Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 4 Chapter 35: : Ready to cross the robbery!

Although Magic Sea Nebula is not as repulsive or even disgusting to the Human Race like other forces, it is definitely not up to the level of liking, and it is impossible to sit directly next to Hua Zhongjin.

Deyi Tianjun looked at Mu Tianyin and Hua Zhongjin again. After lingering between the two, he looked back and exchanged glances with other Sifang Tianjun, thoughtfully.

When several Tianjun looked at him, Mu Tianyin nodded politely and smiled.

If she has to say something, she actually has something to do with Lingyin Realm. She can also be said to be in the same vein on the path of alchemy. The Supreme Daoist is one of the three most respected and respected in the ancient Tiangong, even the Jade Emperor. She respected him very much, and she inherited Ziyang Danzong's alchemy, which was also derived from this, and even now that the Danshu Baoju is in her hands, she is considered to be the inherited disciple of the Supreme Daojun's Danshu.

And that Tianjun was a disciple of Lingbao Tianzun's inheritance, and one of the Sanqing, so he had some origins.

Several Tianjun glanced at each other and nodded at her.

Although these old men are high-powered people, they are not people with upturned nostrils, and nothing else, as long as she and Hua Zhongjin are sitting on an equal footing, they will not be casual.

Fang Yan's eyes flashed, and he stabbed Feng Shaoyang with his elbow again, "Eh, you said we let Mu Tianyin join the Lingyin Realm, would she be willing? Staying with the same clan, she should always compare peace. A group of demons who might eat her at any time."

The abacus in his heart crackled, and Fang Yan felt hopeful the more he thought about it.

"I advise you to be honest." Feng Shaoyang only replied this sentence, curling his mouth like a smile.

Fang Yan curled the corners of his mouth, still thinking to himself, the beautiful corners of his mouth smiled deeper and deeper.

"I really didn't expect this to be the case." Mu Tianyin said softly, and looked at Hua Zhongjin beside him.

I thought it was a big move in the Lingyin realm. No, this can be said to be a big move. It was just a little bit different from their initial expectations. No one thought that the Lingyin realm would be a human force.

Hua Zhongjin’s lips look like a blazing fire, "I found it some time ago, but it's just a clue, not sure."

"They should use a method to cover up the human aura." Mu Tianyin added lightly.

Hua Zhongjin smiled lightly and nodded.

After Shenmu Tianjun and everyone introduced several other Tianjun and some monks in the Lingyin realm, they warmly welcomed everyone to a banquet.

There are fairies in white clothes holding delicacies, and constantly adding spiritual liquid to everyone's seats.

Lingyin Realm is indeed a very large human force now, it can be said that it is even better than Tianjizong, the first cultivation sect on the northern desert desert soil.

The five heavenly monarchs are all cultivators, powerful at the level of Taoist kings.

The lower seven division stars are all the existence of the peak of Dao Sage. The last eighteen gods and forty-nine palace officials are also saint-level monks. Besides, the other disciples of the heavenly soldiers have continuously absorbed nine thousand monsters in these years. There are as many as 100,000 people under the territorial monks!

Previously, it was rumored that there were alien forces questioning the Lingyin Realm, attempting to invade, but being destroyed by it. Now it seems that such a huge force can kill a middle-level alien force overnight.

With the magic sea nebula, the demon tribe, and the zerg tribe, they are the four giants of the nine thousand monsters, worthy of the name!

And this time, the Lingyin Realm came into the world with such a high profile. For the entire Nine Thousand Demon Realm, it is also a big event. The most important thing is the human force, which will surely set off a storm, and it will have a great impact on the entire structure. Big impact.

The human beings living in this land and hiding in Tibet are equivalent to having hope and dependence.

Mu Tianyin glanced at the situation around her eyes, the corners of her mouth bends, and she murmured a little funny, "A number of flat peaches will become a Jade Lake Fairy..." Now it's more like a "dancing of demons".

"Huh?" Hua Zhongjin who was beside him asked in confusion.

Mu Tianyin shook his head, "It's nothing."

The next time will be the real exchange meeting. The atmosphere in the entire Nine Heavens Palace is happy and harmonious, without any disputes. As I said before, as long as you are in high position, as long as you are rich and powerful... No matter what, you have the upper hand. One thing, those who are familiar with you and those who are unfamiliar with you, when they meet, they all seem to be quite familiar, and I even want to be called brothers and sisters immediately.

Although this is a bit cool to say, it is true most of the time.

"Sovereign Flower Young——" Shenmu Tianjun came down to the ranks of the fantasy sea nebula himself.

Hua Zhongjin also stood up, quite polite.

Shenmu Tianjun’s eyes swept across Mu Tianyin’s body, and finally settled on Hua Zhongjin’s body, with a calm tone, "Sovereign Hua Shao is able to come in person this time. It is an honor for my Lingyin Realm. If there is any lack of hospitality, Please forgive me for the place."

The white-haired old man's eyes were bright and ethereal.

Hua Zhongjin smiled back, "Shenmu Tianjun is polite."

"This is the young lady." Shenmu Tianjun's eyes finally fell on Mu Tianyin. He just got a brief understanding from his elder disciple Feng Shaoyang, and paid special attention to the girl next to Hua Zhongjin.

