Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 123: Dawn in Despair

"It was you who killed them!" The golden-winged roc was suspended in front of Han Fengxue. Above him, King Xiaoyao looked at Han Fengxue, with a faint hint of pressure released, his eyes were indifferent, and he could not even see it. There was anger in his eyes, but the more it looked like this, the more dangerous it felt. His joy and anger were completely restrained, and one could imagine the depth of his scheming.

Han Fengxue ignored him and just looked at the other three people with hatred. She was angry and a little strange at the same time. The most important murderer of his father, the middle-aged man in Chinese clothes, was not here, but the powerful magical beast Golden Wings appeared. Peng, although King Xiaoyao is powerful, his momentum has proved that he is still far behind the master of skills. So, whose partner is Golden Winged Dapeng, and why are the five masters of skill kings following him.

Seeing that Han Fengxue ignored him, King Xiaoyao snorted and waved his hand casually. The yellow light spots gathered and dispersed, forming a thick earth wall and pressing down on Han Fengxue.

The earth wall separated his line of sight. Han Fengxue calculated in his mind that the golden-winged roc was about seven meters away from him. This also meant that the flash of innate skills that could cover an eight-meter range could be reached instantly. .

The spear was in hand, and the gold and fire elements with the strongest penetrating attack were surging around the tip of the spear. The moment the earth wall approached, the light flashed and Han Fengxue disappeared from the spot.

The four people on the Golden Winged Dapeng were surprised. Under the pressure of the earth wall, Han Fengxue seemed to have made no movement. At this moment, a faint figure suddenly appeared in front of them, and the sharp spear moved toward him with the force of thunder. A person's throat is gone. Although the moonlight marksmanship is tricky and tricky, it is also not lacking in strength and speed, but it is relatively inferior.

The white light flashed away. Han Fengxue was calculating mentally or not. The man in green on the left of King Xiaoyao had no time to react. The spear had already roared in. His eyes as big as copper bells stared at Han Fengxue, full of surprise. , fear and despair, how could they have thought that Han Fengxue had such abnormal skills.

By the time the other three people reacted, everything was over. Han Fengxue drew out his spear like lightning, scattered all his energy, and struck horizontally at King Xiaoyao. At the same time, he jumped back and faced the three people who were attacking him. Skills, with a cunning smile, his body suddenly sank, and the roaring skills passed over his head, but when Han Fengxue fell, he was caught by the flying little eagle.

Everything happened in a flash of lightning. Golden-winged Dapeng couldn't even see what was happening. He could only rely on his spiritual sense to sense it. When he found that something was wrong on his back, everything was a foregone conclusion, and Xiaodiao was also behind him. The moment of distraction flew out quickly. The moment he came up with this plan, Han Fengxue had already sent a message to Xiaodiao. Killing one person would be enough to make a profit. Killing two people would make a profit, but he would still have to support him in death.

After going around in a circle, Xiaodiao took Han Fengxue and flew back to the city. Xiaobai was still watching from above. The golden-winged roc blew out its heavy breath, and its huge eyes were filled with cold light. The sixth-level magic beast It already had a very high level of intelligence, but the weak human opposite him actually despised him and killed the people he brought with him on his back. This was a shame, a shame that could only be washed away with blood.

Not only the golden-winged roc, but also the three people on its back, the cold light shot at Han Fengxue, trying to pierce Han Fengxue, but in their eyes, you can also see the subtle caution and fear. After seeing Han Fengxue's abnormal skills, they did not dare to be careless. At the same time, they also confirmed that the two corpses below were also given by Han Fengxue, and the last trace of doubt disappeared.

Han Fengxue landed at the top of the city with a very calm expression. Before the golden-winged roc came, he had already persuaded Xiaodiao and Xiaobai to leave, but they both chose to stay. Xiaodiao and Han Fengxue had already After four years of relationship, Han Fengxue expected that he would not leave, but what Han Fengxue did not expect was that Xiaobai also refused to leave. Han Fengxue had no choice but to let them go. .

"Push, pounce", the wings of the golden-winged roc spread out, and the strong wind roared towards Han Fengxue and the others. The bodies of the soldiers who died in battle on the tower flew up, floating feebly in the air with the strong wind. .

