Heaven Defying Dark Empress

Vol 6 Chapter 2: : Encircle and suppress Tianmaling!

"Uncle Gu, what's the situation now?" Mu Tianyin looked anxiously at King Xuecan. m..com Lewen Mobile Network

Snow silkworm Wang Junya is gentle, yet he does not lose his demeanor. At this time, his eyebrows sink slightly, and he looks back at Mu Tianyin's worried eyes, "You should know that the Shaking Demon Drum is an offensive and defensive instrument without a god, and it is also the land of immortality. Above, the only complete godless artifact known to everyone."

Mu Tianyin nodded, she knew it.

Xuecan continued, "So even if Yin Tian can only use part of its power, with the help of many elders of the Sky Demon Clan, it will be enough to protect the Tianma Ridge. The power of the Emperor Seal is not something other magical weapons can do. It’s broken, so we can’t attack it no matter what, we are in a dilemma, and we can only die. Now it’s a deadlock for almost a year."

As he spoke, he sighed slightly.

During the period of the Five Emperors, the Qin Demon Immortal Emperor directly smashed the entire nine thousand demon realm land with a powerful drum and a heavy hammer. It is rumored that if another immortal emperor came to rescue him in time, then The nine thousand demon domains no longer exist.

In the same way, the defensive power of the Shaking Demon Drum was not lost to its offensive power.

"Heaven Shaking Demon Drum..." Mu Tianyin frowned slightly.

She had learned about the power of this godless tool, and even with Yin Tian's power alone, if half of the power can be transferred, it would be impossible to break it without an ancient emperor level attack.

The queen nodded slowly, the noble crystal crown on top of her head shone slightly, and her voice was gentle, "Our people in Snow Silkworm Valley have already withdrawn part of them, and so are the people in Fantasy Sea Star Cloud and Lingyin Realm. Retired."

She had also passed by herself, but she had been in a deadlock, and worried about Xiaoxue, so she returned to the valley to find other ways.

"Sovereign Hua Shao should still be outside the Tianmo Ling." Xuecan Wang said.

Mu Tianyin fell silent, her lips pressed tightly.

The three pinnacle forces besieged for no less than a year, the power of the trembling magic drum can be imagined, is it really impossible to break it? The corner of Mu Tianyin's mouth slowly draws out a cold smile, that's not necessarily true!

She left for less than a year, but didn’t want to. Xiangu had passed four or five years. Chongjin must have been worried for her. Otherwise, he would not be so impulsive because of his temperament. He would directly kill Tianmoling to seek revenge on Yin Tian. .

It's all Yin Tian!

Four years!

Mu Tianyin's eyebrows suddenly frowned. No, the time flow of Xiangu should be the same as that of the earth... What's going on? She thought about it, the only thing that could cause a time difference was that they fell into a star storm.

Star storms can cause time distortions, or... she was in a coma for two or three years?

Mu Tianyin shook his head. At this time, she couldn't take care of that much. She was thinking of that man alone in Xiangu for four or five years. She really couldn't calm down. She was only half a year old, just like that. Suffering, I really don't know how he got through it!

"It didn't work before, but now, it's not necessarily." Gu Tianxue said, her delicate chin was raised, her ears were as pretty as elves, and she seemed to be thinking of a place with Mu Tianyin.

"Xiaoxue is talking about breaking the devil's defensive drum?" King Xuecan and the queen looked at each other, their eyes fell on their daughter, a little puzzled, but Gu Tianxue just reached out and grabbed Mu Tianyin's hand. She smiled.

Mu Tianyin came back to his senses and smiled back with Gu Tianxue.

Yes, that is not necessarily!

Here in the snowy silkworm valley, the silver-white world is not stained with dust, and the feather-like snow is flying, peaceful and clean.

On the other side, dark clouds are rolling over the old forest of Black Mountain. In the center, the soaring volcanic crater is constantly bleeding red molten lava, as if flowing down from the firmament, surrounding the black palace, with blood from the dead mountain everywhere. The breath of the sea, and there are constantly weird fire lights, bursting out of the mouth of the molten lava like a blood basin, ghost dances between heaven and earth.

Decay, darkness, surrounded by ghosts.

On the outer circle, a blood-red mask enchantment flickered, like a glow from the sky, and a semi-circular bowl-shaped inverted buckle, which firmly protected the entire Tianmo Ridge for hundreds of miles. All parties have magic The soldiers guarded.

