Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 146 My name is Han Fengxue

At the gate of Maple City, the soldiers guarding the city were looking at the people coming and going, checking and chatting, seemingly very relaxed.

"Old Li, where did you go to play with girls last night?" A soldier on guard said to the man next to him.

"You are such a fucking dog that you can't spit out ivory from your mouth, what kind of person am I!" The man curled his lips in disdain and cursed.

"Tch, no one seems to know your virtue." The man who just spoke squinted his eyes and said contemptuously. But when he turned his eyes forward, his eyes suddenly widened, as if he had seen Ghostly.

The man known as Lao Li looked forward when he saw his lost look, but for just one glance, his eyes froze, horrified.

"There's a situation!" Lao Li was the first to react and hurriedly started to notify all the soldiers guarding the city.

The soldiers and guards went to the top of the city one by one and looked into the distance, their bodies trembling constantly.

"Inform the Lord of the City quickly." A man dressed as an officer said to the side.

The man responded, his feet were wet with oil, and he ran towards the city lord's palace in a hurry.

Not far away, a large pair of people were approaching the city gate. There were probably a few hundred people in total. Although Maple City was small, large pairs of merchants often passed by. There was nothing wrong with a few hundred people. It's strange, but in the sky above the pair of people and horses, a hawk-like monster of the same color blocked the sky and the earth. Its wings were spread out, and its body was more than ten meters long. Its power was unmistakable. Although the soldiers guarding the city did not know what kind of monster it was, they It can also be guessed that it will not be lower than the third level at least. With so many third-level monsters of one color, the destructive power is absolutely amazing. The hundreds of people they guard the city are not enough to see.

The terrifying troops finally approached the city tower, and passers-by also stayed away from them, looking this way.

Han Fengxue ignored the reactions of others and walked directly to the city with everyone. The officer guarding the city mustered up his courage, looked at the extraordinary young man in front of him, and asked nervously: "I wonder why the young master came to Maple City?"

Han Fengxue noticed that when the officer guarding the city was talking to him, his body was shaking involuntarily. He obviously suppressed the fear in his heart and smiled gently: "Don't be nervous, we are from Maple City."

"People from Maple City?" The officers guarding the city were a little confused. Even the Liu family, the largest family in Maple City, could not be so powerful.

Han Fengxue smiled and nodded, and said to the officer: "I'll let you use it upstairs." After saying that, she walked directly to the tower, and the officer naturally didn't dare to stop her.

Han Fengxue waved to the Han family's children and walked up to the top of the city together. The crowd in the city also looked up at Han Fengxue's group of people at the top of the city, wondering what was going on.

Han Fengxue smiled warmly, her black and white hair moved automatically, gathered her voice, and roared loudly: "Maple City, the Han family is back."

"Maple City, the Han family is back."

The rolling sound waves continued to spread into the distance, causing a huge echo.

The eardrum-breaking roar shocked everyone in the Han family behind him, but at this moment, there was endless excitement in their eyes. Yes, the Han family was back. They had been waiting for this day for too long.

The officers guarding the city also understood the identities of Han Fengxue and the others. The Han family, which was once the largest family in Maple City eight years ago, had made a comeback. They sighed in their hearts, not knowing what kind of bloody storm they would cause this time.

In Maple City, everyone heard Han Fengxue's howl and understood that the sky was about to change in Maple City.

Maple City Han Mansion should be called Liu Mansion now. The Han family's children looked at the big golden character "Liu" on the door of the mansion and it was so dazzling. However, the place where their family lived was occupied by the Liu family and used it as recruitment. The place where the guest lives.

At this moment, the guard looked at the people of the Han family with evil eyes and the army of monsters in the sky. His legs and feet were trembling uncontrollably. Behind the people of the Han family, there was already a long dragon. Knowing that it was the Han family who came back to seek revenge, there was nothing wrong with them. Instead of worrying, he followed with interest to see how big a wave the Han family would make this time.

Walking into the mansion, the guards saw that something was wrong and had already fled. When they stepped into the gate and saw the completely changed Han Mansion, the Han family's children could hardly control their emotions and wanted to kill them. , but after what happened yesterday, they did not dare to do anything without Han Fengxue's order. The young Han Fengxue had already gained their approval, and they also knew that Han Fengxue was not only not a waste, And he is a peerless genius who is even better than Han Jianfeng, the first genius in Maple City back then. Most of them began to worship Han Fengxue almost blindly, just because Lord Han Tian showed up when they dispersed. In one sentence: "Han Fengxue, the patriarch of our Han family, has the strength of the Nine-Star Technique Sect."

