Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 193 Storm Rising

The atmosphere on the yellow sand became tense for a moment, like an arrow on a string, ready to be launched at any time.

Among the four forces, the Moon God Palace side obviously had the advantage. Although they themselves had no other attack methods except mental attacks, each of them had several sixth-level summoned monsters, and the fifth-level summoned beasts were lined up in a long line. Summoning monsters requires mental energy, but if you bring monsters with you and put them in a high-level space ring that can store living things, then the situation is different. If you release them directly, you can fight. In addition, the people of the Moon God Palace already have an advantage in numbers. The vast group of monsters surrounded them in the middle, deeply shocking the people of the other three forces.

Seeing the huge number of monsters on the Moon God Palace side, the people of the Holy Knight Hall glanced at Han Fengxue again. He also had a group of monster companions, who could have been the absolute main force of their side, but now, they can only resent in their hearts.

The people from the Sword God Tower and Ji Shen Mountain had uncertain eyes, especially Ji Shen Mountain. Their forces were undoubtedly the weakest now. Moreover, they could not guarantee that Han Fengxue would not take advantage of their misfortune. You know, Han Fengxue and Ji Shen Mountain had a feud that was irreconcilable. He claimed that he wanted to destroy Ji Shen Mountain. If there was a chance, he would definitely not let go of the people from Ji Shen Mountain present!

The roars of the monsters continued to sound, and the eyes of the people in the Moon God Palace seemed very comfortable, but in the depths of their eyes, they also revealed vigilance and caution. The superficial ease was just a tactical way to attack the opponent. The battlefield changed rapidly, and no one could guarantee what would change in the next moment. They could only be on high alert, deal with all possible situations, and maintain the current advantage. They could not take the initiative to attack. First, there was no need, and second, if they caused intimidation from the other side, it would not be good to fight together. Although the delicate relationship and suspicion of the four forces made no one trust anyone, and the possibility of joining forces was very small, no one could guarantee that there was no such possibility.

After a long silence, the people from the Sword God Tower moved first, but they did not attack directly. Instead, they slowly moved their bodies and circled around the Holy Knight Hall. Compared with the God of Skills Mountain, they were more inclined to think that the Holy Knight Hall was weaker. Everyone knew that those who had died were generally relatively weak, and perhaps did not have a big impact on the entire battle situation. However, Han Fengxue was different. He was probably the strongest person on the Holy Knight Hall side. Without such a person, the weakening of the Holy Knight Hall was imaginable. As for the God of Skills Mountain, don’t look at their sad faces on the surface. Who knows if they are pretending? In this secret meeting, they are destined to be skeptical about everything in order to live longer.

The people on the Sword God Tower side were not worried about the people from the Skill God Mountain and the Moon God Palace taking advantage of the situation. If they fought with the Holy Knight Hall side, the Moon God Palace and the Skill God Mountain would have only two choices: either join the battle group and fight together, or they would fight each other. The Moon God Palace knew that no matter which side won, the Sword God Tower and the Holy Knight Hall would stand on the side of the Skill God Mountain to deal with the stronger ones, and the Skill God Mountain would definitely be happy to see this situation. The Sword God Tower was not a big threat to them at that time, and they would definitely be able to maintain good cooperation. Therefore, the Moon God Palace must eliminate the people on the Skill God Mountain side before the victory or defeat here, so that it can turn around and deal with the people here, which is perfect.

Sure enough, the roars of the monsters also sounded one after another. Seeing the actions of the Sword God Tower, the people on the Moon God Palace side moved towards the Skill God Mountain in a very cooperative manner. On the other side, various elements rose up at the same time, and the element fluctuations in the air became unstable. The elements slowly began to condense and were ready to go.

The people on the side of the Holy Knight Hall looked at the Sword God Tower who took the lead in coming towards them, and their faces were somewhat ugly. This obviously regarded them as objects to be squeezed. Although they lost the help of Han Fengxue, they did not think that their side was the weakest. Among them, there was still a seventh-level sky knight, which was definitely their trump card.

