Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 157: On the God of Skills Mountain (1)

"Father!" Bing Xinyun looked at Bingyuan Mountain and lowered her head, not daring to meet his eyes.

"You want to take Xin Yun away." Bingyuanshan looked at Han Fengxue and said indifferently.

Han Fengxue nodded undeniably.

"You know I won't agree to that."

"I know, but I must take Xin Yun away." Han Fengxue's tone was so firm.

Bingyuanshan glanced at Bing Xinyun, flashing a hint of guilt and regret, but then said firmly: "Xinyun can't leave."

"Why?" Han Fengxue wondered why Bingyuanshan would stop him. He had captured the love and regret flashing in Bingyuanshan's eyes. He loved his daughter, but why did he let his daughter become Sacrifice.

"For the empire." Bingyuanshan's eyes revealed a trace of fanaticism and loyalty, and he solemnly said: "For the sake of the empire, Xin Yun cannot leave. Have you ever thought about what your majesty will do if Xin Yun leaves? The sky is about to change. , what to do with the empire.”

Bingyuanshan looked at Han Fengxue with a look of dissatisfaction and anger: "You only think about yourself. Have you ever thought about His Highness the Crown Prince? How will Your Majesty and His Highness the Crown Prince bear the anger pouring down from Jishen Mountain?"

Han Fengxue was stunned. Because he cared about Bing Xinyun, his heart was already in chaos, and he no longer had the usual sharp thinking ability. Indeed, what would Ao Yang do if he took Xinyun away? For the sake of the two of him, he would He deliberately rushed to Maple City just for the two of them, and he had never thought about Ao Yang.

Ao Yang on the side said: "Uncle Bing, I will take full responsibility for everything. I will not let my father get involved. Just let Xuefeng and Xinyun go."

"Are you going to take the responsibility and die to apologize?" Bingyuanshan shook his head: "Your Highness, Jishenshan's request for this marriage was a conspiracy. If you do this, you will fall into their trap. Their real The target is not Xuefeng, not Xinyun, and not you, Your Highness, but Your Majesty, and the entire empire."

Ao Yang looked at Bingyuan Mountain with some confusion: "Jishen Mountain never interferes in the empire's affairs, why would they do this? Moreover, with the power of Jishen Mountain, it is only a very simple matter to change the empire. Why? So much more intrigue is needed.”

"Your Highness." Bingyuanshan raised his voice: "The authorities are confused, do you think that Ao Tianyu's goal is really just Xuefeng? Your Highness, don't forget, your Majesty is the one who killed Ao Xiaoyun and destroyed his family. People, and King Xiaoyao is still at large. If something happens to His Majesty, who will benefit the most? Jishenshan never interferes in the affairs of the empire. So if Qingcang is in a private capacity, I believe that Ao Tianyu said Jishenshan. The request made is just a lie. The people who really want to subvert the empire are just a few of them. But if Xuefeng really takes Xinyun away, then for the sake of Jishenshan's face, the lie will also become Reality."

Ao Yang fell into silence. He was a smart person, and he had already thought about it. It was just because of Han Fengxue that he didn't want to think about it. Bingyuan Shan said it so clearly, how could he not understand? reason.

Han Fengxue was also awakened by Bingyuan Shan's words. He could ignore the emperor, but could he ignore Aoyang? Because of his anger, he forgot to think. Thinking of everything at the moment, he felt selfish.

"I know you want to leave and I can't stop you." Bingyuanshan looked at Han Fengxue and said solemnly: "But, I will die to thank your majesty and the empire!"

"Father!" Bing Xinyun's tears fell again, and she closed her eyes in pain. On one side was her lover, and on the other side was her father.

Han Fengxue also knew Bingyuanshan's loyalty. She looked at Ao Yang, then at Bing Xinyun, and finally sighed, gently caressed Bing Xinyun's cheek, and said resolutely: "Xinyun, just let me I will bear all this by myself, you wait for me!" After saying that, Han Fengxue gave Bing Xinyun a passionate kiss on her forehead, turned around and walked away, seemingly without a trace of nostalgia, but everyone knew that, His heart was bleeding at this moment.

Bingyuanshan looked at Han Fengxue's back, a flash of guilt and admiration flashed in his eyes. Like Aunt Bing, he also liked this unruly and loyal young man very much, but for the sake of the empire, he had no choice but to part with the couple. How could his heart feel better?

Bing Xinyun looked at Han Fengxue's back in confusion: "I will bear it all alone, Fengxue, if something happens to you, I will never live alone!"

