Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 5 Chapter 8: : Back to Earth!

"Sovereign Realm..." Mu Tianyin didn't know. "Le> Wen" Novel www.しwxs.com

But she has already reached the door of the house, so she can't turn back again. How willing! ?

"Unbreakable..." Gu Tianxue frowned, and couldn't think of a good way for a while.

Mu Tianyin's expression was solemn and solemn. This level of barrier should have existed in ancient times, and it has been declining even for so many years, but even now, it still cannot be entered by her current strength.

Gu Tianxue's eyes lit up, blinking, wondering, "Sister Na Mu, how did you come out?"

Mu Tianyin was taken aback, "Yes!"

She was anxious for a while, but she forgot about it.

"I went to the ancient land through the ancient formation." Mu Tianyin murmured.

However, the ancient jade’s teleportation formation on her body can only be used once, and it is now incomplete. The level of this teleportation formation is now at the Dao Grand Master level, which means she can at least penetrate the monarch level. defense.

As his strength improved, Mu Tianyin's rune attainments were also improving.

There are many types of teleportation arrays, such as those used by the Ji family, which can be teleported at fixed points and indefinite distances, and she now knows that the formation pattern on the ancient jade that she has worn since childhood is a kind of mother-to-child teleportation array. The mother talisman is in the ancient land, once the child talisman is activated, all life forms in the rune teleportation array will be sent to the position of the mother talisman!

Her true blood is the key to the activation of the talisman!

However, if there is a little problem with the rune of the son and mother, if it is incomplete, I will accidentally fall into the ancient forest of clouds. If there is no such small problem, where will I fall?

"But... I don't have a teleportation token that can penetrate the sovereign-level defenses in my hand." Mu Tianyin's eyebrows are twisted deeper, "The teleportation tokens I can engrave now can only penetrate the king-level defenses. power."

Chongjin should have a way to break this barrier, but if she goes back to Xiangu first, even if it goes smoothly, it will take a year to go back and forth, which is not to be counted. If this barrier is arrogantly broken, the earth will definitely suffer a lot. Impact.

The spiritual energy dissipated, the monks from other star regions broke in, and the monsters in the galaxy... the consequences were disastrous.

Gu Tianxue bit her lip, hey.

"No!" Mu Tianyin suddenly raised her brows, her eyes deepened, and she looked at Gu Tianxue's eyes, "If there is this level of barrier, how did the battleship on Mars pass by? That thing is on the earth? ."

"Sister Mu, do you mean that there might be a trans-star ancient teleportation array on Mars?" Gu Tianxue was smart and made it easy.

Mu Tianyin smiled, grasping nine points, "Yes--"

"Then go and take a look!" Gu Tianxue was excited.

The two looked at the blue stars lingering with white clouds in front of them, turned back and turned into two long rainbow lights and shadows, piercing the black night galaxy, and heading towards the orange star, they saw on the land below, like two A shooting star cut through the sky.

The two quickly found the place where the pile of cruise ships appeared.

Mu Tianyin carefully inspected the place, his eyes narrowed slightly, and for a while, his hands stretched out, his whole body was shocked, and the earth trembled. Layers of gravel seemed to have been chipped away by a giant guillotine. After a short while, the next layer revealed clues. !

Densely scattered steel and steel, faintly visible, fuselage, wings...wreckage are everywhere.

"How come there are so many?" Gu Tianxue was surprised. The fragments were much more than the wreckage of the ‘ancient ship’ just now. Of course, there were also some mortal remains that had become mummified.

Mu Tianyin and Gu Tianxue looked at each other and walked over to investigate.

After looking around, she found a very familiar sign on a wreckage of the fuselage. She squinted her eyes and discerned it carefully. Although it was blurred, she could still tell that it was the Chinese simplified Chinese character Black Hawk!

"Sister Mu, what did you write?" Gu Tianxue didn't recognize this word.

On the ancient land, among mortal monks, the most commonly used characters are ancient characters similar to seal scripts. Mu Tianyin had studied it before, and coupled with her memorable ability, contact and learning is not a problem, but ancient Tianxue did not understand the simplified Chinese characters.

