Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the first episode of the 1216 chapter special problem special solution, floating astronomy
Upon hearing the words of Moxilin, Cheng Wanxiang hurriedly read the memory light of Moxilin, and immediately showed a surprise color on his face.

Cheng Wanxiang is the current dean of Dahua College. Whether it is a cultivation base or a knowledge, he must be stronger than the real martial arts master. Compared with the old dean, he is the first time to see Si Xuan. In the same way, it is faint to feel that Si Xuan is not as simple as the surface, but it is impossible to tell exactly where it is not simple. Now, the information from Mosilin proves his feelings.

Undying blood, nine life heritage!

The simple undying blood is nothing at all, even if it is combined with the talent and potential that Si Xuan now shows, it is not a big deal. But Si Xuan cultivated the nine-pointed mystery, which is totally different. Moreover, Si Xuan only combines the second life, there are seven lives, and even eight lives are not merged. Of course, the two most important points are: First, Si Xuan is the most solid and painstaking. With this, Si Xuan’s age problem is not a problem; second, Si Xuan deity and second The fusion of life is not perfect, and it is still evolving. When the true perfection is combined, the strength shown is not what it is now. This means that the potential of Si Xuan is much higher than that shown! Coupled with its stunning face, it is sure to meet the two most powerful conditions of the Xinghe King Xiao Family and the Virgin Palace!

Such people, let alone the first-class colleges, are the top colleges, and must focus on training!

“Quasi!” Cheng Wanxiang did not hesitate, and he said: “The top ten treatments for a hundred years! After a hundred years, re-evaluation!”

“Many thanks Dean!” Moxilin said with a good voice.


Less than a quarter of an hour. Dean Cheng Wanxiang and the vice president, as well as many elders, cabinet owners and deputy cabinet owners, negotiated with Gu Chan and another teacher. The treatment and arrangement of the New Principle Golden Immortal and the Primordial Chaos Supreme new agenda were announced, respectively, and they were branded on their respective tokens.

In the teacher responsible for Primordial Chaos Supreme, the second announced disciple was not the original second place, but the time of Si Xuan, who was pseudonymous to Chen Si, everyone was surprised, and heard that Si Xuan actually got the Primordial Chaos Supreme. Top ten treatments, and it is a hundred years. Even more surprised. This is a few twists of Chen Hao, Xue Feiyan, Ling Feng, and the 杳芍 杳芍 杳芍 杳芍 杳芍 龆 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 萸竦 玛坏热急即和荒辍玛湍 湍 萸 萸 萸 鸹竦昧 鸹竦昧 鸹竦昧 髯 髯 髯 绲 绲 谝唬 谝唬 谝唬 谝唬 谝唬 谝唬 谝唬 谝唬 г г г г г г г г г г г г г г г г г г г г觯蚝芗虻ィ 觯蚝芗虻ィ 魏 蝗 蝗 蝗 蝗 蝗 蝗 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 魏 臁 臁 臁 臁Green 匕欤

For the reason of Si Xuan, the Dean only added one sentence: there is a s-level talent abilities to hide.

In this sentence, the doubts of all people became shocked.

At the same time, everyone looked at the eyes of Si Xuan, an old legend, and changed again…

Especially Murong Ganhua.




“This is the palace of our real estate in the area of ​​Primordial Chaos Supreme. Murong Ganhua, Chen Si, the palaces of both of you will be built up to three days. It will also be the twenty-eighth and the first of the Primordial Chaos Supreme area. Twenty-nine top ten treatment palaces. It is also a 19-seat treatment palace. However, I believe that you all hope to enter the real top ten palaces! Have you seen it? The top ten peaks in the core are comprehensive rankings. The top ten of the list!Great Principle Golden Immortal is also the same, your top ten treatment palace. Although the conditions are exactly the same as the real top ten, but the position of the palace, the star veins are inferior…”

Tan Linhai took Chen Hao, Xue Feiyan, Ling Feng, and the mother-in-law to make a dumpling of oysters (7) 艰 杳芍 杳芍 杳芍 穑 穑 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉

Six people received the top ten treatment. And they all chose Zhenwu Pavilion, which is completely unexpected. Similarly, Si Xuan, Xue Feiyan, Ling Feng, and 敖娜like evaluation 竦 髯 绲氖 绲氖 绲氖 绲氖 觯 觯 隽嗽ち K K ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ ǔ 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅Chicory

“Mr. Tan, you can say to the owner, my palace does not need to be condensed, so as not to waste.”


“If I remember it well, it should be the contribution value archive after ten days. When the comprehensive ranking calculates the contribution value to zero?”

“Well, it is true… Murong Ganhua, you mean… Do you want to challenge the top ten players, or do you want to retest the potential value and the combat power?” Tan Linhai was a little surprised.

The comprehensive ranking, the value of the combat power, the potential value can be re-tested at any time, refresh the data, and the contribution value is cleared every ten years, the so-called archive is cleared, the meaning is very simple, the calculation enters the comprehensive ranking The contribution value is limited to the contribution value obtained during the ten-year period. After ten years, the contribution value of this session will be stored in the potential value of the cultivation, and the potential value calculated on the tower monument will be re-established. Start from scratch. In this way, the ability of a cultivator can be truly reflected, and at the same time, the cultivator can be stimulated to a greater extent. If there is no such thing, then the cultivation who has been in Dahua College for a long time is too cheap.

Murong Ganhua said so, it is obvious that he has the confidence to become the real top ten after the contribution value is cleared!

“Challenge…” Murong Ganhua smiled slightly: “I don’t need special permission for the Murong dry, the top ten, I will get it by my own strength.”

Through the reassessment of the potential value and the value of the combat power, Murong Ganhua, who has reservations, can certainly achieve higher results, but Murong Ganhua has chosen a more direct challenge for the simple reason. First, the young newcomers. Genius is hard to compare with the top “genius old students” who have experienced countless years and countless evaluations. This is one of them. Second, the top ten that wins by challenge is the real top ten. Otherwise, simply test the combat strength. The top ten potential value is basically facing the challenge of the other side. If you lose, you still have to be replaced.

While talking, Murong Qianhua’s light is clearly a look at Chen Hao with a trace of provocation.

“Tan teacher!”

Where did the fat man get such a look? Directly opened.

“Well?” Tan Linhai frowned slightly, apparently guessing what the fat man would say.

“You can also tell the owner, the fat man, my palace does not have to be built, wasted.” The fat man stood upright.

“Little fat man, you have to think about it. Your strength and potential value can indeed be temporarily ranked in the top ten after being cleared. However, if you really want to occupy the palace, you will face the challenge of the top ten discipline. That is not…” Tan Linhai said in a hurry. Different from treating Murong Ganhua, Tan Linhai has a sense of closeness brought to Dahua College by himself, and he advises the fat man that he thinks it should be.

“I know!” The fat man waved his hand.

“I rub… fat brother, idol!”

“Grandma’s, fat man, are you forced to choose this brother?! Can’t be inferior to you…”

“When you go, how can you choose with the fat brother?” The fat man glanced at Ling Fengdao and immediately looked at Tan Linhai. “Mr. Tan, I said really, don’t need to build it! Sisi’s palace is Primordial Chaos Supreme. Ah, a hundred years, the fat man, of course, is with Sisi. Well, the added things are added to the palace of Sisi. We are the Taoists… Realm is different, can’t be separated, special problems. , special solution… Right, Teacher Tan?”

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