Outside the mask, there are tens of thousands of demon generals in the magic sea star cloud, tens of thousands of heavenly soldiers in the Lingyi Realm, and thousands of master monks of the Zerg race. From time to time, you can see magical artifacts bursting into the air, toward the blood light defense knot. The world left, but in the end, either he was bounced back, and a wave of cultivators was knocked down by the shock, or he was absorbed by it, like a mud cow into the sea.

Heifengya gusts of cloudy wind, Mokong thunderclouds rolled.

Thousands of soldiers stood in front of a tall man, with a silver hair and red cloak, a blood-red cloak billowing in the wind, and a circle of fine hair on his neck, coiled like a dragon, with the silver hair like one. .

Mo Kong, Bitong, coquettish, evil beauty, everything under the world can only be reduced to a foil in front of this man. He has no expression on his face, standing with his hands in front of the army, his black clothes are rolled up, and his velvet cloak is flying.

His whole body was indifferent as ice, but there was a thick murderous aura.

On the opposite side, Yin Tian heard the shock of the attack, and once again led his troops to fly out to meet the enemy, he stopped after that level of enchantment, and maintained that state of grace even in such a difficult situation.

"Hua Chongjin, it makes no sense for you to entangle the owner like this. If you stay stubborn, it will only hurt both sides." He smiled mildly, as if to remind the person on the opposite side of an irrelevant thing, "Maybe your little woman has already Death, you should go with her."

"Yin Tian——"

There was a loud shout of thunder.

Looking along, it was Mo Liuxian with blue hair and white clothes. The gentle jade-like man was completely silent at this time, "If the disciple of the deity is injured at all, the deity swears that he will break through your Tianmaling in his lifetime!"

Behind him are a group of celestial soldiers and generals in Lingyin Realm, and a celestial monarch in Lingyin Realm personally leads the team.

Mu Tianyin is a human monk loved by all the heavenly monarchs, the inheritor of the Jade Emperor Sutra, and the only disciple of Mo Liuxian, Venerable Keqing from the Lingyin realm. The Tianmos are openly doing evil outside the Lingyin realm... these reasons are added. Get up, enough for them to send troops to help!

Hua Zhongjin Biruo Changkong's eyes are low and bloody, he knows if there is anything wrong with Tianyin, but he does not know where she is now, everything is caused by the person in front of him!

It is also that he is too arrogant to protect her!

In addition to the hatred of Yin Tian, ​​Hua Chongjin also has a self-rejection. At this time, apart from frantically attacking the demon tribe and crushing the demon soldiers of the demon tribe to pieces, he could not find any catharsis. way!

Moreover, no one can persuade him.

"Yin Tian." Hua Chongjin said with a cold voice, low and indifferent, "I don't believe it, you can hide in this turtle shell forever!"

"My lord is not in a hurry. If Sovereign Hua has the patience to stay outside of my Tianmo Mountain for a lifetime, my lord will be happy to accompany him." Yin Tian laughed, covering most of his face with a silver mask, moon-colored clothes and back. The blood-red color that Tianmoling constantly rolled out formed a sharp contrast.

A group of demon soldiers behind him gave out jealous laughs, and many monsters and demons revealed their true body prototypes, and a piece of black, like a surging black cloud gathered under that piece of heaven and earth.

There was a shock in the depths of the bright and blue pupils, his hands spread out, his sleeves flew and rolled, those slender fingers pierced into the ink space, and the surrounding strands of light quickly gathered, condensing a flower on his palm Like ice silver lotus!


Wind and clouds around!

Yin Tian's laughter stopped abruptly, and the black eyes behind the mask were flickered by the light.

The flowers were heavy, golden, blue eyes and solemnly killed, expressionless, and waving their arms, two shining silver lotus flowers bloomed, if they whirled along the water, but it seemed to be scrolling and the sky behind it collapsed, and finally, it fell on the blood red Above the mask barrier.


This explosion sounded in the entire nine thousand monster domain!

The mountain shook, and the ghost screamed, and in the Hemolysis Pool of the Tianmo Ridge behind, bleeding red molten lava broke out continuously, landing on the ground and making fire, igniting the mountains in the mask barrier.

"Little Lord--"

Yin Tian staggered back a few steps, and was stabilized by two demon generals!

He is connected with the Shaking Demon Drum, and the Shaking Demon Drum is shaken. It is inevitable that he will be injured by the backlash. At this time, almost all of his mind is placed on the Shaking Demon Drum. With the help of many clan elders, he can maintain This enchantment is not broken, the two are almost one.