Mu Tianyin glanced at Gu Tianxue. At this time, the guess in her heart became clearer. Before answering, she squatted down and quickly wiped the dust behind the word with her hand. It was only invaded by wind and sand for many years, and the number behind it was really unclear. Up.

"What's wrong?" Gu Tianxue noticed her strangeness.

Mu Tianyin patted the dust on her hand, stood up, there was joy and worry between her eyebrows, "This should be Black Hawk 007." Although she didn't see it clearly, she already had a more accurate guess, "China's investigation The plane suddenly disappeared over the South China Sea ten years ago." She looked at Gu Tianxue with a face of ignorance, "It is equivalent to your ancient star ship, but it can't get out of the star field and can only fly at an altitude of 3,000 feet."

Gu Tianxue seemed to understand and nodded.

Mu Tianyin is an elite of the West Point Military Academy and belongs to the Mu family of military and political family. Naturally, he understands these well, and he also knows secrets that many people don’t know. After the accident, the country blocked the news as quickly as possible, only a few. Some people know.

Of course, when such an accident occurs, no matter how the news is blocked, rumors are inevitable, but the military does not give a definite response, and slowly everyone will naturally treat it as a rumors, as well as those strange and strange talks. The nonsense.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be an ancient teleportation array at the location under the South China Sea. Once touched, things on the pattern will be directly teleported to the other end of the teleportation array." Mu Tianyin's expression Faintly, his eyes slowly fell on the desert gravel in front of him, "And the other end of the teleportation array is here!"

Moreover, such a teleportation array must be more than one place above the earth!

For example, in the Devil's Delta, the research crew of the West Point Military Academy disappeared there for no reason. This is what she is most familiar with and the most clear, because one of them is a very good professor of hers.

Thinking about it now, it must be like this!

Who left these ancient teleportation formations?

Some ancient monks?


Of course, these are not the focus of Mu Tianyin's current concern. What she is most concerned about is whether these ancient teleportation formations can be used now. Thinking about this, she quickly felt sure and waved her hand.

Another layer of gravel was lifted away!

"Yes--" Gu Tianxue saw some clues.

Mu Tianyin clicked the corner of her mouth lightly and looked down from a high level. In the center of the huge pit that she had shaken out of her eyes, an ancient blood pattern appeared suddenly, round, about eight feet in diameter, with complex textures, like a ghost painted peach charm. From the sky above, it looked like a blood-red spider web reflecting on the ground. This formation pattern was made by quenching the sky with beast blood. Mu Tianyin is a man who understands runes, and he can tell at a glance, he can't help but sigh.

"Such an ancient formation must have been left behind by the power of the Heavenly Dao with extremely good runes." Mu Tianyin flew down.

Gu Tianxue also followed, "Sister Mu, can you still use it."

She didn't understand runes and looked dizzy.

Mu Tianyin's eyes were filled with excitement that was difficult to hide, "It is incomplete, but it is more intact and needs to be repaired, so it can still be used." This teleportation array can pass through the monarch-level defense, and Mu Tianyin has nothing to do now. The method is inscribed, but he doesn't know how to'build a big ship', so he has the ability to repair the corners and corners.

"That's great!" Gu Tianxue was also excited, "Sister Mu, do you need my help."

Mu Tianyin shook his head, "It's okay, I'll be fine soon. Stand next to you for a while."

Gu Tianxue hurried to the side and stayed obediently.

Mu Tianyin took out a stubborn blood crystal and wanted to repair the formation rune of this level. The ordinary essence blood beside it was impossible. Fortunately, when he was in Ji's house, he got the ancient stubborn blood crystal, otherwise it will be true today. Want to cry.

The Sanqing Xuanling fire quenched the blood crystals, and Mu Tianyin began to carefully repair the runes.

Fatty hid again and went to sleep late again. Gu Tianxue sat next to her with her chin, carefully watching Mu Tianyin's inscribed pattern there, admiring and admiring her, her sister Mu is amazing, she can do everything!