Finally, the people on the side of the Sword God Tower still took the lead. The brilliant light lit up at the same time. The bright brightness seemed to ignite the sky and make the earth appear dim. The sword energy galloped in this space, and the sword light that broke through the air made a sharp sound. The whistling wind also became particularly sharp. Strands of floating sword energy rushed towards the people on the side of the Holy Knight Hall.

And the people on the side of the Holy Knight Hall, the roar of the monsters continued to sound. The silver spear was the most common weapon, shining brightly under the refraction of the sun. The tip of the spear also cut through the air and intertwined with the sword light. The sound of metal hitting was endless. In this space, a beautiful battle note was played.

The notes played slowly, and after the first tentative sword attack disappeared, the people on the Sword God Tower's side quickly floated up and lined up in a row. There was no disorder in the order. It was obvious that they were well prepared and had undergone special training. In this respect, their preparation was much better than that of the Paladin Hall, and the effect was obvious.

The light did not stop for a moment. One after another, the sword beams whizzed past, covering the entire space in a golden ocean. The sharp cutting force cut through the space. The Holy Knight Hall had a sixth-level irritable monster, which fearlessly met the light. The blood rain fell, and it was cut into pieces in an instant. The people on the Holy Knight Hall also felt the coordination ability of the Sword God Tower. Their sword energy was lit up and disappeared at the same time. The pace was a little too coordinated, and the superimposed sword beams were so powerful that they were a little scary. Their hands were already shaking and aching. They held the gun handles tightly, and the role of the monster partner was weakened too much. As long as they dared to rush into the attack range of the sword beam, they would be killed immediately. At this moment, the people on the Holy Knight Hall began to waver in their indestructible confidence.

Han Fengxue watched from the side, and shook his head secretly in his heart. The Holy Knight Hall was destined to be annihilated this time. Swordsmen were mainly offensive and not good at defense. The Holy Knight Hall was actually like this now, defending with all their strength. If this continued, the attack of the Sword God Tower would not only not weaken, but would only become stronger and stronger. At this moment, they were all very relaxed, calm and at ease. The attack was obviously not really launched. At this moment, it was just because of the large number of people that the power of the sword was huge. Once they entered the state and showed the characteristics of the swordsmen, it would be the time for the Holy Knight Hall to perish. The preparations of the Sword God Tower were much more sufficient than those of the Holy Knight Hall led by the selfish Yan Lao. Although the Holy Knight Hall still had a seventh-level knight who did not go all out, Han Fengxue also carefully observed a person in the camp of the Sword God Tower. He had sword eyebrows and sword eyes, and the whole person was like a sword unsheathed. It was extremely sharp at first glance. This was a master of the Sword Saint level.

On the side of the Holy Knight Hall, the seventh-rank knight man obviously noticed him, his eyes flickered, and he stared at the other party, not daring to be careless, and the movements of his hands were obviously the same as the other party, with some reservations. He knew that as long as he exerted his strength, the other party would never hide it, and the situation would never be better than it is now.

The two sides continued to stalemate, the Sword God Tower was the main attack, and the Holy Knight Hall was the main defense. They did not let their magic beast partners attack, but stayed with their own people, defending tightly, waiting for the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, but they seemed to think too simply. As Han Fengxue expected, the attack of the Sword God Tower did not stop and weaken, but became more and more fierce. The violent sword energy galloped in the desert, flying sand and gravel, which was spectacular.

On the other side, the battle had already begun, and the excitement was no less than the battle between the Holy Knight Hall and the Sword God Tower. From the beginning, the people of the Moon God Palace ordered their fellow monsters to disperse and surrounded the people of Ji Shen Mountain. With a sharp cry, the monster frenzy was launched and rushed towards the strong men of Ji Shen Mountain. Roaring and miserable screams were heard from time to time. Various elements formed a frenzy of elements in this space. The five elements were flying all over the sky, as if they wanted to drain the elements of the entire world. Various dazzling and extremely powerful skills were also constantly bombarding and shooting at the monster frenzy.

