Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 4 Chapter 37: : Thunder robbery to the extreme!

Even God Eye Tianjun was stunned for a moment, his eyes hovering around Mu Tianyin's body.

With his strength in the early stage of the Dao King, he could tell at a glance that Mu Tianyin is really a teenage human, but his cultivation has indeed reached the terrifying realm of the late Dao Tribulation, but this is enough for people Surprised.

She is now...

When Mu Tianyin walked by, Feng Shaoyang couldn't help but speak, "Miss Mu, there are estimated to be a thousand people in this Tribulation Conference. If you are not fully prepared, you should not rush for a while."

There seemed to be stars gleaming between his handsome eyebrows, which quenched the wind.

"Thank you for the reminder, I know." Mu Tianyin stepped beside him for a while, only to reply like this.

This time, many cultivators crossed the tribulation together. Although the thunder and tribulations did not affect each other, the tribulation traverser would bear greater pressure and be more disturbed. Without sufficient confidence, they would not dare to go up.

Hua Zhongjin frowned when he saw the wind shaoyang's movements here, and when he was about to pass, Mu Tianyin had already stepped away and went over there with the many monks who crossed the Tribulation. Go to the cliff.

Fang Yan stayed on the spot in a daze, and hurriedly followed after he recovered.

"Isn't it, Mu Tianyin wants to overcome the catastrophe?"

"Hua Zhongjin really feel relieved..."

"Furthermore, human cultivators generally don't need demons. Wouldn't Hua Chongjin give up all the quota of Huanhai Xingyun, in case Mu Tianyin's performance is not good, it would be embarrassing."

"That's true, so bold!"


The so-called thunder tribulation is to cause the power of thunder and lightning to come from heaven and earth, temper the body, and cast the golden body of the saint. The strength of the golden body of the saint is almost the primordial spirit condensed from the transformation stage in the sea of ​​pill. It is called Yuan Ying implicated after refining.

When crossing the thunder tribulation, the more Nascent Infant colors that can be refined, it means that the golden body is stronger and more stable.

Generally speaking, the highest is Qi-color Yuan Ying!

This is the ultimate that a monk can reach in common sense, and the number of seven-color naive infants that can be made is even among the dozens of saints in the nine thousand demon realms, and only one hand can count them.

Compared with ordinary monks, Mu Tianyin now has two advantages.

One is that she is practicing the Wordless Truth.

Emperor Kongsang’s Zhidao Ancient Scripture has no words. The reason why it is admired by thousands of monks is that its Heavenly Realm scroll is said to be the strongest emperor’s scripture. That’s because it can produce nine colors by practicing its peak state. Yuan Ying!

Emperor Kongsang is also the only owner of the Nine Colors Yuan Ying!

Second: After being tempered by the Sanqing Profound Spiritual Fire, her body is already so strong that some bloodline monsters can't match it, and the lightning strikes she can carry will naturally be much stronger.

But conversely, this may also become Mu Tianyin's fatal place.

Heavenly Dao is a very ethereal existence, Thunder Tribulation is equally mysterious, Heavenly Dao will feel the strength of monks, the more powerful monks, the more potential and talented monks, the more terrifying the power of Thunder Tribulation!

Before it started, Wu Yi was too nervous to speak.

Hua Zhongjin's eyes were calm, surrounded by silver light, the bustling monks and monsters, the crowd was crowded and chaotic, but in his eyes, there was only that petite figure.

The thin, **** lips tightened tightly, and the lip line was hard.

There are ten people from each force participating, and there are a total of seven or eight hundred monks. They have made records with the immortal official in charge of the Lingyin Stage, and then they leap to the platform of the tribulation suspended in the silver and white clouds.

Mu Tianyin chose the closest place to Hua Zhongjin, flew down and turned his eyes to give him a relieved smile.

Fang Yan ‘followed’ Mu Tianyin and chose the one closest to her. The difference between the two was about a hundred feet. With the eyesight of a cultivator of this level, he could clearly see each other.

He thought he was adventurous enough, but he didn't expect to meet someone bolder and fatter!

Count her cruel...

It's no joke not to transition to the robbery. Once the thunder robbery is drawn down, no matter you hide in the end of the world, you hide in the imperial domain magic weapon, and you will all be smashed into ashes!

Has this guy figured it out?

"Young Master, it's too late to stop it now." Wu Yi really couldn't help but say something.

When this little girl cut the way, she experienced a thunder tribulation, and she almost lost it at the time. This time she prepared for such a short time. He was really worried, he could basically imagine the situation.

It's definitely not a joke!

However, Hua Chongjin didn't speak, and when she saw Mu Tianyin's eyes cast over, she smiled slightly at her.

"..." When the wind blew past my ears.

Yin Tian stood in front of many cultivators of the Demon Clan, the thin cicada-wing mask was dazzled by the light in front of him, blending with his deep eyes, rolling the wind and clouds, obscure.

His eyes also faintly passed from Mu Tianyin's body.

"Wow, this is the first time I have seen such a large-scale Tribulation."

"I really want to see what's going on."

