Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 190 Met the treasure

"The Gate of Space" directly connects two pieces of space regardless of distance. As long as you step into it, you can instantly reach another space far away.

"The Gate of Void Space" is actually a gate of space. The reason why it is called void is that even if it is right in front of you, you cannot know that there is a gate of space here, unless you have a very strong sense of space and can sense the fluctuations of space, but even so, you cannot open the gate of space unless you have the method and coordinates to open it.

At this moment, the central gate of void space floating above the heads of the leaders of the four major forces, they all know the handprint method to open it, but only the leader of the Moon God Palace has the coordinates of the void space. Of course, this is also what the Moon God Palace has won by relying on its strength. The secret meeting between the four major forces is held once every fifty years. The victorious party will be qualified to keep the coordinates of the void space for fifty years. This is also the reason why they attach so much importance to this secret meeting, almost to the point of madness. For that slight possibility, they are willing to sacrifice the extremely talented young masters in their respective forces.

The reason is simple. It is said that there is a huge secret behind this central space door. All the strong men who have entered it can no longer come out, and those who come out have increased their strength. Moreover, those strong men are silent about what they encountered inside. They just tell them to try their best to win the coordinates of the void space, even if they have to sacrifice more. Moreover, many of the soul marks left by those strong men who did not come back still exist. Through this, we can know that they are not dead, nor are they unable to come back. They are probably unwilling to come back, because the attraction behind this space door is too great for them.

Among the four major forces now, almost no one knows where the coordinates of the void space came from. They only know that after the change of the sky two thousand years ago, the strong men of their four major forces also disappeared one after another. According to rumors, they entered this space door. Of course, this space door is not open to everyone. According to previous practice, those with the strength below the skill emperor or the eighth-level knight must die, and the soul marks they left behind are all destroyed and disappeared. Therefore, this gate of nothingness has a huge attraction for the eighth-level strongmen, which also leads them to continue to train the younger generation in preparation for each secret meeting.

After Han Fengxue entered the gate of space, he landed on the ground after a slight dizziness. After carefully observing the surroundings, he also understood that he had arrived at another space. Here, everything was like in a dream. Various flowers and plants that had never been seen before, and trees that were dozens of times thicker and taller than those in the outside world filled his eyes. Even though he thought that he would arrive at an extraordinary place, he did not expect it to be so dreamy. The blue sky was still the same, and it was no different from the original space, but Han Fengxue felt that the light here seemed to be stronger, and the whole land also felt much brighter, very natural and clear.

After walking carefully for two steps, observing the terrain, and turning around a few times quickly, Han Fengxue did not encounter a single figure. This piece of space seemed very large. But Han Fengxue encountered quite a few magical beasts, and the lowest level was the fifth level. If it was placed in the outside world, it would probably scare everyone.

Han Fengxue stopped and pondered for a moment, then decided to release the flying dragon, and then soared into the air, directly into the air, and then overlooked the entire space.

His mouth opened into an O shape, Han Fengxue was a little speechless. Even though he had risen to a high altitude, his eyes still could not see the edge. This piece of space seemed to have no end. This made him understand that this was a forest similar to the Tianchi Mountains, and it was an ancient forest. Han Fengxue also named this place Dream Forest!

He smiled bitterly. He was still worried that he would be discovered by many people when he rose into the air, and then face various sneak attacks and assassinations, but now he knew that this worry was completely unnecessary. In such a vast Dream Forest, even if others saw him, it would take a lot of time to get here. But another doubt appeared in his mind. The Dream Forest is so big, how long will this secret meeting last? And why did the four major forces have to hold such a troublesome secret meeting? Wouldn't it be more convenient to let them compete head-on?

After landing on the ground, Han Fengxue couldn't care so much. He just made the best of it. His body kept moving carefully, ready to explore what kind of secrets were hidden in the Dream Forest.

Han Fengxue also put away the flying dragon and released the little eagle. In this strange Dream Forest, the little eagle's inherited memory might be of great help to him.

After walking for some time, Han Fengxue didn't gain anything. Except for encountering some fifth-level monsters, he didn't see anything. The fifth-level monsters had no attraction to Han Fengxue.

At this moment, the eardrum vibrated slightly, and Han Fengxue immediately stopped his body, and the power of the soul spread out, as if sensing something.

"Swish!" A subtle but somewhat sharp sound was heard, mixed with a slight whistling sound, and shot towards the back of Han Fengxue's head.

Han Fengxue, who had been prepared for this, slightly turned his body to dodge the object that was shot at him, and the whistling object that broke through the air sank into a large tree in front of Han Fengxue. Under Han Fengxue's surprised eyes, the ancient tree in front of him, which had stood for a thousand years, quickly withered and died, and the moisture was instantly evaporated, and it shriveled into a thin line of dead bamboo.

"Such a strong poison." Han Fengxue sighed secretly, and turned his body around, and saw a palm-sized poisonous scorpion baring its fangs at him, with its serrated pincers extending forward, and its mouth constantly spitting out disgusting blue-green liquid.

"Swish!" Another sound of breaking through the air sounded, and once again a very fast green light shot towards Han Fengxue.

Han Fengxue's long sword had already appeared in his hand, a dazzling light flashed, and the energy shot out without concealment.

"Kangdang!" A sound of metal clashing was heard, and the sword light also left a hole in the hard shell of the poisonous scorpion. Dark green liquid flowed out of the body of the poisonous scorpion, which made Han Fengxue's appetite churn. Such a powerful sword light would kill even a fifth-level knight in an instant, but it only left a hole on the back of the poisonous scorpion. Han Fengxue also sighed at the opponent's strong defense.

At this moment, the poisonous scorpion also made a sharp cry, staring at Han Fengxue with cold and violent eyes, making a continuous whistling sound, and continuously shooting several streams of venom.

