Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 316 Crazy Fight

The crowd suddenly stopped and looked at the clones formed by the residual souls. Their scalps tingled. There were too many of them, not much less than their number. Although they were soul clones, judging from the momentum they exuded, they were also very strong. However, they had no breath of life. It must be that time had polished away their humanity. They could no longer be called life souls. In their eyes, there was only a wild and indifferent breath, and a disregard for life. ඏ♦  ♦♦

All kinds of beast-like roars came from these souls, with bloodthirsty rage, and rushed towards the crowd fiercely. Seeing this situation, the elemental breath suddenly filled the entire space, flying and tumbling, and the powerful momentum was overwhelming, rushing towards these residual souls without breath of life.

As if they could not feel any threat, these residual souls let out shrill and distant beastly roars, and kept rushing towards the crowd, even if they perished. Although they were deprived of their life breath and humanity, their strength still existed, extremely powerful, and they were at least at the eighth level, which was shocking. Everyone was secretly thinking in their hearts, if it was before they fell, how strong these people would be.

"Ancient God Battlefield!" Han Fengxue said secretly, how could the people who fell in the ancient god battlefield be weak, otherwise they would not be qualified to participate in the battlefield, but the souls lacking wisdom and rationality would naturally not be the opponents of these human strongmen who could cooperate tacitly. The rising elemental breath kept whistling, and shrill roars kept coming out. The space was constantly torn into dark cracks, but under the fierce attacks of countless residual souls, it was impossible for the crowd to not be damaged. Moreover, these residual souls seemed to gather here continuously, more and more, as if there was no end.

Han Fengxue stood there, holding a flashing sword in his hand, and around him, the dancing figures of the women were dazzling and particularly dazzling, but no one would appreciate it at this moment. The women also knew that some of Han Fengxue's abilities could not be used infinitely, so it was better not to let him work too hard at this time. They deliberately helped him share the burden of intercepting the incoming attacks and surrounded Han Fengxue in a protective circle, which made Han Fengxue a little puzzled that he actually needed women to protect him, but he knew that the women also had good intentions, so he did not stop them. Later, he might face greater dangers.

Endless residual souls kept attacking the crowd, as if they would not stop until they destroyed this group of human strongmen. It was really helpless. Although countless residual souls had been killed, they could not kill them all, and they could not stop them. He couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

"Fight while walking." At this moment, a loud shout was clearly transmitted into the eardrums of the crowd. It was Helian Qiu's voice. Her pretty face was also a little depressed. After waving the power of elements to strangle the few residual souls in front of her, her figure continued to move forward. After hearing Helian Qiu's reminder, the crowd also woke up. It was indeed not a solution to fight like this. These residual souls were simply countless. Looking at their lineup, they suffered heavy losses. I am afraid that at least one-third of the crowd has fallen during this period of time. Cold sweat fell, and the crowd continued to move towards Helian Qiu's direction, no longer blindly fighting with these residual souls.

The muffled howls of the remaining souls continued to be heard, and they followed the crowd forward, and the shrill voices continued to be heard. It seemed that they would not stop until all these foreign humans were killed, which made people extremely depressed. The people of the Helian family had never set foot in this area and did not understand it at all. They only knew that it was extremely dangerous here and it was an ancient battlefield. I am afraid that among all people, only Han Fengxue had set foot in this space.

While fighting, desolation and loneliness kept climbing from their hearts, making people bored and restless. After a few days, I am afraid that they would collapse without fighting. However, this is also related to the fact that everyone has no time to care about the desolation that has risen at this moment. Their minds are all used in fighting, so they will be invaded by desolation.

I don't know how long they moved, but the annoying residual souls continued to follow them, almost wearing out the patience of the crowd. The battle continued, and the blood rain would not stop. The residual souls were endless, but the crowd entering the Ancient God Battlefield was limited. Seeing the number of people fighting next to them constantly decreasing, everyone's heart continued to sink. If this continued, who knew if it would be their turn next.

After a while, the crowd found that the residual souls chasing them were gradually decreasing, and they couldn't help but feel a little strange. After a short while, the residual souls chasing them suddenly stopped. The crowd also stood there in shock, looking back at the residual souls behind them who were looking at them with indifference and without any emotion. They were a little confused and didn't know why the residual souls that were so crazy not long ago suddenly stopped?