"I think we'd better retreat a little bit, so as not to be affected. If we accidentally get involved, it would be really miserable."


This Fangshan crooked cliff is in a scene, and there is a feeling of a group of demons dancing.

On the stage of crossing the robbery, nearly a thousand cultivators are all ready!

The god-eyed Tianjun stood high on the stone that received the sky, Canggu's sharp eyes looked around, and slowly said, "Landscapes, grasses and trees, the way is natural, everything in the world has an aura, this is a sky that must be passed Ken, I wish you all good luck."

The vigorous and powerful voice vibrates in the sky!

On the stage of the robbery, there are huge monsters that restore their bodies, strange-looking alien races, monsters with human heads... The monsters recover their bodies. At first glance, apart from the ten clan monks of the Lingyin realm, there are only A few human beings sparsely.

Among them, Mu Tianyin is also included.


The bell rings, and it has a long history.

"Crossing Tribulation Conference, begin!" God Eye Tianjun announced in his sleeves, and the atmosphere of this cliff instantly rose up.

The Deyi Tianjun behind him took a step forward. At this time, his eyes were not on his disciple Fang Yan, but instead lingered at Mu Tianyin, "What do you think of the girl in Huanhai Xingyun? It is Mu Tianyin."

It is a pity that such a good seedling was not discovered by them in advance.

God Eye Tianjun turned his head and said, "The girl's aura is very strange, but I see her aura is calm, not floating at all, and the foundation is solid. I guess it must be the Seven-fold Dao Pagoda when she cut the Dao."

Otherwise it is impossible to have such a solid breath.

"Hmm--" Deyi Tianjun thought so too.

And at this time, they have not discovered that the treasure that has been conceived for thousands of years in their Profound Fire Realm has been swallowed and refined by the person they are discussing.

"Sister Mu..." Gu Tianxue stared at Mu Tianyin's direction with a pair of eyes, her pretty face almost transparent with nervousness.

Seeing Mu Shige, he was a little funny while nervous.

This girl didn't feel so nervous when she went through the robbery by herself?


There were several noises in the sky.

Some monks are starting to lead thunder!

The noisy cliffs quieted down instantly, and many monks were concentrating on holding their breaths, and the sound of thunder and lightning was more and more obvious, as if it was ringing on everyone's eardrums!

Some monks meditated cross-legged, still adjusting their breath, trying to attract Thunder Tribulation in their best state.


Several thunderclouds rolled, like a whirlpool formed by a tornado above the sea.

Fang Yan meditated with his legs crossed, his fiery red robe rolled in the wind, and his delicate eyebrows flickered under the surrounding thunder. This kid usually looks silly, but he looks like that when he is upright.

He didn't hear the sound of the surroundings, his face was solemn!

The same goes for Mu Tianyin.

She meditated intently, and her whole body rolled out. A huge cyclone was quickly forming with her as the center, and dark clouds gathered on top of her head and covered it.

It's just that Dan Hai's situation has not yet risen, and Lei Jie has not yet been summoned.

Hua Zhongjin stood in the forefront of the cliff in a sandalwood robe, his clothes fluttered, hunting in the air, and the deep Ruoyuan Bi pupil blinked and solidified on the tiny figure.

His complexion was cold, and he barely breathed!


The first thunder tribulation broke through the heavy cloud and came down by extradition. It looked like a dagger pierced through the air, bringing out a trace of scorching heat. It slammed down on a huge figure, and immediately brought out a roar like a bull, and Howling like a tiger.

The monk of the cow python family!

This voice made some cultivators around shiver slightly.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The dark clouds in the sky are rolling, like the sea setting off stormy waves.

Many monks’ first heavy thunder tribulation was led down, and hundreds of explosions blew up. The entire silver-white crossing stage was full of thunder and lightning. The sparkle instantly reflected half of the sky. The terrifying hot air wave resembled a flood peak. Like, pounced toward the mountain curve here.

But when the silver cloud was about to burst out at the end, it gradually disappeared.

Everyone also discovered that the clouds and mists that rolled between the cliffs could isolate a large part of the power of the sky thunder, so they had to go secretly to the spiritual hidden world. It was really famous.

Mutian Yinmo danced wildly, his eyelashes trembling.


A blast came out of the sky, amidst the overwhelming lightning and thunder, it was very clear.

Everyone followed the prestige, only to see a central sky, and the thunderclouds began to gather at an astonishing speed. The heavy piles of silver power seemed to be piled up, twisting and scrolling like the sky galaxy!

Senran white, endless black!

The two are intertwined and intertwined, releasing a terrifying to the extreme aura. Compared with this thundercloud, it is as if everything around has become doughy, all clouds...


The sound of a cold breath on the cliff sounded.

There was a loud noise in Wu Yi's heart, a bad premonition emerged, and he dared not look down.

Everyone looked down again, and the petite body sitting under the huge thundercloud formed an extreme contrast with it, which was incredible.

"Fuck me!" A monk burst out directly.

Is such a little girl doing something maddening?

As for being so cruel!

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