The strong air flow was as sharp as a blade as it scraped against his face. Han Fengxue stood there, but his thin body did not move away even half a step. The strong golden elements gathered around him, and the milky white light continued to rise, and As the bits and pieces continued to be compressed, and with the continuous soft chirping sounds, rows of sharp cones shining with milky white dazzling light appeared in front of Han Fengxue, and with Han Fengxue's slight drink, the spinning The white light turned into thundering lightning in the rain, heading forward with an indestructible momentum.

The whistling sound that pierced the air continued to sound, and the sharp momentum was directed towards the Golden-winged Dapeng and the three people on his back. However, he saw a trace of disdain and ridicule in the eyes of the Golden-winged Dapeng. When his wings were closed, he actually put the golden-winged Dapeng on his back. The three people and its body were completely covered, and even it did not dare to let the sharp cone hit its eyes and other vital parts.

A sound of gold and iron colliding sounded from time to time, and the milky white light overflowed and dispersed, leaving nothing on the golden-winged roc's hard wings. It spread its wings again, and a gorgeous fire-colored sword light pointed at the golden-winged roc. Peng's eyes invaded, and he quickly flapped his wings. The fire-colored sword light was blocked, and the sharp spear tip came out from the fire light. The manic flames, the penetration of the golden light, and the cold water... Elements and various auras appeared on the tip of the spear at the same time.

The wings of the golden-winged roc quickly closed again, and the tip of the spear pierced the closed gap. The powerful force blocked the path of the spear. Han Fengxue shouted, and the tip of the spear quickly rotated and stirred, and the golden The golden-winged roc's wings were as hard as gold and iron, and began to ooze out little bits of blood. Under the angry roar of the golden-winged roc, the blood holes continued to expand.

"Ouch" screamed loudly, and the golden-winged roc spread its wings. The unfettered spear quickly flew towards the golden-winged roc's eyes. It opened its big mouth, and golden thread-like objects continued to flow from the golden-winged roc. Finally, it spurted out and wrapped around the spear, pulling the spear while its right wing roared and fanned the spear.

The strong force coming from the gun almost made Han Fengxue unsteady. He took a few steps to the right before he stabilized his body. He was a little shocked in his heart. The difference of one step was more than a little. Although Han Fengxue suffered a little bit from the Golden-winged Dapeng and was able to stand up a little, that was when the Golden-winged Dapeng did not dodge. Otherwise, with the speed of the Golden-winged Dapeng, Han Fengxue's There was no use for the spear at all, but the golden-winged roc's own arrogance did not allow him to retreat, so he gave Han Fengxue the chance to hurt it.

The body tensed up, and the overwhelming aura pressed down on her, making Han Fengxue a little breathless. Looking around, she saw the bloodshot and angry eyes of the Golden-winged Dapeng. At this moment, the Golden-winged Dapeng was really angry. It was so powerful that it was injured in the hands of a weak human like Han Fengxue. With a scream and a violent surge of air, the giant claw struck hard at Han Fengxue's Heavenly Spirit Seal.

Han Fengxue only felt that she was like a lonely boat in the sea at this time, floating feebly. The Bo Lingbu that had always been easy to do with ease had failed. In the air flow brought by the strong wind, she could no longer use it freely. At the same time, the air flow rose around Zhou Sheng. At this moment, he no longer had any reservations. If his life was gone, why would he talk about secrets? He had no mind to pay attention to the horrified and shocked eyes on the back of the golden-winged roc. The elements floated in front, which must bring some obstacles to the speed of the golden-winged roc. With all his concentration, Han Fengxue wandered around the city, looking for an opportunity to kill with one strike.

Of course, the sure kill is reserved for the two people above. With his current strength, he can't hurt the golden-winged roc at all. Mental strangulation is also ineffective against sixth-level monsters. The only remaining flash, he must Take hold.

Finally, the shadow of the golden-winged roc shrouded Han Fengxue under him, and the sharp and huge roc claws swiftly passed by, only to find that there was no brain cracking, and Han Fengxue, who should have died under his grasp, also Without a trace.

The last flickering skill was activated, and Han Fengxue once again came to the back of the Golden-winged Dapeng. At this time, he appeared on the tail of the Golden-winged Dapeng. On the back of the Golden-winged Dapeng, Xiaoyao Wang San The people stood on three sides to prevent Han Fengxue's sneak attack. At this moment, a man in green happened to see Han Fengxue coming up. He was frightened and first added a defensive skill to himself, and then quickly gathered the power of the elements. Suddenly, There was a moment of trance in his mind, but the eight-star skill king opened his eyes in an instant, looked at Han Fengxue coming towards him, and quickly turned sideways to avoid it, but sadly discovered that he His body tightened, being restrained and unable to move. Under his round and desperate eyes, the spear penetrated his throat mercilessly.