Seeing that Han Fengxue came out alone, Ao Tianyu and Haoxuan in the teahouse were obviously stunned for a moment, and then Ao Tianyu smiled slightly and said: "It's interesting, let's play slowly!" There was a hint of sternness in his eyes as he said that. .

After Han Fengxue came out of Bing Mansion, he went straight to Dragon and Phoenix Dance. Canyue and Lu Xue were also there at this time. Seeing Han Fengxue coming back, Mr. Chai and the other three showed a little bit of joy and a little bit of worry. For a moment, they didn't know. What to say.

"Teacher!" Han Fengxue shouted respectfully, but there was bitterness and sadness in his voice. If there was no other way, then he had only one choice, gun marriage. In this way, all the responsibilities are placed on him, and it has nothing to do with anyone but him.

Mr. Chai sighed. He knew his disciple so well that he knew what decision he would make without asking. He had already guessed that as long as Han Fengxue returned to the imperial capital, he would only make one choice.

Suddenly, Mr. Chai looked at Han Fengxue steadily, and said with a twitching corner of his mouth: "Fengxue, you"

Han Fengxue nodded and said nothing.

Mr. Chai suddenly showed a smile and said, "Maybe we still have hope."

"Teacher" Han Fengxue shouted anxiously.

"Fengxue, follow me!" After saying that, Chai Lao went straight out. Han Fengxue was confused and followed Chai Lao.

"Teacher, where are we going?"

"Jishen Mountain!" Chai Lao's eyes were vague, and he said the three words that he had been thinking about all his life.

Han Fengxue was shocked and murmured, "Jishen Mountain!"

In the snowy mountains north of the imperial capital, the continuous mountains were white and the snow covering the earth could almost bury a person's lower body in the snow.

At this time, an old man and a young man were running quickly in the snowy mountains. The seemingly slow movements were as light and swift as a gust of wind. Han Fengxue originally planned to ride on a small eagle, but Chai Lao refused. Jishen Mountain was a hundred miles away, and riding a flying monster was disrespectful to Jishen Mountain.

Han Fengxue felt a little contemptuous. He had never had a good impression of Jishen Mountain. He only hated it. But he knew that Chai Lao had always been thinking about his teacher. If there was no master in Jishen Mountain, Han Fengxue believed that Chai Lao would not bother to care about Jishen Mountain.

Continuously going deeper into the snowy mountain, Han Fengxue didn't know how far they had walked. It was almost dusk. With the speed of the two people, they had walked for two hours and still hadn't arrived. Han Fengxue had to marvel at the mystery of Jishen Mountain. It was so far deep in the snowy mountain. I believe that not many people can walk so deep. At this moment, there was no land under the snow under their feet, only a thick layer of ice.

Snowy mountains passed by one by one. I didn't know how long I had walked. Suddenly, a different scene appeared in front of me. There were no snowy mountains, only heavy snow flying all over the sky. Snowflakes as big as goose feathers kept falling. Behind the snowflakes, there was a thick fog. With Han Fengxue's current vision, he couldn't see what was behind through the thick fog.

Chai Lao finally slowed down his pace and stopped in front of the snowflakes. Han Fengxue stood behind Chai Lao, waiting for him to speak.

Looking at the snowflakes in front of him, Chai Lao showed a contradictory look of infinite joy and sadness. After a moment, he finally sighed and said, "Fengxue, go in!"

Han Fengxue nodded, but did not answer. He thought to himself, "Is this the Jishen Mountain?"

Passing through the flying snowflakes and looking at the blurred fog in front of him, Chai Lao grabbed Han Fengxue's shoulders and took a step forward.

Stepping into it, Han Fengxue's steps were unstable, and the whole person was spinning around. It seemed that he could not control his body, and he let himself swing it helplessly.

"Teacher, what is this?" The only thing Han Fengxue could feel was that Chai Lao tightly grasped his hand, and asked in surprise.

"The gate of space." Chai Lao slowly replied, "This is the first time, so you will naturally have a big reaction. It won't be like this later."

Sure enough, not long after, Han Fengxue stabilized his control over his body. The scenery in front of him changed erratically, as if flying through time and space. It seemed that a thousand years had passed, and the bodies of the two fell to the ground at the same time. Han Fengxue felt like vomiting as his body lightened.

"Who?" Several loud shouts sounded, pulling Han Fengxue's thoughts back.

