Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 62: :

"Damn it. Reading novels to the Internet" Ji Xuan cursed fiercely.

Mu Tianyin waved his hand to accept the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Platform, and the old bat dragged Ji Heng down.

With the help of Hua Chongjin, Mu Tianyin refinished the 9th-Rank Golden Lotus Tower, and now it can withstand the destructive power of a Dao King Realm, and all the expected plans are completed.

The old bat sneaked in the Ninth-Rank Golden Lotus Terrace, and when Ji Xuangou jumped the wall and exploded the Fangdao Wangyu, this thing would naturally protect them out!

"Grandpa." Mu Tianyin hurried forward.

After nearly two years, I saw the girl's familiar face again.

Ji Heng was so happy that he burst into tears, coughing again and again, and his voice trembled unconsciously, "Tianyin, good boy."

He really didn't see the wrong person.

When Ji Heng was in prison, he heard a lot of things outside from the old bat. He didn't expect that the weak girl he rescued from outside the ancient forest of Yunhuang was now a goddess. Here comes the promise to him.

He thought that he would wait dozens of hundreds of years.

Even on the day when Shouyuan was exhausted, I couldn't see it with my own eyes.

"Come on, eat this." Mu Tianyin took out a pill and handed it to Ji Heng who was a little excited.

Ji Heng took it, and immediately healed much after swallowing it.

Invigorating blood and generating muscles, the moment the warm current flows into the body, as if the sound of flesh and blood growth can be heard, the scars on the pipa bone immediately scab.

The old bat smashed his mouth, then obediently returned to Hua Zhongjin and stood upright.

These days, it finally became a reliable thing.

Ji Xuan glanced at the main hall, and the shadows appeared.

"It's really Heng Gong!"

Some clan elders around recognized the old man who was abused in an inhuman form.

Although Ji Heng has ordinary talents in Fu Dao and Immortal Dao, and now he is only a Taoist monk, but he is the parent and child of the old Patriarch, and his seniority is very high. Because he is easy-going, he was also very popular in the family. .

However, many people are very sad when they see this situation.

But, don't you say that Heng Gong is dead?

Many people who didn't know the whole story exchanged their eyes to express their doubts.

Ji Wuyou smiled indifferently, and stepped forward slowly, Li Ruo Bingmang's eyes were close to Ji Xuan above, and he spoke word by word, "Yes, this is Heng Gong, Elder Ji Heng, the son of the old Patriarch."

Affirmed by Ji Wuyou, the Ji Family Hall instantly exploded.

At the beginning, Ji Xuan was the heir of the Patriarch, but he didn't have the patience to wait. He joined the inside and outside, and joined the foreign clan to intercept and kill the old Patriarch Ji Wu, and persecuted Ji Heng and others one after another.

He deceived himself, and forcibly sat on the position of Patriarch!

But because Ji Xuan was originally the heir of the Patriarch, and Ji Chenghua, Cao Yi and other clan elders were determined to support them, even if many clan members expressed doubts, the situation could not be reversed, and the Ji Ming clan elders could not bear it. Waiting for the moment.

In such a situation, a stalemate will last six to seventy years.

Until the rise of Ji Wuyou.

And then to Mu Tianyin's return with Fuxi Baojian!

"It's really Henggong, why are you like this?" Ji Ming and Ji Qi stepped forward, their hands trembling.

When Ji Heng disappeared, he looked at the appearance of only 40 or 50 years old, but in just a few decades, he looked like a withered old man in his 70s or 80s, almost making them unable to recognize people.

It may be normal for mortals to grow old, but for a monk who is almost a hundred years old, it has changed too much.

Ji Heng looked at the two old guys he knew before, smiled miserably, just said, "Times make people grow old."

I have experienced too many things, and I am full of emotion.

"Fortunately, it's not too late." Ji Heng's tone changed suddenly, and his eyes turned angrily toward the person above, "Ji Xuan, you have killed my father with a foreign clan and ungrateful to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors. You are guilty of your sins. What is your face? For my Ji family again!"

Weep blood every word, and scream for crusade.

When all the Ji family disciples heard this, the main hall was in an uproar like the tide.

The two clansmen of Ji Feng and Cheng Jin looked at each other, and in the midst of these responsibilities, they were a bit unsteady, and the secret path was gone.

"The crime should be punished!" Ji Ming shouted.

"It's a crime!"

In the main hall, all the Ji family's children shouted neatly, all with expressions of indignation.

The neutral clan elders also led their disciples to support them, and for a while, the whole situation completely formed a one-sided situation.

"Hahahaha." Ji Xuan suddenly laughed wildly, showing a hideous look on his face.

His spirit soared, flying sand and rocks around him.

Although Ji Xuan is a vicious villain, he has a true cultivation base, and he is still a demon monk. Now the mid-term strength of Demon Sage, in the entire Beihuang, except for the top power of Mo Liuxian above, he belongs to him. level.