"Within one stick of incense, kill anyone who has not left Han Mansion." Han Fengxue's wild voice instantly covered the entire Han Mansion within the radiation range.

People who were resting, practicing, or chatting and laughing in Han Fengxue didn't know what was going on. Suddenly, an extremely arrogant voice came into their ears, and the angry people in Han Mansion quickly gathered. Coming towards the gate of the mansion, seeing the huge lineup of the Han family and their bloodshot eyes, many people chose to leave very wisely.

However, some people were not very smart and actually incited the crowd to fight against Han Fengxue, saying that half of the people in the group had the strength of the skill sect, so what was there to be afraid of? Besides, the Liu family would come to help soon. It was unknown whether he was a member of the Liu family or a diehard of the Liu family. Anyway, no one would care about this issue. Before he finished speaking, Han Fengxue waved his hand, and more than a dozen thunder eagles came forward to dismember him. The bloody scene made the others run away obediently, and the speed was definitely far beyond the usual level.

An incense stick of time soon arrived. Han Fengxue led everyone to scan every corner of the Han Mansion like a remnant of clouds. After killing a few people, the entire Han Mansion finally returned to the Han family. The children of the Han family also sighed deeply.

Without waiting for them to sigh, Han Fengxue ordered everyone to go to the Liu family. The bloodthirsty cold light appeared in everyone's eyes. The Liu family was the culprit of the Han family's destruction. They will never forget this blood feud.

At this moment, the Liu family is mobilizing all forces to gather all the forces that can fight. After hearing the spies' narration, Liu Yuqing also realized the seriousness of the matter. The Han family must be well prepared at this time, but the Liu family did not panic. After these years of being the only one in Fengcheng for eight years, the Liu family is no longer the Liu family of the past. The strength of the Liu family now is definitely greater than the sum of the strength of the four major families in Fengcheng at any time in the past. Liu Yuqing believes that as long as he can gather people together, the Han family will be completely wiped out this time, and they will never be given another chance.

The Han family, as vast as a wolf pack, finally drove to the Liu Mansion. Outside the gate of the Liu Mansion, the people of the Liu Mansion were waiting in a wide area, like beasts waiting for prey, with their eyes filled with excitement. They were not worried about anything. Even if the other party had a powerful army of magic beasts, they also had their own trump cards.

The Han family finally appeared in the sight of the Liu family. In the Han family team, the leader was not Han Fengxue, but Han Tianjun. Looking at Liu Yuqing in a green robe, Han Tianjun's body trembled slightly because of anger. Even after these years of baptism, his heart has been able to be calm, but when he saw Liu Yuqing, the culprit who almost made him the eternal sinner of the Han family, he still couldn't control his emotions that wanted to explode.

Finally, the two sides looked at each other face to face. Han Tianjun stared at Liu Yuqing with eyes full of hatred, and his cold voice seemed to come from the hell of the underworld: "Liu Yuqing, Han family, revenge is coming!"

Liu Yuqing stared at Han Tianjun with indifferent eyes, and a trace of disdain flashed in the corner of his eyes: "Since my Liu family can make your Han family disappear from Fengcheng, we can also completely wipe you out today."

"It seems that you are not ready to be destroyed!" Han Tianjun was not interested in Liu Yuqing's words at all. With Han Fengxue around, did he need to worry?

As if he had heard something funny, Liu Yuqing actually laughed to himself: "You want to destroy my Liu family with your Thunder Eagle team?" A strong contempt flashed in his eyes, and he turned to the three brothers and sisters of Liu Chengfei and said: "Then let them see the strength of our Liu family."

The three nodded, and a light flashed, and three powerful monsters appeared in everyone's sight. They were all fifth-level monster wolf eagles.

Looking down on the thunder eagle not far away, the wolf eagles collectively let out a sharp roar, shocking the thunder eagle on the opposite side so that its body trembled. Seeing this scene, the Liu family's momentum increased greatly and they shouted.

Han Fengxue behind the Han family also showed a trace of surprise. Three wolf eagles, and items that can store living things, it seems that Liu Chengfei, the dual-system skill king, is doing well.

