Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 152 Nature and the Five Elements

The arched courtyard door was open. Han Fengxue was about to walk in, but was stopped by Leng Qiuyan. He only heard him whisper to Han Fengxue: "Teacher Yi must know that we are here. We just need to wait here.

Han Fengxue was a little surprised. He didn't expect Leng Qiuyan to respect Yi Kui to such an extent. He secretly sighed that he was a little reckless. Although he had some respect and curiosity for Yi Kui as a nine-star skill king, it was his spirit. Han Fengxue didn't think that Yi Kui was stronger than him, so naturally there was no need to wait outside the door. That was the etiquette of the younger generation to the elder.

Leng Qiuyan saw Han Fengxue stop, and was a little happy. The other party still gave him face. He also knew that Han Fengxue's arrogance was not ordinary. Even the skill emperor of the Skill God Mountain could not make him bow.

"Come in! "Just as Leng Qiuyan said, Yi Kui already knew they were coming. His warm voice made people feel like they were bathed in the spring breeze, and they were particularly refreshed.

Han Fengxue walked into the courtyard, and the comfortable feeling made all the pores on his body open up. There were various trees, flowers and plants planted on both sides, which were fresh and pleasant. After the baptism of autumn wind and frost, the leaves and branches did not wither at all, but were full of vigorous vitality, with luxuriant branches and leaves, and green and striking, which completely violated the laws of nature.

Walking forward along the central path, a refreshing fragrance came from the nose, which was the fragrance of plum blossoms. Not far away, you can see the cold plums on both sides standing in the wind and snow, with proud postures and beautiful scenery.

Going a distance further, you can see many people sitting on the spacious ground, and on the steps, a middle-aged man with a refined and harmonious appearance leaned there, with his eyes slightly closed, as if he was recuperating.

Han Fengxue knew that he had met a master this time. Leng Qiuyan said that Yi Kui was the first master in Bingcheng. When he was a master, Han Fengxue didn't care much, but now it seems that Yi Kui is a hermit, a hermit with unimaginable strength. Han Fengxue can't feel that there are so many people at such a long distance, but Yi Kui can clearly know that they are outside the courtyard gate. The sound is very clear in his ears, and it doesn't seem to be attenuated at all.

Moreover, Han Fengxue looked at Yi Kui leaning there. If he closed his eyes and leaned on the sense, he dared to be sure that he would never detect Yi Kui's existence. It was simply horrifying. At such a close distance, the strength of the skill king could not sense the other party. If the two fought, it would be a devastating disaster. Yi Kui's whole person seemed to be integrated into the air and into nature, integrated into one, and the unity of man and nature. This is unimaginable for Han Fengxue now. Even the skill king Qingcang can't give him this unfathomable feeling.

Thinking of this, Han Fengxue stepped forward and bowed slightly to Yi Kui who closed his eyes and said: "Senior! "

Leng Qiuyan and Hua Yaqing looked at each other and saw surprise in each other's eyes. They knew Han Fengxue's strength. Although Yi Kui was known as the strongest man in Bingcheng, they thought he would never be much stronger than Han Fengxue. With Han Fengxue's arrogance, even if he faced a strong man with skills, he could show some respect. At this moment, Han Fengxue was so respectful as to be a junior disciple.

Yi Kui's slightly closed eyes slowly opened, and a gleam of brilliance flashed by. He smiled and nodded at Han Fengxue: "Such a young nine-star skill king, not bad."

Han Fengxue was not surprised that Yi Kui could see his strength, but he also felt a little bitter. He was an eighteen-year-old nine-star skill king, but he only got a good evaluation. Han Fengxue looked at the smile in Yi Kui's eyes, which was so harmonious and natural that it really made people feel no bad.

"Teacher!" Leng Qiuyan also walked up and bowed slightly.

"Qiuyan, not bad, you are almost at the level of skill king. "

Leng Qiuyan smiled shyly.

Han Fengxue turned around and looked at the people practicing in the courtyard, trying to find Murong Yu among them. Soon, he saw a handsome boy, about sixteen years old, who looked a bit like Murong Xiao. Han Fengxue smiled slightly, this must be Xiaoyu.