Strength should not be underestimated.

"Damn that old thing, this seat is for the entire Ji family!" Ji Xuan's eyes were dripping with blood.

He sounded like a ghost, "If he doesn't die, how long will this seat be? This house owner should have been able to occupy it. He has dominated for hundreds of years, and he has not seen any changes to the Ji family. If I lose, then why can’t I replace it? Only if the Ji family is in the hands of this seat, will there be hope for a revival!"

Hua Zhongjin and the red cloak flew up, his eyebrows frowned and he took Mu Tianyin back.

He didn't interfere with Ji's affairs and didn't want to talk too much.

The purpose of following is to ensure that the person next to him does not travel.

"Ji Xuan, nowadays, why should I make excuses for my wolf ambition." Ji Wuyou Xueyi is not stained with slender dust, and his tone is calm and clear. "A selfish person who is ungrateful, how can he talk about a prosperous family?"

Mu Tianyin snorted coldly, "Really ridiculous."

There are so many shameless people, I have never seen such a righteous man.

A man who can even kill his mentor, can he count on his dedication and lead the Ji family to prosperity? When he said this, he was not afraid to flash his tongue.

"Take down the old thief Ji Xuan!" Ji Ming shouted with hatred.

At the moment of speaking, he and Ji Qi cooperated with the surrounding elders and quickly controlled Ji Feng and Cheng Jin. They were both monks in the late stage of the Dao Tribulation. The advantage of the large number of people quickly manifested, and Ji Feng and Cheng Jin and others gave up resistance. , So it was almost immediately subdued.

The few elder disciples below, after learning about the situation, turned their backs one after another.

At the same time, Ji Lang and Lin Gan shot.

Both of them were in the early stage of the saints, the chain of law shook out, and one trapped Ji Xuan with the other.

"Want to catch this seat?" Ji Xuan struggled fiercely with his wrists, and there was a sharp sound of rattling chains, and **** eyes glowed fiercely.

"Shaojun?" Wu Yi began to test.

Hua Zhongjin shook his head insignificantly, Ji family's affairs, Ji family resolved.

"Tianyin, retreat." Hua Zhongjin said.

Mu Tianyin was stunned, and then quickly retreated from the battlefield.

She couldn't intervene in the battle at the saint level.

"Bat King." Mu Tianyin's old bat winked.

The old bat was very optimistic and had to make Ji Heng, who had been protecting the serious injury unhealed, to retreat and turn into a hard-working porter.

"Old thief Ji Xuan, don't want to run." Lin Gan shouted.

"Swipe! Swipe! Swipe!"

At this moment, the Shifang clan elder Qi Qi made a move, the chain of magic violently pulled, and instantly pulled Ji Xuan into a big character and fell into the air. This situation caused Ji Xuan's brows to frown, and he couldn't get out of the fight. .

"Ah -" Ji Xuan yelled out of Yangtian, and the jade crown was shattered, and the gray-haired ghost flew away.

Ji Wuyou calmly calmed Xianzi, he stepped back a little, and lifted his feet on the air, raised his arms, and held his hands up lightly.

That posture is as calm and elegant as ever.

Thousands of Ji family disciples elders behind, all shot together to pass on the force for him.


I saw that Ji Xuan suspended a golden rune under his suspended feet, and the mysterious lines spread rapidly, like a flower of entanglement, making him feel as if he was in a quagmire for an instant, powerless to struggle.

Prison Dragon Array Talisman!

A more overbearing existence than the Soul Realm Fixing Talisman!

The existence of the controllable king-level monk can only be opened by Ji Wuyou when all the rune masters of the Ji family offer sacrifices to the force.

Wu Yi looked from a distance and nodded repeatedly.

As a descendant of the human queen, the Ji family, the head of the Seven Ancients, really has some background.

"Ji Wuyou, you a stinky kid, how can He De be qualified for the position of Patriarch? Wishful dreams!" Ji Xuan's disheveled hair, shouted like a lunatic, and the chains on his body were rustling. With Mu Tianyin, I want you to die without a place to be buried!"

Even if he died, he wanted the entire Ji family to be buried!


There was a blood stain at the corner of Ji Xuan's eyes, his ears, nose, eyes and mouth were bleeding from seven holes, and the terrible scarlet liquid dripped down the cracked face.

Didi splashed, smashed on the golden rune, penetrated into the black stone, and invaded the depths of the earth.


Ji Xuan hissed for the last time.

A scarlet light wave centered on him, suddenly dispersed, and directly smashed the entire hall. If it were not for a dozen elders from the surrounding clan to join forces to blockade, I am afraid that all of them would be reduced to ashes!

When the prisoner dragon talisman was closed, Ji Xuan's whole body was already soft.


