Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the first episode of the 1191 chapter of familiarity, floating astronomy
“Breaking the record…”

“The highest potential value since the establishment of Dahua College!”

“The enchanting genius, the potential value has exceeded 4,000. In any top college, the pure potential value can be ranked in the top ten!”

“This Li Yuan definitely has the strength of the Great Principle Golden Immortal Throne of the Competition College!”

“Is it Li Yuan?? Xue Feiyan, Ling Feng, and even the core 氖 氖 氖 Α 2 馐 站 渴 渴 渴 渴 渴 渴 渴 渴 渴 渴 Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ Щ娌 娌 怠 怠 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 还 恕

“Yeah, especially Li Yuan, the potential value has exceeded 4,000, which has become the first test record of Dahua College since ancient times. It is really amazing…”

Looking at the tower monument list, the potential value column of Chen Hao’s name became the red number representing the highest initial test record of Dahua College, and the crowd discussed it arbitrarily.

The potential value, whether it is the initial test in the entrance examination or the continuous re-assessment after entering the school, is the smallest change in the tower monument list. Potential potential, unless it is a qualitative change in its own fleshy body, blood, soul, perception, etc., no matter how many times the test, the results will be stable within a certain range, the maximum and minimum gap will not exceed the percentage, specifically High is low, depending on the presence.

In fact, each college, each of the Realm’s tower monument list is based on the contribution value, combat power value, and potential value, which represent the past, present and future. The contribution value indicates the past record, which records the bits and pieces of the cultivation; the value of the force represents the current strength of the cultivator, the most direct reflection of the current strength; the potential value represents the future and future of the cultivator What Realm can grow to be relevant.

Putting it all together is a more comprehensive measure of the cultivation.


“The first Li Yuan, unconditionally obtained one of the top ten treatments of the Great Principle Golden Immortal of the Dahua College, will enjoy permanent access to the top ten within one year, and will enjoy it for the duration of the agreement. Second place Xue Feiyan The third life, Ling Feng, the fourth place, Huanren Kangxi Sakura, I will see the ridiculous

Chen Hao’s completion of the potential value test means that the assessments are all over. At this time, Gu Zen announced the list of cultivators who received different treatments.

“Well, let’s send you out now. Going out is the tower monument list outside the test center. It is also the glory list of all cultivation people of our Dahua University. Through it, you can understand the strength of yourself and others. You have Half a day of free time, you can go to Dahua College with a token, and report to Dahua Hall half a day later, you will be notified in advance by token.”



The voice of Gu Zen’s teacher just fell, and the cultivation in the test palace was shrouded in the light of the rune of the found mystery and disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already outside the entrance of the test center, and you can see a towering tower monument at a glance.

“Go, look!”


The cultivators who just came out locked the tower monument with the five words of the Great Principle Golden Immortal at the top of the tower, and quickly flew over.



To assess the gap between the palace and the outside world, in fact, from Chen Hao, they began to assess and end, just as Mr. Gu said before, it didn’t take much time. When the fat man Li Yuan appeared last, and the potential value directly refreshed the Dahua Institute’s initial test record, everyone knew that the “new person” was coming out. At this moment, Wan Yishui, He Ming and others are getting up.

The “old man” who came to the tower monument with various purposes, with the excitement in the dawn, the gods bloom, and scanned the newcomers flying.

“Brother, which Xue Feiyan?”

“Which Li Yuan is it?”

“Who is Ling Feng?”

“敖 霭 霭 俊.

Among the four enchanting genius, Xue Feiyan is undoubtedly the most anticipated existence of a large proportion of male cultivation people for gender reasons. Although many people know that they are not qualified at all, they are not qualified, but it does not mean that they cannot appreciate it.

Fat Li Yuan, Ling Feng and Yu Ren Meng

“Fat brother, brother, you promised to join our bloody team, but don’t promise others, the captain I can give you, the strong, the strong!”

Chen Hao, who is standing together, 敖 ┭ ┭ ┭ 耍 耍 耍 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 北 乃 乃 乃 乃 乃 乃 壕 壕 壕 壕 壕 壕 壕 壕 缓 缓 缓 缓 缓馈 庋 庋 庋 瞿嫣齑嬖冢蘼廴绾嗡仗 瞿嫣齑嬖冢蘼廴绾嗡仗 瞿嫣齑嬖冢蘼廴绾嗡仗 瞿嫣齑嬖冢蘼廴绾嗡仗 热 硕 硕 硕 硕 硕 硕

Can be with the real enchanting genius, even if they ignore anything, they will be affected by their gas. How can they not know this?

“Fat brother, I have a word, rest assured!”

“Elder Brother, I said, the team is a god horse, I don’t care, fat brother joined you, I naturally follow. Lonely snow, fat brother to be the light, Elder Brother, I am very… oh… beauty, you… … rub, fat brother, too fierce?”

The skinny monkey is saying that suddenly the eyes are straight, and it becomes a pig brother directly. It is not a slobber, but when I see the beauty, I will be beaten by the fat man. The strictness of the block was shocked by the fat man.

Seeing the beauty yourself is just a greeting, and the fat man is shooting directly!

“I rub… isn’t it?”

But immediately, the 敖 ┭ ┭ 吮闵 吮闵 吮闵 吮闵 吮闵 吮闵 吮闵 吮闵 吮闵 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 痈琅沂呛杳芍 × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × 10. 芾 芾 芾 菅 菅 菅 词 词 词 词 词 词 词 词 词

“Well? The fat man’s Taoist?”

Just came out, and directly locked the fat and 敖 璺纾 璺纾 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 庖 唬 唬 唬 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (10) (18)

“Grandma’s, what’s wrong with the brother, how do you feel like you’ve seen it? Is it true that the beauty is with the brother?”

Ling Feng is puzzled, a little bit of pain.

When I saw Xue Feiyan’s true feelings, I felt familiar, like I have seen it before, and now when I see the beautiful beauty of Si Xuan, I also have a feeling that I have seen before. This embarrassing feeling should not be the result of the Great Principle Golden Immortal cultivation.

“Maybe it’s Elder Brother. I should look for a beautiful genius sect. But who is worthy of this brother?”

Ling Feng shook his head and attributed it to the emotional state of loneliness and loneliness. (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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