Thousands of Zerg masters were on the side, led by a handsome young man, dressed in ice armor, with a cold expression on his face.

Gu Xiao, who is Gu Tianxue’s brother, was not born with the Zerg king and the queen, but also because he was the Snow Silkworm, belonging to the line of the ancient Zerg king, and his status was noble. There was another person beside him, the former and Gu Tianxue. The Mu Shige clan elder who went to the Lingyin Realm event together.

The hearts of the cultivators of the Illusion Sea Nebula, the Spiritual Hidden Realm, and the Zerg race were tight, but unfortunately, after the strong vibration, the light and shadow barrier flickered for a few times, and it returned to its original state and failed to break open.

Hua Zhongjin is now a monarch!

Although his offensive power is strong, he still lacks a lot if he wants to break through the defensive barrier of the Heaven-shaking Demon Drum.

Gu Xiao and Mu Shige looked at each other, their eyes were cold, the ice-colored armor was blushed by the surrounding blood, Tianxue was knocked down by Yin Tian, ​​and there is no news so far. If he doesn't calm his demon Ling, how do you swallow this breath!

How can they be reconciled if they are already here, let them return?

Yin Tian faintly waved away the two demon generals and looked at the opposite eyes quietly, "Hua Chong Brocade, it is useless, even if your old man comes, it may not be able to break my defensive barrier, you want to move, or Let's talk about it after two years of cultivation."

He had a weak tone, but with a kind of confident calmness.

Fantasy Sea Nebula and Tianmoling have fought like this. Neither the old monarch nor the old patriarch of Tianmoling showed up. One is because both sides are in retreat. The other is because they have not reached the point of irreversibility. Third, if one party appears, the other One side will definitely show up again. In the end, the two sides must go to the galaxy to fight for several years and decades. Basically, it is meaningless and the situation of the battle will not change much.

Therefore, Hua Chongjin said that Yin Tian had been forced to this level, and the old patriarch still hadn't appeared.

Wu Yi was by the side, and the wave of attacks just now did not find a good way to break through. He had to go forward and reminded in a low voice, "Young Master, this stalemate is not a solution. If you can't attack anymore, you still have to withdraw. it is good."

If they continue, it will not be a dead end, or they will continue to attack and lose both sides, and the spiritual power of the cultivators on both sides will be quickly exhausted, but this is after all on the land of the demon race, which is not good for them.

There is a breath in Shaojun's heart, and he has been unable to relieve him. He understands...

Wu Yi said in his heart and shook his head.

Huazhong Brocade silver hair flying, thin lips as if stained with blood, the color is thicker than the sky full of molten sky fire, Bi Tong burst out a touch of ruthlessness, the voice is low and dumb, "Yin Tian, ​​you are just like that. Confidence, the devil drum can hold the Lord!"

In those eyes, what dark rays of light are gathering crazily!

Mo Liuxian and Gu Xiao in the Lingyin realm flew over, and the army forced into that level of enchantment. It was not that they had not attacked together, but when they attacked together, the other party also fully resisted, plus they had Without the protection of gods, it is basically invincible.

They underestimated Yin Tian before, thinking that he could not exert the power of the demon drum, but did not think about it. After all, there is no magical weapon, that is, it can exert 30 to 40% of the power. In such a battle, it can be Play a decisive role.

Can you retreat?

Now is the best time to level the Tianmo Ridge in one fell swoop!

"Why, I really think you can move this lord by joining forces." Yin Tian sneered, and lightly glanced at the man in the front, "Hua Chongjin, don't talk too much, first break the defense of the lord. talk later."

He said with a sneer.

"Who said that it can't be broken!" A crisp sound was suddenly empty, not from any one of the thousands of troops.

Hua Zhongjin and Bitong shrank dramatically, and the rolling gloom under his eyes was immediately replaced by a fire, like a raging fire, thousands of fireworks bloomed in his eyes, and the agitation continued to hit every inch of his skin. !

------Off-topic ------

Hey, I was dizzy. I deleted, deleted, changed, and changed all afternoon. I only wrote this number until now. I haven't changed much. Sorry, sorry, you guys don't hit me anymore, right? Wait for me to slow down, slow down... now I have a splitting headache, I must be a man in my next life, go, I can’t hold it anymore, I go (ノ`Д)ノ...

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