After the other two people were reincarnated and released their skills, Han Fengxue jumped off the back of the golden-winged roc again.

"Ouch!" The thundering roar spread for hundreds of miles, and countless earth-yellow light spots in the air became active, jumping happily, like scattered notes, being pieced together, with Han Fengxue as the center, It continued to solidify, sealing the entire space.

Under Han Fengxue's gaze, the entire space turned into an earthy yellow color, and the golden-winged roc's huge spread wings were also close to him. As the spear swung, he was easily photographed by the golden-winged roc. After driving away, I felt the world spinning and my body rolling in the air.

Han Fengxue, who had nowhere to focus, was spinning like a top. Not far in front of him, the claws of the golden-winged roc were reaching towards his body. Seeing that the giant claws were about to fall on Han Fengxue, the Eagle Singing Tiger The roar sounded at the same time, and a cold ice wall and a huge fireball stopped between the claws of Han Fengxue and the golden-winged roc. The sharp claws ignored the ice wall and the fireball and continued to move forward, and debris of ice and fire flew. Spread out, but a terrifying aura overflowed from the fireball. The golden-winged roc was stunned, and the giant claws paused for a moment. With a loud noise, sparks exploded, and between the golden-winged roc's claws, It left a bright red mark and made his giant claws numb for a while.

His body fell heavily to the ground. Han Fengxue didn't know that he had just passed by the god of death. In front of him, the colorful eagle and the snow-white Xiaobai glared at the flying golden-winged roc. , in the eyes of the golden-winged roc, there is a trace of doubt and surprise. It is the best among the sixth-level monsters. It naturally knows the Ice Soul Tiger. It can reach the seventh level in its maturity. Even with its power, if it is in When you meet Xiaobai after the mature stage, you can only run away. As for Xiaodiao, it cannot see through it. However, with its keen sense of Warcraft, Xiaodiao is no less terrifying than the Ice Soul Tiger. At this time, Two powerful monsters appeared in front of it at the same time. Fortunately, they did not grow up and were only tortured by themselves.

The body was gliding elegantly in the air, and thick earth-yellow substance was constantly sprayed out from the mouth. The yellow light spots in the air also kept condensing, turning into a giant palm.

Xiao Diao and Xiao Bai stood together. In front of them, red and blue were constantly intertwined, forming a fist of destruction, which slammed into the giant palm that was pressing down. The palm and fist disappeared at the same time, and the chaotic element flow was floating unsteadily. The Golden Winged Dapeng arrived in front of Xiao Diao and Xiao Bai in the blink of an eye, and its hard wings blew Xiao Diao and Xiao Bai away.

Han Fengxue climbed up and looked at the scene in front of him, but he couldn't stop it. He felt very powerless. Not only could he not avenge his father, but he couldn't even protect his companions. The Golden Winged Dapeng in front of him must be related to the middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes who had not yet appeared, and the Golden Winged Dapeng could easily chase him to death. Revenge was just an empty dream of his own.

The sharp claws of the Golden Winged Dapeng were already rushing straight at him. Han Fengxue closed his eyes in pain. He found that if he took away a few abnormal talents and skills, he was actually very weak. Perhaps he couldn't even kill any man in green. Struggling again would be useless.

Parents, grandparents, Aunt Bing, Aoyang, Leng Wuya, Bing Xinyun, Xiao Diao, the figures in his mind kept switching, Han Fengxue murmured softly: "I'm sorry, my loved ones!"

The imagined death has not come yet, Han Fengxue opened his eyes in surprise, what came into his eyes was a dazzling colorful halo, the Xiao Diao's figure blocked in front of him, and opposite the Xiao Diao, the Golden Winged Dapeng looked at the Xiao Diao with fear, relying on the connection of the contract, Han Fengxue also felt that the Xiao Diao was getting stronger.

Han Fengxue looked at everything in front of him blankly, not knowing why the Xiao Diao's momentum would grow so crazy and become stronger. What he didn't know was that when his thoughts were just wandering, the Xiao Diao sprayed a few drops of blood and merged into his body, and then the colorful light burst out with a bright light, and in a flash, the Xiao Diao blocked Han Fengxue's body and blocked the Golden Winged Dapeng's giant claws that would kill him.

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