With the arrival of the first wave of skill attacks, those fifth-level monsters that served as cannon fodder were almost completely wiped out. The monsters behind and in the air saw the blood, and not only did they not retreat at all, but instead flashed cold light, bursting out bloodthirsty cold light, and roared to the sky, which made people's eardrums hurt. They continued to rush forward fearlessly, and their giant hooves stepped on huge marks in the desert, but they were buried by the yellow sand again in an instant, leaving no trace.

Like the Sword God Tower, the preparations of the Skill God Mountain were no less than theirs. The order of skill bombardment was very regular, and the layers of orderly defense also slowed down the speed of the monster tide. In the interval of this gap, there was a group of attack skills blasted out again, the mixture of fire and ice, the sharpness of gold and fire, and the admiration complemented each other. Many of the monsters that rushed over also fell down continuously, but the other monsters did not pause or fear at all, and continued their ferocity and fearlessness.

In the camp of the Moon God Palace, eighteen people stood side by side, watching their fellow monsters disappear one by one, their eyes did not change at all, as if it had nothing to do with them. There was no monster protection around them, just watching the people and monsters in the battle, without any worry about their own safety. In their eyes, without exception, they were full of confidence, and their calmness also made people feel a little scared.

With the death of nearly half of the monsters, the blood dyed the yellow sand red, and the manic and bloodthirsty monster tide finally rushed to the front of the people on the side of Ji Shen Mountain, opening their terrifying fangs and sharp claws, as if to devour and destroy the other side. At this time, some monsters appeared in front of the people on the side of Ji Shen Mountain, slightly blocking the group of monsters that were attacking fiercely, but their role was just to delay, and soon only a piece of blood rain was left, torn into pieces by the rushing group of monsters.

The fangs and claws were about to fall on the crowd gathered at Jishen Mountain, and at this moment, a burst of strong light suddenly burst out from the crowd. The ferocious elemental frenzy was even more violent than the monster tide, sweeping across the entire space in an instant. The dazzling five-element light exploded, and the bloody storm was set off. The approaching monsters turned directly into ashes and were annihilated in the space in an instant, disappearing as if they had never appeared. The sudden appearance of the elemental storm also frightened the other monsters that wanted to continue to pounce, and they stood there and roared, with cold light flickering in their eyes.

Han Fengxue's eyes were also attracted by the sudden light here. As the elemental light slowly disappeared, the figures of the people in Jishen Mountain were also revealed. Among these people, many were panting. Obviously, the powerful attack just now had almost consumed them. On the other hand, the figures on the side of the Moon Palace still had no expression. The order continued to be conveyed. The other hesitant monsters continued to roar forward, staring at the people in Jishen Mountain with cold eyes.

The eyes of the people in Jishen Mountain also suddenly showed cold light. Looking at the monsters coming over, half of them had already consumed a lot of elemental power. Those were used to save their lives. If they used them again, they would have to stay forever. In such a cruel occasion, they dared not guarantee that their companions would help and strive to save them. If they were no longer valuable, they would definitely be abandoned without hesitation. Thinking of this, everyone's eyes were all looking at a thick-browed man in the middle who was about thirty-four or thirty-five years old. In his eyes, there was a natural pride and domineering.

Looking at the remaining twenty or so monsters, the man nodded slightly: "Leave it to me."

As soon as he finished speaking, the others breathed a sigh of relief. Although there were more than twenty sixth-level monsters, there would be absolutely no problem if he took action.

When the Holy Knight Hall was in an absolute disadvantage, the swords of the Sword God Tower crowd became increasingly sharp. At this moment, the seventh-level knight man let out a sharp whistle. The people of the Holy Knight Hall collectively retreated a distance, and then raised their spears high, just spinning on the spot. The air flow continued to flow, and the speed of the spears dancing was getting faster and faster. In Han Fengxue's surprised eyes, the knights using spears actually collectively used the reincarnation spear skills, and the attacks of others were also very coordinated with them. Seeing this, Han Fengxue also understood that it was not that the Holy Knight Hall was not prepared, but that he just didn't know.

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