Raising his head and looking at the scene in front of him, Han Fengxue's heart pounded again. A thousand meters in front of him, there was a mountain that went straight into the clouds, distributed in a tower shape. Looking up, he couldn't see the top of the mountain at all. The mountain seemed to be connected to the sky and earth, interspersed between the white clouds.

Looking up all the way, the mountain was full of pavilions, mansions, and waterfalls. Is such a huge project really something that can be achieved by human power?

"The abandoned disciple of Jishen Mountain returns to Jishen Mountain." Chai Lao heard the shout and answered in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, but Han Fengxue could still hear the violent fluctuation of emotions in his voice.

The middle-aged man with a beard in front looked at Chai Lao in surprise, and then looked at Han Fengxue who was one step behind Chai Lao, and also understood, and said: "If you are under 20 years old, then accept the formation test!"

Chai Lao nodded and said nothing.

The middle-aged man with a beard said to Han Fengxue: "Follow me."

Chai Lao nodded to Han Fengxue who was looking at him, and Han Fengxue followed the middle-aged man.

After walking about a hundred meters, the middle-aged man with a beard pointed to a stone door and said to Han Fengxue: "Press the button on the side, then go in and stay inside for an incense stick of time. If you can't hold on, just come out directly!"

Han Fengxue nodded, said nothing, walked to the stone door, pressed the button next to the top, and with a loud bang, the stone door opened automatically. Seeing the scene inside the stone door, Han Fengxue was stunned for a moment, and then showed a happy expression. There was nothing in the stone door that Han Fengxue imagined, but only lightning, endless lightning flashing with white light.

Han Fengxue stepped into it, and the stone door closed in response. The five elements rose up instantly, and then instantly merged into the power of lightning. In the area of ​​lightning that Han Fengxue stepped into, the lightning in the stone door echoed with the lightning power in his body. Bathing in it, he felt extremely refreshed.

Although Han Fengxue was confident that he could pass the test, he did not expect it to be so simple. He heard from Old Chai that there are two types of assessments for the abandoned disciples who return to the mountain gate. Those over the age of 20 have to face four skill masters, and those under the age of 20 have to face four skill masters. Old Chai did not tell Han Fengxue about this, because he did not know that Han Fengxue had mastered the power of thunder and lightning.

Such dense lightning and thunder kept interweaving. Han Fengxue was absolutely sure that a one-star skill master would not be able to last for a stick of incense in it. This showed how strict the test was. But for Han Fengxue, this test was not only not difficult, but also a tonic, a great tonic. He was still worried that he had no lightning power to practice.

Han Fengxue just sat cross-legged on the ground. The dense lightning and thunder around him kept bombarding him back and forth. But if you look closely, you will find that as time goes by, the power of each lightning bombardment will become weaker. The reason is that Han Fengxue is absorbing the lightning power at this time.

A trace of lightning and thunder collided with the lightning and thunder in Han Fengxue's body, and then a ray would be separated and drilled into Han Fengxue's body, and he absorbed and assimilated it. Han Fengxue didn't know why he could absorb lightning and thunder. He didn't have this kind of skill, but inexplicably, he did absorb lightning and thunder on his own.

Time passed slowly. Outside the stone gate, the middle-aged man with a beard looked a little strange. It had been two incense sticks, but there was still no movement inside the stone gate. Logically, even if he couldn't hold on, Han Fengxue would come out by himself. It was impossible for someone to be so stupid as to resist to the end.

"Maybe he wants to show off his strength." The middle-aged man thought so in his heart, and he put aside his doubts and waited patiently outside.

Another two incense sticks were up, and there was still no movement inside the stone gate. At this time, even Chai Lao couldn't help but walk over and looked at the stone gate, puzzled.

"Your disciple, is there anything wrong with your head?" An hour later, the middle-aged man with a beard couldn't help but ask Chai Lao. After so long, Han Fengxue still didn't come out. He began to think that Han Fengxue would never come out.

"You have a problem with your head." Chai Lao couldn't help but curse back, but he was also a little anxious.

At this moment, a sound was heard, the stone door slowly moved, and Han Fengxue's figure was revealed. He walked out with a smile. Han Fengxue looked refreshing, without a trace of the fatigue and exhaustion that the middle-aged man imagined, which made him stare.

Chai Lao smiled slightly and said to the middle-aged man with a beard: "My junior brother, can I go up the mountain?"

"Of course." The middle-aged man with a beard made a gesture of invitation, and then Chai Lao and Han Fengxue went to the mountain.

Looking at Han Fengxue's back, the middle-aged man with a beard sighed: "Is there going to be another genius in Jishen Mountain?"

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