Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 118 Siege

Hengsha and Dulang are located in a corner with Jialan City, and their strategic position is also very important. As long as Hengsha and Dulang are taken, they can be used for attack and defense, and the logistics support can be easily supplemented.

If Jialan is taken by Cai Lun first, and Hengsha and Dulang are no longer taken by King Xiaoyao's army, it will be almost impossible for the army of the imperial capital to defeat King Xiaoyao in one go. They can only continue to mobilize troops from other places to besiege the city and play a war of attrition with him.

Of course, if Aoyang can lead the army into Jialan, even if Hengsha and Dulang are occupied by the other side, they can hold on for a while, and cut off the connection between Hengsha and Dulang. As long as the reserve army arrives, they will be able to easily take back the isolated Hengsha and Dulang cities.

At this moment, five hundred miles away from Jialan City, a powerful cavalry corps is galloping on the road, raising dust. Like a storm in the desert, it rolled up a piece of yellow sand.

"Report that Cai Lun's cavalry is 400 miles away from Jialan."

"Explore again, the army speeds up." Ao Yang was wearing silver armor, and the silver-white helmet reflected a strong light under the sunlight. With his majestic and tall body, the demeanor of a general was undoubtedly revealed.

One day later, outside Jialan City, rolling sand waves were flying, and a cavalry with red tassels and golden armor was approaching the city. Jialan City is a mirror in the southwest, and the city wall is more than 20 meters high. There are scouts on both sides and it is impossible to climb. On the top of the city wall, the small holes that can accommodate arrows are almost invisible, but the existing arrows facing the outside make it very conspicuous.

At this moment, on the top of Jialan City, an elegant middle-aged man stood there with a serious face, but his eyes were indeed determined and murderous. As one of the emperor's most trusted confidants, Shi Qian was appointed as the garrison commander of Jialan. With the important position of Jialan, the garrison usually has 100,000 people. It is easy to defend Jialan, but the cunning King Xiaoyao has already discovered this problem. Over the years, he has lied about some military intelligence every year, saying that the southwest border is unstable, our army has suffered heavy casualties, and we need to draw troops from all over the country to assist, and of course Jialan is not immune.

Shi Qian, who is loyal to his master, of course puts the empire first. Although the troops he sends out each time are not many, there are still thousands of them. Once they are sent out, the troops basically cannot come back, and those who come back are only the disabled and the old and weak. Then the messenger of King Xiaoyao will make a fuss about how tragic the border war is, and hundreds of thousands of troops bravely kill the enemy, shed blood and sacrifice, and die for the country.

At first, Shi Qian didn't take it seriously. After all, the troops given to him on the battlefield were basically irretrievable, so he could only continue to train the reserve army. However, after repeating this for some time, he also communicated with the garrisons of other provincial cities and found that this was the case. At that time, they all thought that King Xiaoyao had sent their troops to the battlefield as cannon fodder. They could only swallow their bitterness and decided not to pay attention to King Xiaoyao in the future.

Unexpectedly, King Xiaoyao never asked them to mobilize troops again after that. Instead, he received continuous reports of victory and peace on the border of the empire, saying that everyone had made contributions, which confused him and even made him wonder if he had wrongly blamed King Xiaoyao.

Just five days ago, King Xiaoyao sent a messenger again, which frightened him. The messenger was covered in mud, and the monster unicorn was exhausted to death when he ran over. The messenger fell to the ground and cried loudly, saying that the border crisis had fallen into a bitter battle. The turmoil this time was too big and could not be controlled. He asked him to send all the soldiers in the city to rescue urgently. Shi Qian hesitated. He was always decisive and could not make up his mind for a while. Then the deputy general kept persuading him, saying that he was willing to lead the troops and would definitely bring the army back, otherwise he would not come back. Shi Qian was so moved that he made the decision at that time. Unfortunately, he misunderstood the other party's intention. Not coming back has two meanings, one is to die outside, and the other is not to come back. He obviously took it for granted that it was one meaning, but it was contrary to his wishes. It was the second meaning that the deputy general had gone to Qingzhou City to enjoy his life.

At this moment, there were less than 10,000 defenders on the city wall, and most of them were old and weak. The others had been taken away by the deputy general. The rebels under the city formed a square formation, and the siege equipment was also ready, just waiting to start.

Shi Qian made the final mobilization, looking at his own soldiers, everything could only be left to fate.

"If the city is destroyed, I will die!" This was Shi Qian's mood at the moment. He didn't think that these old and weak soldiers could hold on. Unless a miracle happened, or reinforcements from the imperial capital arrived, everything could only be held on for a little longer.

"Huhu" the charge horn sounded, and King Xiaoyao's army launched a full-scale attack on Jialan, with great momentum.

Screams rang out, but they could not stop the rebels' advance at all. The city gates rumbled, and people kept climbing up the city walls.

With full vigor, the warriors on the wall gathered all their strength, pouring stones, sand, oil pans, and charcoal all down, arrows kept flying out from the holes of the same size, and occasionally a few fire skills such as fireballs rushed down with blazing flames, screaming one after another.

