Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 163 Dream Building, Owner?

"The day I return to Blazing Sun, it will be the time when Jishen Mountain will perish." A wild, domineering and resolute voice echoed in the air. Although the sound was not loud, it was shocking. Maybe in Blazing Empire, this is the time. Young people dare to say such arrogant words.

If any one person said this, even if it was a strong Jihuang master who said such words, the people in Jishenshan would think that the other person was a madman, but when Han Fengxue said it, they felt the coldness rising in their hearts. I believe that the crazy Han Fengxue can really do such a thing, and the most terrifying thing is that he also has such potential.

Eighteen years old, a one-star skill master, facing two skill kings and more than a dozen skill masters, he killed a nine-star skill king, injured all the skill masters, and what was even more terrifying was that he also injured a skill king, If you dare to think that what he says is crazy, others will regard you as a lunatic.

Everyone looked up at the backs of Han Fengxue and the two people who disappeared into the sky. The two powerful Tech Emperors were also stunned on the spot. Qing Cang could no longer catch up with the others. Even if there was only one left, he might not be able to win. At the end of the day, maybe someone else will ambush you.

The emperor and Bingyuan Shan also heaved a sigh of relief. Han Fengxue and his party finally escaped with the minimum cost. But at this moment, everyone looked at the deep ravine and gasped. What is going to happen? Only with the strength to do it, who was the person who rescued Han Fengxue?

Han Fengxue was held by the person who saved him at the waist. He raised his head and glanced at the person. He recognized at a glance that the person who saved him was Shui Lao, a master of Dream Tower who had met him once.

At this moment, kindness and kindness returned to Shui Lao's face. It was hard to imagine that such a strong murderous intention was released by such a plain old man not long ago.

"Old Shui, thank you!" Han Fengxue said sincerely.

Shui Lao nodded, smiled slightly at Han Fengxue, took out a pill and stuffed it into Han Fengxue's mouth, then said nothing and continued flying in the air. After Han Fengxue took the pill, she felt strong The power of the elements recovered quickly. Not long after, Han Fengxue released the little phoenix, and together with Shui Lao, stepped on the back of the little phoenix. After all, flying in the air also requires consumption.

Shui Lao pointed out the direction of flight, and Han Fengxue also cooperated very well. In addition, he also sent a message to Xiaodiao through soul contact, asking him to gather towards him.

Two hours later, Xiaodiao and Han Fengxue gathered together. Bing Xinyun cried with joy when she saw that Han Fengxue was safe and sound. Han Fengxue also smiled tenderly at her, and then focused on He who was already unconscious. Shui Lao also fed He Xiao a pill and found that He Xiao's complexion had recovered a little, and Han Fengxue was also a little relieved.

"I have moved all your relatives for you, don't you blame me?" Shui Lao said gently to Han Fengxue.

Shaking his head, Han Fengxue responded with a smile: "Old Shui, it's too late for me to thank you for such kindness. How can I blame you?"

Shui Lao also nodded, and seeing the sadness in Han Fengxue's eyes, he smiled bitterly and said, "Fengxue, actually your teacher is not dead."

"Shui Lao, you" Han Fengxue was shocked and looked at Shui Lao in confusion. He saw Chai Lao blowing himself up and died. How could he not die?

"You, you are so impulsive!" Shui Lao sighed and said, "Your teacher had already separated a ray of soul before he blew himself up. Qing Cang was shocked by the situation at that time and spent all his energy on it. Because of the defense, I didn't notice it, and I used a little trick to prevent him from noticing it. Look at your body, didn't you find something extra?"

Han Fengxue hurriedly explored the soul power in his body. Sure enough, in addition to his father's remnant soul and the powerful remnant soul, there was actually an extra ray of soul. Han Fengxue opened his mouth. Looking at Shui Lao, he knelt down on Little Phoenix's back and bowed to Shui Lao.

After helping Han Fengxue up, Shui Lao also said with some displeasure: "Your teacher is a person worthy of admiration, but because of your impulsiveness, your teacher's sacrifice was almost wasted. Don't you know that your teacher's sacrifice is in vain?" I blew myself up, not only to protect your monster, but also to buy you some time."