Just among the old doubts of the clans, the earth trembles suddenly and there is a sound, a hundred miles around, it seems that the entire Silent Hill big floor block, amidst that sound, suddenly drops hundreds of feet.

The sound is shocking!

"not good!"

Old Bat and Wu Yi spoke at the same time.

The breath of the same kind is still extremely terrifying!

"Retreat, all retreat!" Wu Yi shouted.

Seeing this, Mu Tianyin was also aware of the seriousness of the matter, and a cold voice called the disciples of the Ji family to leave.

In particular, some monk runes who were weak, even still in the human realm, just overwhelmed them to the ground as soon as a little energy light wave overflowed, as weak as an ant.

Damn Ji Xuan, what did he do!


A beast roar broke through the air, directly shattering the invisible shield of Ji's surrounding Silent Hill, and the entire Ji's ancient house directly surfaced in the mountains and valleys of Silent Hill, all exposed.


The patriarchs quickly organized the disciples to evacuate.

"Tianyin, don't run around." Hua Zhongjin reminded with a frown.

Mu Tianyin shook his head, "I'm fine."

Along with the roar of the ferocious beast, a scarlet giant claw broke out of the earth carrying the power of the smashing air, nearly a hundred meters, and the earth shattered and the sky shook, followed by another fiery claw.

The gravel pierced through the space, and the giant beast appeared.

The fiery lion shape is as high as four to five hundred meters, with a long golden mane, ferocious claws, and a big mouth that seems to swallow the sky.


There was a roar, like thunder.

The breath of the giant beast was terrifying, as if it had crawled out of hell, and the mountains rolled down from its back like mud and rocks, carrying the power of breaking the mountain and gravel in every move, and it made the surrounding screams.

"It's the ancient 狻猊!" Wu Yi took a deep breath.

One of the ten great beasts of the ancient prehistoric, with strong bloodlines and extremely cruel, it can be said to be comparable to the three-legged golden crow!

Moreover, looking at this head, it is definitely an old demon with hundreds of thousands of years of Taoism. Such an ancient scorpion is equivalent to the late-stage Taoist thing!

If there is no monarch-level extraordinary power present, who can stop?

Ji Wuyou also changed his complexion, and yelled hurriedly, "Withdraw, all withdraw quickly!"

Why this thing was sealed under Silent Hill is no longer important. The most important thing is to let the disciples evacuate first, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous. This thing is enough to destroy the entire Ji family tens of thousands of disciples overnight, and must be evacuated immediately.


The screams of the Ji family disciples continued to be heard amid the screaming roar of the sky.

"What to do?" Mu Tianyin quickly retreated, her eyes trembled.

Could it be that Ji family's foundation was ruined?

Hua Chongjin trimmed her eyebrows and frowned, "Ancient 狻猊."

Under the ancient house of the Ji family, a monster of this level was actually sealed!

"All disciples, leave immediately!" Ji Wuyou decisively ordered, "All elders, elders, all stay!"

Stay all!

With an order, the Ji family listened.

Under the full protection of more than a dozen clan elders and more than one hundred Tianfu elders, tens of thousands of Ji family disciples evacuated to a safe distance, but they all stayed and faced the giant barbarian with Ji Wuyou. beast.

Indeed, the Ji family's ancestors cannot be destroyed!

And also can't let this monster beast that has lost its sanity to do evil in the Imperial Northern Territory.

Otherwise, the mortal world will suffer countless deaths and injuries.

"Saojun!" Wu Yi was a little worried.

This Ji Xuanke is really ruthless. If he can't sit on the position of Patriarch, he will destroy the entire family!

Bat King bit his lip fiercely, feeling that his two fangs are about to fly out under the strong wind, "Good guy, I'm afraid I was sealed under Silent Hill since I was a kid, hundreds of thousands of years old. The hostility was released at once, but it was troublesome."

"King Bat, Wu Yi, go." Hua Zhongjin's pupils were bloody, and squinted suddenly.


The two of them got the order and quickly turned into two rays of light and flew towards the giant monster to help Ji Wuyou.


The ancient ruins roared up to the sky, the mountains shattered, and half of the sky was stained blood red, and there seemed to be a faint tendency of the sky and the earth to split.

Mu Tianyin pulled Hua Zhongjin's arm, "Chongjin."

"No!" Hua Zhongjin and the red cloak waved away like a haze, lighting up the night, he caught Mu Tianyin's arm and pulled back, a dangerous light appeared in the blue pupils, "Ancient 狻猊 is definitely not you, you give me Honestly, don't let it go."

Hua Zhongjin knew Mu Tianyin too well, so he kept guarding every step of the way.

He was almost certain that Mu Tianyin would follow him and slip away immediately after he left!

------Off-topic ------

Although it’s not a lifelong event, it’s a lifelong matter, ah╮(╯▽╰)╭~

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