Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 24 Contracted Magical Beast

Han Fengxue slowed down and walked slowly towards the vast forest.

Walking into the forest, Han Fengxue and the two suddenly felt much cooler. The lush trees blocked the sky and the sun, and only some beams of light penetrated into the forest through the layers of protection. The ground is full of small animals running around, but Warcraft can only be seen occasionally.

There are only a few monsters in the vast forest, let alone higher-level monsters. A third-level monster can become the overlord in this forest. As for ordinary third-level monsters, Han Fengxue was confident that he could deal with them if he used all his strength. This was one of the reasons why he did not choose to take a detour.

Cangyue opened her confused eyes, saw a patch of emerald green, and asked, "Master, where are you?"

Han Fengxue talked to Can Yue and told her about going to the imperial capital.

Zangyue looked into the distance and murmured: "Is it the imperial capital?"

Han Fengxue nodded, slowed down a little, and continued to move forward. Occasionally encountering some first-level monsters, Han Fengxue dismissed them with a random skill.

"Master, look, what is that?" Zang Yue pointed in one direction.

Han Fengxue looked in the direction that the moon was pointing, and saw a small colorful eagle fighting with a green snake. The colored eagle is very fast, but the green snake's body is extremely flexible.

"Looking at their destructive power, they are all third-level monsters," Han Fengxue was a little surprised.

The colorful eagle finally seized an opportunity and clawed hard at the green snake's seven-inch area. The green snake knew that it could no longer dodge, so it gave up directly. The snake's body rolled towards the colorful eagle. The moment it was caught, the body of the colorful eagle was also tied to its side by the green snake, and it bit hard. Suddenly, the colorful eagle was The eagle's abdomen was dripping with blood, but his body softened after the green snake bit him.

Seeing the colorful eagle curled up on the ground in pain, the kind-hearted Cangyue couldn't bear it and said: "Master, what a cute little eagle, let's save it."

Han Fengxue was a little helpless, as Zangyue actually described the monster as cute. You know, low-level monsters have no intelligence and only know how to attack randomly. Only monsters of level five or above will have their own intelligence. But Han Fengxue still dismounted and approached the colorful eagle.

Cai Diao's body was twitching painfully due to paralysis. When he saw the two approaching, a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

"Don't be afraid, little eagle, we are here to help you." Zangyue knelt down and stroked its wound.

As if he understood what Zang Yue said, Cai Diao's eyes softened a bit and were not as fierce as before.

Han Fengxue was a little strange. It was only a third-level monster, so it shouldn't be able to understand what Zang Yue said. He said, "Xiao Diao, can you understand what we are saying?"

The next scene couldn't help but surprise Han Fengxue. It just asked casually, but it didn't expect the colorful eagle to nod.

"You can really understand," Han Fengxue repeated.

Cai Diao nodded again.

Han Fengxue was speechless, the world was full of wonders. Canyue became excited at this time and said: "Master, the little eagle can really understand what we are saying, we must help it."

Seeing Can Yue's happy look, the stone in Han Fengxue's heart was finally relieved. In the past few days, Can Yue had not eaten or drank, and she had been cold all the way. Only when Han Fengxue took the initiative to talk to her would she reluctantly squeeze in. He answered Han Fengxue with a smile and completely closed himself up.

Han Fengxue said to the colorful sculpture, "How can I help you?"

The colorful eagle didn't take any action, his eyes were thoughtful, and the moon was a little anxious. Suddenly, a burst of light emerged from the colorful sculpture, slowly taking shape in the air, and soon condensed into a magic circle and stayed in front of Han Fengxue.

"Contract magic circle," Han Fengxue exclaimed. Han Jianfeng left not only techniques and skills in Han Fengxue's memory, but also many things that were helpful to Han Fengxue.

Contract magic circles can only be learned by intelligent humans and Warcraft, and the minimum limit for humans to use it is the Skill King level, while Warcraft is a fifth-level intelligent Warcraft. At this moment, the third-level colorful eagle beside Han Fengxue not only possessed wisdom, but also learned the contract magic circle and used it with third-level power. How could Han Fengxue not be surprised.

Han Fengxue really hesitated at this time. A technician could only sign one contract with a magical beast in his lifetime. Therefore, technicians usually wait until they become stronger and then conquer powerful monsters as their partners. It is obviously not easy for the colorful eagle to use the contract magic circle, but after all, it is only a third-level magic beast. As a technician, who doesn't want to have a powerful magic beast partner, and Han Fengxue is certainly the same. But seeing Can Yue's anxious eyes, Han Fengxue finally made up her mind. "Although Warcraft partners are very important, only improving one's own strength is the best way." Han Fengxue could only comfort herself in this way.

A drop of blood slowly flew into the contract formation, and at the same time, the five elemental crystals each released a trace of elemental power into the formation. Signing a contract requires that the contracted monster matches its own attributes. The elemental power is separated from the elemental crystal and entered into the contract circle to conclude the contract. The contracted monster will have a subtle connection with its own elemental crystal. You can also easily feel the power of the contracted monster. energy. Han Fengxue didn't know what attributes the colorful sculpture had, so he output all the power of the five elements. In other words, the blood is responsible for the soul connection between the two, and the power of the elements is responsible for the force induction between the two.

The magic circle finally absorbed the power of blood and fire elements, and the contract was formed. Han Fengxue immediately felt that both the soul and the fire element crystal could interact with the colorful sculpture.

"Master, a voice sounded directly in Han Fengxue's head."

"First, tell me how I can help you," Han Fengxue responded.

"I'm fine, Master." Sensing Han Fengxue's doubts, the colored eagle continued, "I have a special ability. As long as I sign a contract with humans, I will be fine no matter how many injuries I suffer as long as I am not dead." As he spoke, the wound of the colored eagle recovered rapidly, and it healed completely in an instant, and the colored eagle stood up.

Uh, Han Fengxue didn't know what to say. She didn't expect the colored eagle to have such a perverted ability.

Cangyue didn't know so much. She happily hugged Han Fengxue and said, "Master, the little eagle stood up. Also, Master, what happened just now, how did the little eagle get better?"

Han Fengxue briefly told Cangyue what happened, and Cangyue was excited again, saying, "So the little eagle can always follow us in the future."

Han Fengxue nodded. Seeing Cangyue's happy look, the colored eagle gently patted Cangyue's face twice with its wings. This time, Cangyue jumped up happily.

At this time, Han Fengxue said to the colorful eagle in his heart: "I will call you Xiao Diao from now on. Xiao Diao, how can you have wisdom at the third level, and can also conclude a contract array? What race are you?"

"Master, I don't know. When I remember, I was only at the first level, but I already had wisdom. Moreover, there are many things in my mind, such as wanting to conclude a contract array and being able to heal all injuries after signing a contract. These are all information that already exist in my mind, but I don't even know what race I am." Xiao Diao said with some sadness.

"So that's how it is, then you should also be able to sign an equal contract, why do you want to sign a master-servant contract?" Han Fengxue continued.

"I know how to sign an equal contract, but I don't have the ability to conclude it. I can only conclude it after I reach the fifth level." Xiao Diao said honestly.

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