Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The 1136 chapter is awkward, floating astronomy

But at this time, letting the second life and the little nurse Liu Hui at the same time, Chen Hao, who was almost collapsed, made an unquestionable roar.

At the same time, the second life felt that his mind was controlled by the deity, and he could not violate the decision of the deity. In an instant, the power of endless faith poured back into his mind space, leaving the guy to stay in place.

“Chen Hao…”

The little nurse Liu Hui shouted in a trembling voice.

“What is the urgency? The immortal king’s obsession is not false, but it is not a sense of spirituality, but also has experienced endless years, has been weakened a lot of … … brother is only fully integrated into it, feeling sentiment, see can Can’t get a little useful information!”

“Ah You……”

When he heard Chen Hao’s words, the little nurse Liu Hui opened his mouth, but couldn’t speak, and suddenly felt hurt. I was scared to death, and I was careful that the liver would be broken. I finally waited until the rescue. This guy actually came to these two sentences. It was… too shameless.

The second life is more depressed and wants to kill one by one. Nima’s, finally found a chance to perform in front of Liu Hui, but this shameless deity is deliberate, how can he not be depressed?



“We are worried about white!”

“Handsome deity, you…you…hello! Ah…they don’t want to swear, yeah… mad…”

Then there are four big avatars, one is more depressed than the one, and the abnormal of the tree of life is “Hello”. However, the five major avatars are shocked in the depths of their hearts. All along, the state of individual consciousness exists, they all feel that their unique talents or strengths are not worse or even stronger than the deity, but under the absolute control of the deity, they are divided into points, and they are combined and said to cut off their The magical law of the gods is cut off, and the benefits are all monopolized by the deity.

If the deity is a flower, they can’t even count the green leaves.

The tree of life, the condensate fruit tree and the Lingquan sea are nothing. After all, they are not human beings. They have no separate experiences after birth. At best, they feel that they are stronger, but the second and third lives are There are big complaints.

The second life is the little nurses Liu Hui, Liu Qian, and the women who gave birth to the two women for him, especially the favorite Liu Hui and Liu Qian, who are all loved by the deity, and the others are Ben Chen Hao entered the “cold palace.” How can he be cool?

The third life was born, and when the consciousness of independence emerged, the first recognized woman was Ruan Qinglan, who was the only woman he had. When the deity left the chaotic world, he did not even tell her. No matter what Ruan Qinglan is with him, but after all, it is already his first woman, how can I treat it like this? Moreover, the deity does not have the intention of returning to the chaotic world. He is equally upset!

I have to say that the second and third lives came at the fastest speed this time, but they all held the “rebel” mentality. The rescue of the deity is certain, but when it is seriously injured, anti-objection It is more important to take the lead in one fell swoop.

As for the collapse of the deity, they did not think about it, even if they have independent consciousness, but the connection of the source, what to say, is also their own. How can I let myself die? The most important thing is that the deity will die and their strength will be greatly reduced. This is not necessary anyway…

“It’s all rolling, in the future, there is no call of Laozi, you can’t come back! Just your little ninety-nine, can you escape the exploration of the deity? If you have the ability, you will be really strong, let Laozi serve you!”

Chen Hao ignored the depression of the five major avatars and directly ordered the five avatars to vomit and vomit blood…

Liu Hui, a small nurse, pouted in Chen Hao’s mind world, apparently very angry.

“Xiaohui, it’s not that you are worried about it. It’s really too late to tell you… Is it true that the god of the true king is not? In fact… you only need to carefully sense the meaning of this brother, you should understand Brother will not have anything. The attack of God’s mourning is the attack of the soul. As long as I am conscious, then my fleshy body and the big world of the mind are the grave wounds, and will not collapse?”

“I don’t know, don’t know, don’t know! Hey!”

“Okay… I understand that the girl in love, the IQ will drop by 99%… This time, even if we are evened out. Last time you promised the brother, it is a rogue…”

“Where is it? You want to be jealous, people just want to bite you!” The little nurse suddenly changed face, red and eloquent.

Last time for the cousin Liu Qian, she promised Chen Hao to “bite”, but when she saw Liu Qian’s mighty and domineering performance, and Chen Hao asked for compensation, she could not do it anyway, so she was rogue. I really bite Chen Hao a few mouthfuls.

“It will be even if it is evened out…”

See Chen Hao not snoring, the little nurse hurriedly added.

“This is almost the same. Xiaohui, ask you something, do you feel the gods of this monk, do you feel anything?”

“What does it feel?”

“For example, I am very familiar with it, it seems to know…”

“No. The ancient gods of the immortal kings, and you are the ancient world, how can I know… Oh, I know, do you think he has a relationship with the earth?” Liu Hui suddenly thought What is it.

Now, Liu Hui knows that she is basically the spirit of all living things. Moreover, Chen Hao specifically asked him about the illusion of the last two people in the true sense of the soul of the kiss. However, Liu Hui could not answer, and did not awaken any memory about the earth and the moon. The memory of the Tianhe domain was not there. She was awakened with the inheritance of the cultivating realm and the natural strength.


“But I really don’t feel it. Chen Hao… Do you really think that I am related to the earth? I should be the reincarnation of the Emperor of the Tianhe domain. How can it be related to the earth? Maybe the last illusion is From your subconscious…”

“Impossible. It must be yours. Although I don’t know how it happened, I feel that it is possible to chaos the ancient world, chaos the world, and even your Tianhe domain. Even the world of the Emperor, we are going to go, maybe Related to the earth!”


“Great Dao Master and Buddhist scriptures! Forget it, don’t say this, one day, all the mysteries will be solved! Brother began refining! This monk, overtaking him, but in addition to the obsession of this god A little bit of extra information is not…”

After Chen Hao finished, the residual consciousness suddenly became stronger, and soon it became active from passive to immersed in the engulfment of refining and refining.


(Merry Christmas, today is two more.) (To be continued. Please search h astronomical W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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