"Evil beast!" Han Fengxue cursed in a low voice, and waved his arms and shook them. Countless sword lights flashed, and all the light sank into the poisonous scorpion.

After several consecutive screams, Han Fengxue concentrated on waving several sword lights at its head, and the sound stopped, and the poisonous scorpion also fell to the ground.

"It seems that this dream forest has to face more than just the strong men from the three major forces." Han Fengxue killed the poisonous scorpion and muttered to himself. He also realized that in addition to the four major forces, the magic beasts in this space seemed to be a big threat. A random poisonous scorpion had a strength not weaker than the sixth level. Some of the magic beasts encountered later might not be simple either. He began to understand the significance of this secret meeting.

After the experience, Han Fengxue became cautious. If he didn't notice the poisonous scorpion, the venom would be injected into his body. Although it would not kill him, he was afraid that this secret meeting would be written off, and he would die in the hands of others sooner or later.

Slowing down a bit, Han Fengxue's soul power also spread out, always alert to the changes around him. After a few hours, Han Fengxue also walked a lot of distance. During this time, there were five or six fifth- and sixth-level monsters that died in his hands. He would not actively hunt monsters, but if there were monsters that dared to pay attention to him, as long as he thought they were of little use to him, he would kill them mercilessly.

Suddenly, Han Fengxue paused again, with a hint of coldness at the corners of his mouth. Han Fengxue pretended to be calm and continued to move forward.

Under Han Fengxue's soul sensing, two ghostly figures walked lightly and slowly approached Han Fengxue, and their breath was completely restrained, but they didn't know that Han Fengxue, who was now much stronger than them in soul cultivation, had already discovered their existence.

Ten meters, eight meters, the two people's figures were getting closer and closer to Han Fengxue. At this moment, two sharp sword energies burst out at the same time and shot towards Han Fengxue.

But at this moment, a strong murderous aura suddenly rose up, and a brilliant light flashed. Han Fengxue turned around and swung his sword. The strong energy collided with the sword energy, bringing a burst of brilliant sparks. The little eagle let out a long cry and shot at one of them at a rapid speed.

The two people's fatal sword was suddenly blocked by Han Fengxue, which also made the two people stunned for a moment, but Han Fengxue's movements did not stop at all. The sword light lit up again, and his figure quickly pounced on the other person.

I don't know whether to say that the two people are lucky or unlucky. It is quite difficult to encounter a force on one side, and it is much easier to save their lives. But when they met Han Fengxue and dared to attack him, they could only admit defeat.

The rays of light never stopped for a moment. Han Fengxue's sword of killing was used continuously, making the swordsman on the opposite side sigh in his heart, "NND, who is the swordsman?"

But the cruel reality could not hear his prayers. Han Fengxue's sword light made him unable to breathe, and it lasted until his death. This master died in a very aggrieved way. He only attacked once at the beginning, and then he had no chance to attack again.

The battle of the little eagle was also over. After touching the two people and searching for a while, Han Fengxue took out two space rings from them and dripped blood to recognize the owner. This was a trophy. With the high-level cultivation of the other party's sword sect, he should also have some family background. Han Fengxue would naturally not be polite.

After getting rid of the two people, Han Fengxue's emotions did not fluctuate much. The cruelty that happened around him over the years has completely made him get rid of the meaningless sympathy and intolerance. As long as it is an enemy, two words are killed!

In the Fantasy Forest, two days passed in the blink of an eye. During these two days, quite a number of magic beasts died in Han Fengxue's hands, and a strong man from the Moon God Palace and the Skill God Mountain died in his hands. Han Fengxue himself continued to explore the Fantasy Forest. He was too lazy to look for anything. In such a large place, sometimes it is better to wait for an encounter than to look for it deliberately. Without doing it yourself, someone will automatically come to the door. He also regarded this secret meeting in the Fantasy Forest as an experience for himself to train his alert reaction ability in the face of danger and adapt to the environment. If there is a chance, he can also practice with magic beasts and strong men. The effect is much better than that of the Tianchi Mountains.

"Plop!" The sound suddenly sounded, and a magic beast appeared in front of Han Fengxue, which made Han Fengxue a little shocked, because he did not sense the other party. This shows that the strength of this magic beast is likely to be stronger than his soul power, but the other party did not sneak attack, maybe because he has great confidence in his own strength.

Han Fengxue carefully looked at the monster that jumped out, his eyes widened, and his eyes were a little strange, as if he didn't dare to believe it, because the appearance of the monster in front of him was too unique, it was simply a rare example.

The head of a tiger monster, the neck of a crane, the wings of an eagle monster, the claws of an eagle monster, the huge body of a bear monster, and the tail of a leopard monster, all the characteristics of many monsters are gathered together, but it is not as beautiful as a phoenix, and it is a little too inconsistent. It simply doesn't understand the matching at all. Han Fengxue has never heard of such a monster.

"Interesting, I haven't seen humans for fifty years. Today, I finally waited for it again." This contradictory combination licked his mouth and looked at Han Fengxue with a shining look in his eyes, as if he had seen a treasure.

Han Fengxue was stunned again. This strange monster could actually speak human language. Damn, it's too talented.

The little eagle's eyes were also staring at the monster in front of him without blinking, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. His eyebrows were tightly knitted, searching for information about this strange monster from the inherited memory.

Suddenly, a memory was searched out by the little eagle and passed to his brain. The little eagle's eyes immediately lit up, and he stared at the contradictory monster in front of him without blinking. The way he looked at it was exactly the same as the way the contradictory monster looked at Han Fengxue. He was extremely excited and thought to himself: "This time, the boss has picked up a treasure."

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