"Exactly." The smile at the corner of Hua Zhongjin's mouth was softened by these words.

Mu Tianyin stood beside Hua Zhongjin and nodded at the **** Mu Tianjun. He was heroic, neither overbearing nor overbearing, and relaxed and relaxed. "Tianjun is polite, thanks to Lingyin Realm's warm hospitality."

"Where..." Shenmu Tianjun stroked his white beard.

Then there was a period of official talk. Shenmu Tianjun deliberately wanted to learn more about Mu Tianyin, but Mu Tianyin didn't say much at this time, and he didn't think it was the best time to mention it.

In the Palace of Nine Heavens, other powers and groups also chatted happily.

"Hawk Lord, the last time you left Wushan, it hasn't been seen in a hundred years, how are you?"

"Lord Shenlong, we have to go to Middle-Earth if we have something to do. I wonder if you can make it convenient to lend us the legend. If it is possible, we will definitely thank you again."

"Haha, no problem."


The white clouds were leisurely, and the monks were drinking and chatting, their voices swirling and shaking in the sky.

A grand event ended in the bustle and bustle.

Next, there is another highlight, the Tribulation Conference!

"Chongjin, I want to go." Mu Tianyin's eyes were dark.

After the banquet in the Palace of Nine Heavens, Hai Xingyun and his entourage returned to the Guangling Hall to practice. By the way, they briefly discussed the Tribulation Conference, which will begin immediately this evening.

Hua Zhongjin hesitated.

Wu Yi said, "Little madam, there should be nearly a thousand people crossing the catastrophe together this time. Although I don't know if there is any place in the Lingyin Realm that can withstand this power, you have just broken through the later stage of the Dao catastrophe and reached the perfection soon, I am afraid ..."

For the ten monks who participated in the Tribulation Conference, Huanhai Xingyun had already been selected when it came, or Wu Yi personally found it. Not to mention the careful selection, they are all those who have reached the late Dzogchen realm for hundreds of years. In terms of the success rate and the strength of the pressure, it is considered good, and the illusion sea star cloud will never be left behind in the Tribulation Conference.

But Mu Tianyin, Wu Yi was worried that she wasn't ready yet. In case something happened, let's not say anything else, you can't bear it, Young Master, he really can't guarantee it.

"Yes, Madam." The monk who was going to participate in the Tribulation Conference also said, "Let us go."

An old man with a white beard said smoothly: "If you don't say too much, you have to wait at least a hundred years, young lady. Take a good rest, and the chance of success will be greater."

Although Wu Yi didn't agree with Mu Tianyin's coming up now, but hearing this sentence, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, "Tian Zong, do you know what age the young lady is now..." He didn't seem to have told everyone clearly.

"I don't know." Tian Zong took it.

Wu Yi's temple jumped, "The little man is a teenager..."

Let her wait for another hundred years to cross the catastrophe, for they can't say it.

The ten or so people with unknown circumstances suddenly raised their eyes and said in unison, "No!"

For monks, after crossing the heaven, the aging speed of their appearance will be related to the number of lifespans. For example, if a person passes the heavens at the age of 20, he will have eight hundred years of life. At the age of eight, his appearance will be one year old as an ordinary mortal.

To put it simply, the speed of aging is eight times slower than that of ordinary mortals. Every time you cross a level, the speed of aging will slow down. After the catastrophe, some special races will change their appearance.

For example, the Thousand Faced Demon Fox clan, after crossing the Tribulation, it will possess a peculiar magical ability that can change anyone's face, just let it look at it a few more times, and it will transform into exactly the same person in minutes.

Therefore, only from Mu Tianyin's appearance, a monk of ordinary strength cannot determine her true age.

"This this--"


More than a dozen people have big eyes and small eyes, and they are stuttering.

A mortal who has reached the late stage of the Heavenly Tribulation in his teens! Gosh, give them a brick and let them die.

"Okay." Hua Zhongjin stopped the people who were fighting for it.

The cultivators of the Magic Sea Nebula immediately silenced, and subconsciously stepped back. Then this situation is not necessarily true. Of course, the young lady wants to try and they can't decide, it must be Young Jun's consent.

Mu Tianyin pursed her lips and looked at him, her brows solemn.

Hua Zhongjin and Bitong rippled gradually, and he asked, "Somewhat sure."

"I know it in my heart." Mu Tianyin just replied like this, and the chances of her forehead shook lightly.

Tianquan Xianjun's eyes swept around between the two. This little girl swallowed the Sanqing Xuanming flames. Now the physical strength is far from that of ordinary Dao Tribulation cultivators. This is true, but he is afraid that Thunder Tribulation will respond accordingly. Tough.

How much will it be? He has no idea!

Hua Zhongjin's thin lips pressed lightly into a lip line. After a long silence, his eyes nodded deeply, "Okay."

Mu Tianyin opened her eyebrows slightly, got up and sat down in Hua Zhongjin's arms, stretched out her hand to hook his neck, "Chongjin, don't worry, I will definitely get through the thunder catastrophe smoothly and nothing will happen."

She has to spend a lifetime with Zhongjin, and she has to go back, and there are still many things to do.

Therefore, she can't have anything!

------Off-topic ------

Speechless Condensation┭┮﹏┭┮

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