Han Fengxue lowered her head in shame. Indeed, if there was no Shui Lao today, Chai Lao's death would have been in vain, and it would have been a real death. Han Fengxue thought of the remnant soul in her body, and asked: "Shui Lao, then , can I resurrect the teacher?"

"You can, but you need to be strong enough. Of course, I don't know exactly how strong you need to be."

Han Fengxue nodded and said nothing more.

Two days later, after flying for two full days, Han Fengxue didn't know where he had arrived, but he knew that he had left the borders of the Blazing Empire. At this time, Shui Lao finally found the whereabouts of Little Phoenix and Little Diao.

After landing on the ground, Han Fengxue observed that it was actually a very backward small city, even worse than Maple City. Han Fengxue knew that they had arrived at a city in a small country surrounding the Blazing Empire.

After landing on the ground, Shui Lao took them directly to an old castle. In the old castle, Han Fengxue discovered that all the Han family and Murong family in Maple City were here. Han Tianjun and Murong Qing saw them. Han Fengxue was also very happy. They already knew from Mengmenlou what kind of enemy Han Fengxue was going to face. In the past few days, their hearts had been tightly grasped.

Shui Lao looked at Han Fengxue, shook his head and said, "You think too highly of those people from the Skill God Mountain. If they can't catch you, they may not let your relatives go."

Han Fengxue nodded in agreement and said in her heart: "Jishen Mountain, I will be back!"

"Fengxue, are you okay?" Murong Qing came over and looked at Han Fengxue from beginning to end, fearing that he might be damaged in some way.

Han Fengxue knew that her mother was worried about him, so she smiled slightly and said, "Mom, I'm fine!"

"Auntie!" Bing Xinyun, who was standing next to Han Fengxue, also shouted obediently.

Hearing the shout, Murong Qing looked at Bing Xinyun beside Han Fengxue. From the beginning, her eyes had been locked on Han Fengxue, and she didn't even notice Bing Xinyun's existence. She stayed in Bingxinyun for a while. She thought that Hua Yaqing was beautiful enough last time, but compared with Bingxinyun, she was also a little pale. This appearance can definitely drive men crazy. , making women jealous.

"Fengxue, who is this?" Murong Qing asked knowingly.

"Mom, she is the Xin Yun I mentioned to you, and she is also my girlfriend!"

Murong Qing looked at Bing Xinyun with deep eyes and smiled gently, which made Bing Xinyun's face turn red with embarrassment.

"Okay, okay, my Fengxue has really good taste." Murong Qing said with a satisfied smile.

At night, as quiet as water, in a simply decorated room, Shui Lao and Han Fengxue sat opposite each other.

Han Fengxue successfully rescued Bing Xinyun, but he also paid a heavy price. Only a trace of Mr. Chai's remnant soul was left, and Mr. He was also unconscious and was given to Mengmenlou for treatment. Han Fengxue's heart At this moment, he felt like he was being pressed down by a thousand-jin boulder, and he was a little breathless, but he had to bear everything. This was what he should have, and it was his responsibility as a man.

"Strength, strength!" Han Fengxue's heart has been calling. Only strong strength can solve everything. Otherwise, even if you just want to live a simple life, but others don't agree, it is also this kind of pressure, whipping Follow him all the way forward, climbing to the top of the world.

"Old Shui, I want to ask why Mengmenglou wants to help me like this?" After sitting quietly for a long time, Han Fengxue finally couldn't help but ask first. In his eyes, there was doubt and confusion. Why did Mengmenglou help me? He is an unrelated person, and he can even use such great power, and Mengmenglou seems to know everything about him clearly.

"Because Dream Tower needs you!" Shui Lao answered straightforwardly without any consideration.

"You need me?" Han Fengxue was even more puzzled.

"Yes, I need you. Do you know what the predecessor of Dream Building is?"

Han Fengxue shook his head, Shui Lao paused, his eyes were solemn, and he said solemnly: "The predecessor of Dream Tower was the Martial God Empire!"

"Martial God Empire!" Han Fengxue was shocked. Even though he had thought about this, he was still severely shocked when he learned the answer.

Only Shui Lao continued: "It is the Martial God Empire. When the empire was destroyed, the Cang Yue Empire and the surrounding small countries came to the empire to plunder crazily. Kung Fu and martial arts were their most important goals. At that time, the Martial God Empire was so big It is so vast that it is impossible for all the martial arts and martial arts to be looted, and many of them fled with their martial arts and martial arts. Later, the first building owner of Dream Building, Dream Building, gathered the warriors who were scattered around and formed An organization, this is the origin of Dream Tower.”

