Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 3 Chapter 81: : Mysterious emblem!

</script> Mu Tianyin noticed the strangeness of Hua Zhongjin and asked in confusion, "Do you know this thing?"

Everyone in the Ji family exchanged their eyes as they looked at them, but they didn't see any clues. Upon hearing these words, they all cast their eyes on the tall red cloak figure, asking questions. .com|

Hua Zhongjin glanced at Mu Tianyin, nodding slightly.

Ji Wuyou also looked at the flower brocade, raised his hand lightly, and said slowly, "The material of this ancient jade is very ordinary, especially the pattern on it. I think it should be the emblem of a power or organization. ."

Hua Chongjin took the ancient jade with the opportunity, and the sound was like no waves in the ancient pond, "Really."

"What's the emblem?" Mu Tianyin also looked out and called the hall.

Hua Zhongjin and Bi pupil were slightly cold, staring carefully at the sword wing picture above, the shadow of the cloak covered the upper half of his face, and under the bridge of his handsome nose, the thin red lips closed together, and slowly said, "Specific I don't know which power it belongs to, but the emblem on this ancient jade has also appeared in the Nine Thousand Demon Realms."


"Nine Thousand Demon Regions have also appeared?"

The elders of the major clans of the Ji family uttered doubts.

In this case, it is basically certain that Yao Palace did not do it, and their hands could not reach the nine thousand demon domain.

"The last time this emblem appeared, the giant clan was almost annihilated." Hua Zhongjin continued, "It's also such a group of people. I went to investigate. They acted cleanly and left no trace."

Seeing this emblem, Hua Chongjin finally remembered why this breath became familiar.

Everyone in the Ji family took a breath.

In the nine thousand demon realms, the giant clan is just like the Ji family's status in the northern desert wasteland. They are all first-class big clan, and the giant clan is born with supernatural power and blood is handed down from the ancient pangu great emperor, which is very powerful.

He was almost exterminated!

Ji Wuyou took the ancient jade handed back by Hua Zhongjin, her eyes darkened.

"Who are they?" Mu Tianyin pursed her lips fiercely, worrying aggravated in her heart.

Hua Zhongjin’s voice is lazy and clear, "That group of people is acting very secretively. It has been seven or eight years since the last time the Nine Thousand Demon Realm appeared, and there is no news after that. I did not expect to be here again this time. Beihuang saw it." He chuckled, "Interestingly, what exactly these people want to do."

"Could it be a cultivator from the Nine Thousand Demon Realm?" The old white brows wrinkled hard.

The other tribe is always puzzled, "Then what are they doing against the Ji family for no reason?"

Everyone fell silent, unable to tell why.

Ji Wuyou's ink pupil squinted slightly, and he squeezed the ancient jade with the strange emblem in his hand, his tone was always calm and calm, "Let's watch the changes. If they really have any purpose for the Ji family, they will definitely come back. I know that what we can do now is to strengthen our defense and strengthen ourselves as soon as possible."

"Yeah." Mu Tianyin agreed.

Hua Zhongjin glanced at Ji Wuyou, a rare admiration flashed through Bi Tong.

The old Bai nodded, "Patriarch, then I will go and see how the disciples are doing?"

"Go." Ji Wuyouyun.

"I'll check the beacon tower."

"I'm going to sort out the damage in each hall."


The elders of all ethnic groups retired one after another, without further delay, according to the division of labor discussed just now.

The Ji family united their hearts, and under the leadership of Ji Wuyou, they quickly cleared up the mess. Coupled with Mu Tianyin's elixir, the injured disciple quickly recovered his strength, and it took only ten days.

Remembering the Ji family's side, Mu Tianyin also stayed temporarily.

Streaming light was like water, and a month passed in a flash.

But this month, it was calm.

The Ji family recovered as before, the mysterious person was like a stone sinking into the sea, but there was no more news, suddenly appeared, and suddenly disappeared without a trace, making people doubt whether it was a passerby, but just accidentally recruited Arrived at Ji's house.

The buildings are full of shadows, row upon row of ancient temples.