An hour later, Mu Tianyin finished.

"Okay." Gu Tianxue got up, the white little skirt fluttered, and flew to Mu Tianyin's side.

Mu Tianyin's clear eyes were shining brightly, and the blue flames in his hand dispersed, and he exhaled heavily, "Okay." Just after breathing a sigh of relief, she suddenly remembered, "Do you have any spirit stones? ?"

Gu Tianxue shook his head with a light forehead, "No."

Mu Tianyin almost came out with a gulp of blood. There was a basket of treasure on her body, but there was no spirit stone! No, there are only a few thousand spirit stones, but to activate a teleportation formation of this level, it is not enough to stuff teeth!

There is more than one way to touch the formation, but Mu Tianyin is not the original rune master. She doesn't know which way he has set to touch the formation, but the most direct one is also common to most runes, that is, fusion. The spirit stone adds vitality to the formation pattern.

But now, the spirit stone in her hand is far from enough...

Now, Mu Tianyin was really about to cry.

She just wants to go home, why is it so bumpy?

At this time, Gu Tianxue said weakly, "Sister Mu, I don't have a spirit stone, can Tianlei Chijing..."

"You--" Mu Tianyin couldn't laugh or cry, and swallowed the blood coming out of the biao abruptly. He was overjoyed. Before the smile reached his eyebrows, he slowly lowered his face again, afraid of being hit again, and asked cautiously. ,"how many?"

Seeing Mu Tianyin's expression, Gu Tianxue's tone became weaker, and her crimson lips, "Not many, there are only more than a hundred...... Enough?" Finally, she asked worriedly.

Mu Tianyin just didn't cry, but Gu Tianxue was about to cry all this time, "Enough, thirty pills are enough."

One Heavenly Tear Crimson Crystal is equivalent to the spiritual power contained in ten million spirit stones, not a hundred?

Whose prodigal is this!

Lose than Chongjin!

"That's good." Gu Tianxuesong sighed and raised his eyebrows. As she said, she turned out a bunch of blood-red spars and gave them all to Mu Tianyin. I don’t need it, I’ll give it to you."

Because of Gu Tianxue's special physique, the broken Nascent Infant always needs Tian Lei Chi Jing to support him, so he has it on his body at any time.

There is no shortage of Zerg, even if it is, Gu Tianxue would have to give her enough, and Gu Tianxue now has Yuan Ying repaired, so naturally it is not needed. She is not like Mu Tianyin, and she doesn't need much breakthrough. The aura of the body was accumulated.

"Thank you." Mu Tianyin continued, thanking her sincerely.

If this little devil did not follow, she was afraid that she would have to toss again.

Gu Tianxue was not happy anymore, "Tell me thank you for what you do. Sister Mu doesn't need to say thank you to me."

Mu Tianyin smiled and glanced at her, "Okay." As she said, she took forty Tianlei Chi Crystals and placed them on the eyes of the gossip array of the teleportation inscription, and pulled Gu Tianxue into the teleportation formation.

Above the eyes, the sound of mixing water and fire sounded.

Tianlei Chijing turned into a stream of blood-red water, flowing into the traces of runes on the ground, and after a while, all of them were dyed bright red! A buzzing sound like a wave rang, and finally with a bang, beams of light lifted off from one place on the Martian land, and the beam of light passed through the galaxy, hurriedly toward the blue star, as fast as a flash of light.

Mu Tianyin felt light all over, and the space around him moved rapidly.

Involuntarily, she remembered how she traveled from Kyoto to the ancient land a few years ago.

The two stars are not far apart. This ancient teleportation formation is extremely overbearing, but in a few moments, it has penetrated the sky barrier and entered, and this sky is at midnight, the sky is dark, and the stars are like gems scattered in the sky.

Mu Tianyin's shoulder was heavy, and she felt the familiar breath coming over the sky and invading every inch of her skin, causing her to suddenly feel an urge to cry.


There was a buzzing in my ears.

"Sister Mu, what is that!" Gu Tianxue's curious voice came.