Cai Lun in the distance had a blank expression on his face and waved his hand. Behind him, a team of lightly armored soldiers walked out. Unlike ordinary soldiers, although they also had iron-blooded tempering in their eyes, they did not have the determination to fight to the death, but were instead filled with a hint of arrogance and disdain.

The flag waved towards Jia Lan, and the pair of light armored soldiers moved forward. At the same time, a small pair of troops in the rear took off. Under their seats were flying monsters. Various bird calls sounded, and the morale of the rebels was greatly boosted, while the defenders on the city wall became weaker and weaker.

The technician team, the cavalry led by Cai Lun, actually brought a hundred air force technicians and hundreds of underground technicians. Facing such a fresh force, the defenders on the city were simply vulnerable. Sure enough, the air force and the ground army fired a round of skills at the same time, and the temperature of the air became scorching. There were casualties on the city wall, and the soldiers guarding the city showed despair.

At this moment, the sound of hooves rose in the distance, and the ground was trembling. In less than two moments, they appeared in sight. The defenders shouted, and the morale rebounded with all their strength. They fought back desperately. Shi Qian took the lead, bathed in the fire element, and issued brilliant skills one after another. He himself was also a fire technician with the cultivation level of a master.

It was the Aoyang Army that had come from thousands of miles away. Aoyang did not answer and led his army directly to attack the rebels. In the sky, an air force also took off.

Cai Lun looked at the Aoyang Army, whose morale was high, with a sullen face. He muttered something. The rebels sounded the horn to withdraw. The army, which had already been in a scattered formation, could not withstand the several attacks of Aoyang's new forces. In that case, they would definitely be defeated.

The rebels retreated like a tide in an instant, and Jialan City was filled with cheers. Aoyang led his men to gallop and chase the enemy all the way until they ran for more than ten miles and killed thousands of enemies before returning to Jialan City. Aoyang ordered people to count the battlefield. At this moment, the walls of Jialan City had been charred by fire.

Shi Qian opened the city gate and led his generals to meet Aoyang's army. Although the battle lasted less than an hour, Shi Qian's face was full of fatigue.

"Thank you for your hard work, General Shi!" In order to show respect, Aoyang dismounted and walked towards Shi Qian.

"Greetings, Your Highness, I have done my best for the empire, so how can I say it is hard work." At this moment, Shi Qian, who was elegant and graceful, did not look like the general who had just fought bloody battles.

After entering the city, Ao Yang arrived in time to occupy Jialan City. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and was discussing strategies to defeat the enemy. Suddenly, a soldier hurried in and knelt down and said, "Report, urgent military information, Hengsha City and Dulang City have been occupied by the enemy."

Ao Yang and Shi Qian stood up at the same time, their faces serious, and an idea came to their minds at the same time.

"How did they suddenly reach the two cities of Hengsha and Dulang? There was no news before."

What they didn't know was that King Xiaoyao had already ordered two vanguard cavalry troops to take a detour and attack from the side of Hengsha and Dulang City to avoid being close and far away. In this way, even if they didn't reach Jialan, they could still deal with it.

The hall was quiet. Ao Yang and Shi Qian were puzzled. What was the rebels doing? The two cities were separated by Jialan, and their rear troops were huge. What conspiracy did they have? Xiaoyao Wang was a veteran of the battlefield, so he would not make a low-level mistake.

A day later, Ao Yunxing's army was moving slowly. The news that Ao Yang had occupied Jialan had already spread, and they did not need to be so fast. At this time, they were only more than 200 miles away from Jialan. I believe that at this speed, they should be able to reach it in one day.

Roth City, a city close to Jialan. At this moment, Ao Yunxing was arriving at the foot of Roth City. He saw that the walls of Roth City were quiet and the gates were open, as if to welcome the arrival of Ao Yunxing's army.

Seeing that no one came out to greet him, Ao Yunxing raised his eyebrows, a little unhappy, but he didn't say anything. He talked to the garrison on the city for a few words and understood that the garrison was training the reserve soldiers in the city. The army entered Roth. At this moment, the open city gate suddenly closed slowly, and many archers suddenly appeared on the tower, and arrows kept shooting down.

Before Ao Yunxing's troops figured out what was going on, they were instantly killed and wounded. Someone recognized the general standing in the center of the city wall. He was actually the subordinate of King Xiaoyao. Ao Yunxing and Gu Pa looked at each other in shock. They were all shocked. Yesterday, King Xiaoyao's troops received news that they were intercepted outside Jialan City. How did they appear here at this time?

Gu Pa suddenly thought of a possibility. The rebels might have occupied Hengsha City and Dulang City and then marched to Roth with their entire army to block the advance of the imperial capital army, and then replenished the army from the rear to be stationed in Hengsha Dulang, and actually wanted to besiege Jialan.

Gupa's breathing became rapid with anxiety. King Xiaoyao was indeed a great hero. His march was so swift that he was ahead of the imperial capital's rebellion-suppressing army in everything he did.

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