In a secluded courtyard, a large pile of melons and fruits that looked like small hills, three to five feet high, was rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye, and strange noises were heard in it.

In a short while, only some skeletal nuclei remained from those things.

With a swish, a melon scoop the size of a watermelon popped out. After a few tremors, it flew out, revealing a small hairy head. The body was white as satin, with a plump body, white tails, and a few red spots on the eyelids. The traces are clearly visible.

The Ji Ming clan swallowed and froze there.

Too good to eat, right?

He was watching that pile of hills eating food and getting into the belly of something the size of a palm.

"Fatty." Mu Tianyin's voice came from the other side.

The little thing shook its long tail, and quickly shook off the remaining juice like a puppy, and flew to Mu Tianyin's shoulder. While Hua Zhongjin was not there, he touched her cheek affectionately.

Mu Tianyin poked his chubby belly with a smile.

This little thing, as if it hadn't eaten anything for hundreds of years, it took a lot of effort to break the seal last time, otherwise it would not wake up after a deep sleep for half a year.

"Ming, I'm really sorry, I scared you." Mu Tianyin let out a low cough.

Ji Ming returned to his senses and took a look at Fatty, "It's okay, I've seen more scary ones."

Who would have thought that such a small insignificant is actually a ferocious beast?

At this point, it's nothing.

Fatty squatted on Mu Tianyin's shoulders, eating and drinking, it was lazily basking in the sun. Seeing Ji Ming looking over, he immediately bared white teeth, neat and tidy like sharp knives, and whispered at him. Danger warning sound.

Ji Ming was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly his back felt cold.

"Woo--" Mu Tianyin stuck a stone in its mouth and blocked it.

Kaka Kaka, Fatty and bitterly bitterly ate it, like chewing beans.

Ji Ming laughed for a while, "This little thing is really easy to feed."

Mu Tianyin touched his nose, which was true.

It eats immortal grass and elixir, and it also chews on mud, rock and wood. Even diamonds can be chewed crunchy.

"Tianyin, where did you meet this little thing?" Ji Ming was curious, and looked back and forth carefully. "Looking at the demon sealing order on the little thing's head, I am afraid it has been thousands of years, although it is gradually Dissipated, its specific power cannot be deduced now, but I guess it is at least the ancient emperor-level power, the power that can be possessed, if it goes up, the immortal emperor is possible."

This little thing, I don't know what a terrifying beast!

Judging from the situation on that day, it must be very cruel. If it breaks free and allows it to develop, even the entire Emperor Bei region will not be enough to toss it, but fortunately it listens to this little girl.

"I don't know too." Mu Tianyin frowned and glanced at the fat flying out of her shoulders, "This little thing, I met by chance outside the ancient forest of Yunhuang, I don't know the origin."

Ji Ming sighed, "Then pay more attention to this little thing."

If you are not careful, you may have to poke a big basket.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Wuyou came from the outer hall, white clothes surpassing Xue, sound like a quiet spring flowing, the corners of his robe followed that step, drawing elegant arcs in the air.

Mu Tianyin smiled and looked at him, "Brother."

Ji Ming bowed his hand and said, "Talk to Tianyin casually."

"Brother, I'm going to find you." Mu Tianyin looked at Shang Ji Wuyou's eyes.

At this time, Hua Zhongjin also stepped out of the Guangdian, followed by the old Bat and Wu Yi, who were reporting to him what he was talking about, and the pair of Bi pupils were looking impartially here, after seeing Mu Tianyin, Also step forward.

Ji Wuyou looked at Mu Tianyin, Mo Tong smiled, "What?"

Mu Tianyin and Hua Chongjin looked at each other, then looked at Ji Wuyou and Ji Ming, and said after a slight pause, "I am going to leave the Northern Wilderness, and I was going to come and say goodbye to you earlier."

Those people haven't made any movement for so long, it is probably similar to the situation of the giants.

If you want to know, maybe you can find some clues in the Nine Thousand Demon Regions.

