Heaven-defying Skills

Chapter 446: Tiangan Sect's Counterattack

After killing a small group of Tiangan Sect members, the people of Tianxing Sect also began to act cautiously. The elemental mining area not only covers a large area, but also has many caves, which are extremely easy to hide. Knowing that the entire mining area has almost fallen into the hands of Han Fengxue of Tiangan Sect, everyone naturally acted cautiously. Although Xiang Yufei wanted to kill Han Fengxue, he still believed Han Fengxue's words.

Occasionally, when they encountered a small group of Tiangan Sect members, they would not be polite and would solve the other party as quickly as possible. Moreover, they were not in a hurry to destroy the corpses, but chose to strip off the clothes worn by the Tiangan Sect members and put them on their bodies, and then burned the bodies of the Tiangan Sect members who were killed, and then washed them away with rain. Everyone knew that it was impossible to take back the entire mining area with their strength. They could only kill as many Tiangan Sect members as possible, collect more interest, and then go back.

In the mining area that stretched for thousands of miles, as small groups of people were killed, the people of Tiangan Sect also smelled a smell of danger, as if they had discovered a troop.

On the second day after arriving at the natural element mining area, the people of Tianxing Sect had killed hundreds of people. At this moment, they were walking openly in a certain location in the mining area. Because they were wearing the clothes of Tiangan Sect, small groups of people would be confused when they saw them, but they only dared to take a peek to see if there was any trickery. However, the people of Tianxing Sect would slowly walk over and kill them at lightning speed.

It was the third day, and the entire mining area was filled with a tense atmosphere. The people of Tiangan Sect realized yesterday that the situation seemed to be very serious. They knew that someone was assassinating the children of Tiangan Sect, so they began to launch a comprehensive countermeasure, gathering everyone together and redividing them. Several small teams were combined into one large team, and each of them left a soul mark on other teams to deal with emergencies.

It was the last day. Han Fengxue had planned to do a few more careful jobs and leave. Anyway, the mining area could not be taken back. Since he was the leader, although the Tianxing Sect implied that they wanted to eliminate some of the sect's disciples, emotionally, he did not want anyone who followed him to be killed. However, the battle was cruel and ruthless. Although many disciples of the Tiangan Sect were killed in the two-day battle, they could not have suffered no losses, especially those who followed Han Fengxue were just ordinary disciples. Many of them were still at the initial stage of divine power. Facing the opponent's desperate fight, death was inevitable.

Everyone began to have a new understanding of Han Fengxue's strength. He was very powerful. He would never retreat in battle and would always rush to the front. Every time a Tiangan Sect disciple encountered Han Fengxue, he would be killed by Han Fengxue inexplicably. The crowd realized that Han Fengxue's soul cultivation had already exceeded their expectations and was much stronger than them. The ordinary disciples looked at Han Fengxue with no jealousy or dissatisfaction, but with admiration and respect. Han Fengxue's character and strength were recognized by them.

However, the core disciples headed by Xiang Yufei still didn't like Han Fengxue, especially Xiang Yufei, whose eyes were even colder. At this time, everyone was panting in a relatively deep cave, with bloodthirsty and violent eyes, panting non-stop. Two days of killing made them a little irrational, and they wanted to kill all the people of Tiangan Sect as much as they wanted, and their confidence was constantly growing. Maybe they could really take back the elemental mining area if they continued like this, but reason told Han Fengxue that the crisis was coming. He found that he hadn't seen a single or small group of people walking outside for some time.

"Tick, tick" footsteps sounded slowly, reaching the eardrums of everyone, and the Tianxing Sect people in the cave immediately became solemn and nervous, ready for battle.

Han Fengxue's eyes turned, and he didn't dare to spread his soul power to investigate at will. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head at the Tianxing Sect disciples behind him, wanting to give up this opportunity. His intuition told him that this time was very dangerous. The crowd saw Han Fengxue shaking his head and was slightly stunned, but finally nodded and decided to listen to Han Fengxue's words.

The crowd on the opposite side saw the reaction of Han Fengxue and his group, and they all showed contempt and ridicule. Han Fengxue frowned and said to himself, "Oh no!" He didn't want to go out. If Xiang Yufei and his group went out, he had to go with them, otherwise he would be found trapped in the cave and would die.

"Boom!" The fierce momentum suddenly broke out, Xiang Yufei's figure flashed, and then he went out of the cave. The crowd behind him followed closely. Han Fengxue had no choice but to take everyone out, his eyes were on him, but the murderous aura was all over the world, and no one enjoyed the warmth and tranquility.

Opposite the people of Tianxing Sect, there was no longer a small group of 10 or 20 people, but nearly 100 people, who were cold and confronted the people of Tianxing Sect.