Han Fengxue did not disturb Murong Yu's practice, but waited quietly by the side, chatting with Yi Kui. After a brief contact, Han Fengxue found that his experience was simply Shocking, casual and unintentional words made Han Fengxue think about it for a long time, and Leng Qiuyan said that he had been in Bingcheng for a long time, so the age of such a shame is not as young as it looks.

Murong Yu, who was practicing, heard Han Fengxue's call when he opened his eyes. He was stunned for a moment when he looked at Han Fengxue. In his impression, he didn't know a young man with such temperament, but Han Fengxue's call of "Yudi" made him recognize Han Fengxue, because only Han Fengxue would call him that.

"Brother Fengxue, why are you here?" Murong Yu smiled and walked to Han Fengxue.

"Come to see you and uncle, is uncle okay?"

"Well, father is fine, but I haven't seen grandpa for a long time."

"Don't worry, grandpa is doing well in Fengcheng, Murong Mansion has been rebuilt, you and uncle can go back at any time. "

When Murong Yu heard Han Fengxue's words, his eyes showed a look of surprise. As he grew older, his strength became stronger and stronger, and the responsibility should naturally be on his shoulders. Now that he knew the news of the reconstruction of Murong Mansion, he thought that the problem of Fengcheng had been solved by Han Fengxue, and his burden was also lighter.

Han Fengxue did not rush to leave, but continued to chat with Yi Kui.

"Come and talk." Yi Kui stood up, smiled at Han Fengxue, and then walked towards the plum blossom.

Han Fengxue smiled slightly. He knew that Yi Wei must have understood the look in his eyes, and followed Yi Wei towards the plum blossom forest, leaving behind a few other people who were confused.

Walking into the plum blossom forest, the aroma is even more refreshing, and the pure and proud aura of the proud snowy plum blossoms seems to have infected Han Fengxue.

"Fengxue, what's the matter?" Although the contact time has not been long, Yi Wei is also very fond of Han Fengxue. The short conversation has made the relationship between the two people a lot closer. Yi Wei smiled and said Her eyes seemed to penetrate through Han Fengxue's eyes and read his inner thoughts.

"Uncle Yi, I would like to ask, in addition to the five elements attributes, can people use thunder and lightning skills?"

Hearing Han Fengxue's words, Yi Wei smiled calmly and a gleam flashed in his eyes. He looked at Han Fengxue and said, "You don't need to trick me. You should have seen me before."

Han Fengxue nodded and did not deny it.

"So, Uncle Yi, can you help me clear up my doubts?"

Yi Wei looked into the distance with a hint of confusion, sighed, and said slowly: "Originally, there are some things that I shouldn't tell you, but now that you have been exposed to them, there is nothing to hide. "

As he said that, Yi Wei paused and his face became more serious: "The elements between heaven and earth are not only the five elements, but also the elements of nature (not referring to the nature in what we call nature, nature includes the five elements). , that is wind, rain, fog, snow, thunder and lightning, etc. The mysteries of the world are endless. No one dares to say that they have a complete understanding of its composition. The five elements or natural elements are just one of them, and you generally They all only know that they have the attributes of the Five Elements, but they don’t know that people also have the attributes of nature.”

Han Fengxue listened quietly, keeping every word of Yi Shai in mind. This was a new understanding for him, and a new world once again appeared in front of him.

"Uncle Yi, how do you cultivate your natural attributes?"

"Absorb natural elements, feel nature, and feel the world."

Listening to Yi Wei's words, Han Fengxue showed doubts again: "Uncle Yi, I can't sense the existence of natural elements at all, so how can I absorb natural elements." Thinking of this, and then thinking of Tang Chen, Han Fengxue began to I have doubts about my talent in nature.

Yi Wei smiled slightly, as if he had read Han Fengxue's thoughts, shook his head and said: "This is not a problem with your talent. The practice of the Five Elements is the same as nature. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your talent. The reason why you cannot sense natural elements is Because the natural elements in the air are not thin enough for you to sense them.”

"Natural elements are weak?" Han Fengxue was still confused and said: "Uncle Yi, you should have practiced natural elements. Why is that?" Hearing Yi Wei talk about natural elements, Han Fengxue thought that Yi Wei had completely integrated into it. The natural state means that Yi Wei must have cultivated the natural elements.