Mu Tianyin opened his eyes and was startled. He pulled Gu Tianxue into a flying jump, and landed on the behemoth of the steel building. Following it, he hurried forward above the gray-black clouds.

"A mortal thing is similar to an ancient star ship." A black line fell on Mu Tianyin's forehead. He didn't know how to explain it, so he said, "It's the pile of wreckage we just saw. This is just alive."

Yes, they are standing on a plane! A passenger plane carrying about three to four hundred people!

"Wow--" Gu Tianxue looked a little surprised, and looked around, "The mortals here are quite smart."

Mu Tianyin, sweating, chuckled, "Almost."

"Wow, look, what is that! I am an illusion!"

"Is there a rainbow on the clouds? Dream."

"Is there a rainbow in the middle of the night?"


With Mu Tianyin’s ear power, the exclamation of the group of people under her feet could not be heard clearly. She looked over at the same time. The secret path was not good. The light pillars were exactly the formation of the teleportation formation when they fell. Light.

The teleportation array is not yet closed, the plane rushes over now and will definitely be sent to Mars!

"Oh-ah ah-sister Mu, something bad happened!" Gu Tianxue also realized the seriousness of the matter, but she was not a rune master, so she could only be in a hurry and hurriedly talked about Mu Tianyin.


The body vibrated violently.

The following broadcast started, and there was some commotion in the cabin, which meant that everyone didn't have to worry or be nervous. The plane just encountered a strong air current.

Don't worry, you will all be sent to Mars. Don't worry?

I go!


As we got closer to the red light, the vibration of the fuselage became stronger and stronger, and the anxious voices of everyone in the cabin became more and more. It is estimated that many people have a bad premonition.

When Mu Tianyin saw it, her eyes widened, and she flew towards him for the first time. Danhai Yuanying spun quickly, the force gushing out, quickly collecting the spiritual power in the teleportation array.

Spirit power is exhausted, forcibly shut down!


After a few breaths, the red light falling from the sky disappeared in vain.

Mu Tianyin saw the plane that was still shaking and waved his sleeves to stabilize it quickly.

The plane resumed its smooth flight in an instant, and there were lights on the fuselage flickering like stars in the dark night, and then the broadcast began to broadcast again, which meant that the strong current had passed.

"Scared me--"

"Yeah, the red light just now was so strange."


Vaguely heard humane.

Mu Tianyin jumped down to Gu Tianxue's side and stopped. The plane flew gently, and the surrounding wind blew her hair into the green hills dancing. After seeing that the teleportation array was completely closed, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Good risk..." Gu Tianxue had a strange face.

Mu Tianyin couldn't laugh or cry, "Yes."

Fortunately, she moves fast, which is too dangerous. If these people are sent to outer space, she will probably follow to Mars. Even if nothing happens, she will probably scare them to death!

"Let's go, here should be okay." Gu Tianxue looked at it, and the wormhole that had been cracked by the defense barrier at high altitude was closed.

"Wait a minute." Mu Tianyin took a look, only to find that a storm was gathering in front of him. That was the real strong wind storm, and it was still a certain degree of danger. The cabin below had already thought of the early warning light waves.

"Come again..."

"It's not going well tonight."


Many voices were talking, and they were all a little panicked.

Mu Tianyin frowned, and after taking a closer look, he flicked his sleeves. The saint crossed the galaxy and opened up space without any problem. It could not be simpler than that. With just one hand, the storm disappeared.

The following ‘broadcast’ is also stunned. Did they make a mistake in their estimation?

What about those people who say good airflow?

"Let's go." Mu Tianyin was relieved.

The two rose up into the sky, turning into two changhong piercing through the sky.

"Mom, Meteor..." By the window of the cabin, a milk doll pointed out.

------Off-topic ------

After writing this chapter, I suddenly don’t dare to fly...

Cough, it was not posted yesterday. I'm sorry. During the Chinese New Year, because the Internet is more unstable in my hometown, I sometimes make mistakes in the text. When I go back, it will be updated stably. I will watch it at night and try to write another chapter.

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