The beating hearts gradually calmed down, and the crowd also breathed a sigh of relief, and then headed towards the place where they were summoned. They could feel that the place was not far away, but at this moment, the distant howling sounded again, and everyone's eyes were fixed, and they looked back at the same time, but they did not see the trace of the remnant soul, and they could not help but reveal a puzzled look.

"Huh?" I found something wrong, the howling sound kept getting closer, and the direction of the howling sound was actually in front and on the left and right, but not in the back, and it was not a human voice, but a beast roar.

The figure suddenly stopped again, and the crowd's hearts, which had just relaxed, tightened again. Looking at each other, they saw that there were only about 20,000 or 30,000 people left, and they felt a little cold in their hearts. You know, when they came, there were more than 100,000 strong men, but so many of them died in just a few times. Moreover, it seemed that the crisis was not over yet, and the roar of beasts was approaching not far away.

"Divide the territory!" A voice suddenly rose in Han Fengxue's heart. The remnant soul stopped and dared not step forward. The wild beasts immediately appeared. Obviously, each of them had its own territory. It seems that among these remnant souls, there are also souls that can think. Not all of them have been diluted by time. Moreover, the remnant souls with the ability to think must be extremely powerful remnants.

Han Fengxue, who was tense, did not find that in his body, a soul breath was constantly growing. After many remnant souls were eliminated, invisible breaths kept floating into Han Fengxue's body, and then replenished his teacher's soul power.

Finally, countless figures of magic beasts slowly appeared in the crowd's sight. Their strange appearances were different from the magic beasts they had encountered before, but the auras they exuded were all very powerful. None of them were lower than the eighth level. They stared at the invading humans with cruel and cold eyes, and there was a cold light of contempt in their eyes.

"Oops!" Helian Qiu cursed secretly. Seeing the endless magic beasts constantly appearing, the Helian family did not expect that the creatures here would be so powerful, and there were so many of them. It was simply unimaginable that these people gathered from all over Tianen Holy Land were not even the tip of the iceberg of the Ancient God Battlefield. It was unimaginable that if a space gate was opened, allowing these creatures from the Ancient God Battlefield to escape to Tianen Holy Land, what kind of scene would it cause? Han Fengxue's heart was even colder. He knew that in the Sword Jedi, there was a space gate leading here. If it was invaded by the creatures here, his hometown Tianen Outer Land would undoubtedly face destruction.

"I hope this situation will never happen." Han Fengxue prayed silently in her heart, trying her best not to think about it. The violent roars of the monsters shook the earth, and all kinds of powerful monsters rushed towards the crowd at the same time, with the sound of hooves shaking the sky.

"Go!" Helian Qiu shouted again, and then ran quickly to the place where they were summoned, and didn't care about the long-term battle with the monsters that blocked them. Now, reaching the destination has become her only goal, and these people are not of much use. She can feel that the Temple of War is not far away, and that inexplicable summons are particularly strong for her, or for the people of the Helian family.

But it is not so easy to break through the heavy blockade of the monsters. Countless huge voices kept appearing in front of the crowd, baring their fangs, waving their huge claws, and rushing towards the crowd fiercely, fearless of death. The breath of the elements became restless and violent again, surging madly, and dark cracks kept emerging, swallowing and strangling the monsters blocking the front. However, this seemed to be far from stopping the madness of these monsters. They seemed not to be afraid of death, but just attacked the crowd blindly, showing their bloodthirsty and wild nature. The bloody rain and broken limbs kept appearing, and the strong fell one by one, tugging at people's hearts.

Being blocked by waves, the number of deaths continued to increase. The crowd gradually became angry, with bloodthirsty mania in their eyes, roaring with bloodthirsty breath in their eyes. They were crazy, both the monsters and humans were crazy. In this space, there were only countless dead monsters and fallen human warriors. They seemed to be frightened by the madness of the crowd. The attacks of the monsters actually slowed down a little, no longer so manic. The setting sun was like blood, and the fighting continued. However, there were still some smart warriors who kept bypassing the obstruction and attack of the monsters, never fighting with them, dodging and retreating, just moving forward blindly. The Temple of War God was their ultimate goal. It was not worth it to sacrifice their lives to fight with these monsters.

A few loud roars of monsters sounded, and several huge monsters appeared in sight. At this moment, the eyes of the crowd became dull!

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