Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The 1128 chapter of the knot (the fourth, ask for a monthly ticket!), floating astronomy
He is like a nanny. No matter who he is, once he is in real danger, he will arrive at the first time. Once he can’t keep up with the team, he will open a small stove for him.

When there is leisure, Chen Hao is immersed in his own enlightenment.

Even so, the progress of Chen Hao’s deity is amazing, step by step on the road to the Great Dao. This is still the case where the second to sixth life is still immersed in a separate experience.



“Would you like to stop?”

In the entire chaotic ancient floodland, the world shook for a hundred years and gradually eased. When Chen Hao’s condensed palace completely stopped shaking, Chen Hao slowly opened his eyes and muttered.

“The world is shaking, and it has been plaguing the ancient floodland. It has been going on for a hundred years… What happened to the outside world? It’s really curious…”

Chen Hao murmured.

The chaotic ancient floodland is completely isolated from the outside world, unless Ye Hao urges the controller to recall them. Otherwise, Chen Hao and others just want to go out. It can be said that here is the heaven and earth cage of the top ten galaxies in the world, who are in charge of imprisoning the wicked, and more terrible than death. However, the turbulence of the world has continued for a hundred years, so Chen Hao and others have to be shocked. Chen Hao also discussed with Si Xuan, Jiu Dazhen and others, but the conclusion is that it is related to the whole world of the chaos, and what happened, but they can’t guess. However, since Ye Hao’s controller did not call them out in advance, it should not be a disaster.

“Chen Hao…”


The little nurse Liu Hui suddenly escaped from Chen Hao’s eyebrows and sat directly on Chen Hao’s sitting lap and took Chen Hao’s neck.

“Are you coming?” Chen Hao saw the girl suddenly frown.

“No… you, can you comfort me with Elder Sister? She has a knot…cultivation is always distracting when she is feeling, and entering the country is slow…”

“Who is that strange? Isn’t it because of your strong twist? Let me do a good second life, I want to be… Now, let’s eat it?”

“She is always your woman… How can you say that? I am angry…” Liu Hui, a small nurse, said with a grin.

Unfortunately, Chen Hao closed his eyes directly.

“I am really angry!”

Chen Hao did not move.

“I… I am wrong… 昊Elder Brother, 昊 hero, this is already the case, you will help Elder Sister… Don’t blame me for holding on this, not because you don’t care about other special care… Although they are all you, you can treat them differently… I don’t want my Elder Sister to be wronged. Since I was young, I have the best relationship with her. You are not a big man and a nephew. Everyone takes the initiative to give you Elder Sister. You can’t lift your pants and don’t recognize people………”

“Hey!” Chen Hao was finally amused by the words of the little nurse Liu Hui. A violent bomber’s eyebrows in this girl’s eyebrows said: “What thoughts are you full of? Are you a kind of wretched man? Immerse yourself in the second life of the heart. Try it out with you, my deity to her, really… temporary, at most… that is, there is a desire… I told you before, so I can’t wait for me to merge. Then I will say… you have to, now it’s ok… I will try it, there is no effect, I don’t know…”

“Good! If you can unlock the heart of Elder Sister, I… I…”

“How?” Chen Hao stared at the younger nurse, who was more and more aggressive, with a look of evil and hope.

“This way…” The little nurse’s charming face got red, and after saying this, suddenly opened the cherry mouth and bite it on Chen Hao’s shoulder.

“Ah–” Chen Hao screamed and immediately opened his eyes: “Bite me… Really?”

“Do it!”


The little nurse Liu Hui directly turned into a streamer and fell into the brain of Chen Hao’s mind. After entering, he patted his chest and could not calm down for a long time. But when she thought of Chen Hao’s excitement, the little nurse showed a smug look.

“It’s a little fox!”

Chen Hao couldn’t help but think of the little nurse’s resurgence of the spirit of all living things to himself… suddenly Dantian burst into flames.

“Food color is also good, this is normal…” Soon Chen Hao put away the YY in his heart, his mind became clear and bright, and said to himself: “Or solve the problem of Liu Qian first…”

Not long after entering the chaotic ancient floodland, Chen Hao received Liu Qian, a qualified general, under the “forced” of Liu Hui. Liu Hui’s intention is obvious. Liu Qian, who started late and has a natural talent, wants to catch up with everyone’s footsteps. Only “destructive encouragement” is no doubt. It is no doubt that Chen Hao is the fastest way to repair. As for whether or not the image will be cultivated in the future, it is also unavoidable. First upgrade, then lay the foundation, and it will not be enough to make up for it or to reincarnate.

Chen Hao, although persuaded, but Liu Hui held on his own thoughts, and finally Chen Hao could not help but agree…

People buy one get one free, anyway, it is already escaping, and all the girls know this, Chen Hao does not need to hold on, and then hold on, it is false. Man, face a woman, especially a beauty, can have a few good birds?


Streaming light, Liu Qian suddenly appeared in front of Chen Hao.

“Ah…Chen Hao…”

“Hey? Xiaoxi, brother found that you have become more and more beautiful with the promotion base.”

“Is there…Is there?”

“Of course there is… come, brother to test your understanding!”

“Chen Hao…”

“Oh… I didn’t care about it before, because we really don’t have any common experiences, but it’s different now…”

“Chen Hao…”

“Hey… I am him, he is me, there is no difference, you must have no heart in your heart… You see Xiaohui, she knows everything, she can get rid of everything, I use my heart, you also care… I am me I am immersed in another one, that is me… let go of your heart…”

Chen Hao said that when the lips opened and closed, the lotus flower bloomed and became the Great Dao.

There is no way, Chen Hao knows that Liu Qian’s heart is indeed related to him, but the real crux is the second life and his deity, the crack in the heart of Liu Hui. Liu Qian’s current Realm and state of mind can’t understand the mystery of Jiu Ming Xuan. So, before Chen Hao didn’t care, there was a reason, because Liu Qian’s heart was not in his deity. How did he care?

Therefore, Chen Hao can only eliminate Liu Qian’s knot with Great Dao.

Degree people.


Liu Qian’s robes were instantly removed by Chen Hao, and the graceful tender body was taken into the arms by Chen Hao.

An in-depth inspection will begin soon…

Liu Hui, a small nurse who always pays attention to the situation here, tightly closes her legs, widens her eyes, spits tongue, and feels hot and uncomfortable. (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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