Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the first episode is coming to the 1199 chapter of the world to fight again, floating astronomy
“Mr. Tan is good!”

“Mr. Tan, I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

Many of the old people in the crowd have cup one fist in the other hand and Tan Linhai, who suddenly appeared in the crowd. Tan Linhai is the teacher who brought Chen Hao and Si Xuan to Dahua College from Zhenwu City.

Tan Linhai and the cultivation of his salute were slightly decapitated, not much to say, with a smile on his face to the sly Chen Hao.

“Teacher Tan…”

Just then, a female voice rang softly.

“Hmmm?” Tan Linhai paused and looked at the side. “Yes, ah, how come you… oh… I know… you gimmick…”

When I heard Tan Linhai’s words, Wan Yishui suddenly turned red and bowed slightly. Fortunately, Tan Linhai did not say much, and went to Chen Hao again.

“Little fat man, the assessment results are unexpected…”

“Where is there, Teacher Tan has won the prize.”

“I knew you were not bad, but I still didn’t think it would be so good. Don’t say me, that is, the owner did not think, um, Chen Si is also good… The owner asked me to ‘please’ you two past one Hey, see you first.” Tan Linhai stared at Chen Hao and said, “Please” the word bite is clear, but there is no irony.

This is what the cabinet owner specifically confessed, and Tan Linhai only conveyed it according to the meaning of the owner. This point, even when Tan Linhai came with Chen Hao and Si Xuan seven years ago, he could not think of it. Chen Hao was recommended to the owner. First, Chen Hao did have a strong talent potential, and second, because of the face of his old friend Du Minghui. Du Minghui, who regarded Chen Hao as a descendant of the chaotic world, was interested in carrying it. Who can think of the enchanting of heaven defying?

The little defying score of the little i fat man far exceeded Tan Linhai’s expectations. Even when the news that the little fat man defeated the martial arts genius girl Wan Yishui seven years ago, they did not expect to be so heaven defying.

When the test results were obtained, the Zhenwuge lord immediately summoned Tan Linhai while shocking him, letting him take Chen Hao and Si Xuan to see you first.

It’s natural to have a reason to see it so urgently.

Chen Hao’s assessment results, especially the potential value and the strength value, even in the top colleges are definitely the top ranks of Chen Hao, so heaven defying enchanting, will inevitably lead to the competition of the Dahua College ten clubs It may even lead to the favor of some old guys in Dahua College. Who is still in charge of Zhenwuge?

They belong to the same college, but when they encounter the real enchanting genius, the competition of the Ten Great Courts is inevitable.

“Mr. Tan, don’t be so polite, the pavilion mainly sees us, you summon a voice, and you are on call.” Chen Hao said in a hurry.

“Oh…” Hearing Chen Hao’s words, Tan Linhai smiled and nodded, and the heart was secretly praised. The little fat man would talk. “That’s good, we…”



“Tan Laodi, I haven’t seen you for a long time!”

“Tan brother, you are really fast enough!”

When Tan Linhai looked at Chen Hao and Si Xuan, he suddenly saw a few streams of light smashing through the void, appearing around Tan Linhai and Chen Hao, and each of them greeted Tan Linhai.

“How come you all?”

Tan Linhai slightly frowned.

“Haha… Tan brother, what do you say, you can come, we can’t come?”

“Oh, Tan Xiong, in addition to our direct subordinate assessment, there are three enchanting genius that can deter the top colleges. How can our owners not be tempted?”

Who are the three people, the teachers of the major cabinets and the cultivations who are present are mostly clear. The first one is naturally fat, Li Yuan, the second is naturally narcissistic, and the third is It is a monkey 敖V inferior consultation Ψ 桃 桃 约 杳芍 杳芍 杳芍 杳芍 鹁 鹁 谝 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱 旱

Any one of the three people’s achievements in Dahua College can cause sensation and competition.

The major associations are responsible for enrolling students. At this time, they naturally stand by and stand by. The only thing they can do is to look at fat people, monkeys and Ling Feng with envy and hate.

“Li Yuan, hello, I am a teacher of Dahuage. Our cabinet owner wants to meet you, oh, and your Taoist Chen Si. Is Ling Feng right? Hello, our cabinet owner also invites you to see you!敖 亢呛 亢呛 亢呛 亢呛 笾饕埠芟爰悖 笾饕埠芟爰悖 笾饕埠芟爰悖 笾饕埠芟爰悖 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 慈 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 撸 妨 : : Yin 17. 璺绾 璺绾 镒 镒 镒 镒 镒 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

Dahua Pavilion.

Dahuaxing, Dahua College, and Dahua Pavilion can judge the status and strength of Dahua Pavilion in the Ten Great Courts simply by name.

“Li Yuan, Ling Feng, apologize for 笾饕 爰忝 ? 鹈ψ徘┒┢踉? Killing and ∈ 吹 吹 鍪 鍪 鍪 鍪 缶 缶 缶 缶 缶 蠡钤 蠡钤 伲 伲 伲 伲 伲 硪 硪 硪 硪 硪Uranium uranium feed

Although Tan Linhai was arranged by the owner at the first time, he did not expect it to be a slow step and did not take Chen Hao and Si Xuan away in advance.

Sure enough, like the speculation of the owner, this time, all the major cabinets are the first to take the shot.

“Li Yuan Little Brother, our cabinet owner is particularly interested in you, special what to do, I hope you treat it with caution, it is good to have love and affection, but your future is undoubtedly more important… are Dahua College, how to No one will blame you for choosing!”

“Li Yuan Little Brother, we are the strongest of the ten major cabinets. I am very optimistic about you, ready to receive you as Direct Disciple, including your Taoist!”

“Ling Feng Xiao Brother, our cabinet owner is especially for you…”


The apparent competition has already envied the haters of the surrounding cultivation, but the teachers sent by the major cabinets have said that Chen Hao, Ling Feng and Yu are arrogant to write 簦 簦 萌 四 四 四 I I I I I 了 了 了 了 了Pocket

Even Si Xuan’s look has changed slightly several times, apparently someone using the Si Xuan public fat.


Tan Linhai looked at the fat man who looked like a very excited and fascinating look. How to look at fat people is not like a person who can sacrifice interests for the sake of love.

“Yes. Teacher Tan, let’s go!”

“Hmm?” Tan Linhai gave a slight glimpse.

“Mr. Tan is good, since the fat brother wants to go with you, I will also go to see the real martial arts master with you, the cabinet owner will not look down on me?” I decided to mix with the fat man to find bloated Fざ is the light shop, S is very faceless, but at this time, still do not hesitate to keep up. Moreover, it is still the case that Tan Linhai did not invite.

This makes the teachers of other pavilions surprised, but also slightly uncomfortable, such a enchanting genius, how can we take the lead of others? (To be continued. Please search h astrolog W, the novel is better to update faster!)

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