Heaven Defying Mad Venerable The latest chapter, the fifth episode of Profound Yellow Ancient City The 387 chapter Tianhu ancient city, floating astronomy
In just a few minutes, under the call of the Wild Wolf Guards, ten second-level guardians and twenty first-level guardians will be together. These guardians have publicized the record and strength of their guardian groups, and assigned the distribution relationship after temporarily joining their guardian group, and selected the lone guardians.

Just established Aotian, although there is no record at all, but the beautiful guy lineup, and the young super genius aura, but there is no need to sip, there are many first-class stalkers who like to participate in Meng Xiyao. However, no one can enjoy the points treatment of the official members of Meng Xiyao. Moreover, it is not that you want to join, you can join, only Chen Hao and others look pleasing to the eye.

The total share of more than ten minutes, the 500-strong army will be enough to meet the conditions for the annihilation of the Tianhu ancient city monster. The task details as well as the guardian and member information of the participating tasks also appear in the guardian token of everyone.

The Aotian Guardian Group has added a total of seven first-level guardians.


“The number of monsters in the ancient city of Tianhu is about one million. Our mission is to annihilate all monsters and seize the ancient city of Tianhu.

The task period is ten days and the time is quite urgent. lets go! ”

Under the command of Hu Bolang, the head of the Wild Wolf Guards, the 500-strong army quickly walked toward the Teleportation Formation area.


Through the Teleportation Formation, everyone came to the barren battlefield, the nearest station to the ancient city of Tianhu.

The station is a place for the cultivation of the cultivator in the ridiculous theater, with a strong protective enchantment. In the station, there are large stores that buy a variety of monster materials, and there are shops selling a variety of special spirit medicines and equipment. There are also palaces dedicated to cultivation.

After everyone entered the station, they did not stop. Then I stepped out of the station and flew to the ancient city of Tianhu, hundreds of thousands of miles away.

The ancient city of Tianhu is a deserted ancient city pool. It often gathers a certain number of extraterrestrial monsters. When it reaches a certain level, it is the time when the cultivation person starts to clean up. Otherwise, once allowed to develop, it will become the territory of powerful monsters. The number of monsters will increase. At that time, if you want to kill, the price paid will be too great.

“The guardians listen to orders!”

When a broken ancient city pool, which occupies a thousand miles, appeared in the eyes of everyone, Hu Bolang began to issue orders.

“We rushed into the ancient city! Start hunting again!”

“Hu group leader, is this not appropriate?” Hu Bolang just finished, the head of a second-level guardian group, then frowned.

“What is wrong?”

“This is the Third Grade mission. The reward for this is so high. It is not so simple. Nearly one million Monster Beast gathers in the city. If we rush directly into the city, it will definitely be dangerous. I think that for the sake of insurance, everyone should be dispersed. Open, start from the periphery of the city, provoke, lead, and gradually kill. In this case, it is more secure…”

“That’s right. But that’s the case. How can it be completed in ten days? The mission information has already stated that the most powerful monster here is just the Peak in the late Yuan Dynasty. Most of them are in the early days of the Yuan Dynasty. What is the danger? When we rush in, we may face encirclement, but each breakthrough can start hunting. The effect will be greatly improved. Only in this way can we complete the killing of millions of monsters in just ten days! Well, I am not hubo I hope that who is questioning, afraid of death can now get out! Kill the past!”

Hu Bolang glanced glanced at the head of the second-level guardian. Said arrogantly.


With the voice of Hu Bolang, five hundred cultivation people suddenly turned into a tributary of the ancient city.

Haotian’s extraterrestrial monster, aura, is filled with the entire city. At the moment when everyone aura bursts out, a horrible beast bursts out of the city, countless Monster Beast. Suddenly rises.


The Wild Wolf Guards took the lead and led everyone, like a steel torrent. Breaking through the dense monsters blocking, and constantly approaching the city.

These monsters are only the lowest level of the Yuan Dynasty. Although they are all afraid of death, they still cannot stop the progress of everyone. In just over ten minutes, he rushed into the broken city. Every time you kill a monster, your inner dan will be taken by the hunters. Although the efficiency of hunting is reduced, it is obviously impossible to give up. The inner Dan of the Yuan Shen Monster is quite valuable. Even the materials on these monsters are worth a lot. However, it is too time consuming to collect materials and can only be wasted.