"Not good!" Han Fengxue realized that something was wrong when he saw so many people. Everyone also realized that although the 100 people in front of them could not kill them all, they could still trap them. Sure enough, the people of Tiangan Sect flashed as if they saw a mortal enemy, and instantly surrounded the hundreds of Tianxing Sect disciples.

"Kill, rush out and return to the sect immediately!" Han Fengxue shouted, and at this moment he could only bite the bullet and break through. The power of the soul surged wildly, and a long sword appeared in Han Fengxue's hand, dancing wildly, and the light of lightning suddenly flashed out, attacking the people of Tiangan Sect who surrounded them.

In fact, it would be easy for Han Fengxue to break out and return to the sect, but he did not choose to do so. Since he chose the Tianxing Sect, he regarded himself as one of them. Being bullied by the Tiangan Sect, how could Han Fengxue not be angry? If he ran away, few of the ordinary disciples behind him would be alive.

The second elder once again misjudged Han Fengxue. His purpose was to eliminate some people, but he also wanted to train Han Fengxue. How could he take on the heavy responsibility without experiencing the baptism of life and death? However, because he was worried, he still told Han Fengxue to leave if he was in danger.

The thunder and lightning rushed towards the crowd, but the effect did not seem to be great. Just as the people in front of him mocked Han Fengxue, the invisible airflow became manic and pounced on them like a tiger and a dragon. The soul was instantly severely damaged, and even the soul of a person with low cultivation was directly crushed and killed in an instant.

Seeing the power of Han Fengxue's soul, the crowd also showed vigilant eyes. There was no more ridicule just now. Moreover, there were strong people coming towards Han Fengxue. They also saw that this was a protagonist.

The crowd of Tianxing Sect also launched a full-scale attack at this time. The people of Tiangan Sect dared to surround them, so they naturally relied on something. I am afraid that other people from Tiangan Sect will come soon.

Xiang Yufei stood there without moving, his eyes turned, staring at Han Fengxue, and no one knew what he was thinking. What was strange was that there was no fear or worry in his eyes, as if he was not in danger at the moment. Turning his eyes, Han Fengxue's cold eyes fell on Han Fengxue, revealing a trace of ruthlessness and coldness.

"Hmm?" Han Fengxue felt the murderous intent behind him, and rushed forward with his soul power, sensing Xiang Yufei's cold murderous intent. At this time, Xiang Yufei was still thinking about him, and he felt furious, wishing to kill Xiang Yufei immediately. However, he was fighting with the strong men of Tiangan Sect at the moment, and it was really not the right time for a civil war.

Han Fengxue thought it was not the right time, but Xiang Yufei didn't think so. He flashed, and his soul power attacked Han Fengxue fiercely. His divine power surged, and his arms immediately felt filled with bursting power, and he smashed towards Han Fengxue's back.

The crowd of Tianxing Sect was stunned to see Xiang Yufei kill Han Fengxue at this moment. Even some core disciples headed by Xiang Yufei, who knew that he hated Han Fengxue to the bone, were a little shocked, and even cursed Xiang Yufei in their hearts, saying that he was too good at it, and he didn't choose the time to kill people.

With a cold snort, Han Fengxue's soul power resisted Xiang Yufei's soul attack, and his figure flashed. At this moment, his speed was no longer deliberately concealed, and he was extremely swift, and his momentum rose instantly. He was at the peak of the divine realm, roaring with boundless anger, and the air flow surged towards Xiang Yufei. At the same time, the thunder god rolled and also rolled towards Xiang Yufei. Han Fengxue must kill this kind of scum first.

"The scum of the Tianxing Sect is really here." A rude voice came from afar, and immediately saw many people rushing towards this side, and their momentum was very strong. The faces of the people in the Tianxing Sect immediately changed wildly. Han Fengxue was also stunned, and secretly said that it was bad. I didn't expect that his luck was so bad that he was close to a large group of people from the Tiangan Sect. Now it might not be easy for everyone to leave.

The violent Han Fengxue made Xiang Yufei experience the threat of death. When Han Fengxue was stunned, he retreated in a flash. Seeing the crowd rushing over, his face was still calm.

In a moment, the crowd from Tiangan Sect killed several people from Tianxing Sect who were about to escape, and then surrounded the people from Tianxing Sect, revealing a cold smile. They also found that there were many disciples of Tiangan Sect who were attacked and killed by Tianxing Sect in the past two days. Now that the two sides met, the eyes of the crowd were all bursting with bloodthirsty madness.

In the crowd of Tiangan Sect, a young man slowly stepped out, showing an arrogant attitude, staring at the crowd indifferently. The momentum released from him also changed the color of all the people in Tianxing Sect. The strong man in the realm of God Marquis was unexpectedly another strong man in the realm of God Marquis like Huanyun.

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