Liu Yuqing looked at the people of the Han family in a strange way. After the wolf eagle appeared, the other side's crowd did not show any commotion. In their eyes, they were still so confident. The sneer in the corner of his eyes made Liu Yuqing feel a little uneasy. Could it be that the Han family still had some trump cards, or that the people of the Han family did not know the goods at all? Although the possibility of the latter situation was small, Liu Yuqing still tended to believe the latter.

"Han Tianjun, Han family master, today, you don't have a chance." Liu Yuqing said coldly, with a cold light in his eyes constantly flashing, and raised his palm, ready to issue an attack order.

But Han Tianjun smiled faintly and said: "I'm sorry, Liu Yuqing, I have to disappoint you. I am no longer the patriarch of the Han family."

"No?" Liu Yuqing did not wave his hand in the air, and looked at Han Tianjun in doubt.

At this moment, the crowd of the Han family separated into a path, and soon, a faint figure appeared opposite Liu Yuqing, making Liu Yuqing fall into a stagnation.

"Xuefeng!" Liu Xiu said with a change of color. The man who insulted her in public yesterday was so unforgettable.

Liu Yuqing's face was as ugly as it could be. After the marriage proposal that day, Liu Chengfei told him about Han Fengxue's deeds and horrors. At this moment, Han Fengxue was in the Han family's camp, so everything would change accordingly.

"Sir, why do you always make things difficult for my Liu family?" Liu Yuqing asked in a complicated way. He really didn't understand when he had offended this evil star.

"Do you want to know?" Han Fengxue smiled faintly, but this smile gave Liu Yuqing a creepy feeling.

Han Fengxue said softly: "Because, I am the patriarch of the Han family!"

Han Fengxue's words made all the people in the Liu family stunned. In the Liu family, after two insults, many of them had seen Han Fengxue. They never thought that he would be the patriarch of the Han family. This was completely inexplicable, and those who had never seen Han Fengxue were even more puzzled. The young man in front of them was only less than 20 years old, why did his patriarch be so afraid? Looking at Liu Chengfei, the current number one genius of the Liu family, his face was also terrible.

"When did the Han family rely on outsiders to help with revenge? It's ridiculous that he is still the patriarch of the Han family." Liu Yuqing looked at Han Tianjun and said sarcastically, but Han Tianjun was too lazy to pay attention to him at this time, just smiling faintly.

"I'll tell you my other identity." Han Fengxue said to everyone in the Liu family: "In fact, I don't see Xuefeng." After a pause, Han Fengxue raised his voice a little.

"My name is Han Fengxue! Han Fengxue of the Fengcheng Han family."

Everyone in the Liu family was stunned for a while, thinking in their minds, and then thought of one person, Han Fengxue, the useless son of Han Jianfeng, the number one genius of the Han family.

Liu Chengfei was better. He rarely stayed in Fengcheng and didn't know much about Han Fengxue's reputation as a loser. He was just a little shocked that Han Fengxue was from the Han family. Then, the Liu family was finished this time.

The one who was most shocked was undoubtedly Liu Xiu. Who was Han Fengxue? A loser from the Han family, but also his fiancé back then. He had once insulted that he was not worthy of her and was not qualified to marry her. But in the matchmaking arena not long ago, the loser he looked down on said that you were not worthy of being my woman. This was undoubtedly a slap in her face. Don't bully the poor young man!

Han Fengxue wanted this kind of deterrent effect. A loud eagle cry and a long tiger roar sounded, and the Thunder Eagle Guards also moved at the same time.

The extremely rich fire element gushed out, and Han Fengxue shouted loudly. The people of the Han family immediately deployed their formations, and a round of gorgeous skills bombarded the Liu family's camp.

Then, Han Fengxue and Xiao Diao led the Thunder Eagle guards into the Liu family group, while the Han family continued to bombard with long-range skills. Han Fengxue had already said that there was no need to worry about him, just bombard them hard.

A round of skill bombardment left dozens of Liu family members lying down, and then Han Fengxue and his men rushed in, further disrupting the Liu family's formation. With their strength, how could they hurt Han Fengxue? Under Han Fengxue's fierce and strange holy light gun, they could only fall one after another. This was undoubtedly a one-sided massacre.

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