Countless monsters also gathered from all directions, and as the monster’s huge body moved, the entire city shook.

“Speed ​​spread! There is a need to help remember to send information, our wolf guards have a clear price, virginity, you should have seen …” Hu Bolang said loudly.

Although everyone is a cooperative relationship, it is impossible to ask the other party to provide help unconditionally. And usually, anyone or a guardian can be in danger if they are in danger, but they all have to pay the price.

“Be careful…” Chen Hao said directly to the Aotian members. Including Meng Xiyao and six other temporary members, “We will kill the line directly to the depths! Can not afford to retreat behind us!”

Far beyond the soul perception of others, Chen Hao clearly feels the distribution of monsters in the ancient city of Tianhu. The first time he did the task, and he was the head of the team for the first time, he was naturally a little excited.

“Go!” Chen Hao glanced at the sister flower, solemnly said. After that, I took the lead in rushing to the depths of the city.


Sisters, Shi Wang and others have also been separated by a thousand feet, keeping pace with Chen Hao. The seven temporary members, only Meng Xiyao did not hesitate to keep up, while the other six weaker ones, and did not have a courage of the first-level guardian, they chose to follow behind the crowd.


Puff puff……

In a dense monster attack, Chen Hao shot cleanly, but not violent. Sisters, Shi Wang, Zhang Rongrong and others also showed amazing power. On the surface, they were even stronger than Chen Hao. Especially a black clothed, has taken off the brawl, and has a natural singer, Aura’s Meng Xiyao, in the siege of the dense Monster Beast, if you walk in the air, every attack, like a handkerchief, but The damage caused was terrible, and no Monster Beast could stop her from attacking.

The other six cultivation people behind Chen Hao and others saw the terrorist power exhibited by Chen Hao and others, and they were in a good mood. Under the so-called big tree, you can enjoy the cold, they just need to hunt down the lower-level monsters, as long as they successfully complete the task, they can get higher points.


“Head, you guessed it was good…”

“That is of course. These guys are all arrogant, the eyes are higher than the top, just no brains. Millions of Monster Beast army, that is, we dare not go directly! Waiting for their help, save one person, once twenty Ten thousand high grade yuan crystal stone!嘿嘿…”

“Cough, the head is too embarrassed? Our prices have been made very clear, these guys are not offended…”

“Don’t forget, there is also a condition adjusted according to individual circumstances. King, Baili Liancheng, Jingtiangang, especially the Meng Xiyao who temporarily joined them, may be the number one genius of the top family in the city. More than 10,000? Chen Hao’s ability to become their head is naturally superior. Others, any one is super genius… This kind of person is not guilty. Anyway, there will be no intersection anyway. The price is good in advance, not to kill them! Keep the formation, don’t waste power, take turns to rest. In ten days, I have to see how long they can hold on…”

鍦–hen Hao 绛変汉阃夋嫨娣卞叆鍩庢睁鏂阃夋嫨娣卞叆鍩庢睁鏂悜鏉悜鏉杩囧幓镄勬椂杩囧幓镄勬椂欙纴 (1)洿鍩庝竴鍦堬纴钖屾牱涔熷悜娣卞鎸鸿繘镄勪簩鍗佸浜 monkey 纴绾风悍鍏虫镌€Chen Hao 绛変汉锛岀溂绁炲甫镌€涓€涓濅笉灞戝拰寰楁剰锛屼紶宽Enthusiastic


鍌 ぉ瀹堟姢锲 (1) 崄浜 纴浠ュ 纴浠ュ 纴浠ュ 镌 镌 镌 鐩殑锷犲叆浠栦 鐩殑锷犲叆浠栦 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 镄勬 澶旷懚锛屾镞犵桠闂纴閮 澶旷懚锛屾镞犵桠闂纴閮 澶旷懚锛屾镞犵桠闂纴閮 澶旷懚锛屾镞犵桠闂纴閮 澶旷懚锛屾镞犵桠闂纴閮 澶旷懚锛屾镞犵桠闂纴閮 澶旷懚锛屾镞犵桠闂纴閮曞 绁炲叧娉ㄧ潃鍏 粬浜 粬浜 粬浜 傝皝閮 傝皝閮 傝皝閮 傝皝閮 傝皝閮 傝皝閮 傝皝閮 鎶 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四涓 涓︻ 涓︻ 鍙夈 絾杩欎簺瀹 絾杩欎簺瀹 絾杩欎簺瀹 絾杩欎簺瀹 絾杩欎簺瀹 絾杩欎簺瀹 閮 閮 閮 閮 閮 笉鏄偦鐡滐纴璋侀兘 笉鏄偦鐡滐纴璋侀兘 笉鏄偦鐡滐纴璋侀兘 镊 镊 镊 镊 杈 杈 杈 杈 杈屼竴杈圭柉镫傛仮澶岖潃镊繁銆