Yi Gui nodded, sighed again, and did not directly answer Han Fengxue's words. He just shook his head and said: "I am different from you. Maybe if you have a chance, you can also practice natural elements!"

Han Fengxue knew that Yi Wei didn't want to say more, so she didn't ask, and talked to him about Tang Chen's fight with him. He didn't understand that Tang Chen should be like him, a five-element technician, and he didn't have the feeling of cultivating natural elements. , but Tang Chen was able to use the power of nature.

Yi Gui thought for a moment and then said: "Your guess is right. He did not practice natural elements, but thunder and lightning produced by mutations. If I guessed correctly, he should be a dual or multi-system technician." ”

Seeing that Han Fengxue didn't understand, he continued: "There are many powerful techniques, and there are also many very abnormal secret techniques. Those secret techniques can transform the five elements into natural elements."

"There is such a magical secret method!" Han Fengxue was surprised again and said with emotion.

Yi Wei smiled slightly: "Not only is there a secret method that can transform the five elements into natural elements, there is also a secret method that can transform natural elements into five elements, five elements into other five elements, and natural elements into other natural elements."

Han Fengxue's eyes opened wider and wider. If it were said in this way, wouldn't his five elements be able to transform into each other? How powerful would the superposition of the five elements be? Han Fengxue felt excited just thinking about it.

"However, that secret method also has flaws. In addition to requiring at least two talents, it is said that the technician consumes a lot of money when using it, and after the elements are used up, the person will be much weaker."

Han Fengxue nodded. Indeed, if such a perverted secret method had no flaws and limitations, wouldn't it be against the heavens? But in Han Fengxue's view, the two flaws of the secret method cannot be called flaws at all. First of all, he must have at least dual-system talents. With five-system talents, he naturally does not have to worry about this problem. In addition, high consumption and subsequent weakness are also inevitable. After using the secret method, your ability will be strengthened. If you still can't defeat the opponent, then you can't defeat the opponent without using the secret method. Not to mention, Han Fengxue's heart became hot again when thinking of her five-element talent.

"Uncle Yi, the more attribute talents you have, will your strength be stronger after using the secret method?"

Yi Gui nodded: "Of course, although I have never seen this kind of secret method, the power of the three-series talented technicians using the secret method can be compared to the two-series skills. If it is the fourth series, the power is not to mention. "

Han Fengxue smiled with satisfaction when he heard Yi Kui's answer. Although he didn't know how many talents Tang Chen had, Han Fengxue expected that it would never exceed three. He could threaten him with his power. What would happen if he got Tang Chen's secret method!

At this moment, Han Fengxue was like an ignorant good learner, constantly accepting new knowledge from Yi Kui, and Yi Kui was also very happy to explain to Han Fengxue. After thinking for a while, Han Fengxue continued to ask: "Uncle Yi, why are the skills of the Thunder System so much more powerful than the Five Elements Skills? If so, wouldn't the Natural Technician be completely superior to the Five Elements Technician? Wouldn't the secret method of converting the power of natural elements into the Five Elements have a counterproductive effect?"

Yi Kui looked at Han Fengxue and shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't mean that the power of mastering the power of nature is stronger than the Five Elements Skills. This is just one-sided. Among the natural elements, lightning has the strongest attack power, but the attack skills of other elements such as wind and rain will not be so strong. For example, if you practice the wind system, the speed will be very fast. If you practice the rain system, the use of elemental power will be longer and you can fight for a long time. They all have their own advantages and disadvantages. Although the Thunder System has a strong attack, it also consumes the most, and the skills that can be issued are naturally the least. Also, who said that those who practice natural elements are technicians of natural attributes?"

"No?" Han Fengxue was stunned.

"Of course not." Yi Kui shook his head: "Everyone has his own attribute talent. Some are good at fire, some are good at water, and some are good at wind or lightning. In general, among the five elements and natural attributes, everyone has a talent, one for the five elements and one for natural attributes. Of course, there are also talents with multiple attributes. Those who are good at earth attributes can become technicians, and they can also become knights; those who are good at wood attributes can also become technicians, and they can also become healers; and those who are good at both fire and wood can become dual-element technicians or alchemists. In the vast universe, there are countless powerful professions. Technicians are just the most basic one. Anyone with attribute talents can become a technician, and then other professions."

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