Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The 1184 chapter promotes, floating astronomy
At the beginning of the assessment of the first cultivation, the image of the cultivator in the real fantasy scene emerged on the battle tower. The entire battle process was clearly presented in the eyes of the people. Unfortunately, the person who was just entering the second level was simulated. Give the fight out.

Next, hundreds of people are basically kept in the second level, killing more than 100 simulators and getting out, and the score is more than a thousand points.

Although there are occasional anomalies, most of the obtained strength assessment scores are directly proportional to the basic test scores.

“The second level of simulation cultivation is twice as strong as the first level, the third level is twice as strong as the second level, and so on! This kind of enhancement is very abnormal, and the first-class college can enter the third level. Very strong existence, even if it is in the third level, one point is not available. The second level is basically the limit of the majority of the cultivation of the first-class college. Very few people can break into the third level, a handful of people Can enter the fourth level…”

In view of the ignorance of the fat man to the world of Xiandi, the bloody team has become Chen Hao’s “instructor” at the moment.

“Fat brother, you pay attention to it. Every 1000 name simulation cultivator is quite powerful, but it is very different in terms of attack methods. This can be ignored when you are absolutely strong enough, but if it is quite If you can kill a lot, you must take advantage of your strengths and avoid weaknesses, recognize your own advantages, and kill your own simulated cultivation. This will kill you a lot!”

“Yes! You see, this cultivator has no problem on the first floor. On the second floor, he specifically selects the area of ​​the simulated cultivator with a slow attack power, because his speed is an advantage and he can handle it easily!”

“Hmm, understand….”

For the enthusiastic teammates, Chen Hao naturally has to give recognition, although the other side of the ruling is boring.


“The newcomers have also begun to assess their strength.”

The cultivation in front of the Great Principle Golden Immortal and the Primordial Chaos Supreme in the Mission Center Plaza of Dahua College was seen when there were suddenly new names appearing.

After the ten-year newcomer assessment, once the newcomer has completed the combat strength test and reached the 1000 basic value, its name will appear on the leaderboard.

Only basically, at the end of the leaderboard. Because this ranking is a comprehensive strength ranking.

The comprehensive strength ranking includes three items, the combat strength value, the potential value and the contribution degree. The three basic test results are not included, and the combat strength value can basically reflect the three basics. At this moment, in addition to the value of the combat power, the potential value of the newcomer is pending, and the contribution is 0.

“I heard that this Great Principle Golden Immortal has two masters, one is Ling Feng, and the potential value exposed is more than 2300. The top college is properly, this is the result of the previous college! Another one, Winning Wan Yishui in the ring game!”

“No? Wan Yishui is our top-level master of the Great Principle Golden Immortal ranking of 300.”

“What 300 is more? Look at it again!”

“Ah? Did you get to 213? I obviously remember that 300 is more…”

“Before it was 300, it was 324. But Wan Yishui returned from the day before yesterday, handed over the task, and re-tested the value of the combat power. You see, the single-strength value increases the 800 multi-point, plus the contribution increase. Directly promoted to more than 100! So fast progress is the result of crazy efforts after being defeated by newcomers!”

“Who is it that beats her? It’s really a faceless thing…”

“A fat man named Li Yuan, hey, wait and see, Wan Yishui is coming back this time, naturally it is to get back to the scene. Chasing Wan Yishui, who has been chasing for more than 3,000 years but has not yet succeeded, he threatened to wait for fat people. Li Yuan came out and challenged him. For Wan Yishui, it is said that the fat man Li Yuan is quite wretched. It is not because of the real strength that has raised Wan Yishui, but also ridiculed…how… eh?” cultivation The person who saw the opposite partner blinked at him. Asked inexplicably, but just said two words, they suddenly turned to look to the right, “cough…”

Not far away, Wan Yishui sat cross-legged and was cold and cold.

Wan Yishui is also surrounded by He Ming and other people in the same team.

“He Ming, I am not the one who picks the matter, and I am forced to challenge him…” A figure next to He Ming said directly.

“Do you want to die?”

He Ming, who was very angry, finally raised his finger to the cultivator who had just discussed him and Wan Yishui, and snarled.

Many cultivators who are also talking about it also shut up directly.

There is no shortage of cultivation at the top of the tower. In general, the cultivator who has just completed the task will come along, and the repairers who have retested the value of the combat power or the potential value will come over to see the changes in their rankings. . Now, when the newcomers are evaluated in the past ten years, there are also many cultivators who specialize in the situation of newcomers. They are looking for comrades, members of the team, etc., and Wan Yishui and He Ming are obviously looking at them. Look at the assessment of newcomers, or wait for the fat to be assessed.

“Cough… I’m sorry, I’m all listening, brother, I’m sorry…”


“Farewell, leave…” The person who spoke hurried away. Although in the college, He Ming did not dare to drop him, he could not drop him, but he is not a master of such a master, but there are many ways to make a whole person.


“Yi Shui, you also heard it. Even if you can easily squeeze the fat man, you can also provoke a sigh. Let me exhale for you?” He Ming saw that the other side was sloppy and not good. Then turned to Wan Yishui, who was sitting cross-legged, and said.

“He Ming, I said that I don’t have to take care of you! That fat man, I will teach him personally!” Wan Yishui frowned: “And, He Ming, the team and the college, I will not renew. After the Millennium Academy Rankings, I will leave.”

“I know. Me too. Let’s go to Hongmeng together…”

“He Ming, why can’t you understand what I mean? Do you have to say it straight?”

“You don’t have to say, I understand. Just, is it too early to say? You haven’t accepted me before, and you haven’t refused me. Are you sure that I will not be as good as you in the future? I think it’s too early… Enter Hongmeng together, and make a decision after you come out. After all, whether it is me or our team, it has been together for so long. There is no law to guard the Hongmeng domain, no accompanying how to do it, you say? Rest assured, I won’t force you, just be friends for a while, just like them.” He Ming said.

Wan Yishui looked at his eyes and finally nodded.


“These cultivations are very strong…”

“Really strong! There are still four hundred people, and they are close to the value of 2000! The master is still unclear, the whole is definitely the strongest batch in tens of thousands of years!” (To be continued.)

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