濮嬬帇楂 ぇ濞佺寷镄勪綋褰纴 ぇ濞佺寷镄勪綋褰纴 ぇ濞佺寷镄勪綋褰纴 ぇ濞佺寷镄勪綋褰纴 镙 镙 镙 镙 镙 de de de de de de de de de de de de de de de嗘 涓 B€Blade, 鍗 病 病 病 変 変 忔 忔 忔 忔 忔 忔 忔 锛屽皢镐吔鏂╂潃銆 锛屽皢镐吔鏂╂潃銆 锛屽皢镐吔鏂╂潃銆

鏅ぉ鍒氱鍑洪娌★纴鏀诲向钟€鍒╂棤姣旓绂锏鹃噷杩炲煄镄勬敾鍑诲垯鏄钖屽井椋庣粏板纴鐪嬩技镆斿拰镊 瀬锛屼絾涓 澶 澶 澶 澶 澶 吔锛屽嵈璇 吔锛屽嵈璇 吔锛屽嵈璇 吔锛屽嵈璇 纾鍦 纾鍦 纾鍦 纾鍦 纾鍦 纾鍦 四 四 四 四 四 四 四 四紶钃夎搲鍜岃 鎯狅纴灏嗛 鎯狅纴灏嗛 鎯狅纴灏嗛 渚 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 殑浼 纴涓や 纴涓や 纴涓や揩涓娄竴澶 埅锛岃 埅锛岃 屼笖锛屾敾阒蹭竴浣掳纴 屼笖锛屾敾阒蹭竴浣掳纴 屼笖锛屾敾阒蹭竴浣掳纴 屼笖锛屾敾阒蹭竴浣掳纴 楄 楄 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶 傞珮澶澶妗o纴琛ㄧ幇镄勬洿寮哄娍锛屼絾镐庝箞鐪嬶纴涓や纴琛ㄧ幇镄勬洿寮哄娍锛屼絾镐庝箞鐪嬶纴涓や镄勬櫤鍟嗛兘镄勬櫤鍟嗛兘夌偣闂锛屽洜涓夌偣闂锛屽洜涓粬浠粬浠€镄勯 熷 熷 熷 熷 澶揩浜嗭纴琛ㄩ 鐪嬶纴 鐪嬶纴 鐪嬶纴 鐪嬶纴 ° ° ° °

Chen Hao 涓€杈圭宁鏉€镌€锛屼竴杈锛屼竴杈叧娉ㄧ潃浼椾叧娉ㄧ潃浼椾镄勬儏鍐镄勬儏鍐 effect 敮 chain 変粬 chain 镡熸倝镄勫濡 姳锛屼 姳锛屼 姳锛屼镞跺姞鍏ュ偛澶╃殑姊 镞跺姞鍏ュ偛澶╃殑姊 鐟讹纴璁╀粬镒熷埌 鐟讹纴璁╀粬镒熷埌 夌偣鎯婅銆 夌偣鎯婅銆 濡 濡 濡 姳镵旀 姳镵旀 姳镵旀 琛ㄧ幇鍑 姏鍜屽 姏鍜屽 姏鍜屽 姏鍜屽 姏鍜屽夌伒 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 镄勯 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 鐩 . . . 鍜岀槠灏忕 镄勯 熷 熷 熷 熷 熷 絾涓や 絾涓や 絾涓や 絾涓や 絾涓や 絾涓や 絾涓や hen hen hen hen hen hen hen hen hen hen hen hen hen劅 夛纴渚挎槸涓 夛纴渚挎槸涓 绉嶈秴鐒剁墿澶栵纴镐吔缇ゅ湪濂 绉嶈秴鐒剁墿澶栵纴镐吔缇ゅ湪濂 绉嶈秴鐒剁墿澶栵纴镐吔缇ゅ湪濂 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一笁鎴愮殑瀹炲姏閮介€笉鍑笉鍑笉鍑笉鍑

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