Han Fengxue nodded in agreement. Indeed, how could an empire be completely destroyed without leaving a trace? There must be someone who fled with their martial arts and martial arts. But even if the predecessor of Dream Building was the Martial God Empire, this is not the same as the Martial God Empire. What connection does he have? Han Fengxue thought and asked Shui Lao again.

"Of course it does matter. Although the warriors in Mengmenglou all carry some martial arts and martial arts, they are all of a lower level. The only highest level of martial arts and martial arts are those practiced by the poster, Lou Mengmeng. The poster is also open-minded. Incomparably, for the sake of the inheritance of the Martial God Empire, he did not hesitate to let everyone learn the martial arts and martial arts together. In this way, many years later, the Dream Building gradually gained some scale, but this was not enough. The Dream Building has always been The strongest person in the building serves as the building owner, but none of the building owners can break through to the high level of Martial Saint. The highest one only stays at the middle level of Martial Saint. This is doomed. The Dream Building can only hide in the dark and cannot be seen. Damn it, any force behind the four empires has the power to destroy Dream Tower. Originally, this situation would last for a long time, but your appearance is undoubtedly an opportunity to break this situation. Help Mengmenlou see the light of day, carry out activities openly, and restore the glory of the Martial God Empire!" Shui Lao said, his calm voice gradually becoming a little more passionate, obviously due to excitement.

Seeing Shui Lao's face flushed with excitement, Han Fengxue said again: "Then why does Shui Lao believe that I can change this situation?"

"Of course I believe it." Shui Lao smiled confidently: "Not only are your achievements as a technician extraordinary, but you are also amazing as a warrior. The most important thing is that you are the last god of war in the empire and the descendant of Master Long Zhan."

A hint of surprise flashed in Han Fengxue's eyes: "How do you know."

"The first poster not only brought out some exercises and martial arts, but also brought out some ancient books, which recorded some of Master Long Zhan's martial arts abilities, such as Wave Lingbu, Silent Palm, Autumn Wind Falling Leaf Palm, and Moonlight Spear. , and these are surprisingly similar to the martial arts you used, and can even be said to be completely coincident. Isn't this enough? "A gleam flashed in Shui Lao's eyes, and he stared at Han for a moment. Maple snow.

Han Fengxue smiled bitterly and nodded in acknowledgement, thinking that Fantasy Tower was keeping a close eye on him, but he didn't want to hide anything from Shui Lao, his benefactor.

Even though he already knew, Shui Lao couldn't help but get a little excited when he saw Han Fengxue admit it himself. If Han Fengxue could join Fantasy Tower, it would not only enhance his strength, but also be a spiritual appeal.

"Shui Lao, I don't want to be used by others, nor do I want my freedom to be restricted." Han Fengxue looked at Shui Lao steadily, as if he wanted to read something from his eyes.

"Fengxue, you are wrong. Nothing is absolute in the world. Maybe you think that Dream House wants to use you to help it realize its dream of restoring the empire, but you are also using Dream House, using it to help you get revenge and become a tool in your hands. Moreover, I have never thought of restricting your freedom. Do you think I want you to be an ordinary member or a killer in Dream House? No, you are very wrong. I have never thought of using you in this way. What I want you to do is to become the owner of Dream House and hold Dream House in your hands. In this way, can you still say that Dream House is using you? While helping Dream House, you are also helping yourself. This will be a force that belongs to you. Wherever your sword points, Dream House will be flattened. I hope you can grasp it well." Shui Lao looked at Han Fengxue with sincerity in his eyes. Han Fengxue could feel that Shui Lao was not lying to him. This was an inexplicable feeling, and he felt this very accurately every time.

Listening to Shui Lao's passionate narration and incitement, Han Fengxue's heart kept beating. It was impossible for him not to be moved. Ji Shen Mountain was like a mountain pressing on him and his heart, which was difficult to shake. After experiencing this incident, Han Fengxue also understood that a person's strength is limited after all. Unless you are so powerful that you are unmatched, otherwise, you will have no resistance in front of the behemoth Ji Shen Mountain.

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