known as the greatest power in the entire Immortal Ancient Land!

Demon Lord!

Today's Xiangu, ancient emperor and immortal emperor are gone.

Among the few great monarchs, the old demon in the Nine Thousand Demon Territory Illusion Sea Nebula is the strongest, and then the Western Region Holy Land, and they are not even one in the Northern Wilderness!

"If the water and the sky are cut eastward, the monks in the Nine Thousand Demon Territories can't get through much." The old brown robe clan signaled not to worry.

The white-robed clan elder still frowned, "But you have seen it too. Now there are monks over there, and they have appeared one after another in recent years, and they are all quite powerful characters like old bats. Maybe This is a sign."

"It's just a few." The brown robe clan sighed.

"Okay." Mu Qianzang folded his fan and closed it.

He interrupted the discussion between the two people unhurriedly, and the moon robes were lightly dressed, turned and walked away, saying in a light tone, "Since the good show is over, let's go home."

The elders of Yu Hengzong's disciples got up one after another and left with Mu Qianzang.

"Prince Wuyou, then we'll leave too." The sage elder of the Ji family said.

Ji Wuyou came back to his senses, looked back at the person on the other side, and said with a smile, "I just thanked the old man Bai for his help."

"I didn't do anything." Old Ji Jiabai smiled, and then led the Ji family to evacuate.

"My son, let's go back too." Family Ji reminded.

Seeing this, Mu Jin and the man have a very good relationship, and they have nothing to worry about, maybe they will go back to Ziyang Sect directly, and the son can't wait to come back here.

Ji Wuyou looked at the clear sky, "Also."

Several big immortal gates were evacuated one after another, leaving hundreds of casual cultivators here to rest.

But after Hua Chongjin and Mu Tianyin disappeared, and many immortal gates evacuated, this mountain hasn't stopped for a long time. There are different opinions about the mysterious origin of Mu Tianyin, and the conversation is full of enthusiasm.

"This Mu Jin, what is his origin?"

"The intricate relationship is completely unsolvable!"

The name Mu Jin first came out in Shicheng, where he became famous after a battle with Ye Chaoge.

Then he was gradually known as the disciple of Mo Liuxian Guanmen.

After this, it was out of control.

At the alchemy night banquet, Qingcheng sent Duan Chenfeng's strong support. After Mu Jin, with her ingenious talent, she became the chief disciple of Ziyang Sect with her ingenious talent.

He is also the only best friend admitted by Emperor Qi Yeran.

Not only that, now the first son, Ji Wuyou, is a brother to him, and this time the Ji family is also openly protecting each other!

What's going on in this world?

Now it's even more exaggerated, even the mysterious forces on the Nine Thousand Demon Region are helping!

With such an exaggerated backstage, who can move him?

At first, they said that Mu Jin provoked Lian Qingchen and was asking for hardships over and over. Judging from the current situation, they really should bear whether Lian Qingchen can do it.

A few dozen miles away, there is a shallow lake in the quiet forest.

Hua Chongjin flew down with the person in her arms, the red cloak untied, and with a wave of her strong arm, it fell to the ground like a cloud of light and fire, revealing the unparalleled handsome face of the demon.

The silver hair is fluttering, brighter than the lake and mountains, and the blue pupils are all over the sky, deeper than the endless blue sky.

It's just that expression, but it's clouded.

------Off-topic ------

Speaking of the ticket paper, Young Master has thick lines, are you still holding your cute ticket? Please Sa Sa Sa!

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