Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The 383 chapter temporary boss, floating astronomy
Chapter 383 Temporary Boss

“This is enough, impatient?” Gao Da Zhuang said with great enthusiasm.

The original king had wanted to hold on, but he could hear the conversations of the people. Plus, Gao Dazhuang dared to speak at this time. He knew that there was not much hope. Blood of Chen Hao How strong is the gas, he can sense it. Therefore, I no longer torment myself, and simply sacrificed the light of guardianship and announced the withdrawal.

“Chen Hao, I didn’t expect you to be awesome? I can hold at least half an hour in this place, no pressure… no… not as good as… we… continue to go deep?” Gao Da Zhuang looked at the surprised eyes. In particular, I saw Bai Xiaomei’s obsessive eyes, and more and more wanted to show her own fork and power. Full of pride and provocation. It seems that this sentence is a bit long. Let him say that when he is behind, he has begun to tremble. Obviously, under the pressure of this horror, he is also a little powerless. However, he does not mind, he believes that Chen Hao is afraid that it is difficult to speak.


“Yes. Then go ahead…” Chen Hao, who was sweating, said awkwardly. Although there were not many words, the sound was not shocking, as if it was speaking under normal circumstances. What surprised everyone was that Chen Hao spoke directly and stepped forward.

The figure is tall and straight like a sword, and the steps are steady and steady.


Gao Da Zhuang is a bit dumbfounded. His intention is to show his “easy” and psychologically defeat Chen Hao. But I did not expect that, instead of not working, it was done according to his words.

If he can really “shrink” it. The key is that he is now “shrinking”. If you start before you enter, you will shrink. Now, every cell in the body is under the pressure of the giant, and if it is motivated, it will probably collapse directly.

but. As the saying goes, this buddy can only keep up with Chen Hao. It’s a pity… I’ve just walked a few steps. This guy is in the scream of Bai Xiaomei’s scream, “嘭”, and falls to the ground, and the golden light shines, and the guardian light of the token rises out.

“Hey? Why can’t you?” Chen Hao twisted his neck and smirked at the corner of his mouth. Looks like he was surprised.

“By mistakes, it is definitely a mistake. I accidentally did not control the power, the center of gravity was biased… I came back again, I have not shown the strongest fleshy body!”

“Yeah, yeah, you can shrink a circle, you can double it!” Bai Fumei also said.

“This is also OK? Lose and lose, there are so many reasons!” Wang Wang presided over justice. Said.

“It doesn’t matter, then you shrink, let’s go!” Chen Hao said without fear.

“Oh… forget it, I can easily expose my own cards, and people who are familiar with them should also be low-key. If you win!” Gao Zhuang waved and said. In my heart, I am secretly arrogant, and if I start to the strongest state at the beginning, there will be no such thing. Now, it’s like falling apart. Muscles, muscles and veins almost did not collapse, but also a fart…

Next is a series of natural fire quenching area, Xuanbing quenching area, tamping battle area, reaction training area, attack training area, body training area, pressure bearing training area, extraterrestrial monster level simulation training area, etc. The contest.

It took two days to complete. Shi Wang had to pay the cost of four people.

When I walked out of the cultivation hall, in addition to the relatively large number of sister flowers for Chen Hao, seven people including Shi Wang and Bai Li Liancheng, the eyes of Chen Hao have completely changed. Which of the seven is not a enchanting genius ? Which one does not have two hands and special skills? Just like the strength of the tall and strong fleshy body, it was all wiped out by Chen Hao…

The comparison of all the projects, without exception, all first. And every time, this guy feels like he has the strength to stay, once and twice. Everyone thought that this guy was loading. But after a day’s time, including the first king who scored the second overall score, I really felt that Chen Hao was not afraid to force, but really strong.


“This is a first-level communicator, a total of ten, which is convenient for your guardian group to contact. This is the first-level task recorder. There are a total of ten, you will record the situation when you complete the task, and it is also an important certificate for redeeming points. This is Level 1 Spirit Treasure Psychic mirror. A total of ten, as long as you are connected, you can see the situation of the other party. You need bloody sacrifices. These are the basic benefits of the Guardian Alliance, but they are all Spirit. Treasure level. This is your guardian badge. Ok, congratulations on becoming a first-class guardian!”

“Many thanks !”

In the Alliance Palace, Chen Hao, who is already the temporary head of the guardian registration hall, took over the Spirit Treasure from the old man and sent him to Sister Hua, Shi Wang and others.

The badge is a sky blue background, written in two golden characters – “Aotian”. This is the name of the guardian group proposed by Zhang Rongrong, and more than half of them agree and half of them do not object. Although Chen Hao feels a bit arrogant, she also recognizes it. After all, compared to the names of many guardian groups, the words “Aotian” are already very gentle. What swallows the sky, heaven defying, day and day, all are arrogant and awkward?


“Temporary boss, we proudly set up, you are the boss, should you please drink a table of wine, celebrate it? The requirements are not high, let’s just find a pub, then, that is called the Haitian pub. ……” Zhang Rongrong, a Dahongpao, smashed the long hair in front of his forehead, and did not have the awareness of the younger brother. He was very provocative.

“Right right, Haitian pubs just have to find a top-level private room, and they will be sloppy. Temporary boss, this is the first thing the boss has to do, you can’t even get this little money.” Tian Gang also said.

These two guys apparently deliberately made Chen Hao ugly. When the cost of the second day was paid in the cultivation hall, they were all the yuan crystal stones from the beginning of the king, and Chen Hao did not say that he still had the king. The first king did not care, they did not care very much, but let them know that Chen Hao may be poor. After all, Chen Hao is from Eastern Continent…

“Of course, no problem. Just the tavern, keep it for you!” Chen Hao said with a slight smile.

“Cough…Chen Hao, you just came to Suiyuan City, don’t listen to these two guys flickering. Haitian Tavern is the largest pub in Suiyuan City, the lowest consumption of the first floor is…”

“Hey, King, what do you mean? Look down on the temporary boss? Also called Chen Hao? To be a temporary boss! We have just set up a proud day, the temporary boss does not have some blood to celebrate how to celebrate? Everyone contact and contact, but later Fighting side by side…”

The straightforward people began to say half of the king, and they were interrupted by the righteousness of the city.

“That is, please have a drink, we are the boss, but still reluctant? Talk about what money is not money, hurt feelings…” Gao Zhuang also said.

Obviously, except for the beginning of the king, these guys are like Chen Hao’s meal, although in their opinion they will definitely pay for it, but let Chen Hao out of ugliness, so as not to be the temporary boss, too prestige in front of them. It is. In the event of a smooth hand, become a formal adjustment?

“Well, Gao Dazhuang said it is good, talk about money and hurt feelings. Originally, I said that I have enough crystal stone to return the 60,000 high grade yuan crystal stone that the first king helped us. How can I say that it is still ok… … Doesn’t this hurt Brother’s feelings?” Chen Hao looked at Gao Da Zhuang with a deep sympathy, a serious statement.

When I heard Chen Hao, the first king did not feel that it was wrong. Sixty thousand high grade yuan crystal stone, although not a small amount for him, but to the brother of Chen Hao, did not look at it. Chen Hao said so, it seems to him should be. Really, can he still want it? Injury Brother’s feelings, too much to see.

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