"Leaving the Northern Wilderness?" Ji Wuyou stiffened unchecked, and then laughed. On that beautiful face, it was like an ice lotus blooming. Although it was a questioning word, it was in a positive tone. "Are you going to the Nine Thousand Demon Realm?"

Mu Tianyin chuckled, tacitly.

Ji Ming was stunned, looked at the two people opposite, then secretly glanced at Ji Wuyou beside him, and sighed in his heart.

"I'll take a look and maybe find a way out of the star field." Mu Tianyin said.

"Alright..." Ji Wuyou nodded slightly, and cast a deep glance at the opposite girl. "If there is any news about Fuxi Baojian Soul Realm Volume, I will also immediately notify Illusory Sea Nebula."

Mu Tianyin smiled, "If there is anything going on here at the Ji family, you should send news to me as soon as possible."

She was still a little worried about those mysterious people.

"Good." Ji Wuyou agreed.

Ji Ming also smiled and said, "Tianyin, don't worry, if the group of people dare to commit the crime, we are also fully prepared to let them come back and forth."

Mu Tianyin said, she was helping the Ji family to recast the protective shield during this period, and she still had some confidence in her heart.

Ji Wuyou sighed slightly, "Don't worry, there is me here."

Tianyin has done too much for the Ji family.

Hua Zhongjin waited quietly, Bi Tong faintly.

Old Bat and Wu Yi glanced at each other. How could there be a feeling of sending a girl to marry?

"Yeah." Mu Tianyin's mouth bends, "By the way, please say goodbye to other elders, and I won't bother them."

Speaking of this, Mu Tianyin's heart was filled with a shallow melancholy.

In this land, she has no roots and no bottom. It can be said that she is an orphan. To her, the Ji family is like her own family. At first, it was for the promise to grandpa, and then they gave her the greatest support and support. Caring.

"Good." Ji Wuyou agreed.

Ji Ming said, "Tianyin, you must come back again if you have a chance. Remember, the door of Ji's house is always open for you."

As he said, there were tears in his old eyes.

"Of course." Mu Tianyin laughed, breaking the low atmosphere like a silver bell.

Ji Wuyou's eyes lightly turned, his indifferent color matched the endless cold green.

Take care of her.

Hua Zhongjin's red lips raised slightly, quite uncomfortable.

What do you mean?

Ji Ming gazed inwardly and saw a trace of silver hair snaking out under the crimson cloak, his eyes darkened, if he hadn't guessed wrong, this man should be the young master of the sea star cloud...

With this man by Tianyin's side, she would be safe and secure when she entered the dangerous place where the monsters crisscrossed.

The Magic Sea Nebula is one of the most powerful forces in the Nine Thousand Demon Territories, and even the first monarch of the ancient land!

What's more, there is that fat little thing.

No, it's a big guy!

Ji Ming turned his eyes and saw the little white-tailed beast working hard not far away. The corner of his eyes twitched. This little thing stayed at Ji's house again, and it was estimated that all the courtyard walls would be chewed out of the hole.

Mu Tianyin took a deep breath. She would definitely return to this land, but she didn't know when.

"Farewell." Hua Zhongjin said, simple and clear.

Ji Wuyou's cherry lips were lightly hooked, and the shallow arc was helpless and bitter, but in the end they all went away with the breeze, like a breeze sweeping across the lake, rippling layers of ripples and then returning to peace.

Ji Ming raised his hand and made a gesture, indicating to take care.

Several changhong skyrocketed, penetrating the protective cover of Ji's Silent Hill, and piercing into the distant night sky.

Moonlight in Tsinghua, Ji's heavy wall and beacon tower are hundreds of feet high, rising from the ground, two figures one behind the other, looking at the distant lights and shadows for a long time.

"The son..." Ji Ming stood beside Ji Wuyou and didn't call the Patriarch.

The sky broke through the clouds, and under the hazy moonlight, the figure of that snow-clothed figure looked particularly thin, and there was a faint loneliness all over her body, like a snow lotus blooming in the middle of the moon and flowers, left alone.

He seemed to chuckle, "Sometimes there is life, but there is no time to force..."

Helpless, he was a step slower.

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