Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 401 Auspicious Clouds Roll

Han Fengxue looked at the terrifyingly quiet space, and was slightly surprised. The Nine-Colored Eagle Emperor had such an influence. A smile spread across her face, the light flickered, and a loud and distant call of the Eagle was heard. The silent space resounded, vibrating the eardrums of every monster. Beside Han Fengxue, a sculptured monster bathed in the nine-colored glow appeared there. Its beautiful and majestic body was filled with an overwhelming sense of power, and its golden The wings are extremely sharp, especially on the top of his head. The gorgeous crown is so conspicuous. He stands out among the beasts, and the bright eyes shine with dazzling light. At this moment, under the background of this special atmosphere, the little eagle is extraordinary. , also perfectly outlined.

The sounds of heavy breathing continued, and there was silence for a long time before the deep roars of the monsters began to sound. They seemed to be amazed and a little afraid, and their eyes when they looked at the little eagle were full of horror. The legendary Nine-Colored Eagle King really appeared in sight. Although the aura of the small eagle was not as strong as that of the semi-god-level Seven-Colored Eagle King, the visual impact was even more intense, coupled with preconceptions. With such thoughts, they actually forgot that Xiaodiao only had tenth level of strength. They only knew that this was the legend of the Colored Eagle Clan!

The Colored Eagle Clan fell into an incomparable silence. They stared at the little Eagle with extremely surprised eyes, as if they had been watching like this for eternity. Their eyes did not change at all. As the roars of the monsters came out one after another, the Colorful Eagles The eagles also woke up a little from the shock, but their eyes were filled with excitement from the bottom of their hearts, and they were also extremely respectful.

"Diao Emperor, the great Eagle Emperor, you have finally appeared!" The Colorful Eagle King was still in shock, and he spoke with great respect. His proud head lowered for the first time, and his huge body also moved towards the little one. The eagle bowed slightly in the direction of the eagle. After hearing the words of the Seven-Colored Eagle King, all the eagles also bowed to the little eagle, their eyes full of excitement. The danger had long been ignored by the eagles, just like the Nine-Colored Eagle King. With the emergence of the emperor, everything is no longer a problem. Their emperor is here to save them from this crisis.

"He's just a tenth-level Eagle Emperor, we must not let him escape." The five-clawed dragon finally woke up from the shock, with an extremely vicious look in his eyes. He originally thought that his birth would be a gift among all beasts. The strongest existence. As long as the Seven-Colored Eagle King is killed, he will be the real king of beasts. However, he did not expect that the Nine-Colored Eagle King suddenly appeared, a terrifying existence that is said to be even more powerful than his talent. .

After hearing the words of the Five-clawed Divine Dragon, all the monsters gradually woke up from the shock. Like the Five-clawed Divine Dragon, they all showed fierce expressions and looked at Xiaodiao viciously. They planned in their hearts that Xiaodiao and Xiaodiao could not escape. Oh, the Nine-Colored Diaohuang. I don’t know what will happen when he becomes stronger. By then, no magical beast will be able to contain the little eagle.

The expressions of all the colorful eagles clearly fell into Han Fengxue's eyes, and she finally let go of her last trace of vigilance. Seeing the incomparable respect from the heart of the colorful eagles, Han Fengxue also showed a hint of amusement. Smiling, at least Xiaodiao's status in the colorful eagle clan will be extremely stable, and there is no need to worry about being persecuted. He released his fierce momentum and glared at the monsters who were about to take action. The bodies of all the colorful eagles trembled. Next, Xiao Diao and Han Fengxue were surrounded in the center. The legendary Eagle Emperor appeared. No matter what, they couldn't let the Emperor have any problems, even if it meant sacrificing their lives.

The thunderous roars of the monsters began to sound again, and all the monsters launched another violent attack towards the colorful eagles. Neither Han Fengxue nor Xiaodiao hid in the protective circle of the colorful eagles, and their bodies dodge. Han Fengxue had already put away the little phoenix, and calmly faced the monsters attacking them. Otherwise, with the temper of the little phoenix, she would definitely fight alongside him. Wouldn't that put the Phoenix clan at a disadvantage? The divine sword continued to dance, and the monsters attacking Han Fengxue were also the most powerful, because their target was the little eagle protected by Han Fengxue, but the Colorful Eagle King also came to the little eagle. , fighting together with Han Fengxue to prevent Xiaodiao from being in any danger. Xiaodiao felt extremely warm in his heart when he saw his tribe members protecting him so desperately. He felt at home for the first time, and Han Fengxue could clearly feel it. Seeing Xiaodiao's joy, he was also happy for Xiaodiao from the bottom of his heart. This was a sense of belonging to the race. This kind of feeling was something that Han Fengxue could not give, just like Han Fengxue himself protected Tianen Outer Land. General.

The battle was fierce, with powerful monsters constantly falling. Han Fengxue's space solidification skills once again played a powerful role. Whenever powerful monsters attacked him together, they could always freeze some at the critical moment. The magical beast was eliminated in an instant, which also made the Colorful Eagle King feel more relaxed. Otherwise, he might not have been able to support it long ago. Xiao Diao felt a little uncomfortable. At this moment, he could only rely on the protection of Han Fengxue and his tribe. Facing Xiaodiao's current strength is still not enough for the demigod-level beast that wants his life.

Han Fengxue gradually became anxious. It was not an option to continue fighting like this. Although he could lead Xiaodiao to break out, Xiaodiao would not be able to let go of the colorful eagles. His thoughts were racing, but he could not think of a good solution. When the method came out, the powerful monsters around them seemed to be going crazy, launching attacks desperately. Even with the power of the colorful eagles, some of them were gradually dying, and the combat range was constantly being compressed. Han Fengxue and The Cai Diao clan even faced the crisis of being wiped out by the group.

The eyes of the five-clawed dragon and other beasts showed a grim smile, and the fierce attack became more and more violent, constantly exerting pressure on the seven-colored eagle king.

"Boom!" A loud noise suddenly came out, and the seven-colored eagle king let out a shrill cry. The space in front collapsed, and endless devouring cracks were stirring there. The five-clawed dragon and other powerful beasts also retreated a little distance, sneered at the seven-colored eagle king not far away, and looked at the seven-colored eagle king not far away. Is he struggling to death? Just now, it was the seven-colored eagle king who resisted their attack and then launched a fierce attack to push them back. At this moment, the corners of the seven-colored eagle king's mouth were constantly oozing blood, but his eyes burst into a fierce burst.

"Eagle King, accept the power of the Colored Eagle Tribe." The Seven-Colored Eagle King suddenly let out a long cry, and the many colored eagles seemed to understand his meaning. They each launched an extremely fierce attack, pushing back the monsters that were entangled with them, and then trembled, and came to the side of the little eagle with the Seven-Colored Eagle King. Although the Colored Eagle Tribe could not confirm whether there was a Nine-Colored Eagle King in ancient times, they believed that there was, otherwise the legend of the Nine-Colored Eagle King would not have been passed down. Even among all the members of the Colored Eagle Tribe, there is a memory of inheritance that accompanies them since birth, and they offer their power to the Nine-Colored Eagle King, their King.

The little eagle was slightly stunned, and did not understand what the Seven-Colored Eagle King meant, but it seemed that he did not need to think too much at this moment. The auspicious clouds suddenly rolled violently, and an extremely fierce momentum suddenly burst out from the bodies of the colorful eagles, which made all the monsters retreat a little. The auspicious clouds continued to spread to the surrounding space, and the rolling waves also gathered around the little eagle. The little eagle's figure trembled, and then it was frozen. Then, powerful power continued to flow into his body, which seemed to be somewhat similar to the time when he used the blood sacrifice secret method on the dragon. He showed an intoxicated look. This feeling of increasing power was so cool.

The monsters were driven back by the powerful aura. Seeing the changes in the colored eagles, they were all slightly stunned. Some powerful monsters continued to move towards the colored eagles without believing it, but they could not move forward even a step. Han Fengxue also looked at everything in front of him in surprise. At first, he also felt a strong push, but then, the soft breath enveloped him, and he could not continue to bear the push. Seeing the breath of the little eagle constantly increasing, while the breath of the colored eagles gradually weakened, Han Fengxue also showed a look of surprise. It was too magical. The colored eagles were actually passing their power to the little eagle. This mysterious race really had too many powerful secrets. He experienced this from the little eagle.

The eyes of all the monsters showed anxiety. They were instinctively afraid of Xiao Diao, the Nine-Colored Eagle King, and seemed unwilling to face him. Seeing Xiao Diao's aura constantly increasing, they all had a bad feeling, but they could do nothing about it. Now they could only stare blankly, watching the Nine-Colored Eagle King's aura continue to increase.

The roar of the manic monsters did not stop for a moment. It seemed that after a long time, the rolling of the auspicious clouds finally gradually weakened, and the breath of the colorful eagles slowly became very weak. However, the little eagle, whose breath had increased rapidly all the way, actually broke through the semi-god level directly, and even surpassed the breath of the seven-colored eagle king not long ago. Finally, a distant eagle cry sounded and trembled in the eardrums of the monsters. The breath that gathered towards the little eagle finally stopped. The monsters felt that their momentum was lightened, and their bodies suddenly pushed forward. They did not react for a while, but then they showed a fierce look and rushed towards the direction of the little eagle.

The weakened auspicious cloud suddenly rolled up again, but in the opposite way as before, with the little eagle as the center, it continued to spread out to the surroundings, showing nine colors. The nine-colored auspicious cloud seemed to be a little different from usual, and the movement seemed to be very slow. When the magic beasts coming towards this side came into contact with the nine-colored auspicious cloud, their bodies instantly stiffened and their faces changed wildly.

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